Scorpio Super Full Moon 4/26/21

Full Super Moon in Scorpio 4/26/21. Letting it go!

We have a powerful Super Full Moon in Scorpio tonight! You may have already been feeling it’s effects as full moon energy tends to culminate for about 3 days beforehand. Scorpio is a sign of analyzing, releasing and transformation, and its element is fixed water. The moon’s element is also water, so we may be feeling more psychically sensitive right now. It is important to be aware of your own emotions as well as what is going on with the people around you. We may inadvertently pick up on the energies of other people and internalize them, not realizing that they are not ours.

We can attune to this Scorpio full moon energy to release subconscious attachments that may have served their purpose in the past, but no longer “fit” us in the present. I picture these energies like saran wrap “sticking” on our energetic body that may have us feeling anxious and/or restricted in some way. Use the powerful frequencies of this full moon to cleanse your physical and energetic body, which will allow you to better connect with yourself. Clearing the layers to uncover your true potential.

This is the perfect moon to work with the element of water. If you are able, prepare a cleansing spiritual bath! Include epsom salt, crystals, essential oils, sea salt, candles, incense and time where you will not be disturbed (extremely important!) to allow yourself to tune in and go deep. To acknowledge what it is that you feel may be holding you back at the present time, and that you are now ready to let go of. You may even want to write down what this is for you, meditate on it, and then do a releasing ritual to let it go.

Some of these Scorpionic energies are not comfortable! In the tarot, Scorpio is represented by the Death card. Facing death is never easy. And death is not pretty. However, death and rebirth is a part of life. You may find some unanticipated aspects come up for you during this time. Some of which you may not even know were there! Or perhaps you thought they have already been dealt with and done. During your meditation, do not deny what comes up, even though it may be uncomfortable or painful. Dive in, allow yourself to feel, explore, understand what they are and why they have come up. Are these deep emotional aspects affecting your life now? Are they showing up as “triggers” to let you know that they are there, waiting for you to acknowledge them so they can be released? It’s okay, cry, get upset, FEEL it, know it. Surrender to it. Ask for help from God, Source, your higher self, angels, guides, whomever who connect with. Let those emotions flow! This is why making sure you have time alone is important. Some of these energies can get chaotic on an internal level. It’s deeply personal.

I received the image of the Ace of Cups in the Tarot just now as I am writing this. Allowing one’s cup to overflow and release these internal aspects to allow the gift of divine healing to flow in.  This is why self-care is so important under this Scorpio Full Moon energy. Scorpionic transformation is not easy. Wrap yourself up in compassion and love.

You will find once these aspects have been examined on such a deep, powerful level, they soon start to transition through. You have gone through the Scorpio underworld and now, you are walking through the light at the end of the tunnel at this particular phase in your life. You realize the battles you have been up against, were internal and not necessarily external. You are different now. Transformed. You have a deep understanding and much more compassion for yourself and others and a new inner wisdom that you did not have before. This is the experience of Scorpio transformation that you may have read about, but never experienced. Until now.

Scorpio goes deep. Really deep!

Ruling planet: Mars (traditional), Pluto

Candle Colors: Brown, purple, black, red, maroon or burgundy

Crystals: Rose quartz, selenite, rhodochrosite, aquamarine, bloodstone, black tourmaline, labradorite, red jasper, smoky quartz, carnelian, sodalite, moonstone, aragonite, apache tear, topaz, jet, amethyst, shungite, amazonite, rutilated quartz

Herbs: Sage, clove, basil, lavender, vanilla, rose, rosemary, mugwort, pine

Tarot Cards: Death, Five of Cups

Scorpio motto: “I desire”