March is a month of new beginnings and fresh energy. The new moon in Pisces on March 10th brings a wave of creativity and the opportunity to turn dreams into reality through careful planning, self-mastery, and dedication.
Pisces season can often bring up heavy emotions that may arise from current challenges that trigger old wounds. This week leading up to the Pisces new moon, if this is your experience, you are encouraged to expand your focus to see the bigger picture. A valuable karmic lesson understood and integrated now, will inspire you and be of immense benefit to you later. My advice is to get out of your feelings and take a step back. Pay attention to what the Divine is showing you.
As the sun enters Aries on March 19th, we enter the astrological new year. The fiery energy of Aries brings with it a sense of motivation and the drive to pursue our ambitions. It’s a time to take action and move forward with confidence.
The first eclipse of the spring season occurs on March 25th in Libra. This full moon lunar eclipse will set the stage for a new chapter that will unfold over the next six months. Relationships and finding harmony within our connections with others will be key themes during this time.
Overall, March is a time of transformation and growth. It’s a chance to release old patterns and embrace new mindsets & opportunities. Do your best to stay open to change, as nature’s new year is filled with Divine possibility and potential.
Stay tuned I will have a Spring Equinox post up shortly!
This Virgo full moon is ready to get to work! She is clearing out the cobwebs and opening the refrigerator door to our soul. As the light comes on, facets of our life that are past their expiration date are illuminated. The sun is in the sign of Pisces during this full moon, so there is a pretty good chance your intuition is already giving you some good ideas of what this is for you.
This full moon forms a trine with Jupiter in the sign of Taurus. This is a beneficial aspect that supports expansion, growth, and good fortune. Taurus represents areas in our life related to our personal resources, work, health, and finances. As well as creative pursuits that help us feel beautiful, happy, and fulfilled.
With the Spring Equinox (nature’s new year) right around the corner, this full moon is supporting a release of what needs to go, as well as inspiring us to make space for new growth and opportunities. Spring cleaning came a little early this year!
Tarot card insights: Eight of Cups / Eight of Pentacles
The eight of cups tarot card depicts someone who is just “not feeling it” anymore. In readings, when this card comes out, the message is often “it’s not you it’s me”. Who knows, maybe it was them. Or this could be a situation, job, hobby, that old table, a picture of your ex, emotional baggage, etc. This card corresponds to the sign of Pisces. It reflects our inner knowing, that is telling us that it’s time for a change. Let it go and move on.
The Eight of Pentacles depicts someone who is diligently focused on honing his craft. Practice makes perfect. This card, corresponds to the sign of Virgo. It reminds us that each day offers us an opportunity to move closer or farther away from our goals. Choose wisely. Our daily decisions, habits & patterns add up to substantial results over time.
The Virgo moon cycle begins again with the new moon in Virgo on September 3, 2024. What do you picture yourself doing at that time? What changes or adjustments can you implement now, to align your current path to your future goal(s)?
“Once you make a decision, the universe conspires to make it happen” ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson
Heads up everyone! All planets are in forward motion until April 1st!
The wind is at our back, propelling us forward. The energy is powerful, but at the same time manageable. During this time, a change in perspective or well executed decision may be all that it takes for profound transformative changes, healing, and relief.
Set yourself up for success by working WITH the current, not against it. Just as a talented surfer glides on top of the ocean waves while keeping their gaze forward, use this time wisely by focusing your time, energy & efforts on what is in front of you.
You’ll have time to review and revise if needed, when Mercury goes into retrograde on April 1st.
For this Valentine’s Day, I pulled three cards. One for each of the following: New love, established couples & singles. Which one are you? Scroll down to find your appropriate message.
New Love: Queen of Wands Upright
The Queen of Wands upright embodies confidence, allure, passion, and independence. It’s possible that these traits are what drew you both to each other. With a blend of Pisces and Aries energy (water and fire), your new relationship exudes charisma, passion, and a touch of unconventionality. Ahh, isn’t new love grand!
In tarot, the Queen represents maturity and wisdom, hinting that you might be open to a more serious commitment if things continue to progress positively. Your connection mirrors the uniqueness of the Queen of Wands herself – both of you possess intelligence and a quirky sense of humor that not everyone understands. But they do!
