What is your personal year tarot card for 2021?

In numerology, your year number is calculated by adding up the numbers from the month you were born, plus the date and the current year. If it is a double digit number, add them together to come up with a single digit number. For example, if your birthday is on October 15th. You would calculate your year number as follows: 1+0+1+5+2+0+2+1 =12/3.

If your year number is a number 11, that is considered a “master number” that has particular significance, and is normally read as both an 11 and a 2.

Okay, so you did the math and are ready to see what 2021 has in store for you. Let’s do this! Click on the video below:

12/22/20: Nine of Swords: The tarot card for the first day after the Winter Solstice & The Great Conjunction!

The Nine of Swords from the After Tarot deck was the card that literally flew out of the deck while I was shuffling this morning. Facing our fears head on!

Here we are, the first day after the historical astrological alignment everyone has been all a buzz about – The Jupiter/Saturn Great Conjunction at 0 degrees in Aquarius, which occurred on the date of the Winter Solstice on 12/21/20. Basically, this marks the shift that signifies our entering the new age of Aquarius. The portal has opened. One of the significant factors of this alignment is that it starts a 200 year cycle of Saturn and Jupiter in air signs, where they have spent the last 200 years in earth signs. This is a whole new paradigm shift we will be experiencing on the planet for the next 200 years. Get ready!

The year 2021 is a “five year”. Fives are an energy of shaking things up. Breaking away from the stability of the four. Much like a teenager, the number five rebels against established order. And just like a teenager, the frequency of five energy can get quite chaotic. 2021 will certainly be an interesting year for us. Aquarius energy is one of challenging established paradigms. Out of the box thinking, advanced technology, new social norms, grass roots communities, new ways of doing things, challenging authority, a broader understanding of our world, asking questions, a fresh perspective in how things can be done more efficiently, cleaner, more humanely, better, faster, with the goal of what is of benefit to the collective. Not just for the benefit of a few.

I anticipate that 2021 and in particular, the months of January and February are going to be quite a bumpy ride as the powers that be are busy maneuvering their chess pieces so to speak. As such, a lot will be thrown at us, the collective. Situations and circumstances that will challenge us to face our fears head on (as is shown in the 9 of swords card above). We also will have the chance to stand up for ourselves and make our voices heard. Hopefully you have been paying attention to what has really been happening in 2020. Are you awake yet? I sure hope so!

Change is coming, but as you know, anytime there is change, there is always a period of chaos beforehand, while the energies are dismantled so that they can be put back together again in a new way. This is what we saw in 2020 and will be seeing more of in 2021. Aquarius, as a rebellious, eccentric, creative sign, likes to shake things up! I believe some shocking revelations will come to light in the upcoming months.

With this being said, let’s move on to the tarot card that literally flipped out of the deck while I was shuffling this morning as I wanted to get a feel for the collective energy on this powerful new day. It’s interesting that a swords card came out as swords is a mental “air” suit in the tarot. Aquarius is an “air” sign.

The nine of swords in this particular deck, is a great card! In the standard Rider-Waite-Smith tarot, the nine of swords shows a person sitting up in a bed with their head in their hands worried. But in the After Tarot deck, the person in the bed has decided to face their fears head on. No longer a victim of fear, anxiety, mental anguish, subconscious trauma, old patterns, limiting beliefs, a skewed perception of oneself. The person in this card has decided to face their nightmare once and for all. They have picked up one of the swords that are hanging on the wall and are using it to confront their fears head on! This is the only way we can move past them. I love the image on this card. To me it says – okay I’ve had enough. Let’s do this!

This card, being a nine, is significant. This number indicates one is almost at the end. The ten of swords in the tarot deck shows an image of someone laying face down with 10 swords in their back. There is no doubt when one sees this card that it is the end. But the positive aspect is that this opens the door to new beginnings.

Man, that was a rough fight! But it’s finally over. Look at the horizon. It’s a new day.

