Tarot message this week w/an emphasis on the Full Super Moon in Capricorn

Tarot & oracle cards for the Capricorn Full Super Moon 7/13/22

Tarot message of the week w/an emphasis on the Capricorn Super Moon:

On July 13th, we have a full super moon in the sign of Capricorn. A super moon occurs when the moon’s orbit is in its closest proximity to the earth, while in its full moon phase. Visually, a super moon appears larger, and up to 30% brighter in comparison to other full moons. As such, super moons tend to bring deep, hidden truths to the surface. In the sign of Capricorn, themes centered around time, money, career, karma, long standing structures, authority figures & investments are highlighted.

Capricorn is not a “warm and fuzzy” energy. It balances out the nurturing, emotional waters of Cancer with a mature, no-nonsense, practical perspective.

The moon in Capricorn is encouraging us to put our feelings aside in order to clearly assess the facts of a situation. What in your life is no longer a “viable investment” for your time, energy and/or money? Depending on what this is for you, admitting the truth, can be a tough pill to swallow. Perhaps this is why you’ve been putting off letting it go or hesitating on making a necessary change. Look at the images in the four of pentacles and four of cups. The tarot cards that correspond to this full moon. Both of them are portraying a “closed” energy and lack of movement.

This realization although disheartening, can also set us free. When we continue to put our resources into something that is no longer serving our best interests, or when we allow what is past its expiration date to remain in our space, it takes its toll on our psyche. We become so focused on trying to “make this fit” or “make this work” that we are unable to see that in reality, like a potted plant that has outgrown its vessel, we too, have outgrown this, and are ready to begin something new.

Hecate & The World card is a reminder that everything has its season. A cycle ends, a new one begins.

Capricorn full moon crystal suggestions: Black tourmaline, black obsidian, black onyx, tigers eye, red jasper, moonstone, black moonstone, garnet, hematite, laboradite, carnelian, smoky quartz, rutilated quartz, howlite, azurite, malachite, clear quartz.

Have a great week everyone! ❤️

The Hermit & Goddess Sulis – tarot message for this week

Goddess Sulis & The Hermit

Tarot message for this week from the Goddess Sulis and The Hermit. It appears some of you out there may be feeling the need to withdraw for a little while. Perhaps you have recently gone through a stressful experience, or maybe you are just exhausted, and even a bit jaded from the demands of daily life. Others of you may be contemplating an important decision or reflecting on your life path and purpose.

The Goddess Sulis, recommends spending time with the healing element of water to aid you in calming your mind so that you are able to access the wisdom of your inner voice.

If you are able to spend time this week or this weekend at a lake or the beach, that would be helpful. Another option is to indulge yourself with a soothing mineral bath. Put some Epsom salt in there as well as a small handful of Himalayan Pink salt. Light some candles & incense, turn off the cell phone and embrace your solitude.

If you have a decision to make, take all the time you need to carefully think it through.

Have a great week everyone! ❤️

Take a step forward every day…

Knight of Pentacles from the Shadowscapes Tarot deck

Look carefully at this card. See the forest dwelling spirits dancing all around our Knight, attempting to seduce and distract him as he embarks on his quest through the enchanted forest? They’ve even hung some shiny baubles in the trees in the hopes they will catch his eye. To tempt him to stop short, to pull him away from the divinely lighted path in front of him, which represents his future.

His gaze remains steadfast however. This is a realistic, grounded Knight. He knows a successful future is laid down from each step of what has been achieved today. His future is worth more than a few shiny trinkets, that represent the folly of instant gratification. No, he understands his path has a greater purpose. He did not come this far, for the journey to end here. Flights of fancy will not ensnare this one. He urges his dragon onward.

The Knight of Pentacles represents movement within the earth element. Practical and steadfast, this card encourages one to remember that the small decisions we make every day lead us one step closer, or farther from our future goals.

I call the Knight of Pentacles the “slow and steady wins the race” card. This Knight reminds us not to give up. Even though sometimes it may feel like we are not making as much progress as we would like. It can seem insurmountable at times. But keep moving forward, even if it’s just one solid step each day. You will see. Your future self will look back and thank you. Because those small steps added up to a lot!

“It is difficult to say what is impossible, for the dream of yesterday is the hope of today and the reality of tomorrow.” – Quote by Robert H. Goddard

Have a great week everyone! ❤🦋❤🌷❤

Tarot Message this week: You are worth it…

The Five of Swords, The Empress & Page of Pentacles

The Empress is a card of creation, nature, and beauty. Ruled by Venus, this divine feminine, embodies abundance and self-love. Look how relaxed she is. She is not a machine – go, go, go. She is nature. And nature is not full speed ahead all of the time. It ebbs and flows in cycles.

I feel that in this reading today, she is saying that you require some “me” time this week. And more importantly, you are to be okay with it. There is no need to explain, no excuses, no guilt. The Empress says “you are worth it”.