There’s also a tender sweetness between you. A smile, the sound of their voice, or a simple touch is all it takes… The Queen of Wands reflects that undefinable “it” factor that radiates magic and allure.
Enjoy the journey and allow your relationship to evolve naturally. No need to rush. Drawing the Queen of Wands upright is a favorable card when it comes to matters of the heart.
Established Couples: The Chariot Upright
The Chariot upright symbolizes the union of opposing forces, moving forward with focus, determination, and a shared objective. If you and your partner have drifted apart lately, it’s time to be proactive in getting your love life back on track!
The Chariot often hints at travel, suggesting a weekend getaway or exploring new destinations together. What are some activities that you both enjoy? Check travel sites for creative ideas. You may be pleasantly surprised by what is available in your own city or town!
Interestingly, this card is linked to the throat chakra, emphasizing the importance of communication in relationships. This Valentine’s Day, foster a deeper connection by asking your partner to jot down six things they love about you, while you reciprocate. Compare notes and have fun chatting about happy memories, such as when you first met.
Valentines Day is once a year. While a grand gesture on this day is appreciated, it’s the small things both of you do on a daily basis to show that you love and appreciate each other, that truly matter.
Singles: Nine of Pentacles
Self-love takes center stage when this card appears! Content with her independence, the Nine of Pentacles cultivates herself while spending time in her garden.
This Valentine’s Day, treat yourself to something special. Indulge in those delicious chocolate-covered strawberries, pamper yourself with a spa day (whether at a salon or at home), spend quality time with friends, pets, participate in a class or group activity, etc. Go out, stay in, do whatever makes you happy! That’s one of the many perks of being single!
Valentine’s Day often portrays singles as lonely and in search of love. But let me tell you, that’s usually not the case! The freedom you possess is admired by more people than you realize. Don’t get caught up in the hype.
This card corresponds to Venus in the sign of Virgo, symbolizing serenity, achievement, and comfort. It frequently appears for entrepreneurs or individuals (often recently divorced, but not always) who enjoy the freedom to focus on their business or creative endeavors. It also arises when a client has a hobby, idea, or talent that has the potential to be financially rewarding over time. Some of the happiest and most accomplished people I know are single.
The Nine of Pentacles indicates an abundant life. You have the freedom to surround yourself with the things you love and the luxury to prioritize your own happiness and needs, without feeling guilty about taking time and attention away from someone else.
The Nine of Pentacles, the tarot card associated with beauty and fulfilment, is THE card for singles for every day of the year. Not just Valentines Day!
This week in astrology, fiery Mars changes signs from Capricorn to Aquarius. We are feeling passionate and excited about the week ahead and are eager to participate in the game of life! Put me in coach!
Collective intuitive tarot messages from The Sun, Page of Swords & The Emperor
Early in the week: The Sun. You are off to a good start as The Sun has you feeling optimistic and confident! Be sure and get outside for some fresh air this week.
Mid-week the Page of Swords: 1) Great idea, but more information is required. Check your facts and maybe dig a little deeper. 2) Good news! An offer is accepted, or a contract is signed or renewed. Review carefully before signing. Consider hiring professional or legal help for advice. 3) If you know something is right for you, don’t take no for an answer! But don’t take shortcuts either. A firm foundation is crucial to your long-term success. 4) Some of you are being considered for a promotion, job hire, or leadership role. Remember, small details make the difference between mediocre and exceptional. First impressions are important! Pair your qualifications with a professional appearance and demeanor. Stand out from the crowd. Show them you are the person for the job!
End of the week The Emperor: 1) The proof is in the pudding so to speak. You may be meeting with someone of authority to answer questions or to discuss an important matter. If you have done your due diligence, you will soar through this will flying colors. 2) Where do you need to have more structure and discipline in your life? If time seems to slip through your fingers, review your daily habits to see where small distractions or a lack of focus may be the culprit. 3) Your authority, choice or decision may be tested! Perhaps you are not being taken seriously? The Emperor tarot card indicates that you stand your ground. There is a whole new level of respect for you as a result. Good for you!
