Page of Wands from the Rider Waite Smith tarot deck
Aries sun and rising, you are feeling a burst of inspiration this month, with the Page of Wands as your tarot card theme. The energetic signature of this card reflects a youthful vibe, someone who is optimistic and open to exploring new paths and ideas.
It corresponds to the element of Fire, which is your element, and the dates associated with this card are July 21st through September 22nd. These dates may be of relevance to some of you. Whatever your current focus is on for the next few weeks, you are being invited to embrace a sense of adventure as you take bold steps out of your comfort zone.
The Page of Wands is a card of intuition and spiritual growth. If you’re feeling restless Aries, it’s likely your soul is urging you to explore different options and to experiment with what truly resonates with you. Something to keep in mind, is that mid-month on the 16th, Mars (your ruling planet) squares off with serious Saturn. This transit combined with Mercury in retrograde, may slow down your progress. If this happens, work with the energy by considering this as your cue to take a step back for a few days. Use this time to review the details of your plans or shift your focus to something else for a bit.
Things will begin to open back up for you, after the full moon in Aquarius on the 19th. By around the 22nd when the Sun enters Virgo, you will be channeling your motivation into decluttering both your mental and physical space, to make room for the changes you are ready to implement.
By the end of August, Aries, you will begin to see a positive shift take place. The full moon on the 19th may have brought with it some new people or fresh perspectives. Mercury will be stationed direct, and Venus will be in Libra, so it will be an auspicious time for you to build solid, supportive partnerships and connections. And this can apply to love, business, or friendships.
Aries, the month of August is setting the stage for new ideas, opportunities, and growth. You have a vision in mind, and the Page of Wands upright as your tarot card theme, is a sign that the universe is encouraging you to pursue it with the passion and enthusiasm that my Aries sun and rising signs are known for! You of all people know in your heart, that all great things start with the spark of inspiration.
Four of Wands from the Rider Waite Smith tarot deck
Taurus sun & rising, August looks quite lovely for you as you have the Four of Wands as your tarot card theme. Joyful celebrations, announcements and new, positive timeline shifts are a few things that you can expect to see in the upcoming few weeks. The overall energy I am picking up for you is very positive!
Often the Four of Wands has to do with our relationship connections and spending time with lovers, friends, and family. So you may find this area of your life quite activated right now. Taurus, you know how to have a good time, and The Four of Wands encourages you to have some fun with those that you care about. Invite some friends or family over or go visit them.
As a side note, I am intuitively picking up that some of my Taurus couples and singles out there, haven’t dressed up in a while and either are overdue for a night out or date night, or you could be attending a black-tie event or social function. Whatever the case may be, I do not recommend that you go on a spending spree, but it’s okay to spend a few dollars more on a key piece that is of quality that makes you feel sexy and confident. Knock ‘em dead Taurus, you look fabulous!
If you’ve been considering any changes or improvements to your living area, the next few weeks may have you inspired to make those upgrades, redecorate, or rearrange your furniture to create a more welcoming space with good flow. Some of you are quite talented at DIY projects as well as finding beautiful items at thrift shops. When the work is finished, be sure to invite company over to show off your talents and sense of style!
In your professional life, this card upright is an indication of a “level-up” such as a promotion or raise. Some of my Taurus’ out there, have stepped over the threshold so to speak, by going out on their own, or have accepted a job or position at another place of employment. Stability and a positive work environment are two factors that are indicated when we see the Four of Wands regarding work or career. Good for you Taurus!
Lastly, congratulations are in order, to my couples out there who have gotten engaged or married. As well as my couples who are pregnant or celebrating the arrival of a new family member.
To wrap things up Taurus, in the next few weeks, you will be feeling quite content as you reflect on how far you’ve come. The Four of Wands encourages you to savor this time and celebrate the positive things happening in your life. Remember, that you are laying the foundation for a bright future, so it’s important to maintain that delicate balance between enjoying the present and being mindful of your long-term goals.
This was a beautiful reading Taurus, I am excited about what is coming up next for you!
Ten of Swords from the Rider Waite Smith tarot deck
Alright, Gemini sun & rising, August brings a sense of finality and closure, with the Ten of Swords as your tarot card theme. It’s interesting as the Ten of Swords is associated with the zodiac sign of Gemini. The dates that correspond with the Ten of Swords are June 11 through June 20th, so these dates may have some significance for you.
