Chiron Retrograde in Aries

The nine of wands & the four of wands from the Rider Waite Smith tarot deck

Chiron retrograde in Aries from July 26-December 29, 2024, is a powerful time for healing and self-discovery. This period encourages the collective to reflect on old wounds and unresolved issues, particularly those related to our sense of self-identity, our voice and personal power. This is a highly charged time as the astrological dark feminine archetype, Black Moon Lilith accompanies the South node, in the opposite sign of Libra – which represents justice, laws, contracts, marriage and partnerships.

How interesting as during this transit, we appear to be witnessing key core unresolved societal attitudes and power dynamics from the past, currently being brought back up front and center for reevaluation and reassessment.

Chiron “the wounded healer” retrograde in powerful Aries can be a bit triggering as it is a “in your face” type energy. The motto for Aries is “I am” after all. So do your best to be patient with yourself and others as we are all feeling a bit on edge. But on the positive side, the collective is being strongly invited, to witness the events transpiring, that before were hidden behind closed doors and smiling faces, and carefully observe, reflect, and assess your own feelings and thoughts about what you are being shown.

On an individual level, look up your personal natal chart online and find the house where 23 degrees Aries is located. This is the area of your life that will be most personally impacted by Chiron’s retrograde, highlighting where you may need to confront and heal past wounds or challenges to foster your own empowerment, personal growth, and your soul’s evolution. Black Moon Lilith is currently at 3 degrees Libra, so you may find it helpful to include this aspect as well, for additional insights.

If you all would like me to do a post in the future on the astrological aspects of Black Moon Lilith, and how she impacts our natal chart, let me know in the comments! If you would like to schedule a private reading to delve into these energies further, please contact me through my website: ❤