This week: It requires a practical, mature approach…

Tarot message for this week. Expect the unexpected.

The Tower indicates there may be a shakeup this week. The four of pentacles is letting you know that there is a particular focus on finances. Plan a budget and stick to it. Be very mindful of the frenetic energy swirling around us this time of year that encourages people to stress out and overspend.   

The Tower and the four of pentacles are encouraging you be frugal with your finances, so that you are not caught off guard should something unexpected come up. Do not spend money on the premise of an expected bonus, job or raise. It may not come through or may be delayed. If extra finances do come in,  consider putting it in savings, instead of spending it.  Fours correspond with The Emperor in the Major Arcana. This denotes a mature, responsible approach in regards to a situation. Hope for the best, prepare for the worst. And you will weather any storm that comes about with stability and grace.

Some of you may have a sudden insight and make the decision this week to break out of traditional holiday festivities this year. Most likely due to finances and/or travel restrictions. Sit down and come up with a plan that works for you. This is a practical matter, not one of the heart. Some of you will incorporate technology into your plans. Although you may receive some resistance at first from those you love, you are in a strong position to shift this matter into a positive direction. A win-win compromise that is more in alignment with our current social paradigm.

I hope this message was helpful, have a great week!

Messages for the 12/4/21 New Moon Solar Eclipse

Cards for the New Moon Solar Eclipse on 12/4/21

I decided to pull some cards for the new moon solar eclipse coming up on 12/4/21. I am using the Moon Mansion Oracle and the Spirit Animal Oracle to aid me in this reading.  

The nine of wands is the tarot card associated with this transit. It’s interesting that the planetary energies of this tarot card is moon in Sagittarrius. So we have the illusive watery moon energy literally mixing with the fiery sign of Sagittarius.

On a collective level, there are some big energies transpiring with this transit. With the powerful Goddess Kali in the mix, we are sure to witness an uptake of chaotic energy. This transformation process that is happening now, is not an easy one. As a collective, we have been clamoring for change for a good while now, but this will not be without its price. Literally the notation for the Kali card is “If you fight, you will have to pay the price”. But what is the price if one does not fight? The nine of wands stands alone, indicating that he believes in his position. He is willing to stand alone to defend it. I think we are contemplating this question as a society at this time. The rights of the individual within the context of a larger societal structure.

The next card in the wands progression is the ten of wands. This is a card of too much work, burdens, responsibilities, indentured servitude. So many are working, working, working, just to keep their heads above water. The collective is still recovering from the events from 2020-2021, and now we are seeing inflation in the form of higher gas prices, food prices, higher taxes, cost of living increases, etc. Yet, wages have not kept up for the most part. We see the Nine of Wands card looking at the Butterfly Spirit as if he is holding strong, but battle weary. Sagittarius energy is known for it’s optimistic outlook. But as we progress through the tarot to the next card, the ten of wands, this is where literally see this character in the nine of wands, progresses to the point of where it is too much. He literally cannot carry the burden anymore. The natives are getting restless. Something’s got to give.

The image in my minds eye that I see is of two sides of a coin. With the sun being the coin. We have a building up of energy as the moon moves closer to the sun, then a period of darkness during the transit, and then as the moon moves through, we are shown the “flip side of the coin” so to speak. Be prepared for new information coming to light, breaking news stories, as well as people changing their opinions, saying one thing and doing another, as well as an increase in “mysterious deaths” and a rise of prominent people being targeted for standing up for their personal truth, philosophies and beliefs. There is an undercurrent of the beginnings of a change. It’s subtle now, but it’s there.

On a more individual level, it is important to rest at this time, as we see this message in the Black Moon card. This transit can be draining on sensitives. You may be feeling physically tired and/or mentally overwhelmed. We are receiving a huge download of information from the cosmos. I literally feel that the collective, depending on the spiritual elevation of the individual of course, is receiving an upgrade.