This month, you might feel like you’ve hit rock bottom in certain areas of your life. The Ten of Swords is not the most uplifting card, as it often indicates a rough time in your life, sometimes accompanied by or the result of, a betrayal. As we see the character in this card literally has been “stabbed in the back” multiple times.
Don’t worry Gemini, I’m not going to leave you here. Believe it or not, there is a silver lining. The upside to this card is that it marks the end of a difficult cycle. As we see, the character in this card is making the “blessing” hand gesture. In my client readings, when this card comes up, I often tell them “thank goodness it’s over”.
Gemini, is this your message from spirit to let something go, whether it’s an old grudge or painful memory, a toxic situation, person or group, or something else that has reached the end of its cycle. The pain or challenges you’ve been facing have reached their peak or are close to it, and this month, it’s time to shift your focus towards recovery and renewal.
The tens in the tarot indicate endings and new beginnings. The card that comes after this one is the Ace of Swords, which is a Divine energetic vibration that stands for clarity, focus and truth.
As the month progresses, Gemini, you’ll begin to notice that things start to shift, even if it’s just little by little. The Ten of Swords signals that the worst is over, and the only way from here is up. This month is a period of wisdom and healing for you, and though it might be slow, progress is indicated. Every step counts. Again, this is one of the “rougher” cards in the tarot, so Gemini take the time you need to rest and recuperate, both mentally and physically. If you are resonating with this reading, for the next few weeks try to focus on more self-care than usual. Take care of yourself while you mend whatever this is for you. Quiet evenings at home complimented with spending time with positive people and time in nature is indicated for you.
By the end of August, you will see the light at the end of the tunnel. As I mentioned before, the Ace of Swords is next in the progression, indicating that new opportunities that align with your new path and goals, will begin to present themselves, and you’ll feel a sense of relief as the heavy burdens of the past begin to lift.
Remember, Gemini, that this card, though challenging, also represents resilience. You may be down temporarily, but you are not out. The end is at hand and know that you will be back up on your feet very soon. A fresh, new start is on the horizon. Take the time you need to go through the appropriate process whether this is healing, closure or both. But also know that the combined energy of the Ten of Swords and the Ace of Swords is supporting you as you step into a new chapter of your life, wiser and stronger than before.
Six of Wands from the Rider Waite Smith tarot deck
Hi Capricorn sun & rising! August is looking good for you, with the Six of Wands as your tarot card theme. This card is all about victory, recognition, and an overall feeling of achievement. As I recall, you had the four of wands last month, so it appears you have some positive momentum happening here! Obviously, you’ve been working hard, Capricorn, and you are seeing the rewards of your efforts. This is an auspicious card for any aspect of your life where you have been putting in time and effort. Whether it’s a project at work, a professional goal, or something you’ve been striving for in your personal life, my Capricorns are riding high on the wave of success!
As we see in this card’s image, the character is the center of attention in a parade. If you have not been recognized already, you may find that others are noticing your skills and/or accomplishments. Others of you may be preparing for an important presentation to land a big account or a court case for example. If this card symbolizes a victory for you, most likely you had to fight a few metaphorical battles to get here, for sure it was not easy. Pat yourself on the back Capricorn, you’ve earned it! Whatever is going on for you this month, go ahead and step into the spotlight and let your confidence shine. I know my Capricorns like to let the results speak for itself, we all know you are not the boastful type. But you have to admit, it’s nice to have others acknowledge your hard work. You have every right to feel proud.
In your personal life and relationships, the uplifting energy of the Six of Wands may have my Capricorns out there wanting to shake things up a little bit by doing something spontaneous and different. Often when this card comes up in a client reading, the motto is “I’ve been there, done that, I’m ready for what’s next”.
You may be excited to set a new personal goal. Travel and new experiences are also indicated with this card. Keep in mind we have Mercury retrograde this month, so there could be minor delays or misunderstandings which may require extra time and/or patience on your part. However, overall, the Six of Wands as your tarot theme and the energy I am intuitively picking up, indicates that your relationships and personal endeavors will be quite harmonious for most of you. If you are in a relationship, have fun with your partner. If you are single, put yourself out there. See how the character in this card has his horse reined back, controlling the pace? No major shake-ups here. Everything is progressing slow and steady. You’ve got this Capricorn.
By the end of August, when Mercury goes direct again, this will be an opportune time to take serious action on your goals or to proceed with the next steps on a plan or project. You will find that the overall energies will be conducive to working with you. Keep the momentum going Capricorn.
