Happy Monday everyone! This week, we have the five of wands complimented by the Moon which currently is in its waning phase.
The message:
This week, focus on what is happening in the here and now and accept a current situation for what it is. You may witness chaos arising within a group dynamic. With the sun in dramatic Leo activating the solar plexus chakra, people in groups may be more aggressive than usual. Inflated egos abound – everyone wants to be on the center stage! If you feel you are not being seen or heard, this may be your signal to go within to give yourself what you need. Sit back and watch the show from a higher perspective. Do not add your fuel to this particular fire. It will burn itself out in due time. Stay in your truth, let the rest go. Observe, listen and learn. By doing this, you will be the one who stands out in the end! The Phoenix that rises from the ashes. This results in a good opportunity for you.
If the five of wands is an internal energy for you right now, understand that you have all the raw ingredients (i.e., potential) to “cook up” something valuable, if you can focus on the present and put aside any preconceived ideas of what is or is not possible. Others may not currently recognize your value. They may say or do things to try to impose limits upon you. Don’t believe it. Sometimes such things are put in our path to motivate us to harness our inner fire and rise with it. Commit to releasing negativity and self-doubt this week. You know your truth, that you have an enormous amount to offer. Shore up those personal boundaries and keep moving forward. Your efforts will be met with success as long as your heart is in the right place.
“One who does not stand in their truth in the midst of chaos, becomes a part of it”
The Hanged Man & Little Owl offer their animal wisdom this week
Good morning everyone! Today, The Hanged Man and Little Owl came out to offer us their wisdom for this week:
The Hanged Man & Little Owl are asking you to examine all aspects of an important decision carefully before taking action. Little Owl helps us to see in the dark, to shed light on our “blind spots”. This is why Owl wisdom has been a companion of Shamans and Goddesses throughout the ages.
Something here requires a closer look. What are you not seeing or considering? If you are feeling a bit “stuck” right now, consider this a blessing that gives you time to think this through, and/or obtain the advice and wisdom of an impartial, outside source such as a trusted friend, parent, counselor or mentor. They may offer an alternative viewpoint which sheds a light into those dark areas. This allows you to see all the options available to you through a multifaceted lens.
Although ultimately the decision is yours to make, considering the advice from others that you respect, will enable you to choose the path that will be most beneficial in the long term.
The crystal I chose for this message is Septarian. Considered one of the “shaman stones” its ancient wisdom helps to regulate the balance, between the mind, body and spirit. It’s grounding effects calms any excess energy arising from the emotions and ego, so that one is open to receive higher wisdom & guidance.
Planetary association: Venus in Scorpio (Opportunities and excess)
Crystals: I chose rose quartz and peacock ore for this message
You have an opportunity to shine as you have many gifts and abilities and are now in a position to utilize them to great advantage. A project you undertake now has the potential to be very successful. If you remain modest, and do not let success go to your head, help will be available to enable you to achieve your goals. Pay attention to detail. Be realistic in your expectations of yourself and other people. Live according to your highest values, stay away from gossip and drama, and fortune will smile upon you. Be willing to support as well as lead.
Take a moment, relax and choose a feather that resonates with you. Each divine feather oracle and tarot cards has a unique message from Spirit to help guide you as you travel on your life’s path.
OK let’s get started!
Choose a feather and scroll down for your message!
Divine Feather #1 / Heron
Message: Let go of convention and follow your unique path.
The three tarot cards that came out for this message are King of Wands, Eight of Wands and Strength.
So, the Heron is a large, mostly solitary bird. This bird is known for wading in shallow pools of water and snatching small prey for its meals. Symbolically, the Heron is a message to be ready to react quickly to opportunities, and be confident in your own path. It may be time for you to go your own way. You might have a unique talent or skill, and the “conventional” way of doing things, or that 9-5 job, may not be the path for you at this time. The Heron along with the eight of wands tarot card below it, is a message from Spirit to be ready! We will touch more on that later on.
So right away, I noticed that we have two “eights” in this reading. The number eight is considered a “Divine” number as it denotes “infinity” and the balance between the spiritual and physical world. It also indicates that you are close to a completion of a cycle or phase. Or that what it is you have been wanting to achieve is very close to its conclusion.