I would not necessarily recommend conducting any spells or magickal workings during this transit. As the results may end up different than what you anticipated. I equate this to attempting to continue to work on a computer, while it is in the middle of an update. You may save the file and it seems okay, only to have it be “off” in some way when you open it again, such as the spacing is different, the fonts have changed, the icons have moved, etc. Or you may discover, that the file did not save at all.  

Some people may disagree with me on this of course. This is just my personal opinion. Do what feels right for you.

I feel this is also not a good time for sudden big decisions or serious talks. Seriously, wait a couple of days. You may come out on the other side of this transit with a different perspective. The sun and moon energies here have a push/pull effect. Being impetuous will not serve you well. It may leave you wondering what the heck were you thinking? See how this character on the Precipice card is heading towards Kali? Whoops! Don’t push it. Trust in the process. See how the Nine of Wands is standing still, while remaining alert? You may need to use your discernment and pick your battles wisely. You may discover it wasn’t quite such a big deal after all, after you have a nutritious meal and a good night’s sleep.

On the flip side, I feel if you have already been working on something up to this point, it will progress and/or transform naturally into a new beginning and/or opportunity. This message came through in my tarot post on Monday. This may require you to transform your perspective as was mentioned. I think it is interesting that on Monday, we had the eight of swords with her blindfold over her eyes. And here, we see the nine of wands, without any encumbrance to his vision, looking at the Butterfly Spirit card. I see this, in this context, as the building up to the solar eclipse, and then symbolically as the moon covers and then moves past the sun, this is removing the temporary blindfold that we saw in the eight of swords. So again, if you are already in the process of making a decision or change, you are literally the caterpillar in the cocoon. These energies are in already in process and will unfold naturally during this transit. The other side of this eclipse may present you with a positive opportunity, that will allow you to see for yourself just how capable and valuable you are. You emerge as the butterfly.

As we know, not everyone is aware, or what we call “awake”. However this energy will still be affecting the collective. As such, you may notice erratic behavior in some people, and we may see more of this shown in the media. It will be important for you to step back from this. Many of the media stories will be construed in a way to distract you and trigger emotions. Keep in mind, not all is what it seems. Stay alert in public places and while driving. There is a potential for injuries as well as crime during this transit. No need to be paranoid, just pay attention to your surroundings.

The physical body is a focus at this time. Work on staying physically grounded. Exercise, mundane activities and eating small nutritious meals throughout the day will be helpful. Be sure and step away from electronics for a while every day. As a collective, I feel most of our energy has been in the mental realms for the past year or so. We’ve got to get back into our bodies to balance this out. The upcoming Scorpio/Taurus transits in 2022 will highlight the area of physical health.  

I hope this information was helpful to you as we approach the final solar eclipse of 2021!

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Feel the fear & do it anyway

Tarot cards for this week: Ace of Pentacles, Eight of Swords, Rhino Spirit

The tarot cards today are indicating that there is an opportunity for some of you this week. But it will require you to step outside your comfort zone. Rhino spirit is your message that you are strong and capable. Show the Universe that you are serious about making a change in your circumstances, by taking the initiative to get the ball rolling. If an opportunity comes your way, especially in the area of work, career, money, business, etc. don’t let your self-imposed fears or perceived limitations stop you from acting on it.

Astrology wise, we have both the sun and mercury in optimistic Sagittarius. And even though the image we see in the eight of swords looks disheartening, the planetary energies of this card is Jupiter in  Gemini, which is the opposite zodiac sign of Sagittarius. So there is quite a bit of energetic support this week that is making it’s appearance in the cards! Take advantage of it!

When the eight of swords appears in a reading, it indicates that a change in perspective is needed to turn a situation around.  Our lady in bondage is required to save herself by calling up determination and courage from within, to take that first step out of her self-imposed prison. I see the Ace of Pentacles here as a metaphorical “carrot” dangling in front of her. To encourage her to remove the blindfold and proceed forward. She will then see there is a light at the end of the tunnel. But it will not come to her. She must go to it. Sagittarius is a sign of a positive mental outlook, as well as forward momentum.

