Numerology of 2025: A “9” Year with The Hermit

2025 is a “9” year in numerology which corresponds to The Hermit in the tarot

As we venture into 2025, we’re entering a “9” year in numerology, a time of culmination and transition. The number 9’s vibration signifies the completion of cycles, the integration of hard-earned lessons, and the preparation for a new chapter. Yet, it’s not simply about reaching the end of the story, but understanding the wisdom of our journey before we close the book. The number 9 acts as a bridge, connecting what has been with what is yet to come.

The Hermit tarot card beautifully mirrors the energy of a “9” year, symbolizing introspection, solitude, and the quest for inner truth. The Hermit’s lantern encourages us to be the guiding light in our own lives, as we seek clarity and understanding from within instead of relying on outside validation.

Reflecting back on 2024, many of you may have already felt an inkling of The Hermit’s influence through a sense of disconnection from certain people, places, things or situations. Disillusionment is often part of The Hermit’s experience (and we are seeing this on a macro-level as well), but it ultimately paves the way for eye-opening revelations and a stronger connection to your true self, which can inspire positive change.

Interestingly, in Chinese astrology, 2025 is the year of the Yin Wood Snake, a symbol of renewal, transformation, intelligence, and insight. Snakes have a unique way of undergoing change and growth—before shedding their skin, they go through a phase known as “going blue.” During this time, their eyes are clouded, limiting their vision. To protect themselves, they retreat from the world going into “Hermit mode” until they shed their old skin. Once the process is complete, their eyes are clear, and they emerge fully renewed and ready for what’s ahead.

2025’s vibe carries a similar energy. It’s a year, both collectively and individually, where we shift our priorities and become more intentional about where we invest our time, energy, and resources.

Many of you will choose to invest in yourselves this year—whether through healing, moving, traveling, or furthering your education. These actions are all about creating space and aligning with your higher calling, setting the stage for the limitless potential that 2026 will bring. As a “1” year, represented by The Magician in the tarot, it promises fresh starts, powerful manifestations, and the opportunity to step fully into your creative power.

I am very much looking forward to 2025! This energy is both reflective and profoundly empowering. The “Yin” energy of the Wood Snake aligns nicely with the Nine of Pentacles in the tarot—a card that represents personal achievement, success, self-love, and confidence. Paired with The Hermit, we have an interesting dynamic that mirrors the process of a caterpillar becoming a butterfly.

The Hermit invites us into a period of introspection and solitude, much like the cocoon phase, where we can reflect on the past and integrate its lessons. The Nine of Pentacles represents our emergence from this time of quiet transformation; the butterfly spreading its wings and reveling in the next phase of growth and renewal.

Happy New Year everyone! ❤

Christine Mann (Fire Moon Alchemy) is a gifted intuitive and certified Reiki practitioner that specializes in tarot, astrology & numerology. She also available for private readings and public & private events. She can be contacted through her website:

This week 12/02/24: Retrogrades & The Hanged Man

The Hanged Man tarot card from the Rider Waite Smith tarot deck

This week’s energy feels like trying to row a boat through molasses—slow, sticky, and a bit frustrating. After the new moon in optimistic Sagittarius on Sunday, the waxing moon moves through Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces, inspiring us to dream big and chase our ambitions. But with both Mercury and Jupiter in retrograde in opposite signs, plus Mars going retrograde in Leo later in the week, the Universe seems to be saying, “Hold up now, not so fast.” It’s not a stop sign, but more of a yield—which gives us an opportunity to slow down and think things through as we enter the final month of 2024.

Tarot card guidance: The Hanged Man

The tarot card for this week, The Hanged Man, reminds us that when progress feels stalled, it’s an invitation to shift our perspective. Instead of pushing against the tide and trying to force an outcome, take a step back and look at the bigger picture. Whether it’s your career, a personal project, or a relationship, a pause (whether voluntary or involuntary) gives you the space to think on how to approach things with fresh eyes. What might initially seem like a roadblock may be an opportunity for you to revisit a plan, decision, or goal and to assess whether you want to move forward as planned or take a different direction entirely.