I am compelled to mention that the two eights add up to the number 16 which is The Tower. This is a card of a sudden circumstance that completely tears down something to make way for something better. Some people freak out at The Tower, but this card can also indicate a new perspective or a complete change of direction in one’s life. The number 16 breaks down to the number 7 which is The Chariot. This is a card of getting oneself together and moving forward. That being said, let’s move on.
So, sometimes when we have wanted something or worked towards something for so long, when it is almost here, when we can actually see that it is about to happen for us, we get a little nervous. We ask ourselves, could this really be happening? And we may freak out a little bit. Spirit says to embrace the message of the Strength card here. Calm those anxious feelings and know you are ready for this and yes, you deserve it too!
As my eye goes to the King of Wands, this is a fiery, creative, inspirational leader. A combination of the signs of Cancer and Leo, this King embodies the saying “he has the heart of a lion”. Brave, loyal and true, Spirit is telling me that this is you! This King would definitely fit the bill as an unconventional leader and a sign of success. Look at this image, he looks as if he is ready to rise up from the throne at any moment! It’s as if he can hardly contain himself! (I want to interject here that when I say he or she in reference to the cards, I am referring to “energies” and not gender. Male or female, we embody all the energies of the tarot at any given time).
In this reading, I am getting the impression that you have either mastered or are currently mastering a creative pursuit or something you are passionate about. This can be in business, career, personal empowerment, artistic endeavor, love, you name it!
Behind this powerful energetic King, we have the eight of wands, of which are moving quickly in the direction of Strength, the other “eight” card. The message I received, is that you have what it takes to succeed! But perhaps there are some doubts, or insecurities that may need to be overcome for you to fully embrace the King of Wands energetic fire. But since this card is upright, I think you probably already have a pretty good handle on this. You may get a few jitters. Just know this is normal.
There is a lot of fire energy here. A quick message for some of you is that you may want to keep some antacids, tums, etc. on hand if you are prone to digestive upsets or heartburn.
The eight of wands can also indicate that a form of communication, an opportunity and/or synchronicities are heading your way. For some of you, this may indicate that you hear back from an opportunity that you applied for in November or December of 2020, or this could be an endeavor that may have been put on hold late last year, and it is now picking back up. This is not for everyone, just a few specifics that came through.
I am getting the feeling that things will move quickly once it gets started so be ready! Just like the Heron, keep your eyes and ears open. This opportunity may require a move or a change in lifestyle. Remember, you have the heart of a lion. You know what you want and will easily overcome any challenges should they come up. You will quickly realize that you are “born for this role” so to speak.
Spirit says to show your talents, this is your time to shine! As I glance at Strength again, I got the message that perhaps in the past you may have dulled your shine, or maybe you made yourself “small” to fit in to a group of people or a situation. Or perhaps you did not get the credit for your work which may even have caused you to be passed over for promotions and/or pay raises. In a relationship, you may have felt or are feeling like you are or were living below your potential.
Those times are about to be over!
With three “fire energy” cards in this reading, Spirit is coming in strong! Your message is that this new opportunity, whatever this is for you, a promotion, career change, romance, a new business, etc. This will give you the chance to showcase your talents and be appreciated for them! You could very well be moving into a leadership position or maybe you are going to own your own business. Or it could even indicate that you will feel much more in control of your life. This new endeavor may also involve traveling, once things begin to open up again. If you resonate with this reading, it is recommended that you prepare accordingly. So that when the opportunity arises, you will be ready to seize it.
Divine Feather #2 / Duck
Message: Find comfort and balance in simple ways. You have support all around you.
The duck is not a complicated bird. It enjoys the water, grabs bits of food when it is hungry, and basks in the sun on land while it preens its feathers. It is a social bird too, hanging out with its flockmates that provide community interaction as well as protection from predators. Ducks can also fly, and often will return to the spaces where they feel safe and comfortable. This card is a message for you to consider your surroundings and for some of you is a message to connect or re-connect with people or circumstances that put you more at ease.