The Rhino Spirit oracle card as the base energy of the reading, came out to encourage you. Rhino energy breaks through limitations and obstacles. However, all movement requires a catalyst. Take that first step. You will see it is not as difficult or as scary as you think it is.  

Sometimes the best thing that ever happened to us, lies just one step on the other side of our fears.

In other words, feel the fear and do it anyway.

Have a great week!

To schedule a personal tarot reading with Texas Tarot Lady, please go to the website:

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This week’s tarot message: Patience is a virtue!

The Hanged Man: Patience is a virtue!

You may be feeling a little “stuck” or frustrated this week. Expect delays regarding the home, finances, news on a job opportunity, inheritance or a court case. Tensions may be high amongst family members. Stay out of the fray as much as you can

Some of you may be frustrated at your current circumstances which stemmed from influences that were outside of your control. Most likely this has something to do with finances, as we have the ten of pentacles reversed in this reading. It is what it is. But you do have an opportunity here to gather your resources and to come up with a solid plan as to how you can successfully turn this situation around.

I feel that others of you may be on the verge of a breakthrough or you will receive some news soon. But as of this week, you need to be patient. You have sacrificed quite a bit and are ready to reap some rewards! You will, but only if you allow the process to mature. To act hastily, may jeopardize all the of hard work you have put in so far. Stick to your strategy. ❤

This week’s message: Protection in your circle

Video version of this week’s post
Queen of Swords reversed came up this week! Be aware…

This week’s message is to protect your energy in your “circle” i.e., the area of relationships. This does not necessarily only pertain to partners in love, this can apply to any area in one’s life wherein you are relating with others. Any group dynamic: Work, family, business partners, departments, group projects, etc.

The Queen of Swords reversed, can indicate someone who is overly critical, demanding and/or insecure. This person may treat others unkindly and then make excuses for their behavior. In a work, group or career situation, the Queen of Swords reversed is the person who stabs others in the back to get ahead. Or she may put others down for their ideas and then turn around and present them as her own to receive the credit for them. She may abuse her authority and/or position. This person feels threatened when others are in the limelight. The Queen of Swords reversed has a lot of insecurities underneath her persona. Make no mistake though, she got where she is by being smart and cunning. Do not underestimate this person. This is someone who needs to be handled very carefully. They can do a lot of damage with that sword.

As we move on, next we see the six of wands, in the center of the reading, riding towards the three of pentacles. Protect your precious ideas and plans. If you are currently on the receiving end of this Queen of Swords reversed energy, know there is a reason for it. You are confident and self-assured because your ideas are good! You may be receiving positive attention and respect from others for them. Perhaps you just got a promotion or are being considered for one. This can be enough to attract the “evil eye” from others that may be envious of your success and/or your current path.

In close, interpersonal relationships, you may have someone around you that tends to be critical of you and/or your ideas. You may want to keep your plans to yourself for now, at least until they are a little further along.

It’s better to share with others “what you have accomplished”, rather than “what you are planning to do”.

Hold your head high and keep moving forward. Above all, do not let negativity from the Queen of Swords reversed creep in, which may tempt you to stoop to their level. The two of swords underneath this reading indicates that one should pause and think before making decisions and/or taking action this week. With the Queen of Swords reversed in this reading, you may not have all the facts, or perhaps the information you have received is incorrect or misguided. On the other hand, it is advised that you keep your own words to a minimum.

So this week, it is advised for you to be aware of whom you share your creative ideas and future plans with. Somebody in your circle may not have your back right now. This is certainly not to make anyone paranoid, just aware. This is a general reading, so this message may or may not be applicable to you. Please use your discernment.

As a final note, today, Mars is in the 4th deacon of Libra. This corresponds to the four of swords. Fiery Mars is being asked to lay low this week. The four of swords is a card of self-care, renewal and also one of tapping into one’s higher self, divine spirit, angels and guides. It is an energy of quiet contemplation. You will be glad that you kept things “cool” this week! We’ve have some interesting astrological transits coming up in November. These energies will very likely disclose some information that will prove revealing to say the least.

I hope this reading was helpful! Have a great week!

