This week: Spring Equinox & Three of Wands

Three of Wands tarot card from the Rider Waite Smith deck

As we welcome the arrival of spring and the astrological new year this week, we find ourselves at a point of balance and renewal. The vernal equinox brings with it the opportunity to reflect on what we wish to see flourish in the coming season. It is a time to let go of the past and embrace the future, to plant seeds both literally and metaphorically, and to welcome the rebirth of nature. It is a time of renewal, growth, and possibilities.

People around the world celebrate the spring equinox in various ways. Some hold ceremonies or rituals to honor the changing of the seasons, while others simply take time to appreciate the beauty of the natural world. For many, the spring equinox is a time of hope and optimism, a reminder that even in the darkest of times, there is always the promise of new beginnings.

The tarot card that came out for this week is the three of wands. This card reminds you to take time to nurture your dreams, cultivate your intentions, and trust in the process of steady growth that leads to stability. Enjoy the journey and have patience. The three of wands symbolizes creativity, potential, and development. This is a positive card that indicates that the seeds of your intentions are germinating. Stay focused and trust that your goals will come to fruition in due time.

Ways you can tap into Spring Equinox energy:

Decorate your altar or space with spring items. Fresh flowers, bunnies, eggs, feathers, candles, bird nests, spring wreaths & garlands, images of the sun, goddess statues, fruit, etc.

Colors: Yellow, green, blue, pink, orange, white, purple.

Crystals: Citrine, amethyst, clear quartz, carnelian, rose quartz, moss agate, lapis lazuli, selenite, sunstone, aquamarine, green jade, blue apatite, malachite.

Herbs: Lavender, rosemary, basil, yarrow, bay, mint, chamomile, rose, calendula, dandelion, nettle.

Have a great week! ❤

This week: New Moon in Aquarius, Ace of Wands, Tigers Eye: Yes!

Ace of Wands from the Rider Waite tarot deck & Tiger’s Eye crystal card

This Saturday, we have the first new moon of 2023 in the sign of progressive Aquarius. New moons mark the beginning of a new cycle. I find it interesting that the tarot card that came out for this week is the Ace of Wands and the crystal card is Tiger’s Eye. All the Aces in the tarot indicate new beginnings and potential. And both the Ace of Wands and the tigers eye crystal carry the frequencies of courage, fire, clarity, self-sovereignty, and faith in oneself. With this dynamic trio working together, you may be feeling inspired to make some positive changes or start something new this week!

There’s a saying that five seconds of courage can change your life. This may be your message to initiate a plan of action. The Ace of Wands upright is a “yes”. Weigh your options carefully of course. But don’t let self-doubt, fear or overthinking stand in the way of a good opportunity!

Tigers eye is an “all purpose” crystal that assists with psychic clarity, courage, protection, and helps one to channel their personal power in a constructive manner. It is also aids in lifting one’s mood, while at the same time, calms an overactive mind. Tigers eye carries a mid-level vibration which is well-tolerated by even very sensitive empaths. Try carrying a tigers eye tumbled stone or wear a bracelet or pendant this week to connect with this powerful, yet gentle, stone as you embark on your exciting new quest!

Have a great week everyone! ~Christine ❤️♒️🔥