The message from Spirit in this reading is that you may be making things too complicated in your life. Overthinking and concerning yourself with situations that may not even be necessarily within your control or your responsibility, can complicate your mental body, and thus can cause you to feel stress. When you feel this way, you forget that there are people around you that do care, and also that your guides and angels are always present supporting you as well. Just like the duck, it is a good idea to slow down and re-connect to what is “real” in your life once in a while!
As I look at the tarot cards, I noticed The Emperor underneath the duck card. This carries home Spirit’s message to you that you are supported. Even if you may not feel this way at the moment, The Emperor in this position is a strong message that you have some powerful energies looking out for you!
You may have seen signs of this. For example, you may have applied for a job and not gotten it, only to hire in at company that was a better fit. Others of you may have received or will be receiving money that you were not expecting. Or maybe that new business is starting to make a profit. You may even be seeing messages in the form of repeating numbers or synchronicities. Or maybe a romantic partner broke up with you and you were heartbroken, but then you found out some information about them and you now realize that you dodged a bullet!
As I look at the Ace of Pentacles, I am receiving a message that a new beginning is in the works for you. Spirit wants to tell you that you need to be patient (I know we all hate to hear that LOL). But it does take time for energies from the ethers to manifest into the physical. But it is definitely taking form, as indicated by this card..
The Queen of Cups may be someone of a warm supporting nature is willing to help you. Or someone of these qualities is around you or is going to be. The Emperor with the Queen of Cups is a powerful combination of fiery drive, motivation and self-confidence, with the positive aspects of the feminine. Nurturing, introspective, loving and warm. Do you know people that have these qualities?
If you do, Spirit is saying to spend some time with them or perhaps reconnect with people that you know that have these traits. It will be immensely helpful to you at this time. Perhaps this is even you and your partner!
For others of you, these three cards are a message from Spirit for you to pull your energies “in” so to speak. Focus on your reality. If you have a project or endeavor that you are looking to start, now would be a good time to focus on getting the ball rolling.
These three cards can indicate a possible pregnancy for some of you. If you have been trying for a while, Spirit says that you may be putting too much pressure on yourselves. Let go a bit and enjoy the pleasures of your partner. Cuddle, laugh, have some fun! Get back to the basics, and let nature take its course! Valentines Day is coming up, plan something special.
For some of you that may be going through a difficult time, know that better times are definitely up ahead! The Emperor and the Queen of Cups balance each other very nicely. Spirit tells me this is you coming back into balance within yourself. Or you have a balanced perspective regarding your life or a situation. This leads to a new opportunity for you!
I also get the impression of somebody downsizing here. In a good way. Clearing out the clutter, clearing out people in your life that drain you (emotionally and/or maybe financially), paying off bills, etc. Really embracing the responsibility of The Emperor by taking care of what needs to be done with the emotionally stability of the Queen of Cups. In other words you are taking the steps necessary to simplify your life for your own emotional well being. Good for you! If you are older parents, some of you may have downsized your living space so that no one will be tempted to move back in! (laugh).
If you are resonating with this reading, Spirit is saying to you welcome warm people, circumstances and surroundings in your life that offer you a sense of ease and support. Trust how you feel and take decisive action to let go of what is not in alignment with this goal. Duck says this is easier than you think. Don’t make things more complicated than they really are.
Divine Feather #3 / Parrot
Message: Let go of others thoughts and opinions. It is time to embrace who you really are.
The parrot is a brightly feathered, exotic bird. A unique quality of parrots, is that they are one of the animals on earth that can trained to communicate with humans in our own language. They learn our words through repetition and training. Let’s not forget though, this human language is not the native language of the parrot. It is adjusting itself to fit into its environment. In other words, the parrot is speaking in a voice that is not its own. In this reading, parrot is reminding you to honor your own voice. So often we place importance on what others think of us, or are overly concerned about what they will say, etc. Forgetting that these are false truths. For everyone sees the world through their own perception.
Is there is something you want to pursue that shakes up the “status quo” in your life? Others may not be too happy about it or maybe they don’t understand it. I get the impression that the five of wands energy in this reading, is a result of inner conflict that you are feeling about it. But here’s the thing, no one can please everyone all of the time. It is better to live your truth and express your individual divine light. It is important to remember, that people judge us based on THEIR life experiences, their upbringing, and even their own insecurities. They may have given you well-meaning advice, regarding this situation, but it was not necessarily correct for YOU.
