For this Valentine’s Day, I pulled three cards. One for each of the following: New love, established couples & singles. Which one are you? Scroll down to find your appropriate message.

New Love: Queen of Wands Upright
The Queen of Wands upright embodies confidence, allure, passion, and independence. It’s possible that these traits are what drew you both to each other. With a blend of Pisces and Aries energy (water and fire), your new relationship exudes charisma, passion, and a touch of unconventionality. Ahh, isn’t new love grand!
In tarot, the Queen represents maturity and wisdom, hinting that you might be open to a more serious commitment if things continue to progress positively. Your connection mirrors the uniqueness of the Queen of Wands herself – both of you possess intelligence and a quirky sense of humor that not everyone understands. But they do!
There’s also a tender sweetness between you. A smile, the sound of their voice, or a simple touch is all it takes… The Queen of Wands reflects that undefinable “it” factor that radiates magic and allure.
Enjoy the journey and allow your relationship to evolve naturally. No need to rush. Drawing the Queen of Wands upright is a favorable card when it comes to matters of the heart.

Established Couples: The Chariot Upright
The Chariot upright symbolizes the union of opposing forces, moving forward with focus, determination, and a shared objective. If you and your partner have drifted apart lately, it’s time to be proactive in getting your love life back on track!
The Chariot often hints at travel, suggesting a weekend getaway or exploring new destinations together. What are some activities that you both enjoy? Check travel sites for creative ideas. You may be pleasantly surprised by what is available in your own city or town!
Interestingly, this card is linked to the throat chakra, emphasizing the importance of communication in relationships. This Valentine’s Day, foster a deeper connection by asking your partner to jot down six things they love about you, while you reciprocate. Compare notes and have fun chatting about happy memories, such as when you first met.
Valentines Day is once a year. While a grand gesture on this day is appreciated, it’s the small things both of you do on a daily basis to show that you love and appreciate each other, that truly matter.

Singles: Nine of Pentacles
Self-love takes center stage when this card appears! Content with her independence, the Nine of Pentacles cultivates herself while spending time in her garden.
This Valentine’s Day, treat yourself to something special. Indulge in those delicious chocolate-covered strawberries, pamper yourself with a spa day (whether at a salon or at home), spend quality time with friends, pets, participate in a class or group activity, etc. Go out, stay in, do whatever makes you happy! That’s one of the many perks of being single!
Valentine’s Day often portrays singles as lonely and in search of love. But let me tell you, that’s usually not the case! The freedom you possess is admired by more people than you realize. Don’t get caught up in the hype.
This card corresponds to Venus in the sign of Virgo, symbolizing serenity, achievement, and comfort. It frequently appears for entrepreneurs or individuals (often recently divorced, but not always) who enjoy the freedom to focus on their business or creative endeavors. It also arises when a client has a hobby, idea, or talent that has the potential to be financially rewarding over time. Some of the happiest and most accomplished people I know are single.
The Nine of Pentacles indicates an abundant life. You have the freedom to surround yourself with the things you love and the luxury to prioritize your own happiness and needs, without feeling guilty about taking time and attention away from someone else.
The Nine of Pentacles, the tarot card associated with beauty and fulfilment, is THE card for singles for every day of the year. Not just Valentines Day!