Eight of Swords from the Rider Waite Smith tarot deck
Hi Aquarius sun & rising! This month, the Eight of Swords is your tarot theme. This card often represents feeling stuck or limited, but don’t worry, the eights in the tarot signify change and transformation. It’s not all doom and gloom. Often this card indicates a time where we may not have all the information to make an informed decision or there are other factors that may be affecting our emotions and/or confidence. We have all felt this way at one time or another. The upside to this card Aquarius, is that it symbolizes the power of the mind. Indicating that that it is within your power to shift your perspective and overcome whatever this is that is holding you back.
In your work or career, Aquarius, you might feel like you’re in a bit of a rut at the moment. We have Mercury in retrograde this month, which can exasperate these energies even more, so keep this in mind. But, perhaps this is something that has been ongoing for a while. For example, some of you may have hit a glass ceiling at your job or in your career, you could be dealing with a problematic supervisor or co-workers, there could a lack of communication or transparency, etc. This card denotes challenges Aquarius, however you are known for your brilliant mind and creative thinking, and The Eight of Swords here suggests there may be alternative options or solutions that you have not considered yet. Sometimes, asking for help or getting a fresh perspective can make all the difference. It won’t take long for you to realize that you have more control over your situation than you think.
When it comes to your personal life and relationships, this card reminds you to communicate openly and honestly. If you’ve been feeling misunderstood or restricted in your relationships, or maybe there has been some emotional distance, now’s the time to speak up. Having a calm, clear, honest conversation can help you break through any barriers. If you are single, this is my classic on and off “ghosting” card (respect the dead – block their number and leave them be). If you are seeing someone, you are being advised to get to know this person better or verify the information that they have provided to you before making any agreements and/or commitments.
Psychologically, this is a powerful card. The Eight of Swords encourages you to look inward and identify any self-limiting thought patterns, habits or philosophies that might be holding you back. This card compliments the Mercury retrograde energetic themes (review, retrospection, reassess) and as the full moon on the 19th is in your zodiac sign, The Eight of Swords encourages you to practice self-compassion and discernment. This full moon is square Uranus, which makes its energy a bit unpredictable and prone to surprising reveals. Step back, take a deep breath and gather your thoughts and emotions.
Notice the woman in this card has her eyes covered? This is standing out to me. You may want to avoid making life altering decisions as your judgement may be clouded by a distorted perspective or you may not have all the information you need yet to make an intelligent, informed choice. Try to postpone whatever this is for you, towards the end of the month as this will give you the extra time you need and you will have the added benefit of having the full super moon in Aquarius behind you, and Mercury going back direct at this time.
Four of Swords from the Rider Waite Smith tarot deck
Pisces sun & rising, your tarot card theme this month is the Four of Swords. This month you are urged to take a break, slow down, and recharge your batteries. This card speaks of taking a pause, not just physically, but also mentally and spiritually. You’ve been through some battles Pisces, and you’re tired. Put down your sword for a bit and allow yourself some well-earned rest.
In your personal life and relationships, The Four of Swords encourages you to practice self-care and to be selective of who you spend time with. It’s okay if you need a break from your social circles, the people that know and care about you will understand. Try your best to make time for some soul-searching and introspection to realign the balance of your material and spiritual worlds. If you are cross watching and are in a relationship with a Pisces or other water sign, give them the time they need and you will see your relationship flourish.
Of course, I understand not everyone can just pack up and take a vacation. But slow down whenever you can. And this can be quiet evenings at home, taking lunch breaks in the park or a quiet area, going to the beach for a day or weekend, taking a long bath, Netflix and chill on the couch, etc.
Also, I am intuitively getting the message that some of you may want to practice active listening which will not only help ease the pressure on you in conversations, it gives you the opportunity to focus on what the other person is saying, instead of your mind racing thinking about what you are going to say next. Practice calm breathing techniques to stay present. You will be amazed at how favorable connections can be formed with this simple technique that requires little effort on your part. Now, keep in mind, it can be difficult to disconnect with some people once they get going, so healthy boundaries are a must. Keep your interactions short, as this card indicates your tolerance for other’s people’s energies is quite low right now.
Career-wise, this is a great time to focus on planning rather than action. Pisces, this card indicates some down time, and keep in mind Mercury goes retrograde this month as well, so if things aren’t progressing as you’d like, use this time constructively by reviewing your goals and strategies so that you are ready take action when it is time to move forward.