As much as you might want to power through this week, if something is just not happening, despite your best efforts, divine timing may be at play. The retrograde energy is here to show you what’s worth your effort and what’s not, as well as how a shift in perspective may be just the thing to get you back on track. Those slow moments? They’re not a waste of time – they’re where the magic happens. Look closely at the halo of light that encircles The Hanged Man’s head. This glow symbolizes his crown chakra, lit up with inspiration, dreams and aspirations, as well as an inner knowing of when the time is right to turn those visions into a plan.

The Hanged Man’s illuminated perspective reminds us that the greatest breakthroughs often come when we stop trying to force things to fit, like hammering a square peg in a round hole, and instead trust the natural flow of life. Sometimes things happen or not happen for a reason. Who knows? This pause you’re experiencing might be the perfect opening that uncovers opportunities you hadn’t imagined before, leading you to something even better than you had planned.

Have a great week!

Christine Mann (Fire Moon Alchemy) is a gifted intuitive that specializes in tarot, astrology & numerology. She is available for private readings and public & private events. She can be contacted through her website:   

Full Moon in Taurus 11/15/24

When I looked at the planetary placements for the upcoming full moon in Taurus on November 15th, I received the image of the running of the bulls celebration in Spain! This full moon brings themes of courage, endurance, and patience, encouraging us to trust our instincts when deciding whether to move forward, pivot, or hold steady. Like the bulls charging through narrow streets, we’re pushing through the final stretch of 2024, testing our resolve with the second to last full moon of the year. The final full moon of 2024 will be in the sign of Gemini on December 15th, closing out the 2024 lunar cycle.

November’s planetary shifts are quite a buzz as things are coming together to form a different picture from what we are used to – think of puzzle pieces snapping into place. Saturn, which has been retrograde since June, goes direct at the same time as this full moon on November 15th, helping to bring clarity to areas in our life that require responsibility and structure. Pluto will then move into Aquarius for the next two decades on November 19th, which begins a profound societal shift, and Mercury will retrograde on November 25th and stations direct again at the next full moon on December 15th. All these planetary movements support the closing out of an era, as we turn the page to begin an entirely new chapter.

The tarot cards associated with this full moon, the Seven of Pentacles and Seven of Cups, mirror these themes. The Seven of Pentacles, corresponding to the moon in Taurus, invites you to take stock of what you’ve been investing your time and energy into. Has your hard work paid off, or is it time to reassess your investment versus profit ratio? The last new moon in Taurus was on May 7th, this could be a time marker for some of you. What seeds did you plant back then, and how are they doing now?

Meanwhile, the Seven of Cups, corresponding to the sun in Scorpio, is asking you to consider your choices carefully and practice discernment while exploring dreams and possibilities, as you decide what truly aligns with your long-term vision. As we close out the old and make space for the new, it’s important to be real with where you are coming from and where you want to go moving forward.

Here’s where things get interesting: Uranus, the planet of sudden change and the unexpected, is right next to the full moon, ready to shake things up. With the Sun in the opposite sign of Scorpio, the catalyst will most likely come about from a psychological aspect – a desire to break free from patterns or dynamics that are outdated, unbalanced, unfulfilling, or perhaps it has run its karmic course.

The moon is exalted in the sign of Taurus (she likes it there), but let’s not forget, we are dealing with a cominbation of full moon energy and the sun in Scorpio, which is quite potent. And with a full moon conjunct Uranus, expect some curveballs. Imagine running with the bulls in Spain – you’ve got a plan and think you know where you are going, but WTF, a surprise comes around the corner, changing the direction of your path. But lucky for you, this works out in your favor. Better you found out now rather than later.

Adding to the tension, Mars in Leo is inconjunct with Venus in Capricorn, which can make us feel a bit out of sync with others or even within ourselves. If you’re feeling misaligned with someone—whether in a personal relationship or at work—the energy of this full moon encourages patience rather than pushing for immediate solutions. High emotions can lead to impulsive actions, which may have unplanned consequences. Save your energy and put it towards something constructive. This is a time to play chess, not checkers.