The three of wands is a card of starting something new. Three is a number of creation. Something has begun to manifest here, and at this point there is no turning back. Look at how the character in the card is looking ahead, envisioning his future. What are you building? A new career, home, a dream business, a new relationship? A new life? Self-worth?
The Ace of Cups indicates that this is something emotionally fulfilling. Or perhaps you may feel that you are being divinely guided here. I get the feeling that for some of you, you may be saying, “I can’t explain it, it’s just something I have to do”. If you are seeing repeating numbers pay attention to what your thoughts were when you saw them. This is your spirit guides communicating with you.
I find it interesting that the five of wands is the card that is standing between the three of wands and the Ace of Cups. Inner conflict, input from others, or perhaps a circumstance is standing between you and your dreams or goals at the moment. But this will not be for long. You will quickly get these wands organized. The energies are in motion and you’ve got your eye on the prize!
The advice I am receiving from Spirit is to keep moving forward. Now is not the time to discuss whatever this is with other people. They may put a damper on your enthusiasm. Some people have their own insecurities about success or are envious of others that enjoy their life. These types of people feel more comfortable when they have others around them that mirror these perceptions. Because it confirms what they believe. Some people may unknowingly or knowingly start trouble in your life to try to distract you. That is where the saying “misery loves company” comes from. Others may offer well-meaning advice, but it may cause confusion for you. Spirit’s advice here is if necessary be like the parrot with them. Tell them what they want to hear, and you keep doing you! Keep growing, keep building and you will see that the five of wands energy becomes less and less as you yourself become more and more.
Spirit wants to remind you that this is your life. Note that the cards on either side of the five of wands are solitary energies. Trust yourself. Back away from other people’s criticisms and/or advice that you feel is not right for you. Understand it for what it is. It is about them not you. Yes, you have the power here. The Ace of Cups is your message that the key to acquiring what you seek, is to acknowledge the love you have for yourself. When you love yourself, your divinity from within, radiates outward into the world. You will see this in action as this self-love manifests into the positive future that you are envisioning.
If you are resonating with this reading. Spirit’s message to you is to honor you by loving yourself. Keep in mind that at this time, people around you may not understand you, or the changes you are implementing in your life. Some may even get upset. And that is okay, they have a right to feel the way they do just as you do. Save yourself unnecessary conflict and/or negativity by keeping things to yourself as much as possible. Do not feel that you owe an explanation to others for wanting to pursue your happiness.
Honor the unique expression of who you are. You got this!
#42 Angel of Truth from the Love your Inner Goddess Oracle for 1/11/21
It’s amazing to me that this card came out today as #42 breaks down to the number 6 in numerology which is ruled by the planet Venus. And more amazing is the message that this Goddess Oracle card conveys:
“The truth wants to be to be told, needs to be heard. It may seem like the whole world wants to believe in a lie, and so you wonder if you are crazy, if you are the only one who is thinking differently and desiring the real story to emerge. Yet those that fight against the truth are even more in need of it! There can be no healing, no freedom, no moving on without it. You are going to be blessed with a truth revealed, a realization about yourself, the world, or others that will bring you relief. It will happen at the right time. It will set your soul free.
Sometimes the lies we are repeatedly told become so familiar that we forget that they are lies and begin to believe they are real. Maybe it’s someone judging us that is the lie. Maybe it’s advertising and the media, which are often more about deceptive manipulation than a source of correct information. Whatever the source, all untruth teaches us the same thing. That we must be afraid. This is like poison for the soul. The soul needs truth like your body needs air. It keeps it alive. Deep in your soul, you know what is true, and you know when you, or anyone else, is not being truthful. You are sensitive enough to know that only the truth feels good for you. You must give yourself permission to be truthful with your own soul and live honestly, authentically and bravely in this world. It is the only way for you to really be you. Put your faith in TRUTH, because it will always shine stronger than any lie.”
In this reading, the Three of Cups carries a stronger influence over The Emperior
Today’s divination reading is “Lesser Air over Water – The Tranquil Lake”. The cards that came out are The Emperor and The Three of Cups. The stronger influence in this reading, is the Three of Cups.
