Take a step forward every day…

Knight of Pentacles from the Shadowscapes Tarot deck

Look carefully at this card. See the forest dwelling spirits dancing all around our Knight, attempting to seduce and distract him as he embarks on his quest through the enchanted forest? They’ve even hung some shiny baubles in the trees in the hopes they will catch his eye. To tempt him to stop short, to pull him away from the divinely lighted path in front of him, which represents his future.

His gaze remains steadfast however. This is a realistic, grounded Knight. He knows a successful future is laid down from each step of what has been achieved today. His future is worth more than a few shiny trinkets, that represent the folly of instant gratification. No, he understands his path has a greater purpose. He did not come this far, for the journey to end here. Flights of fancy will not ensnare this one. He urges his dragon onward.

The Knight of Pentacles represents movement within the earth element. Practical and steadfast, this card encourages one to remember that the small decisions we make every day lead us one step closer, or farther from our future goals.

I call the Knight of Pentacles the “slow and steady wins the race” card. This Knight reminds us not to give up. Even though sometimes it may feel like we are not making as much progress as we would like. It can seem insurmountable at times. But keep moving forward, even if it’s just one solid step each day. You will see. Your future self will look back and thank you. Because those small steps added up to a lot!

“It is difficult to say what is impossible, for the dream of yesterday is the hope of today and the reality of tomorrow.” – Quote by Robert H. Goddard

Have a great week everyone! ❤🦋❤🌷❤