The nine of swords is an indication that we are moving in the right direction. We will get shaken up in 2021, but these challenges are what is going to push us to find the strength in ourselves that we forgot that we had. When we finally say, enough is enough – okay let’s do this! And we slay the so called “dragon” that has been creeping around us in the darkness for centuries.

It’s a rough fight as we see in the 10 of swords card that I mentioned before. But we don’t stay down. We take all those swords out of our backs and get up. We embrace that new horizon, that new start. And we walk into the New Age of Aquarius with one Sword, for we are starting over with the number 1. This is the Ace of Swords, which is the symbol of truth, light, clarity, purpose.

And with our one sword, we start a new cycle, in a new age. Are you ready?

The Ace of Swords: Divine truth prevails!

Quick look at Five of Pentacles (reversed)

Five of Pentacles reversed. An indication of better times up ahead!

Things are looking up! A few quick meanings for the Five of Pentacles in the reversed position are: Renewal of faith, nearing the end of hard times, improvement in circumstances, health, finances, relationships, etc. New opportunities. Help in the form of spiritual, physical or monetary aid. An improved perspective/mental outlook. The window that we see in this card in the upright position, is now a door in the reversed position. The snow at the couples feet is now the snow on the roof of the building (sanctuary/church). This couple kept their faith and continued moving forward despite the hardships they were facing. Here, they have arrived at the light at the end of the tunnel! A brighter future awaits. Open the door and go inside! ❤❤️

From the Eight of Swords to a Queen. Breaking the cycle.

Wow! A powerful spread of cards! Eight of Swords to the Queen of Swords!

A powerful message came through the cards today!

The numbered cards in the top row show an interesting trend. 8+9 =17, which in numerology brings us right back to the eight. Round and round…..

I received the message of repeating cycles in relationships. Here we see the Knight of Swords is swiftly leaving the scene, leaving our “damsel in distress” standing within eight swords that surround her. But let’s take a closer look at the eight of swords card, shall we? Her legs are not bound, and there is no one guarding her. She has the ability to walk out of the predicament that she is in. She does not “see” that the only one keeping her there is herself!

The Hermit is shining his light of wisdom on the eight of swords, encouraging her to look within to find her inner strength. To go deep within, and acknowledge the subconscious programs that are silently running in the background which can result in self-sabotaging cycles of behavior that keep one “stuck”. Outdated beliefs, childhood traumas, not so great past relationships, etc. can certainly take their toll on the psyche.

But when we have finally had enough, and choose the path of healing ourselves, rather than looking to others to “complete” us, a remarkable thing happens. We discover the strength that is within ourselves. We stop the cycle! We realize we are important, we have a voice, we are beautiful in who we are! We acknowledge parts of ourselves that we refused to see before. Instead of hiding our scars, we grow from them. We embrace them. For those experiences are what made us who we are.

This is where the blindfold comes off and our “damsel in distress” walks right out of those eight swords! She follows the light of The Hermit like a lighthouse beacon to a better future. Now, it won’t be easy, we all have our “moments”, as is shown in the next card in the swords suit progression, the nine of swords. But that’s okay. Because this brings you another step closer to the ten (10=1) endings and beginnings.

Things are looking up now. You begin to love yourself. The way, in the past, you wished others would have loved you. You buy something special just for you. You take yourself out on dates. Out to dinner, to a movie. You realize you can do this. You go to the beach and then go on vacation. By yourself. And it’s okay, because you are not alone. You have YOU.

This is where you finally put the past behind you, pick up the Ace of Swords and wield it like the badass that you are! Your relationships from this point forward will be nothing like they were in the past. Because you are no longer the eight of swords. You are much wiser now. Confident. Stronger. Smarter.

Congratulations. You have transformed yourself into The Queen of Swords.

Elemental divination reading: Lesser Air Over Water. Ease up a little bit!

In this reading, the Three of Cups carries a stronger influence over The Emperior

Today’s divination reading is “Lesser Air over Water – The Tranquil Lake”. The cards that came out are The Emperor and The Three of Cups. The stronger influence in this reading, is the Three of Cups.

