This is a great card for inspiration, passion, creativity, new beginnings and the first step of taking action. Below are the messages I received for today 10/04/19, regarding love, work and personal, when I pulled this card:
Love: The Ace of Wands is a card of inspiration, fire, action. The start of something new. This card in a love reading indicates a fiery energy coming in. This can pertain to a new or current relationship. There is definitely a “spark” here. This card may also indicate seeing someone in a new light. Or a chance meeting that has your heart fluttering! The green buds are the color of the heart chakra. Looks like this may be an interesting Friday night and/or weekend for some of you!
Career/business: This is a great card to pull for career and business! This card indicates creative ideas, inventions, new perspectives, taking action and the beginning of an exciting new venture. You are “fired up” about a new project, business idea or career. I see the green buds on the wand as a potential for making money. This is a green light to begin moving forward with your idea. I especially love this card for entrepreneurs.
Personal: This is THE card for inspiration! There is a newfound passion in your life or it is coming in. I see this card as a personal message that you are starting something new that you are excited about. For example, a new hobby, course of study, a new business, love, travel, etc. Whatever it is that is inspiring you, the Ace of Wands is a signal for you to act on it.