#13 Death card in the tarot. Its image can be disconcerting, that’s for sure. When this card comes up in a reading, it rarely indicates a literal death of a person. 99% of the time, it represents a symbolic death or transition.
Associated with the zodiac sign of Scorpio, it is a message that a cycle has reached its conclusion. In most cases, the circumstance cannot or should not be resurrected. The healing waters and sunrise in the background are symbols of renewal. A new cycle is about to begin.
It not a “bad or good” card. Death and cycles are a part of life. It just “is”. When Death sweeps through, it clears the path by removing the chords of the past, to allow freedom and new opportunities to emerge. This is not an energy that indicates a dramatic “blow out” ending. The Death card tells us to make peace with what was and to move on with dignity. Tomorrow is a new day.
I got the feeling that somebody needed to see this today….
The holidays… It’s not surprising that the six of cups comes up quite a bit in my readings this time of year within the context of relationships and ex-lovers. It’s easy to get swept up in the nostalgia of the season. Especially now, as depending on where you live, things may be opening back up. Friends, family, wine, twinkling lights, smiling faces, laughter, presents, mistletoe. There you are, holding a glass of wine, eating hors d’oeuvres having a good time.
The doorbell rings, and guess who comes walking in. Looking better than ever. Your eyes meet and here they come. Your heart skips a beat. Crap….
A casual conversation which leads to the question “Are you seeing anyone?” “No.” “Are you?” “No.” Or perhaps they say “not really”. You’re not sure what that means but you let it go. “Can I get you another drink?” “Sure.”
Next thing you know the night progresses and in a moment of weakness you do something that you regret later. I’m sure ya’ll meant what you said during those moments of passion. This time it will be different…
How many times as a tarot reader have I heard this story? Lots. Have I been there? Sure. We all have. I get it.
However, this time it will be different! Because you saw this post. Forewarned is forearmed!
If I have caught your attention, this is your message. Stop and think. Remember why they became your ex in the first place! They had their chance and blew it. And believe me, they don’t just look good to you. YOU LOOK GOOD TO THEM!!!
Have you forgotten how awesome you are? You are light years ahead of who you were back then. Of course they want you back!
Breathe, take a moment.
Remember how much inner work you did to get over that relationship? The strength it took for you to patch yourself back together. How you believed them when they said that YOU were the problem. As they gaslighted you and told you that you were crazy or paranoid. When you wondered if there truly was something wrong with you. Remember, when your chest literally hurt from the heartbreak, the tears, the anger. The times they ghosted you. When they made you feel like you were not worthy of love. The valuable insights you received from the experience. How you love yourself more than ever now because of it.
I am reminding you because I remember. I remember our tarot readings while you were going through all this. The tears, the denial. As you slowly began to realize how how beautiful, strong and powerful you are. That you never needed them. THEY NEEDED YOU. I watched your eyes light up as you came to this realization. You learned that self-love is the most powerful love of all. I watched you as you transformed into your own best friend. And that this is what opens the doors to healthy relationships. And that it is better to be alone, than to be with someone that is toxic for your soul.
You trust your intuition. You are much more confident now. You smile more. You may have even dated a few other people since then. We both laugh when the Universe sends you someone similar to your ex to test you to see if you are paying attention. Sort of like a pop quiz. Of course, you pass with flying colors. Only those worthy of all that you have to offer are allowed in. You send the rest packing as soon as the red flag appears.
Wow. You’ve come a long way! Tell me again, why are you going back to them?
Planetary association: Venus in Scorpio (Opportunities and excess)
Crystals: I chose rose quartz and peacock ore for this message
You have an opportunity to shine as you have many gifts and abilities and are now in a position to utilize them to great advantage. A project you undertake now has the potential to be very successful. If you remain modest, and do not let success go to your head, help will be available to enable you to achieve your goals. Pay attention to detail. Be realistic in your expectations of yourself and other people. Live according to your highest values, stay away from gossip and drama, and fortune will smile upon you. Be willing to support as well as lead.
Happy Friday everyone! The card I pulled today is The Star. This card appears after the upheaval of The Tower in the Major Arcana. Notice the eight pointed stars on this card. The eight pointed star traditionally carries the frequency of resurrection, salvation, abundance, healing, and hope. The Star card in a reading is a positive sign that divine/universal blessings, and opportunities will soon appear in your life. You will experience a renewal of mind, body and spirit. As well, divine wisdom is bestowed upon you in the form of a renewed source of inspiration. This higher and wiser perspective gives one a positive outlook for the future.
