New Moon in Gemini 6/6/24

The Nine of Swords is the tarot card theme for the new moon in Gemini 6/6/24

New moons generally signify new beginnings. This new moon is in the sign of Gemini, which invites us to explore our communications and thought processes. The tarot card associated with this transit is the Nine of Swords, which signifies anxiety, stress, and overthinking.

While this tarot card theme might seem less than positive (hang in there with me), it addresses the need of having open, honest conversations with others as well as ourselves, to get what is bothering us out in the open so it can be addressed and cleared.

The numerology on this date is interesting as it is a “6/6” frequency portal, which aligns this new moon nicely with the themes of harmony, love, beauty, relationships, decisions, and communication. The number “6” corresponds to The Lovers card in the tarot major arcana, which is a Gemini card that reflects these same themes.

This transit squares the planet Saturn, which adds a serious tone to the conversation. Saturn’s influence might feel heavy, but it reminds us to keep our emotions in check, so that we can think critically. Oftentimes, we can be our own worst enemy, if we let our imagination and “worst case” scenarios continue unfettered in our mind. The nine of swords tarot card often indicates a lack of information or facts, or that the truth of a matter is not being addressed. Note how her hands are covering her eyes…

Saturn’s influence brings us back down to earth with a dose of reality and practicality. Saturn paired with the new moon in Gemini, invites us to clear the mental cobwebs and focus on what is within the realm of our control instead of what is not. It asks us to explore practical solutions and after considering our options carefully, decide on the best course of action to take.

Think of Saturn as the wise mother or grandmother that shakes us out of our “funk” and tells us to get up and get moving!

To lighten things up a bit, since I mentioned The Lover’s card previously, I would be remiss if I did not mention Venus’ influence as she is closely aligned with this new moon! Her presence adds wit and charm to this transit, balancing out Saturn’s cold practicality.

Venus in Gemini loves to communicate, and with Saturn’s influence, she will want to get to the heart of the matter. So if you have had something on your mind lately, perhaps it’s time to communicate your thoughts and/or feelings, call someone you haven’t spoke to in a while, or reach out to mend a strained friendship or relationship.

This new moon is also an opportune time for fresh starts and collaborations with others! Endeavors that align with this energy are reconciliations, spending time with a romantic partner, starting a business or creative project, participating in community activities, taking a class, making an announcement, seeing the local sights, launching a website or social media platform, or forming/joining a network or group, just to name a few. Money matters and gambling are included as well, so if you are feeling lucky, pick up a lottery ticket or two! If you win, consider donating a percentage to a local charity that you resonate with. ❤

For my magically inclined people, this new moon is a powerful time for self-reflection and divination. Take some quiet time to jot down your thoughts and intentions in a journal or notebook. Scrying, automatic writing, meditation, working with tarot & oracle cards, creating sigils, etc. are a few ways you can tap into those mental magic vibes! As Gemini is a mutable energy, if you set intentions or goals, trust in your ability to go with the flow, and to make slight course corrections as needed.

To connect with the energy of this new moon, below are some correspondences that you may find helpful:

Zodiac Sign: Gemini

Element: Mutable Air

Zodiac Symbol: The Twins

Ruling Planet: Mercury

Colors: Yellow, silver, green, white, light blue, Pink (Venus influence)

Crystals: Citrine, Clear Quartz, Aventurine, emerald, chrysocolla, peridot, celestite, aquamarine, blue apatite, larimar, amber, yellow fluorite, yellow jasper, pyrite, tigers eye, opal, agate

Herbs: Rosemary, lavender, peppermint, fennel, eucalyptus, lemongrass

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