Lastly, your physical health and well-being should be a #1 priority this month. Some of you may be dealing with health challenges now or as I mentioned before, your vitality is quite low. Pisces, if you have not done so already, this is your message to adopt practices that enhance your mental, spiritual, and physical health. Meditation, gentle exercise or yoga, dietary adjustments, and getting adequate rest will help you rejuvenate. I’d like to remind you that self-care isn’t selfish; it’s necessary. As the saying goes, you can’t pour from an empty cup.
The Four of Swords is your message that in August, it is of utmost importance that you make space for rest and reflection as it is vital for your overall well-being. You’ll see your vitality and productivity improve immensely once you give yourself the time you need to rest, heal and recover.
Four of Pentacles & Four of Cups from the Rider Waite Smith tarot deck
This is a special full moon, as it is the second consecutive full moon in the sign of Capricorn in the last 30 days! The previous one was on June 21st. Having two full moons back to back occur in the same sign is quite rare. Consider this a second chance for us to address the Capricorn themed areas of our life. As this moon occurs on the 29th degree of this sign, this is your message to make those final revisions and/or get moving to implement plans or goals that were put into place last month. For some of you, this full moon may coincide with, or urge you to, make an important decision or have the final word, such as in a conversation or this could be your signature on a document or contract.
Let’s discuss the tarot cards associated with this transit to see what insights they have for us!
First, we have the Four of Pentacles which represents the Moon in Capricorn. There’s a strong focus on your responsibilities and ambitions with this card. Often it comes up in my readings when the message is to be frugal with your finances and to be mindful of where your resources are going.
Fours in the tarot represent stability, and the element of earth speaks of physical, tangible things that are pertinent to our survival, such as our health, money, career, home, etc. More than ever nowadays, it is important for everyone to review their goals and spending to be sure you are building a solid foundation for the future. But be careful of becoming overly rigid with your finances (i.e., pennywise and dollar foolish). The energy of Capricorn encourages us to be disciplined and responsible, but to also maintain a healthy balance between frugal and “cheap”.
The Four of Cups corresponds to the Sun in Cancer. This card has a cynical vibe to it. You could be feeling a bit stuck or dissatisfied, even though most likely, you have good things around you. With the Sun in the sign of Cancer opposite this full moon, collectively, we might be feeling more sensitive than usual. If you have been feeling bored or unfulfilled lately, this is a reminder to look within and see why you are feeling that way. Your intuition may be nudging you to make some changes.
So, how you balance these energies to make the most of this Capricorn full moon? It’s a great time for reflection and planning. Take a moment to appreciate what you have now and what you’ve achieved in the last 30 days (it’s probably more than you realize), and to think about what your next steps should be on a goal, plan or project. Budget funds to take care of routine maintenance and small repairs to cross them off your “to do” list and to prevent larger problems in the future.
The Four of Cups can indicate burnout. Remember to balance your hard work with self-care. Try to break up your routine once a while to freshen up your mental outlook. Be on the lookout for opportunities and blessings that appear in unexpected ways, and try to practice an “attitude of gratitude” whenever possible.
As full moons can signifiy a time of completion, it may be time to let go of things that no longer serve you or that have become an energy or financial drain. This will give you some peace of mind and make space for the aforementioned opportunities and blessings to come in!
For my crystal loving friends, below are some excellent crystals that resonate with the Capricorn energy:
1. Garnet: Known for both its grounding and energizing properties, garnet helps us to stay focused on our goals and enhances our vitality.
2. Black Onyx: This stone protects us from negative energy and fosters emotional stability.
3. Smoky Quartz: A grounding stone, smoky quartz helps us connect to the earth, and helps us stay focused on our ambitions. It also is effective at dispelling negative energy and promotes a practical, yet positive mental outlook.
4. Fluorite: Known for its ability to enhance mental clarity and focus, fluorite can help us stay organized and efficient. It also supports decision-making and problem-solving.
5. Black Tourmaline: This protective stone can help shield us from negative energy, helping us stay grounded. Wearing or holding black tourmaline promotes a feeling of security and security. This stone can be too “heavy” for very sensitive people, so you may need to experiment with this stone.
6. Hematite: A grounding and balancing stone, hematite is very effective at keeping us focused on the task at hand. It also enhances strength and endurance. This is another “heavy” stone, so if you are sensitive, just like with black tourmaline above, pay attention to how you feel when working with it.
7. Tiger’s Eye: Known for its ability to enhance willpower and courage, tiger’s eye can help us stay determined and confident when pursuing our goals.
8. Malachite: This stone of transformation can help us release negative patterns and encourages us to flow with positive change. It is also an effective stone for protection, it’s green color corresponds with money and abundance, and it fosters emotional balance and personal growth. Malachite is one of my favorites!
