Below is a written transcript of the video:
The Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Pisces on September 17th is the first set of eclipses on the Virgo-Pisces axis that will continue until early 2027. This partial eclipse can also be considered a preview of the energetic signature we can expect to see when the north and south nodes shift away from the current Aries-Libra axis and onto the Pisces-Virgo axis in early 2025.
This transit occurs at 25 degrees in Pisces. Look up this coordinate in your personal natal chart, as this will give you an inkling of what areas of your life will be most affected by this lunar event.
Eclipses are known to facilitate change. As a lunar eclipse, this transit’s effects will be in general, more internalized, or this energy may reveal its wisdom and messages through the people closest to you. Acting as a metaphorical mirror, they may question or challenge you in some way. If this is your experience, pay attention to how you feel and what internal dialogue comes up for you during and after the interaction. Do your best to respond, not react. There is a message and/or lesson here for you. Go ahead and crack open that oyster and discover for yourself, the pearl of wisdom hidden inside.
Vivid dreams, epiphanies and insights are also likely to occur about a week before and after the full moon. Especially for my natural empaths out there. These intuitive “hits” serve as inspiration for new ideas, creative endeavors, plans, goals, healing, innovative solutions, and healthy perspective shifts. Be sure to journal your thoughts so that you can revisit and expand upon them later.
Opposing the moon, is the sun in Virgo, which is helping us to balance out all this watery energy. The Pisces-Virgo axis is where you are encouraged to find a way to bridge the two worlds of the spiritual and the physical, the dreamer and the doer. Even the best ideas need a practical plan of action, to manifest them into reality.
The sun and moon’s square to Jupiter in the sign of Gemini is a challenging aspect that can heighten mental activity during this time. You may be overthinking a situation or are finding it difficult to stay on task. Jupiter in Gemini may also stir up some gossip, so be careful of making assumptions, and do your best to stay in your own lane. This placement can also have you feeling quite energized and over-optimistic, which may have you tempted to take on more than you can realistically handle. If you are noticing any of these signs, this is your message that you need to ground your energy a bit. Take a step back, breathe, and slow down, in order to gain some clarity.
On a supportive note, the sun and moon form a beneficial aspect with Uranus in the sign of Taurus. Uranus, the planet of surprise and innovation, is here to shake things up in a positive way. This aspect is shifting the collective energies to align with opportunities and breakthroughs, especially related to Taurus themes of personal finances, physical health, self-esteem, love, beauty, and personal values.
This full moon transit will likely mark a significant turning point that serves as the catalyst for a positive shift or change. But I want to mention here, that there is no need to rush into a decision or plan (more on this in a moment). This is but the first of an approximately two-year eclipse cycle occurring on the Pisces-Virgo axis. And as I mentioned before, the north and south nodes, officially move onto this axis in January 2025. So, the first of the year, may be an opportune target date for some of you, giving you time to plan and/or prepare accordingly.
On a personal note, I am noticing this transit is having a surreal effect on the collective psyche. To put it simply, things just feel out of sorts right now, not everything is as it seems…
For those of you seeing this, my advice is to consider embodying the qualities of the High Priestess archetype of observing more and saying less for the time being. Her emotions and intuition serve her, not the other way around. Don’t be so quick to reveal your hand. After the full moon, when the energies even out, things will become clearer, and you’ll be glad that you did not succumb to an emotional impulse.
Some crystals that may help you process the heightened emotional and spiritual energy of this full moon lunar eclipse are:
Amethyst: Corresponding to the crown chakra, this stone is known for its calming and spiritual properties. It enhances intuition and one’s connection to the higher realms. Amethyst helps you stay centered and grounded, boosts self-esteem, and aids in overcoming addictions, unhealthy habits and subconscious patterns.
Labradorite: Labradorite with its beautiful flashes of color, helps you release old patterns and embrace change. It offers protection and enhances psychic abilities at the same time, making it an ideal choice to work with when tapping into Pisces dreamy, intuitive energy.
Aquamarine: This blue-green stone supports emotional release and helps you communicate your feelings more effectively. It promotes a healthy balance between your emotions and your practical side, which compliments the full moon lunar eclipse on the Pisces-Virgo axis quite well.
Selenite: This beautiful soft white crystal, is used for cleansing and connecting to higher realms. It is an ideal crystal to use when working with the moon as it is named after Selene, the moon goddess. It clears out negative energy and raises your vibration, allowing you to be a clear channel for spiritual insights and wisdom that may come through in the weeks leading up to and during, this full moon eclipse.
Smoky Quartz: One of my personal favorites, smoky quartz is an excellent grounding stone that neutralizes negative energy and helps to keep you calm and centered mentally and emotionally, which makes it ideal to wear, hold, or have in your space when you need a stabilizing influence.
Red Jasper: This red crystal connects you to the earth and promotes stability, strength, balance and endurance. Corresponding to the root chakra, this stone energizes, yet is grounding at the same time. It helps you stay positive while you navigate life’s challenges and changes, and keeps you focused on moving forward to achieve your goals.
Have a wonderful full moon!