The Nine of Swords is the tarot card theme for the new moon in Gemini 6/6/24
New moons generally signify new beginnings. This new moon is in the sign of Gemini, which invites us to explore our communications and thought processes. The tarot card associated with this transit is the Nine of Swords, which signifies anxiety, stress, and overthinking.
While this tarot card theme might seem less than positive (hang in there with me), it addresses the need of having open, honest conversations with others as well as ourselves, to get what is bothering us out in the open so it can be addressed and cleared.
The numerology on this date is interesting as it is a “6/6” frequency portal, which aligns this new moon nicely with the themes of harmony, love, beauty, relationships, decisions, and communication. The number “6” corresponds to The Lovers card in the tarot major arcana, which is a Gemini card that reflects these same themes.
This transit squares the planet Saturn, which adds a serious tone to the conversation. Saturn’s influence might feel heavy, but it reminds us to keep our emotions in check, so that we can think critically. Oftentimes, we can be our own worst enemy, if we let our imagination and “worst case” scenarios continue unfettered in our mind. The nine of swords tarot card often indicates a lack of information or facts, or that the truth of a matter is not being addressed. Note how her hands are covering her eyes…
Saturn’s influence brings us back down to earth with a dose of reality and practicality. Saturn paired with the new moon in Gemini, invites us to clear the mental cobwebs and focus on what is within the realm of our control instead of what is not. It asks us to explore practical solutions and after considering our options carefully, decide on the best course of action to take.
Think of Saturn as the wise mother or grandmother that shakes us out of our “funk” and tells us to get up and get moving!
To lighten things up a bit, since I mentioned The Lover’s card previously, I would be remiss if I did not mention Venus’ influence as she is closely aligned with this new moon! Her presence adds wit and charm to this transit, balancing out Saturn’s cold practicality.
Venus in Gemini loves to communicate, and with Saturn’s influence, she will want to get to the heart of the matter. So if you have had something on your mind lately, perhaps it’s time to communicate your thoughts and/or feelings, call someone you haven’t spoke to in a while, or reach out to mend a strained friendship or relationship.
This new moon is also an opportune time for fresh starts and collaborations with others! Endeavors that align with this energy are reconciliations, spending time with a romantic partner, starting a business or creative project, participating in community activities, taking a class, making an announcement, seeing the local sights, launching a website or social media platform, or forming/joining a network or group, just to name a few. Money matters and gambling are included as well, so if you are feeling lucky, pick up a lottery ticket or two! If you win, consider donating a percentage to a local charity that you resonate with.
For my magically inclined people, this new moon is a powerful time for self-reflection and divination. Take some quiet time to jot down your thoughts and intentions in a journal or notebook. Scrying, automatic writing, meditation, working with tarot & oracle cards, creating sigils, etc. are a few ways you can tap into those mental magic vibes! As Gemini is a mutable energy, if you set intentions or goals, trust in your ability to go with the flow, and to make slight course corrections as needed.
To connect with the energy of this new moon, below are some correspondences that you may find helpful:
World Tarot Day is celebrated annually on May 25th
Happy World Tarot Day everyone!
World Tarot Day, celebrated annually on May 25th, is a day dedicated to the appreciation and understanding of tarot cards and their rich history. Originally used as playing cards in the 15th century, tarot decks have evolved into powerful tools for divination, self-reflection, and spiritual growth. Tarot decks are comprised of 78 cards, and each one, holds a unique meaning that can offer guidance for life’s questions and challenges.
Whether one seeks guidance, personal development, or a deeper connection with the mystical aspects of life, World Tarot Day serves as a reminder of the profound impact tarot can have. It’s a celebration of both the art and the intuition that make tarot reading a cherished tradition across cultures and generations.
