This full moon is particularly interesting because it marks the beginning of a unique lunar cycle. It is the first in a pair of consecutive full moons in the sign of Capricorn, with the second one occurring on July 21st. Another interesting aspect is the precise astrological positioning of these moons. This full moon occurs at 1 degree Capricorn, while the next one will be at 29 degrees.
As Capricorn is a cardinal sign, the first degree signifies new beginnings and fresh initiatives, whereas the 29th degree, also known as the anaretic degree in astrology, signifies completion. It often carries with it a sense of urgency to conclude matters before transitioning into the next phase. Together, these two full moons bookend the entire spectrum of Capricorn’s influence, from initiation to culmination, offering a profound opportunity for reflection, release and growth within a 30 day cycle.
The tarot cards that correspond with this full moon are the Two of Pentacles and the Two of Cups.
The Two of Pentacles is linked to Capricorn and is about balance, adaptability, decisions, and handling multiple tasks or responsibilities at once. I’m sure all of you out there can relate to this card!
The Two of Cups represents the Sun in Cancer and signifies emotional connections, partnerships, and harmony in our relationships. This card encourages us to network with others as well as reminds us to nurture the relationships that foster mutual respect and support our well-being. This can be romantic or otherwise.
This full moon is highlighting the question of what constitutes a healthy work and personal life balance for us. The prevailing theme suggests that there are decisions to be made regarding practical matters, and this may involve a discussion on the home front (depending on your circumstances). Full moons typically symbolize a time of release, and this one aligns closely to the summer solstice, which denotes a change in the season. Have you detected a “change of seasons” in your home or work life that is inspiring you to make a change or to let some things go?
Let’s look at the two of pentacles card. If the two of pentacles image is a temporary situation for you, such as working and going to school, working multiple jobs or overtime for some extra cash, etc., you know that this is temporary and you’ve got it handled.
However, if on the other hand, you feel as if you are treading water just to stay afloat and are not gaining traction despite your efforts, this full moon in Capricorn is asking you to put pencil to paper, and to reflect on how you can implement beneficial changes that support financial sustainability while also taking into account the overall health and well-being of yourself and those you care about.
As Capricorn is a practical energy that likes to have a plan, I thought journaling prompts would be an excellent way to work with this auspicious moon. Here are a few to get you started:
1) What manageable, initial steps can I take in the next 30 days to get the ball rolling on a beneficial change, long-term plan or goal?
2) Where have I made progress (personal or professional) in the last six months? What have I learned from the experience? How can I integrate this wisdom for success in future endeavors?
3) Is my current life pace sustainable? Do I need to set boundaries, say “no” more often, or implement a more structured daily routine that supports my objectives as well as helps me to maintain my focus and productivity?
4) Do I have items that I no longer use that I could sell for extra cash or donate to make space for my current goals?
5) Which personal relationships would benefit from my increased presence and effort? How can I enhance these connections?
6) What steps can I take to improve my financial situation? Is it time to make a change, cancel or renegotiate services, create a budget, or develop an investment strategy for the future? What do I need to do to foster the self-discipline required to stick with the plan?
A few crystals that you can wear or carry with you that may help to ground your energy as you solidify your plans or goals are: smoky quartz, garnet, tigers eye, red jasper, rose quartz, aragonite, black obsidian, black tourmaline, lepidolite, snowflake obsidian, malachite, hematite, sodalite.
#firemoonalchemy #fullmoon #capricorn #twoofcups #twoofpentacles