Post eclipse tarot spread. A clean slate. A choice to move forward.
I don’t know about ya’ll but this eclipse season whipped my ass! But I do now feel a sense of relief and newfound motivation that I haven’t felt in a while. You guys are all “tapped in” too, so I know I am not the only one feeling this way!
Today, the moon has just begun its waning decreasing phase. Illumination is 99% and it is in the sign of Gemini. The Sun is in Scorpio and its corresponding tarot card is the 6 of cups. This is full-on transformation energy! Realizing the past is done and making peace with it in order to move ahead. We have a decision to make as to which direction we want our Chariot to go. Backwards is not an option.
The eclipses showed us what was dragging us down or holding us back. Much of this we may have realized were not necessarily outward forces, but rather internal blockages that were manifesting in our life. I received an image today of the ocean tide sweeping the shoreline clean as it pulls back into the ocean. Removing all of the old footprints of the past and replacing it with a clean water swept beach. Go ahead and look back, but the footprints are gone.
I have a feeling its going to be very interesting from here on out. Have a great day!
Powerful Divine energy! The Tower, The Lovers, Ace of Swords, The Sun
So I decided to focus my tarot forecast this week on the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse that is occurring tomorrow morning. Eclipse energy comes with the themes of transformation, change, decisions. Lunar eclipses tend to powerfully connect with our internal world.
This is accurately reflected with the first card that flipped out from the deck, the two of swords.
This card shows a woman that is in the process of making a decision. And she is basing this decision on the facts, rather than her emotions. Notice she has her arms crossed over her heart, the emotional waters are behind her, and she’s going within by wearing a blindfold to limit distractions. In this spread, she is asking the question, what is the truth of this situation and what is not the truth. Eventually, she is going to make a decision. Choosing one sword (The Ace of Swords).
The next card that appeared was The Lovers. Most people see The Lovers and automatically think that this card pertains to love & relationships. And while yes this can be, mainly though, The Lovers is about decisions. It’s a Gemini card, which corresponds to the element of air (thoughts, decisions). So here we see in the middle of this spread we have two air element tarot cards reflecting an overall theme of duality.
Now, lets take a look at the cards on both sides. On the left, we have The Five of Wands and The Tower. On the right, we have The Sun and The Ace of Swords. Talk about duality! What I am seeing within this spread, is that something has become so glaringly apparent that it can no longer be ignored. A decision is required or a conversation needs to happen.
On the left, The Tower and the Five of Wands reflect an explosive energy similar to the lid of a pressure cooker being blown off! I find it interesting that we have political elections happening on this day. We’ll see what happens! But on an individual level, this can reflect an argument or heated discussion that blows off the top of the Tower. These cards can also reflect an internalized anger or a feeling of pressure that transforms into a sudden insight. You know the phrase “that was the straw that broke the camel’s back”? This is it. This is the last Jenga block that took down the whole structure!
The Tower upright tells us that a change is required for our best and highest good. It shakes us out of a current paradigm wherein we may have been denying the truth of a situation or have become stagnant in an aspect of our lives. It tends to be rough as it is occurring, but afterwards, we reflect back on the rubble and realize that it was a blessing in disguise. For the destruction of the Tower sets us free from the confines of its walls that have been keeping us prisoner.
The Universe is perpetually in motion. The eclipses this year that are occurring on the Taurus & Scorpio axis are just too powerful to allow what is no longer working in our lives to continue to stand as is. Eclipse energy has a window of influence that is felt most strongly felt about 2 weeks before and after. So, for some of you, changes may have already happened, or are about to, or perhaps you are smack dab in the middle of it.
But whatever this is for you, The Tower was built on a foundation that was faulty from the beginning, or like an old building, perhaps some upgrades and renovations are required to bring it up to current code. Hmmm. Should the Tower be rebuilt? Can it be? Or is the destruction beyond repair? This can go either way, depending on your situation. But there is a decision here. After all, the Tower has fallen. So, now let’s shift our focus to the cards on the right.
We have the Ace of Swords and The Sun. Wow. I want to quickly mention, that in this spread, we have a lot of Divine energy here. The Tower, The Lovers, The Ace of Swords. Powerful, hard-hitting source energy. The catalyst of change. The Ace of Swords shows us that the truth can be a double-edged sword. What is your core truth? The Sun supporting the Ace of Swords is asking you, are you truly happy? Both cards indicate a self-empowerment that requires YOU to take the course of action that you feel places you in alignment with what you want your future to be. When was the last time you felt the joy we see expressed in The Sun?