Fortunately (good news), Mars is also forming a harmonious trine with the North Node, giving you the motivation to move forward. If you are seeing signs that a current situation is not supporting your personal or professional goals, or is limiting you in some way, this full moon will give you some clarity as to where adjustments can be made, making it easier to pursue a life, love or goal that feels more authentic to you.

Finally, as Pluto moves out of Capricorn and into Aquarius on November 19th where it will stay for the next 20 years, we’re at a turning point, where we collectively and individually, are encouraged to step into the future with a clean slate. This isn’t a Tower energy, not everything has to go, it’s more of an acknowledgment of lessons learned and releasing what we’ve outgrown.

I’ve noticed an uptick online of trends towards simple living, lighter home spaces, less material “things”, a low tolerance for stress, and an emphasis on living well with less. These are Aquarian signatures that are beginning to surface. We are living life instead of life “happening” to us. This is sneak peak of what is to come.

This Taurus full moon energy has a grounding influence, yet with Uranus nearby, it also reminds us that not everything is within our control, and that is ok. Life is similar to running with the bulls, there is a surprise at every turn, challenging us to adapt, stay centered, and keep moving forward.

You may end up somewhere you never expected, but you are exactly where you need to be. ❤

Have a great full moon!

Christine Mann (Fire Moon Alchemy) is a gifted intuitive that specializes in tarot, astrology & numerology. She is available for private readings and public & private events. She can be contacted through her website: 

Welcome to Scorpio Season!

The zodiac sign of Scorpio is represented by Death in the tarot major arcana

Welcome to Scorpio season! 10/22/24-11/21/24

If you’ve been feeling the pull to explore the unknown—whether it’s the hidden corners of your own psyche or daring to take a peek behind the veil that separates the physical and spiritual realms, you are not alone. Scorpio energy thrives amidst the mysterious, the macabre, and in unearthing what lies beneath the surface.

Some of these things aren’t so pretty, but life isn’t always rainbows and sunshine, is it? Scorpio season is when we get real with ourselves and others. It’s when we dare to explore what lurks in the shadows, what goes “bump” in the night. We embrace our dark side by embodying our alter ego, whether through costumes, home decor, and even in the way we interact with world around us.

There’s just something about the “vibe” this time of year…

During “spooky” season, we give ourselves permission to step into our more mysterious, powerful selves. We confront the fears and secrets that have been hiding in the corners of our minds by cavorting with them. As we release judgement and accept the invitation to “dance with the devil” for just a little while, we realize that every shadow does indeed, have a lesson to teach.

The major arcana tarot card that is associated with Scorpio is Death. The image on this card can be quite jarring to the uninitiated, but it stands as a powerful symbol of transformation. It is said that death is but a transition of energy from one plane of existence to another. Look closely at the image on this card. Do you see the sunrise in the background, and the flowing waterfall? Death is nothing to fear. The old energy is being cleared out to make room for something new. The process is not always comfortable, but it is necessary.

Scorpio season invites you to reflect on the areas of your life that feel stagnant—whether it’s a job you’ve outgrown, a hobby that no longer excites you, or a friendship/relationship that feels stuck. These aren’t just external challenges; they’re signs that you are undergoing a deep, internal transformation. Scorpio’s energy pushes you to confront what is no longer working and to ask yourself, “What am I ready to release in order to make room for new growth?”

So, what shadows will you be exploring this Scorpio season? And what do you expect to find there? Keep an open mind as you’re bound to encounter some interesting dance partners along the way, all of which have something to teach you. Give yourself permission to engage in the dance; no matter how uncomfortable it feels at first, and trust that every step you take is leading you closer to a more authentic, empowered version of yourself.

Happy Scorpio season everyone!

Christine Mann (Fire Moon Alchemy) is a gifted intuitive that specializes in tarot, astrology & numerology. She is available for private readings and public & private events. She can be contacted through her website:   

Pick-a-card tarot reading

What transformative gifts does the new moon solar eclipse in Libra have in store for you? Take a moment to reflect on the cards and choose the one that most resonates to you. ♎☀️🌕✨

Ok, are you ready? Read your messages below:

Which card are you drawn to? One, two or three?