On February 9th, the new moon in the sign of innovative and forward-thinking Aquarius, marks the beginning of the 2024 lunar new year. This event sets the stage for a powerful frequency shift within the collective, as this new moon closely coincides with the Chinese New Year on February 10th. wherein we move into the year of the powerful and dynamic Yang Wood Dragon.
New Moon in Aquarius: Saturn & Uranus. Two sides, one coin.
The sign of Aquarius is traditionally ruled by Saturn. Its modern ruling planet Uranus is a recent construct. So, it behooves us to approach this sign with a dual perspective.
Saturn in Aquarius is a stark reminder that for true progress to occur, we must learn from the past so that we do not repeat the same mistakes. Saturn also puts Aquarius in touch with reality, by asking it the tough questions. High ideals, technology, new strategies, plans, dreams, and goals are great in theory or on paper, but do they pass the test when they are put into practical application? As well as, what infrastructure or upgrades are required so things works as intended?
On the flip side, Uranus, Aquarius’ modern ruler
Saturn in Aquarius in it’s shadow aspect, can be overly restrictive. Preferring to stay with outdated traditions, laws or institutions that have not kept up with modern times. It may attempt to impede progress to maintain the “status quo”. This is where the modern planetary ruler Uranus comes in to shake things up! Its progressive and youthful innovative qualities encourage “out of the box” ideas and solutions. While its humanitarian nature inspires us to think outside of ourselves and consider the bigger picture.
Year of the Dragon – February 10th, 2024:
The Year of the Dragon commences on February 10th. In Chinese astrology, the Dragon is a symbol of power, strength, and good fortune. The 2024 Dragon, is of the wood element. It is a masculine “yang” energy that infuses the collective with vitality, courage, and auspicious opportunities.
When a seed is planted, it temporarily lays dormant in the soil. Meanwhile, it may endure hardships such as frozen ground, floods, drought, etc. But the little seed is patient, strong and resilient. When the conditions are right and the opportunity presents itself, the little seed doesn’t hesitate! It reaches for the sun and grows!
The Year of the Wood Dragon is much like this. It is a formidable force that represents the cycle of growth, great change and transformation, both individually and collectively. Its symbolism very much reminds me of the wands suit in the tarot.
A powerful combination
The New Moon in Aquarius and the transition to the Year of the Dragon on consecutive days is a cosmic push from the universe! It invites us to heal and revitalize our spirits, by encouraging us to initiate positive, progressive changes, as well as transform former challenges into victories. The potency of this combination is heightened by the rarity of the Wood Dragon, which only graces us with its presence approximately every 60 years.
So yes, this is a big deal.
Tips for working with this energy:
1. Set Intentions: Take time during the new moon to set clear and focused intentions. Consider how your success can make a positive contribution to the community or the collective.
2. Embrace Change: The Aquarian energy encourages innovation and change. Be open to unconventional ideas and approaches, and embrace opportunities that encourage you to step outside your comfort zone.
3. Tap into Dragon Energy: Harness the archetype of the Dragon throughout the year. Be bold in pursuing your dreams, and channel it’s strength to overcome obstacles and challenges. As a reminder, wear dragon themed jewelry and/or have dragon items in your space and/or on your altar.
4. Connect with Community: Both Aquarius and the Dragon are associated with community, healing, and collective endeavors. Seek out group collaberations, build supportive networks, and find creative ways to use a special talent or skill to contribute to your community or the greater good.
Crystal Correspondences: Septarian, jade, bloodstone, tigers eye, moss agate, green aventurine, red jasper.
May we all be blessed with growth, blessings, love and opportunities, as we dance with the dragon in 2024..
The cards that came out this week are: Ten of Wands, Temperance and King of Wands reversed. There is an interesting dynamic here that is revealing an element of frustration. Fortunately, the current planetary energies are very supportive with Mars exalted in the sign of Capricorn in a positive aspect to Uranus in Taurus.
The moon is in its waning phase, which helps diffuse excess energy as well, as it moves primarily through the signs of conscientious earth element Virgo and solutions-oriented Libra, entering the sign of Scorpio much later in the week.
Overall, the above planetary positions have a “grounding” effect on the collective. We have the confidence to address challenges head-on, while remaining sensible, realistic & results oriented.