The swords suit corresponds to communication. Are you clearly communicating your needs to others? Speaking your truth before it turns into a pressure cooker is much easier on you and others. Most people have their own stuff going on and usually are not paying attention as much as we think they are. Are you assuming they “should” know what you want? They may be missing your subtle clues. Get it out in the open and see what happens. You could be pleasantly surprised or disappointed. As I mentioned before, the truth is a double-edged sword. It’s not always pretty, but it is what it is. At the very least you will know. And as the saying goes, “when you know better, you do better”.
I can’t help but notice the Two of Swords again. I think this may additionally, be a time marker. We have about two months remaining for the rest of the year. Two months to think things over, make a decision, have those important conversations, bring ourselves into alignment. Clear out the clutter. Create space in order to make a fresh start in 2023. I think individually and collectively, we are tired of the tension, distractions and chaos. We may not have so much control over what is going on in the world, but that makes it so much more important to exert a positive influence over what we can control in our personal life. In my private readings, I see so many people that are making or ready to make big changes in their lives. Are you one of them? Look at these cards again. There is a big difference between what we see on the left versus the right. Separating the two sides are The Lovers and The Two of Swords. Choices. Decisions.
Next year’s numerology, 2023 adds up to the number “7”. This corresponds to The Chariot in the major arcana. The number seven speaks of movement, growth, independence. This card denotes getting oneself together in order to move forward. But this can only be achieved when The Charioteer limits distractions and focuses his entire “force of will” towards a goal. This concentrated force is what unites the sphinxes, enabling the chariot to move forward.
Pay attention to what is rising up for you at this time. I can just about guarantee challenges that you are facing are bringing valuable insights to the surface to be resolved.
Tips: Don’t obsess over things that are beyond your control. Do what you can and move on. Don’t try to force a square peg into a round hole. Leave it be for now and see what happens. A better option may come in or it may conclude on its own. Do get out and partake in something you enjoy. Give yourself a special treat. Ground your energy by spending time outdoors, with your pets and/or with people that bring you joy. Try to socialize this week. You never know what may happen!
The Five of Cups from the Rider Waite Smith tarot deck
The Five of Cups is the card that came out today. Let’s look carefully at the image in this card. We see a character mourning the loss of three spilled cups and behind him, we see two cups that are still standing. This card speaks of a loss as well as the grieving process. Sadness has overcome this character for the moment, as he is working through his emotions, trying to deal with the fact that something has ended. Oftentimes in a reading, this can signify a relationship break-up or a death in the family for example. But it can also indicate any other type of loss that has had a significant emotional impact.
This card reminds us that yes, allow yourself time to grieve. However try not to stay there too long. For all is not lost. The two upright cups behind him, on the right side of the card, signify the return to an emotionally balanced state and also of moving forward.
It is only when the character finally turns around, that he notices the two remaining cups as well as the bridge behind him. As he picks up the two cups, perfectly balanced, one in each hand, and crosses the bridge over the troubled waters of the past, he is walking in the direction of the castle that represents a future filled with new opportunities and possibilities.
If you are reading this, I hope this message was helpful…
Halloween/Samhain skull candle & black obsidia crystal ball
Happy Halloween & Samhain Blessings everyone!
The moon is in its waxing crescent phase as it enters into the sign of Aquarius this afternoon. Its increasing frequency inspires us to have the courage to implement a plan of action in order to move forward as well as to have faith in the pursuit of our dreams. Be aware however, that Mars went retrograde yesterday which can be unpredictable, so try to have patience with others. Remember, they are feeling this too! Work with this concentrated energy by constructively channeling it through a creative outlet or physical activity.
Halloween/Samhain carries us into the “dark” time of the year. The Sun is in Scorpio, which gives us a chance to do some inner soul work that requires our attention, using the process of fiery transmutation. Not everything is to be banished or released. Some are valuable lessons that are metaphorical “gold” hidden in the “gross matter”. The gold can only be revealed through the process of spiritual alchemy. The end result is priceless wisdom, lessons learned and oftentimes, the release of karma. All of this and more can be utilized to be of immense benefit to oneself and/or others.
Remember that creative outlet I mentioned above? Use this powerful time by putting together a spell or intention tonight! Ancestor work, karmic contracts, shadow work, facing one’s fears, divination, automatic writing, spellwork, scrying, etc. are just a few ideas. Set up your candles, herbs, crystals, cauldrons, etc. and get those creative juices flowing! Put that concentrated Mars retrograde energy to good use!