~Fire Moon Alchemy
#worldtarotday #tarotcards #tarot #tarotreaders
Christine (Fire Moon Alchemy) is a gifted intuitive that specializes in tarot, astrology & numerology. She is also available for private readings and public & private events. She can be contacted through her
Tarot cards for the Sagittarius full moon: Eight of Swords & Eight of Wands
The full moon on May 23, 2024 is in the sign of Sagittarius. This zodiac sign is represented by the archetype of the archer, a symbol of our soul’s sense of adventure and thirst for knowledge.
Typically, full moons signify the culmination of a cycle. These are undeniably challenging times, and many of you have experienced significant changes over the past few months. The previous new moon in Sagittarius was on December 12, 2023, so this particular full moon is wrapping up about a five month Sagittarian moon cycle.
This may be a significant time marker for some of you. What valuable insights have you gained about yourself during this time? Where have you held yourself back, and where have you made progress?
Let’s delve a little deeper into the energetic signature of this full moon through the tarot:
The tarot cards that correspond with this transit are the Eight of Wands (Moon in Sagittarius) and the Eight of Swords (Sun in Gemini). As seen in their imagery, these cards represent quite opposite ends of the spectrum.
The Eight of Wands signifies forward momentum, the arrival of important messages (often good news), as well as travel, learning, and inspirational insights. This card represents Sagittarius’ adventurous spirit and the higher mind, reminding us to be open to new opportunities and philosophies.
In contrast, the Eight of Swords brings a message of isolation, restriction, as well as mental & emotional confinement. It reflects a limited perspective or can denote a lack of adequate information. Both of which can trap us in fear and denial, preventing us from seeing all our available options.
So, I ask you, which tarot card do you currently identify with?
If it is the Eight of Swords, give yourself some credit. How many times in the past have you faced your darkest fears and risen to the challenge of being the hero/heroine in your own story? That version of you is still there! Sagittarius is all about freedom. As we navigate the upcoming waning (decreasing) moon cycle, this is an opportune time to take the steps required to overcome those doubts and move forward with confidence.
More information may be required, so do your research if this is indicated for you. Reach out, an outside perspective from a trusted friend, family member, support group or professional consultant, will help to put your mind at ease. The first step is a doozy, but it gets progressively better with every step you take.
If it is the Eight of Wands, congratulations! Use the waning moon cycle during the next two weeks, to purge whatever is not vibing with your plans or goals! It’s difficult to soar like an eagle when you’re surrounded by turkeys as the old saying goes. You’ve been there done that and are moving forward. You may be traveling, moving, or going for an exciting new personal or professional opportunity.
As the Eight of Wands often denotes communication, be sure to check your voicemail & emails regularly, and don’t forget the spam folder! Just as quickly as good news or an opportunity comes in, it can leave just as quickly, if you do not respond in a timely manner.
In closing, the full moon in Sagittarius on May 23rd, may close a door, but at the same time it opens a window. Believe in yourself and say “yes” to opportunities that expand your horizons personally or professionally. Tap into your sense of adventure and go for it!
Know that you deserve to be where you can thrive and grow.
The Six of Pentacles tarot card from the Rider Waite Smith deck
The Taurus new moon this week invites you to be kind, and to pursue opportunities that enhance your overall long-term stability.
The tarot card associated with this transit is the six of pentacles. A few key words for this card are generosity, investment and reciprocity.
This is an interesting card as depending on the situation, you may be the one giving or receiving. For those that are doing well, you are reminded to appreciate what you have and to offer assistance to others or a good cause when you are able. For those that are going through rough times, the six of pentacles upright in a reading is an auspicious sign that your luck is about to change for the better.
What goes around comes around and the karmic wheel of life is perpetually in motion. More often than not, an act of kindness, no matter how small, circles back to its source bringing a blessing with it at a later date. If you are presented with an opportunity to do a good deed that is feasible for you in the next two weeks, consider it.
We are all capable of giving in ways that cost very little. Hold the door for someone, offer a listening ear, give someone a compliment, thumbs up a friend’s post and/or write a review for their business, let someone in front of you in line, tip an extra dollar, etc. You get the idea.
