New moon in Sagittarius one tarot card pull: 6 of Wands

6 of Wands from the Rider Waite Smith tarot deck

The new moon in Sagittarius is occurring tonight at 4:57 PM Central time.

The six of wands tarot card paired with tonight’s Sagittarius new moon is a breath of fresh air!

Victory, courage & success is the theme here. You’ve been there, done that. What’s next? You’re ready to move forward and find out!

This new moon begins the waxing cycle for the next 2 weeks. So set an intention for what you would like to increase or attract to you during this time. Road openers, glamour spells, money magic, good health, spiritual work, self-improvement, etc. would pair up quite nicely with this tarot card & new moon combination.

This cycle ends with the full moon in Gemini on December 7th. That’s when you will have a chance to review your progress and/or set a new intention.

Here are a few helpful correspondences to help you “tap in” to this new moon:

Six of Wands: Jupiter in Leo (expansion, luck, sun, courage, confidence, success, leadership, fire energy)

Candle Colors: Orange, yellow, red, green, gold, white. Or a road opener candle as I mentioned above.

Crystals: Carnelian, citrine, clear quartz, red jasper, amber, sunstone, orange calcite, pyrite, goldstone, ametrine, tigers eye, lodestone, any crystals in your personal collection that bring you “luck”. If you currently have a lodestone in your collection, this is a good night to “feed it”.

Incense/Herbs: Frankincense, dragons blood, copal, cedar, rosemary, sage, star anise, clove, ginger, cinnamon, juniper, calendula, lemon grass, dandelion, angelica, basil, bay leaf, hyssop, nutmeg, orange, peppermint.

Have a great new moon everyone!

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