Libra August Tarot Messages: Seven of Cups

Seven of Cups from the Rider Waite Smith tarot deck

Hi Libra sun & rising! Your tarot card theme for August is the Seven of Cups. This card symbolizes dreams, options, and sometimes a bit of confusion. You could be daydreaming about different paths you could take, or you may be faced with several opportunities that seem equally appealing.

It’s an exciting time, but it can also feel a bit overwhelming. Dreams and reality merge imperceptibly in this card, making it difficult to know what is real and what is not. Which cup is the right one? Well Libra, it would seem the time has come to explore your options, but it is essential for you to stay grounded and realistic, and not to get lost in your dreamscape.

It’s interesting, as Mercury the planet of communication, thinking and the mind, is retrograde this month in your twelfth house of spirituality and the subconscious, for the first two weeks of the month. I just love how the tarot taps in the universal energies, don’t you? This planetary transit is certainly not much help when it comes to clear-cut decision making. But you can work with this energy by doing some soul-searching that will help you figure out what truly matters to you before making any big decisions. Although Mercury will still be retrograde mid-month, its effects will be lessened which should allow for a little more clarity. Mercury will be stationed direct at the end of the month.

In your professional, school or career life, you might find yourself faced with multiple possible paths. The Seven of Cups suggests that although these options might look appealing on the surface, not all of them will lead to the success you desire. It’s important to weigh your choices carefully and think about your long-term goals. The Seven of Cups reminds you not to rush into decisions without considering the reality behind each choice. Make sure you are not just chasing a fantasy or at the very least, making a choice without having all of the information or relying on someone’s word. There’s an old saying that says “follow your heart but take your head with you”. That euphemism applies here.

When it comes to your love relationships, this month might bring some emotional ups and downs. You could be fantasizing about the perfect relationship or feeling unsure about your current connection.

For my committed couples: The grass is not necessarily greener on the other side. Know that all relationships have their ups and downs. Communication is key to get your relationship back on track. If there are more serious issues, explore professional help options. If you’re single and looking, keep your eyes open but also be aware that perfection in the realm of romance is an illusion. There is no perfect person out there. Real relationships that have true potential, are built on honesty, mutual respect and understanding. And a healthy dose of humor doesn’t hurt either!

Libra, if it is possible to postpone a final decision towards the end of the month, that is optimal. This will allow you extra time to center yourself and gain some clarity, and Mercury retrograde’s influence will be lessened. Stay grounded and realistic, do your research, and the right choice will reveal itself.

Some grounding crystals that you can wear or hold are hematite, smoky quartz, black tourmaline, black obsidian, and agate.

Have a great month! ❤