For this reading I had some fun working with tarot cards from The Halloween Tarot. The oracle card is from The Witches Wisdom Oracle deck.
The message I received from the cards today is that your inner magick is very strong right now! The fool and the moon in this reading suggest you are trusting your instincts and the messages you are receiving. You are feeling powerful! When you walk into a room, you are going in as if you own the place! And you are right to do this as your intuition is spot on! Especially for those with Scorpio in their charts, these energies are flowing to you on a strong current!
The underlying cards in this reading suggest this is a great time to practice divination and/or candle magick. If you work with angels, spirit guides, energies, etc. the lines of communication are wide open. You may consider experimenting with new methods that you are have not done before to further expand your awareness. With the new moon coming in on the 28th, this further adds to the amazing energies we are experiencing. Take advantage of this time. Use candle work to help you focus your intent on whatever it is you want to bring to you. Follow-up with the appropriate actions to support it and you will see amazing results!
Keep your energy up and your mind positive. Use your words carefully during this time, as with the current alignment of the planets creating such strong energetic channels, we can manifest without even realizing it.
Seven of Cups with Queen of Swords. Choose a cup and move forward!
The cards I pulled today were the Seven of Cups with the Queen of Swords at the bottom of the deck. The message here is you have many choices in front of you at the moment. You may be confused as to which direction you need to take or which is the best course of action. The Queen of Swords as a clarifier for the Seven of Cups is a message for you to narrow your focus and make a decision about what it is you want.
You may be overthinking here. I see the Seven of Cups as the “deer in the headlights” card. Feeling overwhelmed, confused, suffering from over analysis paralysis. This is also a card of worrying, and/or being apprehensive about a situation, which ends up making it much bigger in our minds than what it truly is in reality.
The Queen of Swords is a combination of intuition, clarity and focus. Cut away the distractions and options that are not in line with your goals. Use the Queen’s intuition to go within and see the truth about what it is that you want. Then take her sword and cut away that which is what you don’t want. Once you have chosen your “cup”, you will begin to move forward with focus and purpose. It’s time to make a decision and act on it. If there is something that you have been putting off that is weighing on your mind, this is a message to get it done so you can put it behind you and be finished with it.
I am also getting a message of too many distractions taking your focus away from what it is you want to do. Social media, tv, too much time on our phones, etc. can have an impact on our thoughts and our motivation. They are also “time bandits”. How many of us have sat down to check our social media sites only to look up and see that two hours have passed! The Queen of Swords is a message to be more disciplined with our time and mental energy.
Another message may be that it is time for some of us to de-clutter. We are coming up upon the end of the year. This is a good time to go through our environment and discard that which we are no longer using that is cluttering up our space. Donate those items and be sure to get a receipt so you can record it on your tax return. Or sell some items and have some extra cash in your pocket for the holidays.
By clearing your environment, you will clear your mind. Giving you a fresh perspective that will allow you to focus on your goals for the end of 2019 as well as what it is you want to accomplish for 2020.
Think before you act! You may do or say something you will regret later. Stay focused. Calm down.
The cards I pulled today are: The knight of wands, hanged man, two of wands, five of cups, magician.
The message: You are very powerful right now. Whether or not you realize it, you are currently manifesting your future via your thoughts and actions. Stay focused, keep your eye on the prize. Think about what you want and NOT what you don’t want. This is not the time for impulsive action, you may regret it later. Pause and think.
This card signifies that all is not lost. Turn around and you will see the other two cups! There is no use crying over spilled milk, as what’s done is done. Wishing what might have been is not going to help you. This card also indicates a possible message of downsizing and/or a need for a change which requires one to let go of unhealthy emotional attachments to things, people or places. Of course, we all know this is easier said than done.
Look at this card closely, see the bridge in the background leading to the castle? There is a new opportunity/adventure waiting for you. But to begin this journey, it will require a change in perspective.
This is a great card for inspiration, passion, creativity, new beginnings and the first step of taking action. Below are the messages I received for today 10/04/19, regarding love, work and personal, when I pulled this card:
Love: The Ace of Wands is a card of inspiration, fire, action. The start of something new. This card in a love reading indicates a fiery energy coming in. This can pertain to a new or current relationship. There is definitely a “spark” here. This card may also indicate seeing someone in a new light. Or a chance meeting that has your heart fluttering! The green buds are the color of the heart chakra. Looks like this may be an interesting Friday night and/or weekend for some of you!
Career/business: This is a great card to pull for career and business! This card indicates creative ideas, inventions, new perspectives, taking action and the beginning of an exciting new venture. You are “fired up” about a new project, business idea or career. I see the green buds on the wand as a potential for making money. This is a green light to begin moving forward with your idea. I especially love this card for entrepreneurs.
Personal: This is THE card for inspiration! There is a newfound passion in your life or it is coming in. I see this card as a personal message that you are starting something new that you are excited about. For example, a new hobby, course of study, a new business, love, travel, etc. Whatever it is that is inspiring you, the Ace of Wands is a signal for you to act on it.