Below are the messages for this reading:

Ease up! Go with the flow. Instead of trying to impart your will upon something by force, it is best to ride with the gentle current at this time. For example, when we want something so badly or when we think our way is the only way without compromise, we have a tendency to hold on too tightly, to be too rigid, which does not allow other beneficial possibilities to flow in. We can in essence, get in our own way. Instead of working WITH the current, we work against it. This can prolong an outcome, or make a situation much more difficult than it needs to be.

For some of you, this is an indication that a situation that you are dealing with, was not changed by intellectual thinking. And that the emotions of it were too strong for pure intellect to overcome. In short, the heart overrode the mind here. A less forceful approach would definitely better serve you in this particular instance. Ease up and take into account, others viewpoints, perceptions and feelings. This will result in a much more harmonious outcome, and who knows you may even learn something that you were not aware of before.

For others of you, this reading is a message of a need for more enjoyment in your life at this time. You have been working hard, and you may very well be the one who keeps it all together. The one whom everyone depends upon. But hard work needs to be balanced with enjoying the fruits of our labor. Have some fun! Whatever this is for you. Since we have the three of cups in this reading, it can indicate socialization with other people may be of benefit to you. Of course, right now, there are some restrictions depending on where you live. But that doesn’t mean one needs to be a hermit! Positive social connection is nourishing for our soul. Connect with others and have some lighthearted fun and conversation. When was the last time you laughed with a friend? Well that’s too long!

Full Moon in Aries 10/1/2020: Decisions. Justice. Our future. Passion with intellect

The next full moon is in the sign of Aries 10/1/2020

On 10/1/20, the full moon is in the position of 9 degrees in Aries. The Sun is in the opposite position of 9 degrees in Libra. The major arcana cards associated with Aries and Libra are The Emperor and Justice. The minor arcana cards associated with the decans of the positions of the sun and moon are the two of wands and the two of swords. I also pulled the associated zodiac oracle cards to further enhance the reading. And this powerful spread is the result!

Tarot spread for the full moon in Aries on October 1, 2020

I also want to mention that October, 2020 has two full moons! One on the first, and one on the 31st. Yes, we have a full moon on Halloween this year! These two full moons have a “bookend” affect on the month of October. I received the intuitive impression, of two spotlights shining in the dark, facing each other, casting a downward facing beam of light, illuminating the space between them. Just as one would illuminate one’s property for example, with security lights.

In October, that which has relied on the darkness to remain hidden, will have no where to hide. This is going to be an interesting month for sure! Now, 2020 started off with signs that for the most part, only those with “eyes that see” could understand what was happening. But now, it has become so blatant. To the point, where one would have to be completely blind not to see what is going on!  We are in the age of information. I know I have said this before. There is absolutely no excuse for ignorance. The knowledge we seek is available at our fingertips!  

Look closely at the Moon and Libra cards, and the Aries and Sun cards. See how these energies reflect the shape of the swords in the two of swords card? X marks the spot. It is time for all of us to step into our squares and reclaim our personal sovereignty. We have a decision to make. Are we going to take off the blindfold and finally open our eyes to see the reality of what is going on?  What are we going to do about it? And this is not just about us. More importantly, this is about our children!

The two of wands is a card of looking forward into the future. Look at what is going on in our schools! Kids wearing masks all day long, told to stay six feet away from each other, getting jabbed with vaccines over and over again, sitting at their desks like zombies. Parents, where are you? Is this the environment of  “learning” that you want for your children? We have the energies of the moon and the sun here. The moon mother and the sun father. Parents, why are we accepting this? There is nothing more important on this planet than our children. It is the divine responsibility of parents and all of us, whether we are parents or not, to protect the children! They are the future of this planet! When we allow our children to be indoctrinated or harmed in any way, we allow our children, and our future, to be stolen from us.

And this is but one aspect of the energies that we are seeing with this full moon, that is literally being shown in the cards.  