If you would like to book a personal reading with me, my contact information is below.


Tarot message for this week: Let it go and begin your hero’s journey

Tarot message for the week of 10/18/21

This week the theme is forgiveness. I do not mean forget by any means, but The Hierophant is asking you to come to a deeper understanding of what you have learned and to grow from it.

The Queen of Swords reversed can be an angry, internalized energy. Her bitterness over what happened in the past clouds her judgement. Instead of acknowledging the wisdom of the experience and using it to elevate herself, she keeps her minds eye in the past, wherein her perception of how powerful she truly is becomes distorted.

We see the Knight of Cups riding forward indicating movement. The truth is, no matter how much we long to, we cannot change the past. The full moon in Aries this week on October 20th, which is occurring just a few days before Scorpio season, is encouraging you to initiate a new cycle. If you are resonating with this reading, spirit has been showing you this entire time, that you have what it takes to be your own hero. And the full moon in Aries is giving you the courage to have faith in yourself and to begin the hero’s journey. 

Have a wonderful week everyone!

Tarot & Oracle Message of the Week: Personal Sovereignty & Balance

Weekly message for 10/04/21: Death & The Hierophant. Two powerful energies!

This week, reassess who you are NOW. Death is a reminder, that the cycles of change are always in motion. Is it time to establish a new paradigm? The Hierophant has showed up in the center of this reading to give you the discipline and focus as well as the acknowledgement of your spiritual sovereignty to do just that. It appears, that the time has come for some of you to clear out the cobwebs of how it’s always been and establish some new ground rules in your life!

The first step is to clean up your space. Do you have things around you that reflect who you USED to be? Clothes, shoes, home décor, books you no longer read, etc. Things you have outgrown. Psychologically, allowing these items to remain in our space, can effect us on a subconscious level. Causing us to procrastinate, when it comes to taking the actions necessary to implement the changes that our soul is calling us to do. Ya’ll know what I am talking about. If you are resonating with this reading, The Hierophant and The Witch’s Hat cards indicate that you have already been receiving the intuitive downloads!

For some of you, these promptings from spirit have given you an amazing amount of vitality. Inspired and energized, you have been ready for this for a while! For others of you, the messages you are receiving may be more difficult to accept. But deep down, you know they are right. Trust it. That there are some areas in your life that need an upgrade to bring it back into balance. Particularly in those areas wherein you may have knowingly or unknowingly given your power away and/or even dimmed your beautiful light so that you would be safe.

But as old clothes eventually go out of style or just no longer fit anymore, neither do some of the agreements, behavior patterns, relationship dynamics, self-limiting thoughts, beliefs, etc. from the past, fit the person that you are NOW. And more importantly, these certainly do not fit the person that you are going to be in the future!

This is an intense week to allow Death to do what it does. Clear out the old, musty debris so new growth can begin. Death and The Hierophant are asking you to have faith in yourself and in the universal transformative cycle of life and death. If you need to talk to someone, The Hierophant can indicate meeting with a member of the clergy, a counselor, a trusted spiritual advisor, or a wise older relative. Speaking to someone and obtaining an outside perspective can prove to be very helpful!

This week, and for some of you, the entire month of October, may be the time to let some things metaphorically die. Especially if they are in conflict with your new, future goals. This is the time to set some healthy boundaries and say no! Call back your power and bring your emotional, spiritual, mental and physical scales back into balance.

What a powerful message this week!

Five of cups & Fox Spirit: A matter of perspective. Think on your feet!

The clever fox & five of cups.

Your emotions may be getting in the way of facing a difficult truth or decision. Is it time to move on? You may also be looking at something through the lens of a limited perspective. Lamenting a loss, rather than what you stand to gain. Look around you. It appears there is an opportunity that is waiting for you to notice it. It may require your taking some sort of action and/or think outside the box.

When you see an opportunity take advantage of it. Do not make excuses. For we can always come up with reasons not to do something. If you listen to that inner critic, you may be talking yourself out of just the thing that has the potential of creating better circumstances for you!

