Tomorrow 12/12/23 is the new moon in the sign of Sagittarius. It has some tricky aspects to Neptune & Uranus giving it an air of unpredictability, while its conjunction to Mars adds fuel to this already courageous & optimistic transit in a mutable fire sign.
The numerology of this cosmic portal 12/12/2023 adds up to the number 13 this year. This number corresponds to the Death card in the tarot. This energetic signature provides an excellent opportunity for releasing & healing. The Death card in the tarot speaks of endings & transformation. An old cycle is complete, a new one begins.
The moon will be “increasing” until it reaches its conclusion (full moon) on December 27, and keep in mind that Sagittarius is a “big picture” type of energy. The momentum is there, but small details can easily be overlooked, especially since Mercury goes into retrograde on the 13th and will stay in retrograde until January 1st.
Review, release, reconsider & reassess are some keywords to keep in mind during Mercury retrograde.
This particular Mercury retrograde is square Neptune, which amplifies its affects. Neptune is the planet of dreams and illusions. So use your discernment before taking information/advice at face value. Keep in mind how you communicate to others as well. Misunderstandings are possible. The energies are quite amped up this week! Try to find some quiet time to focus and center as you may find you are more easily distracted than usual.
Double check all communications before signing or sending. Back up files, charge up your phones, confirm reservations, print out hard copies, etc. Delays are possible due to electronic glitches or other minor inconveniences. Slow down, remember to breathe and you’ll be fine.
Have a great week!