Queen of Swords & Seven of Pentacles from the Wandering Star Tarot
Towards the end of this week, the moon is entering its first quarter phase in the sign of Taurus. The first quarter moon tends to bring up obstacles or highlight potential problem areas that need to be evaluated. It tests our resolve by encouraging us to come up with creative solutions. In the sign of Taurus this may be in the area of one’s finances, health, relationships, and other “earthly” matters.
It’s interesting that one of the cards that came out today, is the seven of pentacles, which corresponds to the sign of Taurus. The seven of pentacles reminds us to invest wisely. This is the classic “you reap what you sow” card. Progress is slow and steady, and this card indicates a certain amount of time and effort is required to make it work. This card can also speak of frustration if progress is slow. It also may ask us to carefully consider if we should continue to invest in something that is not yielding the results that we anticipated.
What in your life this week could use a careful review of the investment versus profit ratio? The Queen of Swords is in this reading, indicating that perhaps you would benefit from seeking impartial advice from someone you trust. She may also have shown up to encourage you to look at the facts and make a decision. It may be time to cut your losses and chalk it up to experience. Or she may give you some constructive criticism, tell you to roll up your sleeves and get to work!
Be prepared to hear what you need to hear, and not what you want to hear. The Queen of Swords either as a person, or as an archetype, tells it like it is! If you are connecting with this reading, what advice do you think she would have for you?
Have a great week!
Christine Mann (aka Texas Tarot Lady) is a gifted psychic intuitive that specializes in tarot, astrology & numerology. She is currently the Saturday in-house reader at Indigo Moons in Houston, TX. and is also available for private readings and parties/events. For more information, see her website at www.texastarotlady.com
Ace of Wands from the Rider Waite tarot deck & Tiger’s Eye crystal card
This Saturday, we have the first new moon of 2023 in the sign of progressive Aquarius. New moons mark the beginning of a new cycle. I find it interesting that the tarot card that came out for this week is the Ace of Wands and the crystal card is Tiger’s Eye. All the Aces in the tarot indicate new beginnings and potential. And both the Ace of Wands and the tigers eye crystal carry the frequencies of courage, fire, clarity, self-sovereignty, and faith in oneself. With this dynamic trio working together, you may be feeling inspired to make some positive changes or start something new this week!
There’s a saying that five seconds of courage can change your life. This may be your message to initiate a plan of action. The Ace of Wands upright is a “yes”. Weigh your options carefully of course. But don’t let self-doubt, fear or overthinking stand in the way of a good opportunity!
Tigers eye is an “all purpose” crystal that assists with psychic clarity, courage, protection, and helps one to channel their personal power in a constructive manner. It is also aids in lifting one’s mood, while at the same time, calms an overactive mind. Tigers eye carries a mid-level vibration which is well-tolerated by even very sensitive empaths. Try carrying a tigers eye tumbled stone or wear a bracelet or pendant this week to connect with this powerful, yet gentle, stone as you embark on your exciting new quest!
Friday, is the day of the Goddess! Corresponding to the Goddess Freya and ruled by the planet Venus, this day is a powerful time to set intentions and honor the gifts that the Goddess bestows upon us (creativity, sensuality, fertility, health, love, wisdom, beauty, the cycle of life/death/rebirth & magic).
Number 13 corresponds to the Death card in the tarot. This card is symbolic of the cycle of death and rebirth. Speaking of cycles, interestingly enough, number 13, also corresponds to the average number of monthly cycles a woman has during the year.
The number 13 adds up the number 4 which carries the energy of stability. And how does the Goddess with her never-ending, tumultuous cycles provide stability? By being the vessel from which all life on the planet springs forth from. The Goddess ensures the continuance of the cycle of life on this planet. No matter what happens, the earth continues to turn, and life goes on.
I hope this post was helpful in offering you a different perspective!
“I have called on the Goddess and found her within myself” (quote by Marion Zimmer Bradley)
Three of cups & three of pentacles from the Rider Waite Smith tarot deck
As the month of January progresses, one by one, the planets are moving direct, finally! However, it is important to note that this full moon is opposite of Mercury retrograde in the sign of Capricorn, as well as squaring Chiron in Aries. These aspects serve to highlight the growth and life lessons that we have experienced over the past moon cycle. And for some of you, the past year or even longer. Full moons in general symbolize completions.