Card #1: Justice upright

The Justice card from the Rider Waite Smith tarot deck

The Justice card upright is a beacon of light for you during this eclipse, bringing that much-needed balance back into your life. If things have felt a bit off-kilter or unfair lately, fear not—the universe is stepping in to set the scales right. This is a time for clarity and honesty, especially in your relationships and dealings.

You are advised to make decisions that reflect your true values and not to compromise on what matters most to you. Karma is on the move, and what comes around goes around as they say. Trust the process and remember that the truth will always come out. Your justice and/or fair share is on the way and harmony will be restored.

Card #2: The High Priestess

The High Priestess card from the Rider Waite Smith tarot deck

This eclipse is activating your intuitive senses in a big way! The High Priestess encourages you to pay attention to what is NOT being said, so observe more and speak less during this time. A secret may be revealed or perhaps a deeper understanding unfolds, either by spoken word or your inner knowing, revealing a previously hidden truth regarding a person or situation.

Spirit is guiding you with profound wisdom during this time, pay attention to the signs and synchronicities around you; they are not mere coincidences, but messages from a higher source. Your path after this eclipse is illuminated by the light of truth. Trust yourself more, as you hold the keys to your own understanding.

Card #3: The Lovers

The Lovers card from the Rider Waite Smith tarot deck

This eclipse presents a significant choice for you. You may find yourself at a crossroads when it comes to matters of the heart. Whether it’s about love, a partnership, or a major life decision, the path of harmony and truth is calling you. Trust your heart —this may mean taking those first initial steps in a new direction or making bold changes.

This is a pivotal moment of transformation, as the eclipse reveals a path or option that resonates with your soul. Your mind may be mulling over the decision, but deep down, your heart has already made its choice.

Have a great week! ❤

New Moon Solar Eclipse in Libra

Ah, the energy this week feels potent and transformative, and I know you all are feeling it too, with the new moon solar eclipse in Libra on October 2nd as the primary focus. This transit with its themes of balance, harmony, and justice, is inviting you to take a closer look at where things may feel out of sync in your relationships and interactions with others. So, if something feels “off” in your connections; whether with a partner, friend, or business colleague, this new moon solar eclipse will help you to initiate positive changes that recalibrate the scales.

This transit is all about release as it is occurring on the south node axis, encouraging you to let go of what no longer serves your current path. As you move through this week, you may find yourself shedding old habits or ways of relating to others that contribute to unbalanced power dynamics. This energy may manifest for you in subtle ways or something bigger, depending on your experience. Some of you may decide to have that honest heart-to-heart conversation or set a firm boundary that has been long overdue. You may decide to end a relationship, or find fresh, creative ways to work together to strengthen one.

The formation of alliances and adversaries are possible this week! Yes, Libra strives for harmony and balance, but it is also the sign of hidden enemies. Solar eclipses have a way of uncovering things, and we have Mercury in the sign of Libra and Venus in the sign of Scorpio during this time, so don’t be surprised if a sudden shift or revelation comes to light. This may feel destabilizing at first or may come as a confirmation or relief. Whatever the case may be, a beneficial aspect of this transit is that you are well supported to calmly and directly make a solid choice, negotiate more favorable terms, or face an uncomfortable situation head-on.

This is beautiful time of inner transformation for you, as you reclaim your personal sovereignty and align with a more authentic and heart-centered version of yourself.

Some ways you can support yourself this week are:

Setting healthy boundaries by communicating your needs clearly and calmly. You may be tested if others are used to your compromising, so be kind, but firm.

Movement such as gentle yoga, a walk outside, etc. will help you stay grounded and encourage your body to gently release excess energy and emotions. Reiki and energy work can also be extremely supportive during this time.

Prioritize rest. Eclipses are intense which can make you feel more tired than usual. Make space for some extra downtime and avoid overwhelming yourself with social commitments if you are not up to it. It’s okay to say no.

Reach out for support if needed. Talking it out with a friend, relative or your local professional tarot reader (shameless plug), can be a tremendous help to relieve temporary anxiety and pent-up emotions, as well as can offer you valuable insights that bring clarity to a situation.

Engage in something creative that you love to do. Creative outlets are necessary for our well-being. They are therapeutic in their own right, as they nourish our soul.