*Remember to write down any messages/insights you receive so you can revisit them later.
It doesn’t have to be all serious though. You can also just let loose and burn some of those fun, spooky Halloween candles! You do you tonight. I’ll see you on the other side!
Breakthrough transformation! New moon solar eclipse in Scorpio 10/25/22
Hi everyone here is your tarot message for this week!
This reading has an emphasis on the new moon solar eclipse that is occurring tomorrow, October 25th. This transit gives us the opportunity to release what has become excessive and/or toxic to make space for healthy, organic, positive changes.
The nine of cups is reversed in this reading. The chalices behind the character are spilling out their contents, reflecting an emotional disconnect or dissatisfaction. This card reversed, can also indicate unhealthy habits or behaviors such as overspending or overindulgence. Something has reached a tipping point. All may look well and great on the outside, but this card reversed says that this may not necessary be the case when one digs a little deeper.
The Death card, which coincides with the zodiac sign of Scorpio, to me is representing the eclipse energy. It is clearing away the false perceptions and facades to get down to what is real. The solar eclipse combined with the new moon in Scorpio, is calling our attention to an aspect of our life that would benefit from the result of a change. Whatever this is for you, the powers that be say its time and it may very well bring in a person, circumstance or situation that highlights a hard truth that in turn, challenges you to make a change or a choice. This is the “mirror moment” breakthrough that shakes you out of the 9 of cups reversed.
The Queen of Pentacles is a lovely final outcome card. Yes, she is a Queen, but she is not hidden away in a lavish castle, nor do we see an abundance of material possessions in this image. She has high standards, but is practical and grounded at the same time. Oftentimes, she comes up in my readings when someone is, or needs to, focus on their health or on practical matters concerning their home, business, money or family. She can also reflect a strong feminine presence/matriarch at home or work (or both). This is echoed by the Goddess oracle card grounding the reading “healing feminine energy”.
What are you ready to release, change or transform in your life?
To work with this energy, get two candles (one black, one white) and two small pieces of paper. Write down what you want to release on one piece of paper. Light the black candle. Then light the petition with the flame of the black candle and allow it to burn to ash in a fireproof container. Do this BEFORE the time of the eclipse. After the eclipse is over, write down what you want to bring into your life on the second piece of paper. Light the white candle. Then light the petition and allow it to burn to ash in a fireproof container. I recommend using chime or tealite candles so you can allow them to burn out on their own. Feel free to journal any insights you receive during this time.
An ending is the bridge between the four of pentacles and the 9 of pentacles!
Hi everyone this is Christine aka Texas Tarot Lady with your tarot forecast for this week!
The moon is continuing its waning transit as we approach eclipse season beginning with a new moon solar eclipse in Scorpio on October 25th. This powerful transit offers us a chance for a “reboot” on a primal level. I feel the cards that came out today reflect this energy coming into our awareness. Think of this period of time as “prep work”. Whitewashing the canvas so that we can go deep within the womb of the new moon to contemplate ideas for the new picture that we are about to paint.
This week’s message:
The four of pentacles and the ten of swords combined in this reading, indicates that something has run its course. You may be holding on or staying for just a little longer, hoping the situation improves or for a more mundane, practical reason. For others of you, the four of pentacles tells me that you have set some money aside for a rainy day, knowing this situation was not going to last long term. In other words, you saw the writing on the wall and prepared accordingly. The four of pentacles while holding tight now, soon will be required to let the process unfold as there is something new approaching on the horizon. Let’s touch on the ten of swords for a moment…
I often refer to the ten of swords as the “stick a fork in me I’m done” card in my readings. It’s the final blow in a situation, or it can indicate the end of overthinking. The image is rough, but it brings relief. Notice the “blessings” symbol that the character is making with his right hand. It’s a small detail, but important. My eye was drawn to this as I glanced at the next card, the nine of pentacles. This ending is the catalyst that allows something much better to come in.
The nine of pentacles is an auspicious sign. It is one of my favorite cards in the tarot. I often refer to her as my independent woman or female entrepreneur card. She has a deep appreciation for the finer things in life, including herself! In fact, her self-worth is the key to her success. After all, if you do not value yourself, who else will? She has an eye for beauty which can indicate that a creative hobby or side business has the potential to grow over time. It can also indicate a successful professional career and/or investments. She is a reflection of high standards, prosperity, confidence and grace. Her success has been built over time. She’s a mature woman that is at the point in her life where she is enjoying the blessings of her achievements. Not too shabby, I must say!