Today, the sun moves into Gemini. An air sign which is represented by The Lovers in the Major Arcana. One of the more popular cards in the deck, The Lovers represents, balance, unification, clear communication, decisions and connections on all levels (within ourselves, with other people, as well as our connection to Source, God/Goddess, Universe, Divine, etc.)
Today’s message:
The Lovers, as it is the next card that comes after The Hierophant, is a reminder to be mindful of our internal moral compass. Are you considering all the long term effects of a current decision? Is there something tempting that is being presented to you that looks good on the surface, or may appear be a shortcut to something that you have been wanting to achieve, but is there a caveat attached that requires you to compromise your personal values or integrity in some way?
The Lovers encourages you to bring into balance the information received from both the conscious mind and the heart. But ultimately, your heart will lead the way. What FEELS right to you? Stay solid in your truth. Take the “high road”. Although it appears to be the more challenging path now, it pays off with big dividends later.
“The human heart feels things the eyes cannot see, and knows what the mind cannot understand.” Robert Valett
In numerology, your year number is calculated by adding up the numbers from the month you were born, plus the date and the current year. If it is a double digit number, add them together to come up with a single digit number. For example, if your birthday is on October 15th. You would calculate your year number as follows: 1+0+1+5+2+0+2+1 =12/3.
If your year number is a number 11, that is considered a “master number” that has particular significance, and is normally read as both an 11 and a 2.
Okay, so you did the math and are ready to see what 2021 has in store for you. Let’s do this! Click on the video below:
Here we are, the first day after the historical astrological alignment everyone has been all a buzz about – The Jupiter/Saturn Great Conjunction at 0 degrees in Aquarius, which occurred on the date of the Winter Solstice on 12/21/20. Basically, this marks the shift that signifies our entering the new age of Aquarius. The portal has opened. One of the significant factors of this alignment is that it starts a 200 year cycle of Saturn and Jupiter in air signs, where they have spent the last 200 years in earth signs. This is a whole new paradigm shift we will be experiencing on the planet for the next 200 years. Get ready!
The year 2021 is a “five year”. Fives are an energy of shaking things up. Breaking away from the stability of the four. Much like a teenager, the number five rebels against established order. And just like a teenager, the frequency of five energy can get quite chaotic. 2021 will certainly be an interesting year for us. Aquarius energy is one of challenging established paradigms. Out of the box thinking, advanced technology, new social norms, grass roots communities, new ways of doing things, challenging authority, a broader understanding of our world, asking questions, a fresh perspective in how things can be done more efficiently, cleaner, more humanely, better, faster, with the goal of what is of benefit to the collective. Not just for the benefit of a few.
I anticipate that 2021 and in particular, the months of January and February are going to be quite a bumpy ride as the powers that be are busy maneuvering their chess pieces so to speak. As such, a lot will be thrown at us, the collective. Situations and circumstances that will challenge us to face our fears head on (as is shown in the 9 of swords card above). We also will have the chance to stand up for ourselves and make our voices heard. Hopefully you have been paying attention to what has really been happening in 2020. Are you awake yet? I sure hope so!
Change is coming, but as you know, anytime there is change, there is always a period of chaos beforehand, while the energies are dismantled so that they can be put back together again in a new way. This is what we saw in 2020 and will be seeing more of in 2021. Aquarius, as a rebellious, eccentric, creative sign, likes to shake things up! I believe some shocking revelations will come to light in the upcoming months.
With this being said, let’s move on to the tarot card that literally flipped out of the deck while I was shuffling this morning as I wanted to get a feel for the collective energy on this powerful new day. It’s interesting that a swords card came out as swords is a mental “air” suit in the tarot. Aquarius is an “air” sign.
The nine of swords in this particular deck, is a great card! In the standard Rider-Waite-Smith tarot, the nine of swords shows a person sitting up in a bed with their head in their hands worried. But in the After Tarot deck, the person in the bed has decided to face their fears head on. No longer a victim of fear, anxiety, mental anguish, subconscious trauma, old patterns, limiting beliefs, a skewed perception of oneself. The person in this card has decided to face their nightmare once and for all. They have picked up one of the swords that are hanging on the wall and are using it to confront their fears head on! This is the only way we can move past them. I love the image on this card. To me it says – okay I’ve had enough. Let’s do this!
