This week’s energy brings fresh starts and exciting possibilities! With Venus entering Aries on the 4th, she infuses our lives with confidence and passion, especially in the areas pertaining to love, creativity, and personal pursuits. It’s the perfect time to take bold steps toward what (or who) lights you up.
Jupiter stationing direct in Gemini that same day helps conversations flow more easily, making it a great time to connect, share ideas, and entertain new perspectives. A surprise opportunity may pop up when you least expect it—go with the flow and see where it leads (just remember to stay safe and use common sense, of course).
Later in the week, Neptune’s alignment with the North Node in Pisces on February 7th turns up the volume on our intuition, prophetic dreams, and synchronicities. This ethereal aspect has us drifting into uncharted waters, testing the integrity of our connection to the divine. If certain signs keep appearing—a recurring thought, repeating numbers, an image, or an uncanny coincidence—don’t brush them off. If your intuition is picking up on these subtle signs, trust they hold meaning or a message for you.
That said, there’s another side to this energy—Neptune is the planet of illusions and dreams, and in Pisces, this aspect is even more amplified. Remember, not everything may be as it seems. When our intuition is heightened, so is the potential for confusion, escapism, or wishful thinking. If you feel as if you are floating on a cloud this week, this is your reminder to stay grounded and discerning—dreams are powerful motivators, but they need a practical plan to manifest into reality. Stay inspired my beautiful dreamer, but look before you leap.
Tarot Card Advice: The Page of Cups (Upright)
The whimsical Page of Cups often brings messages of good news, so stay open and curious this week—something delightful may be waiting for you just around the corner! I can’t help but smile at his expression of surprise as he finds a fish in his cup. It’s a playful reminder that magic doesn’t always come in grand, sweeping gestures; sometimes, it’s the little moments that catch us off guard. A small synchronicity that makes you pause is proof that magic is always around you. You only need to be willing to see it.
Have a great week!