Message from the Peacock and Knight of Wands. Laughter, brilliance, expression, creativity
This morning, while I was meditating during my morning coffee, I received the image of a peacock. To me, the peacock is a sign of brilliance, self-expression, artistic gifts, prosperity, confidence, spirituality and beauty.
As I shuffled the cards for the “card of the day”, who comes out is none other than the Knight of Wands! Talk about complimentary energies!
The Knight of Wands is a character for sure! Charismatic and passionate, when he comes riding in, it is a sign to move forward in pursuing what it is that you feel passionate about. I love to see this card when I am conducting a reading for an artist or an entrepreneur. The epitome of “fire energy”, the Knight of Wands is colorful, just like the peacock. This guy does not come in quietly! Look at the red plume on his helmet, his red horse just raring to go, and bright yellow clothing. The Knight of Wands is riding into this reading with an attitude of “look at me” this is who I am!
The message that comes in strongly for me today with these two images is one of “coming out” and “go for it”. Follow your passions and do not be afraid of being different. I am reminded of the lyrics of the Cat Stevens song “Don’t Be Shy”. In the chorus he sings “don’t be shy, just let your feelings roll on by, don’t wear fear or nobody will know you’re there”.
Are you “wearing fear”? I believe this is something we all struggle with. We want to be accepted by others, and/or play it safe, that is our nature. But we were not put here on this planet to just “fit in”. How boring would life be if we all thought the same, looked the same, had the same taste in music, etc.
People will judge you no matter what you do, so do what it is that makes you happy. I’m sure everyone has heard this phrase. It really is true. For every person that criticizes you or your work, or trolls your videos, there will be countless others that will love it! But really, what matters is that YOU love what you are doing. Whether you have one subscriber or 100,000 on your social media page, you will find that as long as you are creating with passion and show the same respect for others that you would like shown to you, you will be “successful”. I put this word in quotes, because “success” has a different meaning to each of us.
Of course, be smart about what it is you want to do. I posted a Meme recently on my facebook page which stated “follow your heart, but take your brain with you”. This saying is a good reminder for that Knight of Wands energy, which can be a bit impetuous (laugh). There is nothing wrong with having a stable day job that pays the bills, while you are building your dream. You certainly don’t want to be that person that blames their failures on excuses, bad karma or other people, when in reality their “bad luck” was just a result of “bad planning”.
Leonardo da Vinci earned his living painting for the church, Einstein worked in the US Patent office, and Brad Pitt worked a variety of odd jobs while he was waiting for his acting career to take off. And yes, I too have a “day job” (laugh). Just like “The Star” card in the tarot, it is a good idea to have one foot in the water and one on land.
So to wrap things up, peacock and knight of wands encourages us to express ourselves and create! Show those colors! Start that business, post your art, teach, sing, go back to school, whatever it is that you love to do. Keep your eye on the prize and keep moving forward! Bring your dreams into reality.
Here are the cards that came out for the New Moon in Libra on 9/28/19. At first glance, these cards may seem daunting, but the message that came through is overwhelmingly positive.
The Message:
The new moon in Libra is bringing positive energies to your life. The Star card is an indication of new hope and balance. There is a sense of letting go of what no longer serves you. You are ready to examine what it is that is most important to you and let the other bullsh*t go. This is a time for healing those old emotional wounds as well. I love The Star card. She is naked with one foot in the water and one on land, pouring water on both the land and water. This card is a symbol of inner balance, acceptance and hope. Just being you, accepting yourself and loving who you are. The Star is naked, this is who she is. There is no pretense in this card.
The nine of wands reversed indicates a release as well. This ties in nicely with The Star. The message I received is “I’m not going to fight anymore or constantly prove myself to others. Either you accept me for who I am or you don’t”. This can also indicate an inner struggle that you are letting go of. And good thing too, because the nine of wands looks exhausted!
And now we move on to the ten of swords, which is basically the same message. Being swords, this card indicates a release of negative thoughts and/or beliefs that may have been holding you back. This can be in any area of your life. Perhaps you have been holding back in a relationship, not showing your partner who you are, in fear of rejection. Or maybe you have been feeling stuck in your life due to a lack of self-confidence or self imposed limitations. In any case, this card in this reading, is the ultimate “ending” card. You are done!
The eight of cups and Death are very fitting cards for this new moon reading. Both indicate an energy of leaving the past behind you. Learning lessons and moving forward. This is a completion of a cycle. And the start of a new beginning!
To wrap this reading up – The Star with these other cards is a message that yes! You are a star! Cast away those fears and negative thoughts that are holding you back! Again, this could be in any area of your life, but I am particularly feeling this in relationships. If you are in a relationship, this may be a good time for both of you to begin to open up to each other, and take the relationship to the next level.
Hope, new beginnings and healing is the message that came through today for the new moon in Libra.