Below are the messages for this reading:
Ease up! Go with the flow. Instead of trying to impart your will upon something by force, it is best to ride with the gentle current at this time. For example, when we want something so badly or when we think our way is the only way without compromise, we have a tendency to hold on too tightly, to be too rigid, which does not allow other beneficial possibilities to flow in. We can in essence, get in our own way. Instead of working WITH the current, we work against it. This can prolong an outcome, or make a situation much more difficult than it needs to be.
For some of you, this is an indication that a situation that you are dealing with, was not changed by intellectual thinking. And that the emotions of it were too strong for pure intellect to overcome. In short, the heart overrode the mind here. A less forceful approach would definitely better serve you in this particular instance. Ease up and take into account, others viewpoints, perceptions and feelings. This will result in a much more harmonious outcome, and who knows you may even learn something that you were not aware of before.
For others of you, this reading is a message of a need for more enjoyment in your life at this time. You have been working hard, and you may very well be the one who keeps it all together. The one whom everyone depends upon. But hard work needs to be balanced with enjoying the fruits of our labor. Have some fun! Whatever this is for you. Since we have the three of cups in this reading, it can indicate socialization with other people may be of benefit to you. Of course, right now, there are some restrictions depending on where you live. But that doesn’t mean one needs to be a hermit! Positive social connection is nourishing for our soul. Connect with others and have some lighthearted fun and conversation. When was the last time you laughed with a friend? Well that’s too long!
You have what it takes to achieve your goals! The first step is choosing a cup!
Here we see the Nine of Pentacles and the Queen of Cups on either side of The Magician. Three powerful energies! Are you thinking about pursuing something that is both financially and emotionally rewarding? These cards indicate something that has the potential for both. It will take time though. True success does not happen overnight. Be realistic about your expectations. The Seven of Cups as the underlying energy of the reading, is an indication that you certainly have a lot of options here, or perhaps there is some confusion about where to begin. The Magician says you have what it takes to achieve your goals. But you must take the first step, and choose a cup! He reminds us that dreams will remain dreams, unless we take the physical action to bring them into reality. We are near the end of 2020. Laying the groundwork now, will put you in a favorable position of being ready to move forward at the beginning of 2021.
Intuitive reading. End of a karmic cycle! Lessons learned. A message of transformation.
A new beginning is at hand. What you have been working towards is on it’s way to you. A karmic cycle has been completed as you have learned the lessons from the past and therefore there is no need to repeat them.
Pay attention to your dreams for much of the transformation of your soul happens while you sleep. You may experience a few nightmares. This is okay. It’s your subconscious purging the final remnants of what needs to be cleared and released through the conscious mind. We must acknowledge our fears in order to move past them.
You have always known, deep inside that you are different. In your early years, you may have even had to hide your light in order to remain safe. The image on the happiness card, reminds me of The Hanged Man in the tarot (reversed). No longer the caterpillar, which was hanging upside down safely and quietly within it’s cocoon on the branch. Here, you can see she has grown her wings.
The transformation process is in it’s final stages. The caterpillar is now the butterfly. I get the impression that the wings need a little more time. Just as the wings of the butterfly must dry and strengthen before they are ready for lift off. You are almost there! Be patient. The Wheel of Fortune tells us that Divine Timing is at work here. Stay positive, this is very important at this time as energies are in flux, and you are manifesting your future, now. Be mindful of what you take into your consciousness. Remember, we can either use our precious life force to create our own reality, or use it to create someone else’s reality. We all have free will. It is our choice.
When we look at the butterfly, we see it’s beauty. But we don’t always think about the trials that the caterpillar had to go through to make the transformation to become what we see today. But the butterfly, remembers.
For that is exactly what gave it the strength to struggle to free itself from it’s cocoon. Because in the soul of every caterpillar is the knowledge that it is the butterfly. ❤️🦋
When you use your light to send love into the world, it will continue to increase. Honor the freedom of choice for yourself and others (we all have free will). Remember the goodness in you is more powerful than the negativity in anyone or anything. Create beautiful magic which others can benefit from if they so choose. Listen to your intuition and always be true to yourself no matter what. When our intentions are aligned with truth and integrity, the universe has our back. Weave your loving magic into the world
Today’s message from Love Your Inner Goddess Oracle
There are three cards to choose from. The overall themes are: Cards on the left (home), cards in the middle (income potential), cards on the right (promotions/career).