On the flip side, the six of pentacles card invites you to examine situations where you may be over-extending your resources to the point of tipping your own scale out of balance. You should not have to deplete yourself to satisfy or help others.
If the above paragraph resonates with you, the new moon in Taurus encourages you to recognize your inherent value as you prioritize self-care as well as your own sustainability. Invest wisely. Not just financially, but also when it comes to your well-being and happiness.
Pluto goes retrograde in the sign of Aquarius today. Collectively and individually, we are encouraged to examine past and present narratives, and explore if they still hold the truth for us.
When a planet goes retrograde, its effects are more internalized and/or intense. Pluto is already an intense energy, and being in the sign of Aquarius, its effects will be amplified and focused on exposing long-standing, not so pretty hidden truths, to the collective. What we do with this information is up to us. Do we turn a blind eye? Or do we hold the responsible parties accountable?
On an individual level, Pluto’s energy will be much more internal. As it reveals the shadow aspects of ourselves, by mirroring them back to us through situations or people. Helping us to understand where and why, we may be susceptible to unbalanced power dynamics. Your feelings, thoughts and perceptions will encourage you to ask questions. As the saying goes, “when you know better you do better”. This is your invitation to take back your autonomy in areas of your life where you may have unwittingly given your power away to a false narrative.
Pluto remains in retrograde until October 11th , however it does not leave the shadow zone until February 2nd. Individually, this allows transformative insights to be recognized and worked through over several months. The world stage however, will be quite interesting to say the least during this time!
If you would like to delve deeper into this energy via your personal natal astrology chart, please contact me through my website to make an appointment. ❤️
You may find yourself motivated to begin a new project or finish tasks that you have been putting off, as Mercury went direct last week, and Mars enters the sign of Aries this week.
Venus moved into her home sign of Taurus today, so after the work is done, be sure to make time to relax and enjoy the fruits of your labor.
Hi everyone, a quick reminder that Mercury goes direct on Thursday this week! I decided to pull a few tarot cards, and I am cracking up at what came out!
The 9 of wands is the over-arching theme. This is my “wounded warrior” card. I think we can all relate. We’re all a little beat up, but we made it! Thank goodness!
Grounding the nine of wands, we have Strength and Temperance. This shows a much more stable influence on the collective. We are better able to regulate our words, emotions, temper, and impulses. For those who have been feeling mentally “foggy” over the past few weeks, Strength indicates your thought processes and your intuitive connection to source will be improving as well.
Temperance adds to this “even keel” influence. One foot on the land, one in the water, we have regained our balance and are ready to get back on our path! Everything is looking good. Things are finally beginning to work & flow again. We’re back online metaphorically & literally. All systems go!
We have the full moon in Scorpio tomorrow evening. See my previous post for more information. This energy invites us to delve into our shadows one last time before Mercury goes direct to cut ties with whatever is past its expiration date as we move forward into May with renewed energy & enthusiasm!
Tarot cards representing the Scorpio full moon 4/23/24 (Rider Waite deck)
The upcoming full moon in Scorpio is illuminating unresolved issues that have been lying beneath the surface for some time now. This is not an “easy” transit, as Pluto, Scorpio’s modern ruling planet that represents transformative change, is closely involved with this full moon, squaring both the moon and the sun. This harsh aspect is Pluto inviting us to take part in a difficult conversation. To consider how certain situations, friendships, partnerships, etc. are affecting our current well-being as well as our future potential.
With Mercury retrograde paired closely with the North node in Aries, a conflict could arise if there is a low vibration pattern or circumstance that wants to be resolved. This will most likely be an energetic signature that you have been aware of for a while. As I mentioned, there is some tension with this transit, so tread carefully, as those who are normally quite stubborn and/or self-centered, will be even more so in the days leading up to the full moon. As such, conflicts or small disagreements, could escalate quickly.