Crystals you may find helpful to work with are rose quartz, amethyst, citrine, lapis lazuli, hematite, black obsidian, lepidolite, blue lace agate and moonstone.

I love you all, have a wonderful week! ❤

Christine Mann (Fire Moon Alchemy) is a gifted intuitive that specializes in tarot, astrology & numerology. She is currently the Thursday in-house reader at Indigo Moons. She is also available for private readings and public & private events. She can be contacted through her website: 

Pisces Full Moon Eclipse 9/17/24: Messages, Insights & Crystals.

Below is a written transcript of the video:

The Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Pisces on September 17th is the first set of eclipses on the Virgo-Pisces axis that will continue until early 2027. This partial eclipse can also be considered a preview of the energetic signature we can expect to see when the north and south nodes shift away from the current Aries-Libra axis and onto the Pisces-Virgo axis in early 2025.

This transit occurs at 25 degrees in Pisces. Look up this coordinate in your personal natal chart, as this will give you an inkling of what areas of your life will be most affected by this lunar event.

Eclipses are known to facilitate change. As a lunar eclipse, this transit’s effects will be in general, more internalized, or this energy may reveal its wisdom and messages through the people closest to you. Acting as a metaphorical mirror, they may question or challenge you in some way. If this is your experience, pay attention to how you feel and what internal dialogue comes up for you during and after the interaction. Do your best to respond, not react. There is a message and/or lesson here for you. Go ahead and crack open that oyster and discover for yourself, the pearl of wisdom hidden inside.

Vivid dreams, epiphanies and insights are also likely to occur about a week before and after the full moon. Especially for my natural empaths out there. These intuitive “hits” serve as inspiration for new ideas, creative endeavors, plans, goals, healing, innovative solutions, and healthy perspective shifts. Be sure to journal your thoughts so that you can revisit and expand upon them later.

Opposing the moon, is the sun in Virgo, which is helping us to balance out all this watery energy. The Pisces-Virgo axis is where you are encouraged to find a way to bridge the two worlds of the spiritual and the physical, the dreamer and the doer. Even the best ideas need a practical plan of action, to manifest them into reality.

The sun and moon’s square to Jupiter in the sign of Gemini is a challenging aspect that can heighten mental activity during this time. You may be overthinking a situation or are finding it difficult to stay on task. Jupiter in Gemini may also stir up some gossip, so be careful of making assumptions, and do your best to stay in your own lane. This placement can also have you feeling quite energized and over-optimistic, which may have you tempted to take on more than you can realistically handle. If you are noticing any of these signs, this is your message that you need to ground your energy a bit. Take a step back, breathe, and slow down, in order to gain some clarity.

On a supportive note, the sun and moon form a beneficial aspect with Uranus in the sign of Taurus. Uranus, the planet of surprise and innovation, is here to shake things up in a positive way. This aspect is shifting the collective energies to align with opportunities and breakthroughs, especially related to Taurus themes of personal finances, physical health, self-esteem, love, beauty, and personal values.

This full moon transit will likely mark a significant turning point that serves as the catalyst for a positive shift or change. But I want to mention here, that there is no need to rush into a decision or plan (more on this in a moment). This is but the first of an approximately two-year eclipse cycle occurring on the Pisces-Virgo axis. And as I mentioned before, the north and south nodes, officially move onto this axis in January 2025. So, the first of the year, may be an opportune target date for some of you, giving you time to plan and/or prepare accordingly.

On a personal note, I am noticing this transit is having a surreal effect on the collective psyche. To put it simply, things just feel out of sorts right now, not everything is as it seems…

For those of you seeing this, my advice is to consider embodying the qualities of the High Priestess archetype of observing more and saying less for the time being. Her emotions and intuition serve her, not the other way around. Don’t be so quick to reveal your hand. After the full moon, when the energies even out, things will become clearer, and you’ll be glad that you did not succumb to an emotional impulse.

Some crystals that may help you process the heightened emotional and spiritual energy of this full moon lunar eclipse are:

Amethyst: Corresponding to the crown chakra, this stone is known for its calming and spiritual properties. It enhances intuition and one’s connection to the higher realms. Amethyst helps you stay centered and grounded, boosts self-esteem, and aids in overcoming addictions, unhealthy habits and subconscious patterns.