Grounding the reading is the four of cups. Here we have the card of perception and attitude. Compare this card and the ten of swords above it. The ten of swords literally has ten swords in his back, yet still has his eye on the horizon. Tomorrow is a new day full of possibilities. In the four of cups, the young man has opportunities sitting in front of him, as well as has a divine hand offering him another. But in his apathy, he doesn’t even bother to look up. Which one of these cards do you identify with at the moment? Is your cup half full or half empty?
One door closes and another one opens is the theme for this reading. Perhaps you will need to crawl through a window, I don’t know. But there does appear to be a favorable outcome and/or avenue for success here that may require a different approach. Stay open. Be willing to invest in yourself. The Divine has something “more” in mind for you. More than what you had in mind for yourself.
Zodiac signs in this reading: Capricorn, Gemini, Virgo, Cancer
Date correspondences: Jan.10-19, June 11-20, July 12-21, Sept.2-11
We are still feeling the effects of the recent fiery, independent Aries full moon, as it is just beginning its waning phase through the signs of Taurus Gemini and Cancer this week. The tarot cards that came out are the five of swords, Judgement and nine of cups:
Early in the week/moon in Taurus. Tarot card: Five of Swords. Taurus energy is strong and unwavering here as it appears that there is a conflict or stalemate impeding progress in an area of your life. However, the five of swords, indicates that the conflict or difficulty has reached its peak and now has a chance to be resolved.
There are two messages/possible scenarios here:
1) You may be ready to stand up for yourself and set a healthy boundary by drawing a line in the sand. Others of you have had enough and are prepared to (or already have) cut the chord in order to set yourself free as the other side is/was not willing to listen or compromise.
2) Think carefully before your next move. Winning at all costs may make you the victor in the battle, but you may lose the war. Are you sure there isn’t a more peaceful resolution or a mutual compromise that can be reached? This situation may need some time in order to allow all involved to collect themselves before taking action or making a final decision. Be careful of doing or saying something in the heat of the moment that you may regret later.
I’ll let you decide which message resonates with you.
Mid-week/moon in Gemini. Tarot card: Judgement. Gemini is the sign of communication, and here we have Gabriel coming in with your wake- up call! Whatever your actions were earlier in the week, what’s done is done. Judgement upright depicts a new sense of purpose through the wisdom of self-reflection. The past no longer holds you back. You’ve made peace with it. You are moving forward and making the necessary changes in your life and/or routine in order to embrace a path that is in alignment with a positive goal and/or a successful future.
End of the week/moon in Cancer. Tarot card: Nine of Cups. Emotional fulfilment and success is where it’s at toward the end of the week! You may have reached a goal, achieved a personal milestone or some of you may be up for a promotion, acknowledgment, award, etc. This is a positive card, indicating self-satisfaction and/or the celebration of an achievement. Dreams can come true! Enjoy your blessings, you have earned it!
Mabon is the Autumn Equinox on the wheel of the year, occurring each year between the dates of September 20-24. Unlike our modern holidays, the Fall Equinox is not celebrated on a particular date every year. Rather it coincides with the astrological point in time wherein the length of day and night are approximately equal. This year, its date falls on September 22.
Mabon, symbolically represents the “in between” time, the transition from summer to fall. This is when the nature Gods and Goddesses of spring and summer, begin to slow down as the dark season approaches. Persephone has had her time in the sun, it is time for her descent back into the underworld. It is the time of the Fall Harvest, when vegetables and fruits are gathered and stored in preparation for the upcoming harsh winter months. The Goddess is beginning her transformation from fruitful mother to Crone. Soon the ground will be barren as nature withdraws into its “death” cycle. Seeds prepare for their buried slumber as they nestle into the earth to hibernate through the winter.
The primary theme surrounding Mabon is one of celebration and gratitude. The Fall Harvest has revealed its bounty and blessings as the result of the hard work of the previous months. In modern times, we can celebrate Mabon in a similar way. Look around you right now. Take this time to write down in a journal or a notepad, six or more blessings that you are thankful for. If you have a roof over your head, internet and food in the fridge, you are off a good start!