My advice is to think twice about who you are dealing with and what influence they have in your life. A small disagreement could turn into a battle of wills with both of you drawing lines in the sand. You may be right, but is there a danger of your winning the battle but losing the war? This could result in sudden changes that you may not have anticipated. Scorpio energy is quite strategic. Play your cards right, and you will soon have the winning hand!
Emotions may bubble up to the surface, so it is important to stay grounded and clear-headed. Be careful of possible overindulgence of food, drink, or other substances that may affect your emotional or mental state. For some of you, this full moon is highlighting challenges regarding your health. This may pertain to you or someone close to you. Helpful insights on the best way to move forward will come to you on or before the end of this month.
Mars and Jupiter are working well together. These two are inviting you to be proactive with your future financial goals and happiness. Where do you see yourself in two, five, or ten years? Does your current situation support this path? There is no need for a big jump now. However, the full moon will reveal where some action is required to get the ball rolling, if you are ready to make a change.
This could involve an initial small investment towards a plan or future goal that grows over time. On the flip side, you may be considering cutting ties and making new plans, if current circumstances are not yielding the results that you have hoped for.
This transit, while intense, is empowering at the same time! Its influence is encouraging us to purge both internally and externally to release what is at the very least unhelpful and at the most, toxic. We are being reminded that when life gets complicated, or when we are ready for something new, the power of transformation first comes from within. This gives us the clarity we need to make changes to our outer world with confidence and grace.
New Moon Solar Eclipse in Aries 4/08/24: Overview & Messages for each sign!
During a solar eclipse the moon’s path is in front of the sun, temporarily blocking the sun’s rays from reaching the earth. Its effects on the collective are similar to a hard “reset” much like unplugging a device and then plugging it back in again. We have Mercury in retrograde in Aries at the same time, as well as Chiron, our soul’s wounded healer is strongly activated as it’s placement is directly next to the solar eclipse! Depending on where this transit is occurring in your personal natal chart, this highly energized event will serve as a transformative “wake-up” call that opens your eyes, bringing about a newfound sense of clarity that raises the bar of what you previously thought was possible.
The numerology of this transit adds up to the #20 which is Judgement in the tarot major arcana. I was quite surprised that this was the tarot card theme for this transit as its energetic signature is quite similar!
This card speaks of self-reflection, healing and awakening. It signifies a point in our life where we honestly review our past, and ask ourselves if our current life path feels authentic to our soul. Often when this card comes up in my readings, it reflects a divinely inspired significant life event or change. Something from the past needs to be reconciled and released so that 1) you can move on with your new life or 2) you improve your existing experience to benefit not only yourself but those that you care about.
Keep in mind, the energetic effects of this transit can last for up to six months. This gives you up to six months to prepare or implement changes if you so desire.
Let’s combine astrology with the tarot to find out how each zodiac sign can work with this solar eclipse energy!
Aries Sun/Rising: Judgement/Page of Swords. This eclipse will have you ready to make a statement about you! There could be some challenges in your relationships as you may need to redefine healthy boundaries that support YOU within the relationship. What are your dreams, goals & passions? Are you making time for them? This includes taking workshops or seminars to further develop your expertise. Pay attention to the company you keep. Not all that glitters is gold. Stay away from small minds, drama and gossip. Is it time for some new connections? Dream big Aries, and surround yourself with people that support your view of success.
Taurus Sun/Rising: Judgement/Four of Cups: Here’s your wake-up call! What is going on? If you have been feeling melancholy lately, identify the cause! It could be a combination of mental, physical and emotional factors. A few small changes in your daily routine can make all the difference! Clean up your diet and try some gentle exercise. The eclipse is occurring in your 12th house, so your subconscious may be very active. Pay attention to what comes up for you. Write down any dreams, thoughts or ideas so you can reference them later. For some of you, this transit may kick off a six-month spirituality based, healing cycle. Taurus, I’m going to level with you. Is it time to let something go and move on? You certainly have blessings coming in, but you’re not even willing to take a look! If this goes on much longer, consider talking to someone. And while you are up and about, pamper yourself with that manicure/pedicure that you have been putting off! Be kind to yourself.