Labradorite: Labradorite with its beautiful flashes of color, helps you release old patterns and embrace change. It offers protection and enhances psychic abilities at the same time, making it an ideal choice to work with when tapping into Pisces dreamy, intuitive energy.

Aquamarine: This blue-green stone supports emotional release and helps you communicate your feelings more effectively. It promotes a healthy balance between your emotions and your practical side, which compliments the full moon lunar eclipse on the Pisces-Virgo axis quite well.

Selenite: This beautiful soft white crystal, is used for cleansing and connecting to higher realms. It is an ideal crystal to use when working with the moon as it is named after Selene, the moon goddess. It clears out negative energy and raises your vibration, allowing you to be a clear channel for spiritual insights and wisdom that may come through in the weeks leading up to and during, this full moon eclipse.

Smoky Quartz: One of my personal favorites, smoky quartz is an excellent grounding stone that neutralizes negative energy and helps to keep you calm and centered mentally and emotionally, which makes it ideal to wear, hold, or have in your space when you need a stabilizing influence.

Red Jasper: This red crystal connects you to the earth and promotes stability, strength, balance and endurance. Corresponding to the root chakra, this stone energizes, yet is grounding at the same time. It helps you stay positive while you navigate life’s challenges and changes, and keeps you focused on moving forward to achieve your goals.

Have a wonderful full moon! ❤

Aries August Tarot Messages: Page of Wands

Page of Wands from the Rider Waite Smith tarot deck

Aries sun and rising, you are feeling a burst of inspiration this month, with the Page of Wands as your tarot card theme. The energetic signature of this card reflects a youthful vibe, someone who is optimistic and open to exploring new paths and ideas.

It corresponds to the element of Fire, which is your element, and the dates associated with this card are July 21st through September 22nd. These dates may be of relevance to some of you. Whatever your current focus is on for the next few weeks, you are being invited to embrace a sense of adventure as you take bold steps out of your comfort zone.

The Page of Wands is a card of intuition and spiritual growth. If you’re feeling restless Aries, it’s likely your soul is urging you to explore different options and to experiment with what truly resonates with you. Something to keep in mind, is that mid-month on the 16th, Mars (your ruling planet) squares off with serious Saturn. This transit combined with Mercury in retrograde, may slow down your progress. If this happens, work with the energy by considering this as your cue to take a step back for a few days. Use this time to review the details of your plans or shift your focus to something else for a bit.

Things will begin to open back up for you, after the full moon in Aquarius on the 19th. By around the 22nd when the Sun enters Virgo, you will be channeling your motivation into decluttering both your mental and physical space, to make room for the changes you are ready to implement.

By the end of August, Aries, you will begin to see a positive shift take place. The full moon on the 19th may have brought with it some new people or fresh perspectives. Mercury will be stationed direct, and Venus will be in Libra, so it will be an auspicious time for you to build solid, supportive partnerships and connections. And this can apply to love, business, or friendships.

Aries, the month of August is setting the stage for new ideas, opportunities, and growth. You have a vision in mind, and the Page of Wands upright as your tarot card theme, is a sign that the universe is encouraging you to pursue it with the passion and enthusiasm that my Aries sun and rising signs are known for! You of all people know in your heart, that all great things start with the spark of inspiration.

Have a great month ❤

Taurus August Tarot Messages: Four of Wands

Four of Wands from the Rider Waite Smith tarot deck

Taurus sun & rising, August looks quite lovely for you as you have the Four of Wands as your tarot card theme. Joyful celebrations, announcements and new, positive timeline shifts are a few things that you can expect to see in the upcoming few weeks. The overall energy I am picking up for you is very positive!

Often the Four of Wands has to do with our relationship connections and spending time with lovers, friends, and family. So you may find this area of your life quite activated right now. Taurus, you know how to have a good time, and The Four of Wands encourages you to have some fun with those that you care about. Invite some friends or family over or go visit them.