To move on, for sure, there is justice going on behind the scenes in the upper echelons of government. Of course, this is not covered in the mainstream. But rest assured, it is happening. I have a feeling, we are going to get a chance to see some of it, in the month of October. But, it will be hidden in plain sight. So, it is imperative for us to not accept at face value what we see and hear. For that is not necessarily what is being communicated. There is one message for the masses, and another for those that see with the “third eye”. Which I like to refer to it as one’s “first eye”. Let me explain.

When one chooses to see with their “first eye”(intuition), this is where you are able to use discernment. Rising above one’s emotional triggers to be able to “read” the signs. This is where the truth is. I love the fact that I am seeing more and more people each day “waking up”. They are learning astrology, symbolism, the true meaning and origin of names, numerology, colors, etc. When we understand these things, the truth of our world is revealed. Knowledge is power.

Knowledge is the compass that directs our personal truth. This is how we embody the energies of The Emperor and Justice within ourselves as individuals. There is a moral standard, a line to which we do not allow others to cross. A line where there is no compromise. This boundary is one that we must set for ourselves. If we do not, then there are plenty of others that are more than happy to tell us where our boundaries are. And it will certainly not be to our benefit!

More and more, I am seeing that people have had enough of the nonsense of 2020. And this is also reflected in the energies of this reading. Personal boundaries as individuals, as well as the boundaries of the collective have been not only crossed, but obliterated! Numerous laws and civil liberties have been broken in 2020. We are seeing the collective starting to fight back now, in the process of filing lawsuits against various government officials and agencies. But much more needs to be done.

The Emperor and Justice with the two of wands and two of swords as the underlying energies is a message for us to open our eyes and see what is going on, and have a vision for the future. If we allow our laws and civil liberties to be continually trampled upon, we will permanently lose the freedoms that our ancestors fought and died for, for us to have.

It is no coincidence that these energies are here as we approach election time! I will not go into detailed politics here, as this is not the focus of what I do. But I will say, that unless one has been wearing their face covering (a.k.a. “mask”), over their eyes, one cannot help but see what is really going on.  The travesty of justice in the form of the overreach of power regarding our civil rights as citizens is staggering.

There is a right way and a wrong way to do things. The Emperor and Justice is all about law, order, morality, and justice Including karmic justice of which one aspect of this is universal balance. Karma is the result of our actions. And this includes the result of our INACTION as well. This full moon is reminding us that this is not the time to be passive!  The year 2020 translates into 20/20 vision. Do you see what is going on? Enough is enough.

The Moon in Aries and the Sun in Libra is asking us to take action, but reminding us as well, to be smart and follow the law. Take that passion and use it the right way! File lawsuits, use the upcoming elections to vote out the individuals, especially in our state, and local governments that have overstepped their authority, by forcing us to comply with unreasonable doctrines that are unhealthy, economically damaging, and illegal to boot! If you have a child in school, now is the time for all the parents to come together and march into those schools and demand they rescind the recent policies that have been put into place that harm your child’s health and mental well-being!  If you are able to home school, look into this a bit more. Things have changed from the old days of kids spending hours doing their schoolwork at the kitchen table. For example, there are many homeschool co-cops that are popping up now. Check to see what options are available in your area. You may be pleasantly surprised.

When we live our truth, we take personal responsibility for ourselves. We do not wait for others to save us. This embodies the Emperor archetype. We decide what we will allow, and what we will not allow. Where is your moral standard? At what point do you decide to stand up for yourself? Where is your boundary for yourself and your family?

This full moon in Aries, is asking us to go within to answer these questions. The sun in Libra reminds us to keep our fiery emotions balanced. Don’t let that passion get the better of you! Controlled fire is the first “bookend” that is in place for the month of October. Spend your precious time and energy wisely. Do not spend it arguing with others on social media, for example! Use that time to look into realistic actions and options that are within your control, that work best for you and/or your family. If you are voting, do your own research on the candidates that are running for office. Don’t fall for the hype. Remember, use your third eye. That will give you 20/20 vision. You will be surprised at what you see once you start digging and doing the research for yourself.