So this full moon is the culmination of the dates of December 23 to January 6th. This time period included the heavy hitting Venus-Pluto transit which raised some questions about our happiness and fulfillment. This Venus transit occurred during the holidays, which may have given some of you a serious wake-up call! We had a chance to take a closer look at our relationships, our personal finances and what truly brings beauty and joy into our life. We also had an opportunity to analyze the parts of ourselves that could still use some work. As some triggers invariably come up at the end of the year, to give us a gauge of where we are. This brings us to the subject of Chiron. The wounded healer in our chart.
The full moon squaring Chiron in Aries, is a harsh aspect that is illuminating our Chiron wound in order for us to better understand it. This deep soul wound usually has its origination in trauma and fear. It can be brought forward from previous lifetimes, as well as can be linked to generational and collective karma. The lesson of Chiron brings up topics of independence, healing, transmutation, spiritual sovereignty and freewill, among other things that are beyond the scope of this reading. Let me know if you would like me to delve deeper into this subject in the future.
It is important to note where your natal Chiron is, as well as where the transiting Chiron is occurring in your personal chart. This will help you immensely in analyzing the areas in your personal life that are being highlighted at this relevant time. If you would like to explore this further, contact me and we can set up an appointment.
We have major planets going direct this month, supporting a fresh, new healthy energy. Do we allow our experience to continue to be chained by the old, outdated karmic wounds of the past? We’ve got the next two weeks as the moon is in its waning (decreasing) phase, to once and for all let it go or at the very least, begin to get a healthy perspective on it so that it no longer affects us in a negative way. Time is ticking! The January 21st new moon in Aquarius, is ushering in a dynamic new frequency! Are you ready to “tap in” to this fresh wave of energy? Here are some helpful tips for the next two weeks:
Focus on your well-being. Take relaxing baths, read spiritual and uplifting books, watch funny movies, spend time with loved ones, dear friends and pets, clean your house, mark off that “to do” list, etc. Home and heart based activities will serve you very well during this time. As much as possible limit negative people, fear based media, violent and/or vulgar social media & movies, anything that disrupts your psyche. Now, I know we cannot limit everything negative from our experience, but with conscious awareness of what you can control, you’d be surprised how much of a difference you can make within your environment!
I feel that The Chariot (the tarot theme card for 2023) has a very strong influence here. The numerology of this transit (16 degrees in Cancer) adds up to the number 7. As well, The Chariot’s corresponding zodiac sign is Cancer. Where is your focus? What distractions or emotions are pulling you off your path? 2023 is the year where we are responsible for taking control of those tricky shadow and light sphynxes! If you are not driving the Chariot in your life than who is? See my previous post on The Chariot for more insight. You will find it helpful as its messages do apply to this important first full moon of the year.
The tarot cards representing this transit are the three of cups (full moon in Cancer) and the three of pentacles (sun in Capricorn). The three’s in the tarot represent creation & creative energy. The three of cups is creative collaboration, celebration and reflects one’s social circles. The three of pentacles is of building a foundation, opportunities, and just like the three of cups, also has the element of creative collaboration. Both of these cards indicate combining varying skillsets and experience, in order to accomplish a goal. All three of the parties we see in both cards, are an intricate part of the project. Everyone is respected. Everyone is valued. Everyone is an essential component of the whole.
If we internalize this meaning, we come to understand that our experiences; the happy ones, the painful ones and all of them in between are elements that make us who we are. None of them define us, but all are an integral part of us. This powerful full moon highlights dealing with our “stuff” in a healthy way, instead of allowing a shadowy, wounded Chiron to continue to express itself through harmful patterns and behaviors, that negatively impact others as well as ourselves. This limits our spirit as these actions are fear based and remove us from love. For the opposite of love is not hate, it is fear.
The upcoming full moon and the following waning moon cycle is our chance to wash the Chiron wound clean so that it can heal. The scar will remain, but so will the valuable lessons learned from it. Treat yourself well, and make an effort to be kind whenever you can. Read the story of Chiron, the wounded healer. And think about how you can transform your shadow experiences into a source of light for yourself and others.