Gemini Sun/Rising: Judgement/Wheel of Fortune: This transit is in your 11th house of friendships and connections. When the Wheel of Fortune shows up, anything can happen! Spin the wheel! Use your charm and communication skills to add some new people to your professional and social networks! Don’t forget where you came from though Gemini. In pursuit of your goals, keep in mind the people that have helped you get where you are now. Remember, no man or woman is an island. You may be feeling altruistic lately, wondering how you can use your skills and talents to give back to society. You’ve got some good ideas but they need substance. Use this time during Mercury Retrograde to do some research and development. Consider working with or for, an existing organization, business or charity to gain some experience before you go out on your own.
Cancer Sun/Rising: Judgement/Hierophant: This eclipse is in your tenth house of fame & career. The Hierophant often portrays the traditional ways of doing things, and doing things the right way. Both of these cards together indicate you have done well, and kept your nose clean so to speak. You may be up for a promotion or raise or some other type of recognition. Some of you may be asked to speak at a social function, work event or you may be doing a presentation. Don’t worry, you’ll do great! Both of these cards are quite spiritual. So you may be evaluating whether or not your current career path is as emotionally & spiritually fulfilling as you would like it to be. You may be considering a change in vocation or organizations. For some of you this change may be the result of a conflict of interest or perhaps some of their policies go against your personal ethics. Update your resume, you never know what could happen during or right after a solar eclipse! How you view authority figures may be redefined. The health of older parents or family members may come into focus for some of you in the next six months. Trust your intuition, you will know the correct course of action to take. Do what you can, but be careful to not become a martyr. Ask for help if you need it. Others of you may be getting married or pregnant! Congratulations! Perhaps this is where the previously mentioned speaking engagement or announcement applies for you!
Leo Sun/Rising: Judgement/Eight of Wands: This eclipse is occurring in your 9th house of philosophy & travel. You may be ready to expand your horizons Leo! Are you feeling inspired to travel to a different country, pursue higher education or are you contemplating getting into teaching or counseling? The healing arts in particular, are resonating quite strongly with this eclipse. You may have some difficulty explaining to others why you want to do this, as you just feel “called” to do it. You are universally supported in your endeavor, so although it may be a bit uncomfortable at first, don’t let your apprehensiveness hold you back! You will find that each step forward becomes easier. Support from a partner and/or finances may be a temporary challenge, but dig a little deeper and you will find a way. Chiron may bring up themes regarding philosophy, religion, morality, etc. for closer inspection & healing. The next six months, may prove to be a eat, pray, love type experience for you. It will bring about lasting, heart-centered healing for you and those you befriend along your journey.
Virgo Sun/Rising: Judgement/Four of Wands: This eclipse is occurring in your 8th house of shared resources, psychology, secrets and internal transformation. The Four of Wands is a positive card. You may be ready to make an investment of some type or take out a loan. Perhaps you are purchasing property or a home. Or are taking a relationship to the next level. This is the house of secrets so if this is a joint venture, be sure both of you have all your cards on the table! There could be an inheritance, gift, tax return refund or other type of surprise influx of cash which proves beneficial for you. Psychologically, themes may come up regarding self-worth and confidence. This is interesting, as you may find a situation comes around that is quite triggering. It may remind you of a theme from the past. This is Chiron helping you heal a wound that has been buried for a long time. To put this kindly, you have outgrown this Virgo. Yes, this was a painful experience, but it does not define who you are NOW. The solar eclipse is opening up a new timeline for you. Step through the threshold and don’t look back! You’ve got some wonderful things waiting for you on the other side!
