The moon is currently in its waning (decreasing cycle) this week as it travels through the signs of Aries, Taurus and Gemini. All three cards that came out for you, indicate a young fresh energy, with a little bit of drama thrown in. I’m not surprised at this, as full moons tend to heighten emotions for about three days before and three days afterwards. That being said, let’s dive in!
Moon in Aries: Five of Wands. There’s some tension early in the week as there may be competition at work, or this could be a creative brainstorming session or a debate that gets heated. This card can also indicate drama, disagreement or infighting within a close-knit group. All involved want to be seen and heard. Egos abound, tempers flare, but it’s not long lived. The key for you is to not get caught up in the fray. It is certainly tempting to want to add in your “2 cents”. But see how the sensitive Page of Cups is looking on, but not participating? My eye is also drawn to the young man in blue in the Five of Wands card that has the wand over his shoulder, instead of up and in the battle. You do need to stay informed, but be careful not to be drawn in to this emotionally charged tornado. This will calm down just as fast as it started as long as no one keeps poking at the fire.
Moon in Taurus: Page of Cups: Things calm down towards the middle of the week. You or someone else may be owed an apology from the dust up that happened a few days ago. Some of you may have to be the bigger person here and open the communications back up. Within the drama, there were probably some good ideas in there too! Now that everyone has had a chance to settle down, perhaps it is time to revisit this. The Page of Cups upright brings good news whether this is friendship, financial opportunities, or creative projects. Better times are up ahead now that everyone is on the same page (no pun intended).
Moon in Gemini: Ace of Pentacles. It would appear that the chaos earlier in the week, was the catalyst for a new opportunity and/or blessing to emerge! Whatever this is, there is certainly potential for growth here. The Ace of Pentacles may very well be the beginning of an investment, idea or endeavor that could grow into the ten of pentacles over time as long as all involved continue to work together towards a common goal.
Have a great week everyone!