New moons are about new beginnings. The energies align for us to take action on our intentions. An interesting aspect of this moon is that it squares the planet Uranus which is known as “the great awakener”. This planet brings the energies of innovation, change and unpredictability to the Aquarius aspect of the new moon. In other words, expect the unexpected!
The combination of the Aquarian and Uranus energies are here to shake us up! If we have become complacent, or have lost our edge, this combination pops us back up on our feet to get us going again! Synchronistic opportunities may appear during this time as well. Be ready!
Aquarian energy is about friendships, community, working with others, hope, new ideas and breaking up the status quo. The Star card embodies these aspects as well as spiritual studies and personal growth. This moon cycle may be a good time to sign up for that class you have wanted to take! The energies here are also conducive to reaching out to others that share the same interests as you. To cultivate friendships, while accentuating your own individuality and independence. To be an individual contributing your unique talents to a collective group. With Uranus in the mix, prepare for some new, innovative ideas that will be brought to life through your actions!
Pay attention to your intuition during this time and be open. As I mentioned above, Uranus brings in an element of the unexpected. You may begin something with a set plan, only to have it take some surprising twists and turns! If you are paying attention, you will be able to discern how to make these “plot twists” work out to your benefit.
Another message with this moon is that of freedom / liberation. Look at image on The Star card. She is nude – completely authentic. This is who she is. The Star card appears after The Tower in the tarot. The Tower has collapsed and now The Star card appears to tell us there is hope, now that we are liberated from The Tower’s confining, limiting walls. I have done a previous post on The Tower card, where I go into more details regarding the archetypal symbolism of it’s image.
So here is where I see The Five of Swords coming into play here. In most instances, this card is considered a negative image. One of winning at all costs, the “I’m always right” card. But in this instance, I see it in another light. One of us standing our ground and overcoming challenges. And when we do this, we grow. We come to understand that we are stronger than we think we are. This image also indicates that we will no longer allow others to place limits on who WE want to be. When one looks at the image in this context, the smug character we were looking at previously, transforms into a confident character who is standing up for himself. The number five, which is symbolic of shaking up the stability/status quo of the number four, has unexpectedly taken a stand and revels in his moment of triumph. The other two characters, defeated, have walked away. They no longer have power over the main character.
When we know who we are and what we want to accomplish, we understand that sometimes we may need to stand alone just like the Five of Swords. We may need to set those personal boundaries with other people who may not understand us. To stand in our power and challenge those who want us to conform to what they think is “normal”.
Uranus, aka “the great awakener” is surely making it’s presence known, not only in our personal lives, but in society as well. Look at all the secrets that are coming out. Shaking us up collectively. So that we can see all the lies and deception that we have been blind too. 2020 is starting off with a blast of energy that’s for sure! We are awakening on a global scale!
“That is the real spiritual awakening, when something emerges from within you that is deeper than who you thought you were. So, the person is still there, but one could almost say that something more powerful shines through the person.” ~ Eckhart Tolle