This card, being a nine, is significant. This number indicates one is almost at the end. The ten of swords in the tarot deck shows an image of someone laying face down with 10 swords in their back. There is no doubt when one sees this card that it is the end. But the positive aspect is that this opens the door to new beginnings.
The nine of swords is an indication that we are moving in the right direction. We will get shaken up in 2021, but these challenges are what is going to push us to find the strength in ourselves that we forgot that we had. When we finally say, enough is enough – okay let’s do this! And we slay the so called “dragon” that has been creeping around us in the darkness for centuries.
It’s a rough fight as we see in the 10 of swords card that I mentioned before. But we don’t stay down. We take all those swords out of our backs and get up. We embrace that new horizon, that new start. And we walk into the New Age of Aquarius with one Sword, for we are starting over with the number 1. This is the Ace of Swords, which is the symbol of truth, light, clarity, purpose.
And with our one sword, we start a new cycle, in a new age. Are you ready?
Things are looking up! A few quick meanings for the Five of Pentacles in the reversed position are: Renewal of faith, nearing the end of hard times, improvement in circumstances, health, finances, relationships, etc. New opportunities. Help in the form of spiritual, physical or monetary aid. An improved perspective/mental outlook. The window that we see in this card in the upright position, is now a door in the reversed position. The snow at the couples feet is now the snow on the roof of the building (sanctuary/church). This couple kept their faith and continued moving forward despite the hardships they were facing. Here, they have arrived at the light at the end of the tunnel! A brighter future awaits. Open the door and go inside!
The numbered cards in the top row show an interesting trend. 8+9 =17, which in numerology brings us right back to the eight. Round and round…..
I received the message of repeating cycles in relationships. Here we see the Knight of Swords is swiftly leaving the scene, leaving our “damsel in distress” standing within eight swords that surround her. But let’s take a closer look at the eight of swords card, shall we? Her legs are not bound, and there is no one guarding her. She has the ability to walk out of the predicament that she is in. She does not “see” that the only one keeping her there is herself!
The Hermit is shining his light of wisdom on the eight of swords, encouraging her to look within to find her inner strength. To go deep within, and acknowledge the subconscious programs that are silently running in the background which can result in self-sabotaging cycles of behavior that keep one “stuck”. Outdated beliefs, childhood traumas, not so great past relationships, etc. can certainly take their toll on the psyche.
But when we have finally had enough, and choose the path of healing ourselves, rather than looking to others to “complete” us, a remarkable thing happens. We discover the strength that is within ourselves. We stop the cycle! We realize we are important, we have a voice, we are beautiful in who we are! We acknowledge parts of ourselves that we refused to see before. Instead of hiding our scars, we grow from them. We embrace them. For those experiences are what made us who we are.
This is where the blindfold comes off and our “damsel in distress” walks right out of those eight swords! She follows the light of The Hermit like a lighthouse beacon to a better future. Now, it won’t be easy, we all have our “moments”, as is shown in the next card in the swords suit progression, the nine of swords. But that’s okay. Because this brings you another step closer to the ten (10=1) endings and beginnings.
Things are looking up now. You begin to love yourself. The way, in the past, you wished others would have loved you. You buy something special just for you. You take yourself out on dates. Out to dinner, to a movie. You realize you can do this. You go to the beach and then go on vacation. By yourself. And it’s okay, because you are not alone. You have YOU.
This is where you finally put the past behind you, pick up the Ace of Swords and wield it like the badass that you are! Your relationships from this point forward will be nothing like they were in the past. Because you are no longer the eight of swords. You are much wiser now. Confident. Stronger. Smarter.
Congratulations. You have transformed yourself into The Queen of Swords.
You’re constantly being given opportunities to have new experiences. But what often happens is that you bring the conditions of your old experiences into it. Which makes it feel and seem like the same ole thing. This is what makes the power of presence so palpable. Maintain healthy boundaries, but not limiting conditions based on past trauma. Allow your experiences to meet you as you are now. Because from this organic space, you will be amazed at how well life treats you. ~ Four of cups