Just as the fox uses quick action and its wits to obtain what it needs, now is your time to do the same. Pick up those two cups behind you and find out what treasures are waiting for you inside that castle that is just beyond the bridge over troubled waters. ❤🦊🗝🥂

“If a window of opportunity appears, don’t pull down the shade” Tom Peters

Tarot message this week: Tenacity & growth

Skunk & Badger are two very tenacious energies!

Tenacious animal spirits Skunk & Badger along with the Knight of Swords and The World indicate you are ready for a new cycle in your life. Leave behind any thoughts of self-limitation or patterns from the past that may have held you back. You have learned those lessons and have graduated from them. Are you ready to step into your new timeline and take the action required to accomplish what it is that you want to do? You have what it takes as far as your skills and talents go. It’s just a matter of having the confidence and drive to turn those dreams into a reality.

Don’t let anyone or anything get in your way! Adopt the attitude of the Badger and Skunk. These animals are very unassuming and tend to mind their own business, unless provoked. But whomever is foolish enough to bother them, soon regrets it! LOL!  Seriously though, you’ve got this. The Knight of Swords has your back. He is riding through the past like a warm knife through butter. Cutting away those things that are no longer a part of who you are now.

The Page of Pentacles realizes that what is he holding is valuable. Look at the way he looks at that pentacle. He knows that the foundation of a new and better future is in his (your) hands.   

“I don’t care what I allowed in the past. Try me today”

Would you like to schedule a personal session with me? Virtual readings are available by phone, computer, etc. It’s super easy, I just text you a meeting link. Enjoy the comfort of a face to face professional tarot reading in the comfort of your own space!

Prices are $25 for 15 minutes or $50 for 30 minutes. Additional time is $1.50 per minute. Text for appointment 832-390-4792. Or contact me through my website, email: [email protected] or social media. Thank you!

Welcome to Virgo season!

Virgo season! Party’s over time to get real.

Welcome to Virgo season! Virgo comes in after we have had our fun in the sun during Leo season. She comes in after the party so to speak, to put things back in order. It’s time to stop playing and get back to work. She reminds us to be realistic about our future and to make plans accordingly so that we are prepared for it when it arrives.

In the past, this was a busy time. The fall season is when the ancient ones would come together as a community to help one another can fruits and vegetables, cure meats, and dry grains to prepare them for storage to ensure they had enough to eat during the barren winter months.

The fable of the ant and the grasshopper is a good example of the zodiac transition from Leo to Virgo.

Virgo is a mutable sign that denotes transition, so you may feel the urge to “tweak” any plans or projects currently in progress during this time. Or perhaps you get inspired to clean out that closet or spare bedroom. To make things easier, more efficient, more organized. Clear the clutter by selling or donating items that you no longer use or need. And/or get moving on taking care of those repairs around the house that you may have been putting off.

Be aware of excess spending at this time. It’s interesting that August/September coincides with “back to school” season for many families. When the responsibility of ensuring the children have what they need for the school year is the primary focus for the family funds. This is another example of how Virgo reminds us of discipline and preparedness.

Virgo is also the sign of health, holistic medicine, the physical body and healing. Once the work has been completed, give yourself some down time if you are feeling drained. This may require you to put your needs first for a little while (Virgos sometimes need to be reminded of this). Go ahead, take that time out. You may need to limit interactions with other people and/or social media to allow your mind, body and spirit to recharge. On the flip side, you may need to limit distractions so that you can get some things done!

Virgo is the parent that tells everyone its time for bed at the slumber party. We all moan and complain and beg to stay up for just a little while longer. But they know that if we do not get our rest tonight, that we will be exhausted and cranky the next morning! And we need our rest because we have things to do tomorrow!

Virgo prepares us for the next sign, Libra. Which is the sign of balance. Life is meant to be enjoyed, but we must also be realistic about it too. To enjoy the fruits of our labor, we must first put in the labor! We are then open to receive the harvest of all the good things that life has to offer.

“Luck and success is when preparation meets opportunity”

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