Fall is the time for hearty food. Root vegetables such as turnips, onions, carrots, potatoes, squash, pumpkins. Pomegranates, seeds and nuts, grains, corn, apples. Stews, breads, baked goods warm cooked cereals, etc. The scent of allspice and cinnamon fills the air. Think of comfort food and you have the idea. Have your fill, food is plentiful! All is well, the harvest was good this year.
Decorating one’s home, altar, and/or sacred space is a perfect way to connect with the seasons. Fall colors of orange, red, copper, maroon, gold, brown and yellow set the tone. Gourds, pumpkins, apples, nuts, berries, seeds and bread make wonderful adornments and offerings. If you work with deities, place a sigil, picture or statue on your altar to show respect and to connect with them.
Of course, no Mabon altar is complete without fire! Candles in the colors mentioned above will give your space a beautiful warm glow. Burn herbs, incense and spices in a cauldron or fire proof container to further enhance your connection with nature and spirit. Don’t feel you must limit yourself to just one day either. Celebrate Mabon for the entire month of September! You will enjoy the fall ambience and your Mabon altar will transition nicely with just a few tweaks as the season progresses into Samhain.
Here are a few ideas in how you can celebrate Mabon:
Eat “fall theme” foods and leave some as an offering on your altar: fresh apples, warm cider, pies, pastries, sweet potatoes, berries, seeds, warm cereals, pumpkin bread, etc.
Light candles: Candles in fall colors, and fall scented candles. For spells/meditations chime and taper candles in the appropriate colors will aid in focusing your intentions. You can dress them in oils and herbs as well to further charge them with your energy.
Declutter your space, donate items to charity. Physically clearing out your space, is helpful in assisting with clearing out emotional clutter as well. It goes a long way to ease feelings of anxiety. You will be able to enjoy yourself in a space that feels warm, peaceful and comforting.
Start a journal and/or magical grimoire. Get a journal that you especially connect with so that you will enjoy writing in it! These are wonderful for not just diary entries, but to write down your spells, recipes, magical correspondences, insights, etc. I especially love the large selection of high-quality journals offered at Indigo Moons. These are beautiful grimoires that can be passed down through generations.
Host a potluck dinner and share a hearty meal with family and/or friends.
Connect with others by attending fall events such as metaphysical & craft fairs, festivals, moon events, drum circles, farmers markets, etc.
Decorate your table with fresh in-season fall flowers.
Space/altar decorating ideas: Cornucopias, pinecones, seeds, nuts, autumn leaves, branches, naturally shed deer antlers, fall colored candles (of course), cauldron/incense burner(s), ears of dried corn, pumpkins, gourds, pomegranates, sunflowers, acorns, marigolds, pictures or figurines of “fall themed” animals such as owls, dogs, deer, stags, crows, ravens, blackbirds, foxes, cats, wolves, squirrels, etc. Pictures or statues of goddesses, gods, natural spirits, etc. Let your intuition guide you!
Herbs. The following are a few herb/spice suggestions that you can blend to make an incense mix, smudge blend or use them in a tea ball strainer in a bath for a ritual purification or aura cleanse: Cinnamon, clove, sweetgrass, pine, sage, myrrh, allspice, cedar, benzoin, sandalwood, lavender, red rose, dried apple, vanilla, patchouli, calendula (marigold), thistle, nutmeg, rosemary, mugwort, tobacco, thyme, chamomile, passionflower.
Crystals: Citrine, amber, tigers eye, red jasper, yellow agate, carnelian, botswana agate, honey calcite, garnet, clear quartz, mahogany obsidian, hematite, peridot, labradorite, bloodstone, yellow and/or green aventurine, black moonstone, a few pieces of black obsidian. These are just a few suggestions. If you feel drawn to a particular crystal, use it! As I always say, you do you.
Mabon is the time when we begin to slow down and reflect on the past year. We give thanks for the blessings and release the excess baggage. It’s a time for connection, celebration and magick! Why not integrate the Fall Equinox into your experience and enjoy all the wonderful gifts that this time of the year has to offer.
Christine Mann (aka Texas Tarot Lady) is a gifted psychic intuitive that specializes in tarot, astrology & numerology. She is also well versed in a variety of other esoteric subjects & divination methods. She maintains a strict code of ethics and utilizes her gifts to shed light on a situation or to reveal information, insights and perspectives that empower and add value to the client’s current path. Her reading style is positive, professional and honest. She is currently the Saturday in-house reader at Indigo Moons in Houston, TX. and is also available for private virtual readings and parties. For more information, see her website at
Powerful cards this week: The Emperor, Seven of Wands, The Hierophant
We just had the new moon in Virgo on August 27th wherein we had the opportunity to set a new intention. This week, the moon is in its waxing (increasing) phase as it travels through the signs of Libra, Scorpio and Sagittarius. These tarot cards (Emperor, Seven of Wands, Hierophant) reflect powerful energies corresponding to the signs of Aries, Leo and Taurus. The words integrity, valor and authority are coming to mind as the overall theme for this reading.