Each tarot card here has a relationship to the number 2. We have some decisions to make. All the tarot cards added together, add up to the number 19. Which in numerology breaks down to the number 10 / 1. This is a critical time for us. One of endings, and new beginnings! Both as individuals and as a collective. We are near the end of 2020. What will 2021 look like for us?

“Stop trying to be less of who you are. Let this time in your life cut you open and drain all of the things that are holding you back.” ~ Jennifer Elisabeth

Quick Message 9/22/20

You have what it takes to achieve your goals! The first step is choosing a cup!

Here we see the Nine of Pentacles and the Queen of Cups on either side of The Magician. Three powerful energies! Are you thinking about pursuing something that is both financially and emotionally rewarding? These cards indicate something that has the potential for both. It will take time though. True success does not happen overnight. Be realistic about your expectations. The Seven of Cups as the underlying energy of the reading, is an indication that you certainly have a lot of options here, or perhaps there is some confusion about where to begin. The Magician says you have what it takes to achieve your goals. But you must take the first step, and choose a cup! He reminds us that dreams will remain dreams, unless we take the physical action to bring them into reality. We are near the end of 2020. Laying the groundwork now, will put you in a favorable position of being ready to move forward at the beginning of 2021.

Quick message: 9/15/20: Lessons learned, end of a karmic cycle.

Intuitive reading. End of a karmic cycle! Lessons learned. A message of transformation.

A new beginning is at hand. What you have been working towards is on it’s way to you. A karmic cycle has been completed as you have learned the lessons from the past and therefore there is no need to repeat them.

Pay attention to your dreams for much of the transformation of your soul happens while you sleep. You may experience a few nightmares. This is okay. It’s your subconscious purging the final remnants of what needs to be cleared and released through the conscious mind. We must acknowledge our fears in order to move past them.

You have always known, deep inside that you are different. In your early years, you may have even had to hide your light in order to remain safe. The image on the happiness card, reminds me of The Hanged Man in the tarot (reversed). No longer the caterpillar, which was hanging upside down safely and quietly within it’s cocoon on the branch. Here, you can see she has grown her wings.

The transformation process is in it’s final stages. The caterpillar is now the butterfly. I get the impression that the wings need a little more time. Just as the wings of the butterfly must dry and strengthen before they are ready for lift off. You are almost there! Be patient. The Wheel of Fortune tells us that Divine Timing is at work here. Stay positive, this is very important at this time as energies are in flux, and you are manifesting your future, now. Be mindful of what you take into your consciousness. Remember, we can either use our precious life force to create our own reality, or use it to create someone else’s reality. We all have free will. It is our choice.

When we look at the butterfly, we see it’s beauty. But we don’t always think about the trials that the caterpillar had to go through to make the transformation to become what we see today. But the butterfly, remembers.

For that is exactly what gave it the strength to struggle to free itself from it’s cocoon. Because in the soul of every caterpillar is the knowledge that it is the butterfly. ❤️🦋

New Moon in Virgo: September, 2020. What works, what doesn’t. Getting things done.

The new moon is in the sign of Virgo on September 17, 2020. Virgo is the ruler of the sixth house in astrology. The house that represents, health, fitness, systems, nature, pets, organization, habits and service offered to others. The card that represents Virgo in the major arcana is The Hermit. The ten of pentacles is the card associated with the deacon of this moon. Intuitively, I added the numbers of these two cards (10 + 9 = 19), then reduced it to a single digit (10 / 1). This is the number of The Magician in the major arcana. Interesting, since The Magician’s ruling planet is Mercury, which is also Virgo’s ruling planet. Since Mercury showed itself so prominently in this reading, I looked up it’s position on the date of the new  moon. It is in the sign of Libra, second deacon, which is the three of swords.

So with that being said, here are the cards associated with this New Moon.