I love the Page of Pentacles card grounding this reading. Isn’t she beautiful? She appears to be in a modified “tree” yoga position. Balanced, full of potential, optimistic. She gives me a “tribal” sort of vibe. Her unique gifts and talents are an asset to herself and others. They are the keys to manifesting abundance in her life. But only if she takes care of herself first. She is but just a Page. She must take care not to burn herself out. And more importantly she must be careful not to squander her potential on those that do not appreciate it. I find it interesting that she too, is out in nature, just like The Empress card above her.

What’s with the Five of Swords here? I sometimes refer to the Five of Swords as the “screw you” card. But I don’t recommend you tell anyone off this week! (laugh). However, this could indicate a more direct approach is required to cut some circumstances, people, or prior commitments out of your life that are draining you. The Empress is very generous, the Page of Pentacles is young and energetic, but even they have their limits.

We have the quirky, innovative Aquarius New Moon this week, coinciding closely with the Chinese New Year in the sign of the powerful Water Tiger. These are additional energies coming in serving as an energetic “push” to aid you in making any changes that you wish to make to allow space for other, more positive experiences to come in to your life.

People grow, develop other interests. This is normal. If you are ready to do something else. It’s all good. People will get over it. You cannot be all things to all people, as if you try, you will lose yourself in the process.

The Empress does not exhaust herself to “prove” her worth to anyone. She is enough. You are enough. You are always enough. ❤🦋❤🌷❤

Have a great week everyone! ❤

This week: What is casting a shadow on your sun?

Eight of Swords reversed and The Sun reversed this week.

Is there something that you are holding on to that no longer suits you, but you are having mental and/or emotional challenges regarding releasing it? This push/pull effect on our psyche can result in one feeling “trapped” or “stagnant”.

The first two cards in this reading are numbers 8 + 4, This adds up to number 12 which corresponds to the Hanged Man in the major arcana. The Hanged Man is a card of taking a pause to look at something from a different perspective. I find it interesting that the Eight of Swords has come out reversed here, which puts her in a similar position as The Hanged Man. But, as you can see, the characters have two very different perspectives regarding their current predicament.

The Eight of Swords next to The Hanged Man

In this reading, the Universe is asking you to release fear and see your circumstances within a more proportionate frame of reference. In otherwords, are you thinking in terms of what-ifs and worst-case scenarios?

The number eight corresponds with the eighth house of Scorpio. Although the eight of swords is not technically a Scorpio card, one can see the psychological energetic ties to this energy within its image. Deep psychology, death, hidden fears, the shadow realms, etc. It can get pretty dark and scary in there… Do not despair, the Eight of Swords reversed indicates you are not a victim. You have more power than you think. You just don’t see it…. Yet…… 🦋

The Sun reversed supports this theme. The Sun is a positive card regardless of its position, but when it is reversed, I tend to read it as there is some cloud cover blocking its optimism.

The Universe is asking you to challenge the validity of your self-doubt. As we have the waning moon in Scorpio Monday and Tuesday this week, this energy presents an opportunity to analyze where this is coming from. Most likely, this is an emotional chord linked to a trauma from the past that at this point in your life, no longer holds truth for you.

We have a waning crescent moon in Sagittarius on Thursday. Sagittarius corresponds to the Temperance card. If you have a tarot deck, I recommend you pull this card and meditate on its symbolism and meaning. There is an opportunity for some amazing spiritual alchemy this week! Archangel Michael is the angel depicted in Temperance. Call on this powerful force of the Divine to aid you in the process of transmuting self-doubt into confidence and faith in yourself. ❤

Have a wonderful week everyone ❤🙏🦋❤

Temperance from the Major Arcana

Disclaimer: My tarot readings are for personal inspiration and/or entertainment purposes only. Also, please use your discernment, as these are general messages. A tarot reading should NOT be construed as a replacement for licensed conventional legal, medical or mental health advice.

Tarot messages for this week w/an emphasis on the full moon in Cancer

Is it time for a fresh start?

We have the full moon in Cancer tonight. Cancer is a water sign associated with home, family, emotions, close relationships and what we hold close to our hearts. This full moon is illuminating a domestic or emotional aspect in our life that requires our attention.

Tonight, reflect on your thoughts regarding something from the past that may be undermining you emotionally or mentally. The seven of swords indicates there is something still creeping around. Is it time for a fresh start? If so, make the decision to no longer allow this shadow from the past to continue to “steal” from the happiness and success of your future.

The King of Pentacles knows value. If something has gotten “complicated” strip it down to the bare bones and inspect the foundation. If you feel this is worth it, you have the wisdom and maturity to shift your perspective to a more positive outlook. Bring your mind back to the present. Focus on what you do want and not what you don’t want.

Let that seven of swords go on down the road. The King of Pentacles is reminding you, this is not but a petty thief that is taking what no longer serves you anyway. Take a closer look at these cards. See? Sometimes, when you lose, you win.

Have a great week! ❤🦋❤

The Death Card

The Death card can be a disconcerting image, but its not what most people think….

#13 Death card in the tarot. Its image can be disconcerting, that’s for sure. When this card comes up in a reading, it rarely indicates a literal death of a person. 99% of the time, it represents a symbolic death or transition.