Work: While short bursts of maximum output are certainly doable, this situation has over time, taken a lot out of you! A few of you may be dealing with an unreasonable authority figure. You may be working long hours or multiple jobs. Others of you may be entrepreneurs that have been burning the candle at both ends. There is potential burnout indicated here. It may be time to talk to HR, update your resume, hire some help as well as allow for extra rest & TLC on your days off so you can recharge.
Home: I sense an unbalanced division of labor and/or responsibilities here. Drop some of these wands, not all of them are yours to carry. You are very capable, so others could be assuming that you’ve got things handled. Tell them you need a hand. Take the initiative. Set firm & healthy boundaries. There may be some form of overindulgence or overspending happening in the household. Wednesday or Thursday would be good days to have that heartfelt conversation to get things back on track.
Personal: You are on the cusp of a breakthrough! Whatever this is for you, do not give up! For sure, the road has been tough, but tens in the tarot indicate completion. Judging from these cards, I would say the most difficult part is behind you. The King of Wands reversed is feeling a bit disheartened. But you will see an improvement very soon.
The first full moon of 2024 on Thursday, in the sign of Leo, illuminates the fifth house area of our lives. This house includes aspects such as children, our individuality, drama, creativity, sensuality, our inner child, and the sources of joy in our life that inspire & “light” us up.
What are the special talents or passions that make you stand out and sparkle in the world? What makes your heart sing? The generous nature of Leo encourages not only personal brilliance but also the radiance of those around it. Leo loves a good time and wants everyone else to have a good time too!
On the shadow side, this moon highlights influences that may be dimming our light. Excessive drama or strife in our surroundings, or internal wounds that undermine our confidence and inhibit our self-expression, are aspects to consider. Nothing dampens Leo’s spirit faster than perpetual negativity and harsh criticism. This includes negative self-talk as well!
While healthy, realistic parameters are important (Leo energy can be quite dramatic LOL), this full moon asks us to carefully discern what in our environment provides a supportive influence and what is unsupportive, chaotic, or stifling to our heart and spirit.
The tarot cards representing the energy of this full moon are the Five of Wands (the moon) and the Five of Swords (the sun). In tarot, the fives denote conflict and change. This first full moon of 2024 in the sign of Leo, is encouraging us to engage in some shadow work and self-evaluation so that we can move forward.
Don’t be surprised if a familiar conflict or recurring theme surfaces around the time of this full moon. Although initially triggering, it offers us an opportunity to opt out of an old storyline by breaking free of a cycle or pattern that has no reasonable resolution. This frees our energy to focus on healthier and happier endeavors & relationships.
This week, try to engage in activities that are fun and nurture your heart. A few ideas are taking an inner child workshop, watching a funny movie, calling an old friend, getting together with friends or family, participating in activities with your children or pets, or scheduling a session with a trusted advisor or therapist. Talking things out in a safe space can be extremely liberating!
This weekend, tap into Leo’s flair for excitement & romance by treating yourself to something different, or by doing something special with your partner or spouse.
I saw a pair of foxes on my property this am. I have NEVER seen foxes in my area & I have lived here for about 20 years! This inspired me to delve into the symbolism of the Fox today.
Fox symbolism: Equipped with keen senses, problem-solving skills, adaptability & intelligence, this resourceful animal’s appearance can be considered either benevolent or malevolent depending on one’s culture & folklore.
In the tarot, the Fox archetype could be compared to The Magician or The Trickster (when this card is reversed).
Today’s numerology adds up to 15/6. Depending on the situation, this can correspond to The Devil or The Lovers in the tarot. Here we have another dual play on archetypes!
This week’s message:
When I looked at these cards, I was reminded of a quote that says “whether you think you can or think you can’t you’re right.”
Of course, I know you CAN! That is why I placed The Lovers card OVER The Devil in this spread!
… Reclaim the power that is truly yours. Know that you have the power to be anything and everything. Use your mind and thoughts to plant the seeds of visions and ideas that will become your reality”. ~#15 Law of Positivism Oracle
Fox message: “You are swift & smart. Solutions to problems are easily found. Always listen to your instincts. Resources surround you. Be open to romance.”