Aquarius Tarot Messages for August 2024: Eight of Swords

Eight of Swords from the Rider Waite Smith tarot deck

Hi Aquarius sun & rising! This month, the Eight of Swords is your tarot theme. This card often represents feeling stuck or limited, but don’t worry, the eights in the tarot signify change and transformation. It’s not all doom and gloom. Often this card indicates a time where we may not have all the information to make an informed decision or there are other factors that may be affecting our emotions and/or confidence. We have all felt this way at one time or another. The upside to this card Aquarius, is that it symbolizes the power of the mind. Indicating that that it is within your power to shift your perspective and overcome whatever this is that is holding you back.

In your work or career, Aquarius, you might feel like you’re in a bit of a rut at the moment. We have Mercury in retrograde this month, which can exasperate these energies even more, so keep this in mind. But, perhaps this is something that has been ongoing for a while. For example, some of you may have hit a glass ceiling at your job or in your career, you could be dealing with a problematic supervisor or co-workers, there could a lack of communication or transparency, etc. This card denotes challenges Aquarius, however you are known for your brilliant mind and creative thinking, and The Eight of Swords here suggests there may be alternative options or solutions that you have not considered yet. Sometimes, asking for help or getting a fresh perspective can make all the difference. It won’t take long for you to realize that you have more control over your situation than you think.

When it comes to your personal life and relationships, this card reminds you to communicate openly and honestly. If you’ve been feeling misunderstood or restricted in your relationships, or maybe there has been some emotional distance, now’s the time to speak up. Having a calm, clear, honest conversation can help you break through any barriers. If you are single, this is my classic on and off “ghosting” card (respect the dead – block their number and leave them be). If you are seeing someone, you are being advised to get to know this person better or verify the information that they have provided to you before making any agreements and/or commitments.

Psychologically, this is a powerful card. The Eight of Swords encourages you to look inward and identify any self-limiting thought patterns, habits or philosophies that might be holding you back. This card compliments the Mercury retrograde energetic themes (review, retrospection, reassess) and as the full moon on the 19th is in your zodiac sign, The Eight of Swords encourages you to practice self-compassion and discernment. This full moon is square Uranus, which makes its energy a bit unpredictable and prone to surprising reveals. Step back, take a deep breath and gather your thoughts and emotions.

Notice the woman in this card has her eyes covered? This is standing out to me. You may want to avoid making life altering decisions as your judgement may be clouded by a distorted perspective or you may not have all the information you need yet to make an intelligent, informed choice. Try to postpone whatever this is for you, towards the end of the month as this will give you the extra time you need and you will have the added benefit of having the full super moon in Aquarius behind you, and Mercury going back direct at this time.

Have a great month! ❤