Have you chosen a theme? Scroll down for the messages!
What’s on your mind today? Home, income potential, or career?
Ready? Let’s do this:
Cards on left: Home – Earth Mother and Protection
First Set of Cards (Left – Home) Earth Mother / Protection Message:
Are you feeling blocked or stuck? Perhaps a closer look at your immediate environment is required. As the saying goes “home is where the heart is”. When we feel loved, secure and protected in our home, which is our sacred space, we carry this vibration with us wherever we go. This provides a source of energetic protection for us that keeps us grounded and centered no matter where we are, and what is going on around us.
Self-Reflection: Where in my life am I feeling disconnected? Is there someone or something in my environment that could use some nurturing and attention from me? Am I nurturing myself? Where in my life do I need to feel more supported to allow love to channel through me so that I may serve myself and those that I care about at the same time?
Parting thought: Love is the highest vibration energy in the universe. Love in the home is the ultimate form of protection for myself and my family.
Cards in the middle: The Magician and Trinka Five
Second Set of Cards (Middle – Income Potential) The Magician / Trinka Five message:
The Magician is a reminder that you have the tools you need to co-create with the divine to manifest the prosperity you seek. This may be in the form of an idea, skill or trade, invention, business concept, etc. Whatever this is for you, it is something that you possess, that has the potential to create an income stream. Whether a full time career, or as an avenue to generate additional part time income, this is for you to decide. This card in a reading is a good sign that this is something positive. The Magician is a conscious creator. It is a reminder that magick happens when we align our actions with our intentions.
Self-reflection: Am I feeling unclear as to where to begin? Am I looking at this situation too broadly? Perhaps breaking down what it is that I want to create in smaller steps will make it easier to achieve the end result I desire.
Parting thought: I have all the tools I need to manifest that which I wish to create. When I combine my focused intentions with action, the universe aligns accordingly to present opportunities for me to succeed.
Card on the right: Spirit of Swords (King of Swords) and Successful Career
Third Set of Cards (Right – Career) Spirit of Swords (King of Swords) / Successful Career message:
In this reading, the Spirit of Swords has the energy of determination, focus and communication. It is a reminder to set clear boundaries with others through your words and actions. This card also is one of knowing your worth! This may be your time to shine! Is there a promotion or management opportunity that you have your eye on? Show others through your actions that you are a leader. Someone who is capable of making clear cut decisions in the spirit of truth and fairness. A leader knows their truth and stands by it. They do what they say. Which is rare these days. This is what makes you stand out from the others.
The caveat to a successful career, is it may require you to cut out and/or limit your exposure to situations or people that do not serve your highest potential. Unfortunately, not everyone has your best interest in mind. Sometimes, whether this is due to envy or their own insecurities (such as fear of failure), others may try to sabotage your success. Usually this is done subconsciously, (sometimes not, but it usually is). But the result is the same. It is an attempt to keep you down on “their level”. If they can’t be successful, then they do not want you to be either.
This may seem a bit negative, but we are talking about the swords suit here. Swords cut right to the truth. The Spirit of Swords is a King. And a great leader always looks at all sides of a situation. Sometimes the truth is not so pleasant. If you notice this occurring, you must, as a leader, take definitive action. But do it with integrity by controlling your own actions. Do not stoop down to their level.
This new position will most likely require you to place some distance between yourself and your co-workers. Keep in mind the saying “familiarity breeds contempt”. But no matter what, always treat others fairly and honestly. This is of utmost importance! Integrity is the mark of a great leader. And above all, remember your personal truth, why you wanted this position/promotion in the first place.
Self-Reflection: What qualities do I possess that make me an effective leader? What are some things about myself that I need to improve upon? What is my motivation for success? Who are some great leaders (present or past) that I admire and why?
Parting Thought: I have what it it takes to be a leader. I respect others and my objective is to create a positive environment where everyone contributes their unique talents for the success of a common goal. As a leader, I understand that maintaining my personal integrity and healthy boundaries with others is a requirement. No one is an island however. My success is dependent upon those around me being successful as well.