Pick-a-card tarot reading

What transformative gifts does the new moon solar eclipse in Libra have in store for you? Take a moment to reflect on the cards and choose the one that most resonates to you. ♎☀️🌕✨

Ok, are you ready? Read your messages below:

Which card are you drawn to? One, two or three?

Card #1: Justice upright

The Justice card from the Rider Waite Smith tarot deck

The Justice card upright is a beacon of light for you during this eclipse, bringing that much-needed balance back into your life. If things have felt a bit off-kilter or unfair lately, fear not—the universe is stepping in to set the scales right. This is a time for clarity and honesty, especially in your relationships and dealings.

You are advised to make decisions that reflect your true values and not to compromise on what matters most to you. Karma is on the move, and what comes around goes around as they say. Trust the process and remember that the truth will always come out. Your justice and/or fair share is on the way and harmony will be restored.

Card #2: The High Priestess

The High Priestess card from the Rider Waite Smith tarot deck

This eclipse is activating your intuitive senses in a big way! The High Priestess encourages you to pay attention to what is NOT being said, so observe more and speak less during this time. A secret may be revealed or perhaps a deeper understanding unfolds, either by spoken word or your inner knowing, revealing a previously hidden truth regarding a person or situation.

Spirit is guiding you with profound wisdom during this time, pay attention to the signs and synchronicities around you; they are not mere coincidences, but messages from a higher source. Your path after this eclipse is illuminated by the light of truth. Trust yourself more, as you hold the keys to your own understanding.

Card #3: The Lovers

The Lovers card from the Rider Waite Smith tarot deck

This eclipse presents a significant choice for you. You may find yourself at a crossroads when it comes to matters of the heart. Whether it’s about love, a partnership, or a major life decision, the path of harmony and truth is calling you. Trust your heart —this may mean taking those first initial steps in a new direction or making bold changes.

This is a pivotal moment of transformation, as the eclipse reveals a path or option that resonates with your soul. Your mind may be mulling over the decision, but deep down, your heart has already made its choice.

Have a great week! ❤

New Moon Solar Eclipse in Libra

Ah, the energy this week feels potent and transformative, and I know you all are feeling it too, with the new moon solar eclipse in Libra on October 2nd as the primary focus. This transit with its themes of balance, harmony, and justice, is inviting you to take a closer look at where things may feel out of sync in your relationships and interactions with others. So, if something feels “off” in your connections; whether with a partner, friend, or business colleague, this new moon solar eclipse will help you to initiate positive changes that recalibrate the scales.

This transit is all about release as it is occurring on the south node axis, encouraging you to let go of what no longer serves your current path. As you move through this week, you may find yourself shedding old habits or ways of relating to others that contribute to unbalanced power dynamics. This energy may manifest for you in subtle ways or something bigger, depending on your experience. Some of you may decide to have that honest heart-to-heart conversation or set a firm boundary that has been long overdue. You may decide to end a relationship, or find fresh, creative ways to work together to strengthen one.

The formation of alliances and adversaries are possible this week! Yes, Libra strives for harmony and balance, but it is also the sign of hidden enemies. Solar eclipses have a way of uncovering things, and we have Mercury in the sign of Libra and Venus in the sign of Scorpio during this time, so don’t be surprised if a sudden shift or revelation comes to light. This may feel destabilizing at first or may come as a confirmation or relief. Whatever the case may be, a beneficial aspect of this transit is that you are well supported to calmly and directly make a solid choice, negotiate more favorable terms, or face an uncomfortable situation head-on.

This is beautiful time of inner transformation for you, as you reclaim your personal sovereignty and align with a more authentic and heart-centered version of yourself.

Some ways you can support yourself this week are:

Setting healthy boundaries by communicating your needs clearly and calmly. You may be tested if others are used to your compromising, so be kind, but firm.

Movement such as gentle yoga, a walk outside, etc. will help you stay grounded and encourage your body to gently release excess energy and emotions. Reiki and energy work can also be extremely supportive during this time.

Prioritize rest. Eclipses are intense which can make you feel more tired than usual. Make space for some extra downtime and avoid overwhelming yourself with social commitments if you are not up to it. It’s okay to say no.

Reach out for support if needed. Talking it out with a friend, relative or your local professional tarot reader (shameless plug), can be a tremendous help to relieve temporary anxiety and pent-up emotions, as well as can offer you valuable insights that bring clarity to a situation.

Engage in something creative that you love to do. Creative outlets are necessary for our well-being. They are therapeutic in their own right, as they nourish our soul.

Crystals you may find helpful to work with are rose quartz, amethyst, citrine, lapis lazuli, hematite, black obsidian, lepidolite, blue lace agate and moonstone.

I love you all, have a wonderful week! ❤

Christine Mann (Fire Moon Alchemy) is a gifted intuitive that specializes in tarot, astrology & numerology. She is currently the Thursday in-house reader at Indigo Moons. She is also available for private readings and public & private events. She can be contacted through her website: www.firemoonalchemy.com