Capricorn Tarot Messages for August 2024: Six of Wands

Six of Wands from the Rider Waite Smith tarot deck

Hi Capricorn sun & rising! August is looking good for you, with the Six of Wands as your tarot card theme. This card is all about victory, recognition, and an overall feeling of achievement. As I recall, you had the four of wands last month, so it appears you have some positive momentum happening here! Obviously, you’ve been working hard, Capricorn, and you are seeing the rewards of your efforts. This is an auspicious card for any aspect of your life where you have been putting in time and effort. Whether it’s a project at work, a professional goal, or something you’ve been striving for in your personal life, my Capricorns are riding high on the wave of success!

As we see in this card’s image, the character is the center of attention in a parade. If you have not been recognized already, you may find that others are noticing your skills and/or accomplishments. Others of you may be preparing for an important presentation to land a big account or a court case for example. If this card symbolizes a victory for you, most likely you had to fight a few metaphorical battles to get here, for sure it was not easy. Pat yourself on the back Capricorn, you’ve earned it! Whatever is going on for you this month, go ahead and step into the spotlight and let your confidence shine. I know my Capricorns like to let the results speak for itself, we all know you are not the boastful type. But you have to admit, it’s nice to have others acknowledge your hard work. You have every right to feel proud.

In your personal life and relationships, the uplifting energy of the Six of Wands may have my Capricorns out there wanting to shake things up a little bit by doing something spontaneous and different. Often when this card comes up in a client reading, the motto is “I’ve been there, done that, I’m ready for what’s next”.

You may be excited to set a new personal goal. Travel and new experiences are also indicated with this card. Keep in mind we have Mercury retrograde this month, so there could be minor delays or misunderstandings which may require extra time and/or patience on your part. However, overall, the Six of Wands as your tarot theme and the energy I am intuitively picking up, indicates that your relationships and personal endeavors will be quite harmonious for most of you. If you are in a relationship, have fun with your partner. If you are single, put yourself out there. See how the character in this card has his horse reined back, controlling the pace? No major shake-ups here. Everything is progressing slow and steady. You’ve got this Capricorn.

By the end of August, when Mercury goes direct again, this will be an opportune time to take serious action on your goals or to proceed with the next steps on a plan or project. You will find that the overall energies will be conducive to working with you. Keep the momentum going Capricorn.

I’m proud of you Capricorn, have a great month! ❤

12/4/23: This week’s card-Judgement

Judgement tarot card from the Rider Waite Smith deck.

This week’s card: Judgement.

We are in the last month of 2023, and we’ve got some busy planetary transits happening! Mercury moved into Capricorn on the 1st, Venus enters Scorpio on the 4th and Neptune goes direct in Pisces on the 6th. Collectively, we are being supported to begin mapping out the direction we want to take in 2024.

In numerology, 2024 adds up to an “eight” year. The number eight represents success in the physical world through self-mastery & acknowledgement of one’s divine sovereignty. Initiative, truth, leadership, harmony, balance, and faith are some keywords for number 8.

Judgement. Gabriel’s trumpet. Do you hear the call?

Judgement is one card away from the end of the major arcana. Its overall theme is transition and rebirth of the soul. It indicates the closing out of a cycle, a shift in perspective, or a significant life change. The question most often associated with this card is: Have you been upholding normalcy in an area of your life that needs to be revised, reconciled, or released? Often this card appears when we are on the cusp of change. Once begun, the process itself can be joyful or challenging depending on the situation. But ultimately, it serves the highest good for all involved.

Planetary support:

Neptune direct in Pisces enhances our connection to the ethereal realm. Pay attention to synchronicities and intuitive messages this week. The universe speaks in symbols, so be aware of your surroundings! Venus moved into Scorpio on Monday. She is quite intense here. Powerful and perceptive, she has no qualms of showing you the truth of what lies beneath. Expect the unexpected. Talk less, observe more. You will notice subtle shifts & nuances that provide valuable insights as well as an opportunity for growth and/or closure.

If you are ready to make a significant change, December may not be the best time to take the leap, unless a plan has already been in the works. Mercury is going retrograde on the 13th and will stay there until January 1st. We are in the shadow period now, so things can begin to get a little wonky if you try to push it. Something here needs more time. Put excess energy to good use by taking care of items on your to do list and spending extra time with pets, friends & loved ones.

There is a divine metamorphosis happening behind the scenes. Don’t be too hasty. Trust the process. Others may be on edge due to planetary shifts. Extend them grace while you stay calm and go with the flow this week. ❤

Crystal recommendations: selenite, clear quartz, amethyst, celestite, apophyllite, prehnite, bronzite, moss agate, snowflake obsidian, aventurine, blue lace agate, pyrite, sunstone, bloodstone, malachite.

Have a great week! ❤