Libra Sun/Rising: Judgement/Two of Cups: This eclipse is occurring in your 7th house of relationships. This is not only applies to love and marriage, but business partnerships, friendships, legal contracts and social circles. That being said, my single Libras could very well meet their “soulmate” in the next few months. However, it will require you to get out and about! Most likely, you will meet that special someone at a social place or event, or a chance meeting. However it happens, it will be a pleasant surprise! In existing relationships, you will find a new way to connect and strengthen your bond with your partner. Couples counseling or going on a couples retreat or vacation is indicated, if there has been some tension lately. Work or business partnerships may be strengthened or dissolved. It could go either way. Whatever the outcome, it will be for the best for all involved. Be sure to get any agreements in writing to avoid future misunderstandings. Overall, the Two of Cups upright is a beautiful card that indicates positive momentum in this area of your life.
Scorpio Sun/Rising: Judgement/The Star: This eclipse is occurring in your 6th house of work, health, holistic healing & daily routines. There is a profound opportunity for both physical and psychological healing. In fact, for many of you this is interconnected. Whatever has been a cause of you not feeling your best physically or emotionally will come into focus to be addressed. Diet is a big one here. Many of you have food sensitivities that you will come to terms with so that you have the energy and mental clarity to do what you want to do. When The Star appears, she can also point to emotional or physical trauma that is trapped in the body and needs to be released through gentle exercise such as yoga, magnesium baths, massage, meditation as well as getting enough rest and fluids. Drink lots of water! Your spiritual connection is extremely important as well. As you may feel frustrated and tense if you do not have enough quiet time to allow yourself to “connect” to your spiritual side. As a water sign, you like to go deep, so be sure and make time for this. Some of you may get a new job or career path or do something part time which involves the healing arts. There could be some challenges regarding support for your new endeavor or co-workers who may be insecure regarding your talents. This could bring up some past triggers as these themes will feel familiar. There’s just something about the Scorpio persona that tends to be misunderstood. Don’t let this undermine your enthusiasm! Just keep going and stay in your lane Scorpio. You will find that the right people will warm up as they get to know you, and the rest will just seem to work out without much effort on your part.
Sagittarius Sun/Rising: Judgement/Nine of Pentacles: This eclipse is occurring in your 5th house of creativity, fun, romance & self-expression. I love that the Nine of Pentacles is the card that came out for you! Look at her, enjoying her garden and spending time with her falcon. So, I ask you Sagittarius, is it time for you to tap into the lighter side of life? Don’t feel guilty about doing something because you love to do it! Even if it costs money (be reasonable of course with your budget), or you have a spouse, children or other obligations, if it makes your heart sing why not? Life is meant to be lived. Sagittarius likes adventure and romance so this eclipse may offer some solutions as to how you can bring more of both into your life. If you are in a committed relationship, try some new things and have fun! You can tap into your inner child and do some fun activities with your kids too! Now speaking of young ones, the fifth house is the house of children, so if you are not looking to start a family, I recommend taking some extra precautions. Don’t let a few moments of passion get the better of you! An opportunity may come up wherein you may decide to turn a hobby or creative pursuit into a business. A lot of people have “side hustles” these days. The caveat for you is having the time and/or space to do it as well as coming to terms with any feelings of guilt you may have for taking this time for yourself to do it. Don’t give up! You will have more clarity on this at the end of April or early May.
Capricorn Sun/Rising: Judgement/Ten of Pentacles: This eclipse is occurring in your 4th house of home and family. There are some significant changes happening in this area of your life. Planting some roots may be the focus for you as you may be getting engaged or married. Others of you will decide to start a family. Plans for home improvements or additions to the home may be in the works. If this is you, be prepared for possible delays in approvals or start times as well as possible challenges in obtaining building materials. This will work out, just be patient. You may also be moving for a company position or career change. Or you could be upsizing or downsizing. Some of you may have a family member or someone you consider as such, coming to live with you or you may move in with someone. On the internal psychological side, this eclipse may bring up some memories from early childhood. Especially if you are moving and going through your things, or if there is a living arrangement shift as I mentioned before. But this eclipse is giving you the opportunity to break a cycle or pattern as well as, there is potential to improve or transform a relationship within your family dynamic. This eclipse although quite active for you, will have a positive influence as it will allow you to make external and/or internal changes that you have been wanting to address for a while.
