Tarot message of the week w/an emphasis on the Capricorn Super Moon:
On July 13th, we have a full super moon in the sign of Capricorn. A super moon occurs when the moon’s orbit is in its closest proximity to the earth, while in its full moon phase. Visually, a super moon appears larger, and up to 30% brighter in comparison to other full moons. As such, super moons tend to bring deep, hidden truths to the surface. In the sign of Capricorn, themes centered around time, money, career, karma, long standing structures, authority figures & investments are highlighted.
Capricorn is not a “warm and fuzzy” energy. It balances out the nurturing, emotional waters of Cancer with a mature, no-nonsense, practical perspective.
The moon in Capricorn is encouraging us to put our feelings aside in order to clearly assess the facts of a situation. What in your life is no longer a “viable investment” for your time, energy and/or money? Depending on what this is for you, admitting the truth, can be a tough pill to swallow. Perhaps this is why you’ve been putting off letting it go or hesitating on making a necessary change. Look at the images in the four of pentacles and four of cups. The tarot cards that correspond to this full moon. Both of them are portraying a “closed” energy and lack of movement.
This realization although disheartening, can also set us free. When we continue to put our resources into something that is no longer serving our best interests, or when we allow what is past its expiration date to remain in our space, it takes its toll on our psyche. We become so focused on trying to “make this fit” or “make this work” that we are unable to see that in reality, like a potted plant that has outgrown its vessel, we too, have outgrown this, and are ready to begin something new.
Hecate & The World card is a reminder that everything has its season. A cycle ends, a new one begins.
Capricorn full moon crystal suggestions: Black tourmaline, black obsidian, black onyx, tigers eye, red jasper, moonstone, black moonstone, garnet, hematite, laboradite, carnelian, smoky quartz, rutilated quartz, howlite, azurite, malachite, clear quartz.
Have a great week everyone!