Tarot Forecast 8/22-8/28/22. Initiating a plan of action

Four four of pentacles, Ace of Wands, The Magician

I hope this week finds everyone well! This is your tarot forecast for 8/22-8/28/22

The moon travels through the signs of Cancer, Leo and Virgo this week. The next few days are a particularly auspicious time as the moon completes its waning phase as it approaches the new moon in Virgo on August 27th. New moons give us the opportunity to plant the seeds of a new intention. And wow! Check out the cards that came out this week!

The first card for early in the week as the moon traverses through the sign of Cancer is the four of pentacles. Some of you may have a goal in mind that requires that you have some money set aside. Take some time to come up with a realistic budget. Be mindful of your spending, but don’t go to extremes by becoming “penny wise and dollar foolish”. Stay up to date on maintenance, repairs, etc. and invest wisely on the small things that you enjoy that allow you to be mentally fresh and healthy. For others of you, this card may be a message that it is time to let something go. Since the moon is in cancer, perhaps this is something on an emotional level, that you can release so that you are able to move forward. You may have things around your home that you can sell for extra cash, or a few of you may decide that you are ready to sell the home itself. Others of you may have an underutilized talent or skill that has the potential to generate extra income. With the Ace of Wands and The Magician as the following two cards in this reading, it would appear that there is something exciting waiting in the wings for you!

The middle of week, the moon is in the sign of Leo. Fiery emotions, inspiration and creative ideas flow in! The Ace of Wands upright is a positive sign. Release those inner doubts. Have courage and faith in yourself! This is the first step to taking action on something that you want to manifest in your life. This card is lighting a fire under your behind, it’s time to get motivated!

For the end of the week, we have the Magician! This is an interesting card as the waning moon travels through the sign of Virgo, and remains in Virgo for the new moon. Something lost, something gained perhaps? The Magician is an archetype that represents initiating a plan of action to turn an idea into reality. This is powerful stuff, you must let go of distractions in order to fully focus on your intention. Gather your resources and begin the process of constructing an outline or organizing a plan. The timing is perfect to align your intention with the upcoming new moon in Virgo!

If you are starting something new, these cards would indicate keeping it to yourself for the time being. Only those that are an integral part of the plan, those that are helping you, should be included. Protect your idea, plan or dream, by not dispersing the energy of it before it has a chance to form. The Magician has his mouth closed. Silence is golden!

If you want to tap into the energy of this reading, a few crystals that I would recommend are: Citrine, carnelian, aquamarine, tiger eye, pyrite, garnet, malachite, green aventurine, black obsidian and agate. If you are making a grid, I would recommend the addition of clear quartz points to amplify the intentions.

Have a great week everyone! ❤️