Aquarius Sun/Rising: Judgement/Ace of Cups: This eclipse is occurring in your 3rd house of communication, short term travel and local community. You may be getting a license or certification or learning a new trade or skill. You may also be teaching a class, writing, making a presentation or putting together some type of online course. Your learning and communication skills will be highlighted during and after this eclipse. Its interesting that the Ace of Cups came out for you. Underlying causes of why you may feel blocked when it comes to heartfelt self-expression may be something you decide to explore. Especially if you were chastised or punished for expressing yourself when you were younger, therapy or counseling can be a real game changer to open up your heart and throat chakras. For others of you, I ask, is it time to open up and tell those that you care about and that care about you, how you feel? The Ace of Cups indicates that they would embrace your more sensitive side! As the third house includes siblings there may be an opportunity to heal from or to improve a relationship. A small group of you may take a course or become certified in some type of holistic healing or metaphysical arts. If you are still deciding, I say do it! On the more mundane level, you may see changes in your local community. A few examples are HOA rule revisions, new fees or changes in other local ordinances, so pay attention and get involved if need be!
Pisces Sun/Rising: Judgement/Seven of Cups: This eclipse is occurring in your 2nd house of personal finances, possessions, security and what you value. Anything contributing to financial or emotional instability will be highlighted for you. Most likely, this transit will bring up a situation that shows you where you are potentially getting in your own way! Have you been procrastinating on taking a realistic view of your spending habits? Have you been putting off applying for that better paying position or starting a side hustle or business? What about checking into that 401K at work? Would learning a trade or skill, enrolling in a class or obtaining a certification or permit, enable you to make more money, and/or qualify you for a raise or future advancement? On a psychological level, this eclipse will bring up people, situations and habits that may be a distraction, pulling your precious time and energy away from pursuing successful endeavors. There is a real opportunity for financial and personal growth when an eclipse is in the 2nd house! Blockages that stand in the way of your success, money and self-worth can be addressed and cleared. Paving the way for you to confidently take the initiative to pursue and achieve your financial goals unencumbered by internal or external influences.
The Tower tarot card from the Rider Waite Smith tarot deck
This week, retrograde Mercury in Aries brings a shift in energy that may cause disruptions in communication, thinking, travel, and technology. It’s a time to slow down, be cautious with your words, and carefully review your plans before taking action.
It’s not advisable to start new projects or make announcements if you can help it. However, it is an opportune time to make adjustments and/or to complete existing projects. Over the next three weeks, use the Aries energy constructively by channeling it towards knocking out your to-do list!
People and situations from the past may re-surface, (hello April Fool’s Day!) or you may find an all too familiar theme comes back around (same scenario, different actors). Initially, it may trigger your emotions, but take a deep breath. Pause and consider what your initial reaction is telling you about yourself. This is a profound opportunity for self-reflection and healing.
Remember, people are going to do what they are going to do. Therefore, it is our responsibility to address our own internal wounds so that we are not continuously impacted by others words and actions. Change your own internal dialogue and you will change the entire game.
On the flip-side, a second chance at a previously missed opportunity may come back around. Keep an open mind, but don’t commit or sign anything until after April 25th if at all possible.
The tarot card I pulled for you all is The Tower:
The next three weeks is a major turning point for you! While I do not recommend implementing major life changes during Mercury retrograde, you can use this time to reflect on where you are ready to make some positive, transformative changes. Particularly, if a situation is not as stable as you prefer, you may find you are ready to invest your time and energy into something more solid. Others of you may decide to scrap a design, project or idea completely, and start over in May.
Lastly, The Tower can reflect a sudden insight that leads to a profound breakthrough in one’s conscious awareness. Consider it a “cosmic road opener” that sets you free from self-limiting beliefs or patterns that have been impeding your success.