Associated with the zodiac sign of Scorpio, it is a message that a cycle has reached its conclusion. In most cases, the circumstance cannot or should not be resurrected. The healing waters and sunrise in the background are symbols of renewal. A new cycle is about to begin.

It not a “bad or good” card. Death and cycles are a part of life. It just “is”. When Death sweeps through, it clears the path by removing the chords of the past, to allow freedom and new opportunities to emerge. This is not an energy that indicates a dramatic “blow out” ending. The Death card tells us to make peace with what was and to move on with dignity. Tomorrow is a new day. ❤🦋❤

Know your power, know your fears… (Star Wars vibes)

Powerful message this week! The Hermit shines its light in the dark….

Wow a powerful message this week: Know your power, know your fears…

I received a “Star Wars vibe” on this reading lol!

I love how these cards came out! Only when we know and face our fears can we move forward with our full power.

I often refer to The Hermit as the Obi-Wan Kenobi or Yoda card. The ancient wisdom symbolized in The Hermit is within all of us. It is found in the deepest recesses of the soul. A quiet, dark place where not many others dare to go. And even if one should complete the journey, one must have considerable courage to acknowledge what is met there.

We see this symbolized in the way The Hermit archetypes in the movies are found in remote areas, such as high on a mountain, deep in a swamp, etc. Only the most dedicated adept meets The Hermit. But just as we were shown in Star Wars, this courage is rewarded with the knowledge of knowing one’s true power. We all have the potential of becoming Jedi’s in our own life!

To me, when I look at the placement of these cards, it is the wisdom of The Hermit, that is the drive behind the Knight of Wands. For once you face the very thing that scares you and shine a light on it, you are released from its grip.

If there is something holding you back this week, take the time to meditate and journal about it. See if you can find out the root cause. I tell my clients, knowledge is power. Many times, the fear is due to the not knowing. Do you need to google information, talk to a lawyer or a therapist? Or perhaps a trusted friend or family member? The Hermit often indicates a wise, older person that can be consulted for their wisdom.

If you are resonating with this reading, this week, shine your light on what you fear is lurking in the dark. What do you see? You will find that you have more power than you think you do (just like Luke Skywalker in Star Wars). This will give you the confidence to pick up your light saber and ride forward full steam ahead!

Have a great week everyone!❤

This week’s message: Passion & Success

Three powerful tarot cards this week!

Tarot message this week: Passion & success

We have three powerful cards today. Ace of Wands, Queen of Wands and King of Pentacles. This aligns with the energies of new growth, leadership and success. The timeline for the Queen of Wands and King of Pentacles is March through May. This coincides with Spring 2022.

There is plenty of passion and motivation here, that’s for sure. Keep in mind, upright Queens and Kings denote a wise, mature energy. They are masters of their element and know how to harness its power over the long term for a favorable outcome. These cards indicate someone with a lot of energy and drive. Pace yourself this week. If you are a business owner, manager, etc. Be sure to delegate if need be.

In love, these cards can indicate two people that share the same vision for success. They are very different, but it works. For example, one person is fiery & creative, the other is strong in business & money matters. Perhaps an Aries / Taurus combination? If you are single, you may meet someone that is a compliment to your personal strengths in the Spring/Summer of 2022.

Final note: Remember those candles and bath bombs that you received as Christmas gifts? Well, this week is your opportunity to put them to good use. Slow down and engage in some well-deserved self-care. Give yourself some alone time to allow creative ideas to flow. Be sure to write them down. You have some great ideas that have the potential for success in the upcoming year.

Have a great week everyone! ❤️❤️❤️

Tarot message this week: Emerging from old cycles. Venus in retrograde.

Venus is in retrograde. Watch your step.

We have the Five of Cups, The World and The Page of Wands making their appearance this week. You are being urged to step out of a repeating karmic cycle. But keep in mind Venus just turned retrograde, she will be in this shadow energy for the next six weeks or so (until the end of January 2022). Any moves or changes should be carefully thought out. There is an air of seduction and possible emotional manipulation when Venus is in retrograde. Be smart. Watch your step.

One question to ask yourself this week is, what is the true underlying motivation behind the drive to achieve a particular goal or to make a change. Remove the rose-colored glasses and be honest with yourself.

There is the potential for an “aha” moment this week!

We have the oracle card “Intellect” grounding this reading. This is your message that more information is required. The Page of Wands offers us inspiration and new vision. However, remember this is a young energy. It can be a bit naïve. Knowledge is power, do your research.

Some of you may be too close to a situation emotionally and are finding it difficult to move forward. If this is the case, the oracle card “Intellect” is urging you to seek unbiased advice from someone you trust and/or professional council in the form of therapy or legal advice. 2021 has been an extremely difficult year. Ask for help if you need it.

Traditionally, the winter season is a time for dormancy, rest and reflection. The time for new growth coincides with Aries season around mid-March, which is Spring. This is the “true” new year as dictated by mother nature. The Page of Wands falls in the calendar period of mid-June to mid-September. I was compelled to deliver this message regarding time. So this message is most likely relevant to some of you out there.

Have a great week everyone! ❤