On 10/1/20, the full moon is in the position of 9 degrees in Aries. The Sun is in the opposite position of 9 degrees in Libra. The major arcana cards associated with Aries and Libra are The Emperor and Justice. The minor arcana cards associated with the decans of the positions of the sun and moon are the two of wands and the two of swords. I also pulled the associated zodiac oracle cards to further enhance the reading. And this powerful spread is the result!

I also want to mention that October, 2020 has two full moons! One on the first, and one on the 31st. Yes, we have a full moon on Halloween this year! These two full moons have a “bookend” affect on the month of October. I received the intuitive impression, of two spotlights shining in the dark, facing each other, casting a downward facing beam of light, illuminating the space between them. Just as one would illuminate one’s property for example, with security lights.
In October, that which has relied on the darkness to remain hidden, will have no where to hide. This is going to be an interesting month for sure! Now, 2020 started off with signs that for the most part, only those with “eyes that see” could understand what was happening. But now, it has become so blatant. To the point, where one would have to be completely blind not to see what is going on! We are in the age of information. I know I have said this before. There is absolutely no excuse for ignorance. The knowledge we seek is available at our fingertips!
Look closely at the Moon and Libra cards, and the Aries and Sun cards. See how these energies reflect the shape of the swords in the two of swords card? X marks the spot. It is time for all of us to step into our squares and reclaim our personal sovereignty. We have a decision to make. Are we going to take off the blindfold and finally open our eyes to see the reality of what is going on? What are we going to do about it? And this is not just about us. More importantly, this is about our children!
The two of wands is a card of looking forward into the future. Look at what is going on in our schools! Kids wearing masks all day long, told to stay six feet away from each other, getting jabbed with vaccines over and over again, sitting at their desks like zombies. Parents, where are you? Is this the environment of “learning” that you want for your children? We have the energies of the moon and the sun here. The moon mother and the sun father. Parents, why are we accepting this? There is nothing more important on this planet than our children. It is the divine responsibility of parents and all of us, whether we are parents or not, to protect the children! They are the future of this planet! When we allow our children to be indoctrinated or harmed in any way, we allow our children, and our future, to be stolen from us.
And this is but one aspect of the energies that we are seeing with this full moon, that is literally being shown in the cards.
To move on, for sure, there is justice going on behind the scenes in the upper echelons of government. Of course, this is not covered in the mainstream. But rest assured, it is happening. I have a feeling, we are going to get a chance to see some of it, in the month of October. But, it will be hidden in plain sight. So, it is imperative for us to not accept at face value what we see and hear. For that is not necessarily what is being communicated. There is one message for the masses, and another for those that see with the “third eye”. Which I like to refer to it as one’s “first eye”. Let me explain.
When one chooses to see with their “first eye”(intuition), this is where you are able to use discernment. Rising above one’s emotional triggers to be able to “read” the signs. This is where the truth is. I love the fact that I am seeing more and more people each day “waking up”. They are learning astrology, symbolism, the true meaning and origin of names, numerology, colors, etc. When we understand these things, the truth of our world is revealed. Knowledge is power.
Knowledge is the compass that directs our personal truth. This is how we embody the energies of The Emperor and Justice within ourselves as individuals. There is a moral standard, a line to which we do not allow others to cross. A line where there is no compromise. This boundary is one that we must set for ourselves. If we do not, then there are plenty of others that are more than happy to tell us where our boundaries are. And it will certainly not be to our benefit!
More and more, I am seeing that people have had enough of the nonsense of 2020. And this is also reflected in the energies of this reading. Personal boundaries as individuals, as well as the boundaries of the collective have been not only crossed, but obliterated! Numerous laws and civil liberties have been broken in 2020. We are seeing the collective starting to fight back now, in the process of filing lawsuits against various government officials and agencies. But much more needs to be done.
The Emperor and Justice with the two of wands and two of swords as the underlying energies is a message for us to open our eyes and see what is going on, and have a vision for the future. If we allow our laws and civil liberties to be continually trampled upon, we will permanently lose the freedoms that our ancestors fought and died for, for us to have.
It is no coincidence that these energies are here as we approach election time! I will not go into detailed politics here, as this is not the focus of what I do. But I will say, that unless one has been wearing their face covering (a.k.a. “mask”), over their eyes, one cannot help but see what is really going on. The travesty of justice in the form of the overreach of power regarding our civil rights as citizens is staggering.
There is a right way and a wrong way to do things. The Emperor and Justice is all about law, order, morality, and justice Including karmic justice of which one aspect of this is universal balance. Karma is the result of our actions. And this includes the result of our INACTION as well. This full moon is reminding us that this is not the time to be passive! The year 2020 translates into 20/20 vision. Do you see what is going on? Enough is enough.
The Moon in Aries and the Sun in Libra is asking us to take action, but reminding us as well, to be smart and follow the law. Take that passion and use it the right way! File lawsuits, use the upcoming elections to vote out the individuals, especially in our state, and local governments that have overstepped their authority, by forcing us to comply with unreasonable doctrines that are unhealthy, economically damaging, and illegal to boot! If you have a child in school, now is the time for all the parents to come together and march into those schools and demand they rescind the recent policies that have been put into place that harm your child’s health and mental well-being! If you are able to home school, look into this a bit more. Things have changed from the old days of kids spending hours doing their schoolwork at the kitchen table. For example, there are many homeschool co-cops that are popping up now. Check to see what options are available in your area. You may be pleasantly surprised.
When we live our truth, we take personal responsibility for ourselves. We do not wait for others to save us. This embodies the Emperor archetype. We decide what we will allow, and what we will not allow. Where is your moral standard? At what point do you decide to stand up for yourself? Where is your boundary for yourself and your family?
This full moon in Aries, is asking us to go within to answer these questions. The sun in Libra reminds us to keep our fiery emotions balanced. Don’t let that passion get the better of you! Controlled fire is the first “bookend” that is in place for the month of October. Spend your precious time and energy wisely. Do not spend it arguing with others on social media, for example! Use that time to look into realistic actions and options that are within your control, that work best for you and/or your family. If you are voting, do your own research on the candidates that are running for office. Don’t fall for the hype. Remember, use your third eye. That will give you 20/20 vision. You will be surprised at what you see once you start digging and doing the research for yourself.
Each tarot card here has a relationship to the number 2. We have some decisions to make. All the tarot cards added together, add up to the number 19. Which in numerology breaks down to the number 10 / 1. This is a critical time for us. One of endings, and new beginnings! Both as individuals and as a collective. We are near the end of 2020. What will 2021 look like for us?
“Stop trying to be less of who you are. Let this time in your life cut you open and drain all of the things that are holding you back.” ~ Jennifer Elisabeth
Thank you Judy! :-))