As a side note, I am intuitively picking up that some of my Taurus couples and singles out there, haven’t dressed up in a while and either are overdue for a night out or date night, or you could be attending a black-tie event or social function. Whatever the case may be, I do not recommend that you go on a spending spree, but it’s okay to spend a few dollars more on a key piece that is of quality that makes you feel sexy and confident. Knock ‘em dead Taurus, you look fabulous!

If you’ve been considering any changes or improvements to your living area, the next few weeks may have you inspired to make those upgrades, redecorate, or rearrange your furniture to create a more welcoming space with good flow. Some of you are quite talented at DIY projects as well as finding beautiful items at thrift shops. When the work is finished, be sure to invite company over to show off your talents and sense of style!

In your professional life, this card upright is an indication of a “level-up” such as a promotion or raise. Some of my Taurus’ out there, have stepped over the threshold so to speak, by going out on their own, or have accepted a job or position at another place of employment. Stability and a positive work environment are two factors that are indicated when we see the Four of Wands regarding work or career. Good for you Taurus!

Lastly, congratulations are in order, to my couples out there who have gotten engaged or married. As well as my couples who are pregnant or celebrating the arrival of a new family member.

To wrap things up Taurus, in the next few weeks, you will be feeling quite content as you reflect on how far you’ve come. The Four of Wands encourages you to savor this time and celebrate the positive things happening in your life. Remember, that you are laying the foundation for a bright future, so it’s important to maintain that delicate balance between enjoying the present and being mindful of your long-term goals.

This was a beautiful reading Taurus, I am excited about what is coming up next for you!

Have a great month! ❤

Gemini August Tarot Messages: Ten of Swords

Ten of Swords from the Rider Waite Smith tarot deck

Alright, Gemini sun & rising, August brings a sense of finality and closure, with the Ten of Swords as your tarot card theme. It’s interesting as the Ten of Swords is associated with the zodiac sign of Gemini. The dates that correspond with the Ten of Swords are June 11 through June 20th, so these dates may have some significance for you.

This month, you might feel like you’ve hit rock bottom in certain areas of your life. The Ten of Swords is not the most uplifting card, as it often indicates a rough time in your life, sometimes accompanied by or the result of, a betrayal. As we see the character in this card literally has been “stabbed in the back” multiple times.

Don’t worry Gemini, I’m not going to leave you here. Believe it or not, there is a silver lining. The upside to this card is that it marks the end of a difficult cycle. As we see, the character in this card is making the “blessing” hand gesture. In my client readings, when this card comes up, I often tell them “thank goodness it’s over”.

Gemini, is this your message from spirit to let something go, whether it’s an old grudge or painful memory, a toxic situation, person or group, or something else that has reached the end of its cycle. The pain or challenges you’ve been facing have reached their peak or are close to it, and this month, it’s time to shift your focus towards recovery and renewal.

The tens in the tarot indicate endings and new beginnings. The card that comes after this one is the Ace of Swords, which is a Divine energetic vibration that stands for clarity, focus and truth.

As the month progresses, Gemini, you’ll begin to notice that things start to shift, even if it’s just little by little. The Ten of Swords signals that the worst is over, and the only way from here is up. This month is a period of wisdom and healing for you, and though it might be slow, progress is indicated. Every step counts. Again, this is one of the “rougher” cards in the tarot, so Gemini take the time you need to rest and recuperate, both mentally and physically. If you are resonating with this reading, for the next few weeks try to focus on more self-care than usual. Take care of yourself while you mend whatever this is for you. Quiet evenings at home complimented with spending time with positive people and time in nature is indicated for you.

By the end of August, you will see the light at the end of the tunnel. As I mentioned before, the Ace of Swords is next in the progression, indicating that new opportunities that align with your new path and goals, will begin to present themselves, and you’ll feel a sense of relief as the heavy burdens of the past begin to lift.

Remember, Gemini, that this card, though challenging, also represents resilience. You may be down temporarily, but you are not out. The end is at hand and know that you will be back up on your feet very soon. A fresh, new start is on the horizon. Take the time you need to go through the appropriate process whether this is healing, closure or both. But also know that the combined energy of the Ten of Swords and the Ace of Swords is supporting you as you step into a new chapter of your life, wiser and stronger than before.

Take care of yourself this month, you got this. ❤