Tarot cards representing the Scorpio full moon 4/23/24 (Rider Waite deck)
The upcoming full moon in Scorpio is illuminating unresolved issues that have been lying beneath the surface for some time now. This is not an “easy” transit, as Pluto, Scorpio’s modern ruling planet that represents transformative change, is closely involved with this full moon, squaring both the moon and the sun. This harsh aspect is Pluto inviting us to take part in a difficult conversation. To consider how certain situations, friendships, partnerships, etc. are affecting our current well-being as well as our future potential.
With Mercury retrograde paired closely with the North node in Aries, a conflict could arise if there is a low vibration pattern or circumstance that wants to be resolved. This will most likely be an energetic signature that you have been aware of for a while. As I mentioned, there is some tension with this transit, so tread carefully, as those who are normally quite stubborn and/or self-centered, will be even more so in the days leading up to the full moon. As such, conflicts or small disagreements, could escalate quickly.
My advice is to think twice about who you are dealing with and what influence they have in your life. A small disagreement could turn into a battle of wills with both of you drawing lines in the sand. You may be right, but is there a danger of your winning the battle but losing the war? This could result in sudden changes that you may not have anticipated. Scorpio energy is quite strategic. Play your cards right, and you will soon have the winning hand!
Emotions may bubble up to the surface, so it is important to stay grounded and clear-headed. Be careful of possible overindulgence of food, drink, or other substances that may affect your emotional or mental state. For some of you, this full moon is highlighting challenges regarding your health. This may pertain to you or someone close to you. Helpful insights on the best way to move forward will come to you on or before the end of this month.
Mars and Jupiter are working well together. These two are inviting you to be proactive with your future financial goals and happiness. Where do you see yourself in two, five, or ten years? Does your current situation support this path? There is no need for a big jump now. However, the full moon will reveal where some action is required to get the ball rolling, if you are ready to make a change.
This could involve an initial small investment towards a plan or future goal that grows over time. On the flip side, you may be considering cutting ties and making new plans, if current circumstances are not yielding the results that you have hoped for.
This transit, while intense, is empowering at the same time! Its influence is encouraging us to purge both internally and externally to release what is at the very least unhelpful and at the most, toxic. We are being reminded that when life gets complicated, or when we are ready for something new, the power of transformation first comes from within. This gives us the clarity we need to make changes to our outer world with confidence and grace.
Judgement tarot card from the Rider Waite Smith deck.
This week’s card: Judgement.
We are in the last month of 2023, and we’ve got some busy planetary transits happening! Mercury moved into Capricorn on the 1st, Venus enters Scorpio on the 4th and Neptune goes direct in Pisces on the 6th. Collectively, we are being supported to begin mapping out the direction we want to take in 2024.
In numerology, 2024 adds up to an “eight” year. The number eight represents success in the physical world through self-mastery & acknowledgement of one’s divine sovereignty. Initiative, truth, leadership, harmony, balance, and faith are some keywords for number 8.
Judgement. Gabriel’s trumpet. Do you hear the call?
Judgement is one card away from the end of the major arcana. Its overall theme is transition and rebirth of the soul. It indicates the closing out of a cycle, a shift in perspective, or a significant life change. The question most often associated with this card is: Have you been upholding normalcy in an area of your life that needs to be revised, reconciled, or released? Often this card appears when we are on the cusp of change. Once begun, the process itself can be joyful or challenging depending on the situation. But ultimately, it serves the highest good for all involved.
Planetary support:
Neptune direct in Pisces enhances our connection to the ethereal realm. Pay attention to synchronicities and intuitive messages this week. The universe speaks in symbols, so be aware of your surroundings! Venus moved into Scorpio on Monday. She is quite intense here. Powerful and perceptive, she has no qualms of showing you the truth of what lies beneath. Expect the unexpected. Talk less, observe more. You will notice subtle shifts & nuances that provide valuable insights as well as an opportunity for growth and/or closure.
If you are ready to make a significant change, December may not be the best time to take the leap, unless a plan has already been in the works. Mercury is going retrograde on the 13th and will stay there until January 1st. We are in the shadow period now, so things can begin to get a little wonky if you try to push it. Something here needs more time. Put excess energy to good use by taking care of items on your to do list and spending extra time with pets, friends & loved ones.
There is a divine metamorphosis happening behind the scenes. Don’t be too hasty. Trust the process. Others may be on edge due to planetary shifts. Extend them grace while you stay calm and go with the flow this week.