Card spread for the new moon in Virgo 9/17/20

The first thing I notice is The Hermit closely examining the ten of pentacles. Things are looking pretty good, from an outer perspective for sure. But The Hermit is not content with accepting what looks good on the surface. The New Moon in Virgo is asking us to dig a little deeper. What areas of your life could use some tweaking? Virgo’s mantra is “I analyze”. Virgo is excellent at seeing ways to make something better.

Virgo isn’t about starting something big and new. She analyzes the current situation and improves upon it. With the current craziness of 2020, we are all feeling haphazard right now. Let’s face it, we’ve been “winging it” for most of this year! Finances, relationships, our health, all the structured elements in our lives have been turned upside down. But the new moon in Virgo is letting us know, that it is time to begin to put things back into order.

Mercury in Libra is interesting here. Libra rules the 7th house. Relationships, marriage, contracts, business partnerships, sharing, interpersonal style (a.k.a., how you are seen by others). Here’s the question. Is what you are projecting on the outside, the truth of what is really happening on the inside? Mercury is about communication. What are you telling yourself and others? That everything is just fine? How are things going, really? The three of swords underneath The Hermit and next to The Magician, is indicating that not all is what it appears to be. The Hermit says, let’s shine a light on the situation. To examine more closely at what is really going on here. We cannot change what we will not acknowledge.

I think it is interesting how the Virgo oracle card is looking down at the Three of Swords and The Magician. A shadow aspect of this energy is that she, in her zeal to help others, can get herself into trouble when she is “too helpful”. This is something the new moon requires us to look at as well. Virgo loves to be of service to others. As such, when she sees something that could be done better, or more efficiently for example, she will offer “helpful suggestions” to others even though they may not have asked for them! This can lead to hard feelings on both sides. The Virgo energy, that offered the help, may not feel appreciated for her ideas/efforts. Or, this aspect can be taken advantage of, and Virgo can end up taking on more work and responsibility than what she intended. Leaving her feeling disgruntled and/or manipulated.

On the flip side, whomever is on the receiving end of the “suggestions” may feel like they are being criticized and resent the unsolicited input.

Sometimes, it’s best to just let people do what they are going to do, their way. Even if you know a way that it can be done better (laugh). Bite your tongue, and let them ask for help if they want it! By the way, how are things in your own life? Perhaps instead of focusing on what this other person is doing, you could use that time and energy to “clean up your own house” so to speak. Oh, did I just say that! Yeah, sometimes Virgo energy needs a reality check.

Going back to the The Hermit and The Three of Swords underneath it, looking at the ten of pentacles and The Magician, I received another message. If you are taking an honest look at your habits, your lifestyle, your finances, home, etc. and you don’t like what you see, you have the power to change it. When Virgo is energized, it is amazing what she can accomplish. It can certainly seem like “magic” to others, when Virgo comes in, takes the reins and gets done what needs to be done. When Virgo can help others, by making the improvements needed to make things more beautiful, more efficient, organized, healthier, etc., and is appreciated for her efforts, Virgo is in its element!

Whether it’s better communication in a relationship, a budget to get the finances in order, a new health and diet regime, finally cleaning out that “junk” closet, or perhaps something more substantial. The new moon in Virgo is an energy that is shining a light on an aspect in our life and in the collective that needs attention. She is ready to jump in and help! All we have to do is be honest with ourselves about what needs to be improved upon, embrace that industrious Virgo energy, and then commit to the task.

There is magic, but you have to be the magician. You have to make the magic happen. – Sidney Sheldon

Today’s message: Weave your magic into the world

When you use your light to send love into the world, it will continue to increase. Honor the freedom of choice for yourself and others (we all have free will). Remember the goodness in you is more powerful than the negativity in anyone or anything. Create beautiful magic which others can benefit from if they so choose. Listen to your intuition and always be true to yourself no matter what. When our intentions are aligned with truth and integrity, the universe has our back. Weave your loving magic into the world ❤

Today’s message from Love Your Inner Goddess Oracle ❤