The Empress with ten of swords as a clarifier

Past challenges overcome. New beginnings!

When these cards came out, right away, I received the message of new beginnings. A new way of thinking, a new cycle has begun in your life. If you notice, both the people in these cards are alone. This to me, signifies that this is inner work that has been completed. You realize your inner divinity, recognize that inner spark, and as such, how powerful you are!

The old ways of feeling trapped, and/or a cycle of being in a victim mindset is behind you. Perhaps you have been through a rough patch in your life. You are no longer the person you once were. The Empress has emerged to assist you in creating the new you!

When I saw these cards, I got the impression of taking a deep, cleansing breath of crisp, spring, fresh air and letting it out. As if a weight had been lifted off my shoulders. The Empress has overcome the inner fears that have been holding her back for so long. This could be a fear of speaking up, a fear of what other people may think, a fear of success or of not being “good enough”, or perhaps root chakra based fears. An example of this is fear of independence, i.e., like one cannot survive on their own. Everyone has their own inner challenges.

A few key words for The Empress are creation, nurturing, self-love and love of others, self-acceptance, confidence, femininity, mother earth and fruitfulness. Her archetype is the divine mother, the feminine power of creation itself.

A quick note for a very few of you, this could be a message that indicates an actual pregnancy. With the ten of swords as a clarifier, this can signify that this blessing has come after overcoming perhaps some fertility issues. Or that you have been trying to conceive for a while. Congratulations!

In all these cards are very positive! They indicate positive new energies/opportunities coming into your life. The old ways of thinking or past challenges/obstacles are behind you and the energies in your life are moving forward with a new sense of renewal.

Knight of Wands: Quick message

The Knight of Wands “fire energy” needs to be tempered with practicality.

The Knight of Wands is a fiery, passionate, creative energy. A “masculine” active energy (I want to clarify here, this is archetypal energy I am referring to, so this aspect pertains to women and men equally). This card indicates moving forward on what it is that you are passionate about, what it is that motivates you and “gets you going”. This can apply to any area of your life: relationships, work or personal. It also can indicate someone pursuing their dreams and making them come true by taking action to make it happen.

The Knight of Wands can be impetuous. For example, that new passionate love that has come into your life, may fizzle out just as quickly as it came in. For work, this can translate into putting everything you have into a new business or creative project, without balancing out the practical aspects as well, for example, setting up your financial books and records, meeting with an accountant or attorney to be sure your business is in compliance with laws, etc.

So if you are in this energy or see it heading in your direction, do your best to embrace the positive aspects of it, but be careful not to be consumed or “swept away” by it. Use this creative fire as motivation.

Be sure you have all the information before moving forward. The Knight of Wands fiery inspiration needs to be tempered with practicality for the best results.

The Tower

There’s no denying the powerful message of The Tower.

This card with it’s unsettling image always freaks people out when they see it. This is a card of sudden change. Whether it’s a change in perspective, a change in a situation, a sudden move, a break-up, etc. This card appears in a reading when the current situation is not working, but the person feels “stuck”. It is time to shake things up.

This drastic change was something that needed to happen for one’s personal and/or spiritual growth. Seen as a catastrophe while it is happening, it is actually a blessing in disguise. This card can indicate many types of changes depending on the surrounding cards. But in all instances this is a card of freedom.

The tower is collapsing because it was built on a faulty foundation and/or has outlived it’s usefulness. The collapse of the tower shakes up our world so we can start anew. It is the lightning bolt of consciousness that allows us to see the truth of a situation. Once the tower collapses, there is nothing left. This symbolizes the fact that once one knows the truth, and/or sees the reality of a situation, one has no choice but to move on. The fact that this is a major arcana card is significant, this is a NECESSARY change.

How many times do we stay in situations whether it’s romantic relationships, career, friends, living in an area where there are limited opportunities, etc., that are not healthy for us physically, spiritually, and mentally. Yet we stay because it is familiar to us. Even when the situation is terrible, it is predictable and therefore to us, is perceived as safer than leaving. We allow our fear of the unknown and self-imposed limitations to keep us imprisoned in the tower.

This card can also indicate that someone’s ego has gotten the better of them. The universe is sending circumstances into a person’s life to “take them down a notch”. In this deck, one sees the character as a naked person falling from the tower. This is the ego being stripped down so that it can start fresh with a renewed perspective. The Tower brings with it, some harsh lessons indeed, but it is for the highest good of the person for whom this card’s message is for.

The card that follows The Tower is The Star. This card’s message is of renewed hope, new beginnings, balance, and a higher spiritual awareness/perspective. This symbolizes one’s recovery of freedom, and therefore of one’s true self, after the collapse of the illusion of limitations that kept one a prisoner within the tower walls.

How many times have we gone through sudden changes in our life only to look back and say, I am so glad I (insert what’s appropriate here: found out the truth, made that career change, made the decision to leave a bad situation, moved to a better neighborhood, etc.). In retrospect, the collapse of The Tower was the best thing that could have happened to you.

This sums up the message of the The Tower.

Card of the day: Five of cups. A message of perception.

Turn around, you still have two cups!

This card signifies that all is not lost. Turn around and you will see the other two cups! There is no use crying over spilled milk, as what’s done is done. Wishing what might have been is not going to help you. This card also indicates a possible message of downsizing and/or a need for a change which requires one to let go of unhealthy emotional attachments to things, people or places. Of course, we all know this is easier said than done.

Look at this card closely, see the bridge in the background leading to the castle? There is a new opportunity/adventure waiting for you. But to begin this journey, it will require a change in perspective.

Card of the Day: Messages from the Ace of Wands

Ace of Wands

This is a great card for inspiration, passion, creativity, new beginnings and the first step of taking action. Below are the messages I received for today 10/04/19, regarding love, work and personal, when I pulled this card:

Love: The Ace of Wands is a card of inspiration, fire, action. The start of something new. This card in a love reading indicates a fiery energy coming in. This can pertain to a new or current relationship. There is definitely a “spark” here. This card may also indicate seeing someone in a new light. Or a chance meeting that has your heart fluttering! The green buds are the color of the heart chakra. Looks like this may be an interesting Friday night and/or weekend for some of you!

Career/business: This is a great card to pull for career and business! This card indicates creative ideas, inventions, new perspectives, taking action and the beginning of an exciting new venture. You are “fired up” about a new project, business idea or career. I see the green buds on the wand as a potential for making money. This is a green light to begin moving forward with your idea. I especially love this card for entrepreneurs.

Personal: This is THE card for inspiration! There is a newfound passion in your life or it is coming in. I see this card as a personal message that you are starting something new that you are excited about. For example, a new hobby, course of study, a new business, love, travel, etc. Whatever it is that is inspiring you, the Ace of Wands is a signal for you to act on it.