Tarot & energy updates for the week of 9/16/24-9/22/24

Tarot & energy update cards for this week

This week, eclipse season is underway, beginning with the Full Harvest Moon partial eclipse in the sign of Pisces on Tuesday evening. I want to reassure everyone, eclipse energy can be unpredictable, but it is nothing to fear. If it is stirring things up for you, it is a sign that your internal compass is realigning you to a more beneficial path.

Work with this energy by slowing down and reflecting on what is or has been holding you back, and ways that you can make space for growth. This partial eclipse on the Pisces-Virgo axis, is inspiring creative ideas, the release of karmic patterns, healing, and healthy perspective shifts. Listen to your inner voice this week, as it will reveal insights and solutions that will prove to be quite helpful over the upcoming three to six months.

See my previous post for more details about this transit.

On September 18th the waning moon moves into Aries, and then into Taurus on the 20th. Meanwhile, the sun is in its final days in the sign of Virgo. This beautiful energy invites you to clear out the cobwebs and begin to think about how to implement some of those epiphanies that came through with the Pisces full moon! You may have some decisions to make later in the week. Take the time that you need but try not to sit on the fence too long! In your heart, you already know the answer.

As a reminder, the waning moon cycle is an excellent time for clearing energy. Spiritual baths, return to sender spells, chord cutting and releasing rituals, as well as cleansing yourself and your space with a smudge stick or spray are a few ways you can work with a waning moon to phase out what needs to go.

This weekend is the September equinox which officially kicks off the fall season! I’ll be uploading a post for this shortly, so stay tuned. Meanwhile, put out those fall decorations and enjoy a pumpkin spice latte to lift your spirits! You could use some lighthearted fun after that intense full moon earlier in the week!

Have a great week! ❤

Christine Mann (Fire Moon Alchemy) is a gifted intuitive that specializes in tarot, astrology & numerology. She is available for private readings and public & private events. She can be contacted through her website: www.firemoonalchemy.com   

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