Moon in Libra – The Emperor. Consistency, focus, leadership and discipline is the message from The Emperor for the beginning of the week. Set appropriate boundaries and stick to them. You may be in a leadership role or the main decision maker at home or work. Or this card can reflect someone in your life with these qualities. Some of you may have recently been promoted. You may need to set some rules or re-establish your authority within your relationships, at work or in a situation. Don’t assume people know what you want. Communicate your expectations clearly. Be firm but fair.
Moon in Scorpio: In the middle of the week, the Seven of Wands indicates that your resolve may be tested. You may be required to defend your position. Have the courage to face this challenge head-on, sooner is better than later. If this is a serious concern, it may be time to take this to a higher level such as human resources, a lawyer, therapist, supervisor, etc. On a lesser scale, stand up and speak up. This is the perfect opportunity to establish yourself as someone that is to be respected. This is a card of holding one’s ground. It’s a fiery combination of Mars in Leo. You can win this! Fortune favors the brave.
Moon in Sagittarius: At the end of the week, The Hierophant upright is a good sign! It denotes integrity and moral values. Whatever you were going through this week, your actions were justified. I also see this as the truth coming out in a situation. No matter what the outcome was, you won this one, because you stood up for yourself and made sure your voice was heard. Even if this was not necessarily a monumental life event, it may very well have resulted in an important spiritual growth lesson for you.
Four four of pentacles, Ace of Wands, The Magician
I hope this week finds everyone well! This is your tarot forecast for 8/22-8/28/22
The moon travels through the signs of Cancer, Leo and Virgo this week. The next few days are a particularly auspicious time as the moon completes its waning phase as it approaches the new moon in Virgo on August 27th. New moons give us the opportunity to plant the seeds of a new intention. And wow! Check out the cards that came out this week!
The first card for early in the week as the moon traverses through the sign of Cancer is the four of pentacles. Some of you may have a goal in mind that requires that you have some money set aside. Take some time to come up with a realistic budget. Be mindful of your spending, but don’t go to extremes by becoming “penny wise and dollar foolish”. Stay up to date on maintenance, repairs, etc. and invest wisely on the small things that you enjoy that allow you to be mentally fresh and healthy. For others of you, this card may be a message that it is time to let something go. Since the moon is in cancer, perhaps this is something on an emotional level, that you can release so that you are able to move forward. You may have things around your home that you can sell for extra cash, or a few of you may decide that you are ready to sell the home itself. Others of you may have an underutilized talent or skill that has the potential to generate extra income. With the Ace of Wands and The Magician as the following two cards in this reading, it would appear that there is something exciting waiting in the wings for you!
The middle of week, the moon is in the sign of Leo. Fiery emotions, inspiration and creative ideas flow in! The Ace of Wands upright is a positive sign. Release those inner doubts. Have courage and faith in yourself! This is the first step to taking action on something that you want to manifest in your life. This card is lighting a fire under your behind, it’s time to get motivated!
For the end of the week, we have the Magician! This is an interesting card as the waning moon travels through the sign of Virgo, and remains in Virgo for the new moon. Something lost, something gained perhaps? The Magician is an archetype that represents initiating a plan of action to turn an idea into reality. This is powerful stuff, you must let go of distractions in order to fully focus on your intention. Gather your resources and begin the process of constructing an outline or organizing a plan. The timing is perfect to align your intention with the upcoming new moon in Virgo!
If you are starting something new, these cards would indicate keeping it to yourself for the time being. Only those that are an integral part of the plan, those that are helping you, should be included. Protect your idea, plan or dream, by not dispersing the energy of it before it has a chance to form. The Magician has his mouth closed. Silence is golden!
If you want to tap into the energy of this reading, a few crystals that I would recommend are: Citrine, carnelian, aquamarine, tiger eye, pyrite, garnet, malachite, green aventurine, black obsidian and agate. If you are making a grid, I would recommend the addition of clear quartz points to amplify the intentions.