Tarot & Energy Update this week: 2/3/25

This week’s energy brings fresh starts and exciting possibilities! With Venus entering Aries on the 4th, she infuses our lives with confidence and passion, especially in the areas pertaining to love, creativity, and personal pursuits. It’s the perfect time to take bold steps toward what (or who) lights you up.

Jupiter stationing direct in Gemini that same day helps conversations flow more easily, making it a great time to connect, share ideas, and entertain new perspectives. A surprise opportunity may pop up when you least expect it—go with the flow and see where it leads (just remember to stay safe and use common sense, of course).

Later in the week, Neptune’s alignment with the North Node in Pisces on February 7th turns up the volume on our intuition, prophetic dreams, and synchronicities. This ethereal aspect has us drifting into uncharted waters, testing the integrity of our connection to the divine. If certain signs keep appearing—a recurring thought, repeating numbers, an image, or an uncanny coincidence—don’t brush them off. If your intuition is picking up on these subtle signs, trust they hold meaning or a message for you.

That said, there’s another side to this energy—Neptune is the planet of illusions and dreams, and in Pisces, this aspect is even more amplified. Remember, not everything may be as it seems. When our intuition is heightened, so is the potential for confusion, escapism, or wishful thinking. If you feel as if you are floating on a cloud this week, this is your reminder to stay grounded and discerning—dreams are powerful motivators, but they need a practical plan to manifest into reality. Stay inspired my beautiful dreamer, but look before you leap.

Tarot Card Advice: The Page of Cups (Upright)

The whimsical Page of Cups often brings messages of good news, so stay open and curious this week—something delightful may be waiting for you just around the corner! I can’t help but smile at his expression of surprise as he finds a fish in his cup. It’s a playful reminder that magic doesn’t always come in grand, sweeping gestures; sometimes, it’s the little moments that catch us off guard. A small synchronicity that makes you pause is proof that magic is always around you. You only need to be willing to see it.

Have a great week! ❤

Leo full moon 2/5/23. Solar plexus activation. Tarot card: Six of Wands

The Six of Wands from the Rider Waite Smith tarot deck

First, let’s talk a little bit about the symbolism of this transit. The numerology is interesting. It occurs on the 5th day of the month. As well when one adds up the entire date 2+5+2+0+2+3 = 14. It also breaks down to the number 5. The sign of Leo rules the 5th house on the zodiac wheel. The fifth house relates to joy, children, self-expression, confidence, drama, romance and overall good times. It’s planetary ruler is the sun. Its archetype is the majestic lion.

All I’m going to say here is, get ready! The lion does NOT sleep tonight!

This energetic Leo full moon is activating our solar plexus chakra big time to give us an extra boost to reframe areas of our life that are overdue for a reboot. The corresponding tarot card is the six of wands. In this card, we see someone in the spotlight. This person is a winner and is ready to take on the next challenge. It can denote achieving a goal, overcoming obstacles, as well as future success. There is also an element of respect in this card. As full moons often shed light on shadow areas in our life, you may find that this transit highlights situations and people that may not be or no longer be suitable for your highest good.

Are you respected and “seen” at work, in your relationships, friendships, etc.? Do you surround yourself with people and places that support your well-being? Do your friends and family cheer for you when you win? Or not so much? Where in your life do you feel confident, happy, sexy. And in what areas of your life do you feel overlooked, disrespected, closed-off or in general is not moving in the direction that you want it to?

After the full moon, it will enter its waning phase. Banishing, clearing, cleansing, de-clutter are some keywords for the waning moon. Often, we yearn for change, but our lives are so busy and cluttered, that we don’t have room for anything else to come in. I would also recommend an aura clearing bath, as well as energetically cleansing one’s personal space to “clear out” stagnant energies that may be lingering. If you would like advice on how to do this that is personalized for your situation, contact me.

When it comes to Leo, it’s all about heart. It has been recently scientifically proven that the heart has it’s own “consciousness”. Pay attention to what your heart and body is telling you. Stress and painful emotions often manifest as sensations in the chest area. The heart doesn’t lie. Be kind but honest with yourself. What needs to go or what do you need to limit your exposure to, in order for you to be happier and healthier? The Leo Moon is not complicated. It really is as simple as that.

Leo, as I mentioned above, also corresponds to children. And a Leo moon further amplifies this energy. Spending time with young ones has a way of bringing out our silly side. We laugh and play alongside them. Honestly, is there anything more joyful than a child’s smile? Spend time with kids if you can or nurture your own inner child by engaging in a youthful activity or watching funny, cute videos online. If you are trying to conceive, this week leading up to the full moon may prove favorable for you.

Crystal suggestions: Amber, citrine, malachite, carnelian, clear quartz, green jade, moonstone, tigers eye, sunstone

Have a great week! ❤️

One card quick message: The Five of Cups

The Five of Cups from the Rider Waite Smith tarot deck

The Five of Cups is the card that came out today. Let’s look carefully at the image in this card. We see a character mourning the loss of three spilled cups and behind him, we see two cups that are still standing. This card speaks of a loss as well as the grieving process. Sadness has overcome this character for the moment, as he is working through his emotions, trying to deal with the fact that something has ended. Oftentimes in a reading, this can signify a relationship break-up or a death in the family for example. But it can also indicate any other type of loss that has had a significant emotional impact.

This card reminds us that yes, allow yourself time to grieve. However try not to stay there too long. For all is not lost. The two upright cups behind him, on the right side of the card, signify the return to an emotionally balanced state and also of moving forward.

It is only when the character finally turns around, that he notices the two remaining cups as well as the bridge behind him. As he picks up the two cups, perfectly balanced, one in each hand, and crosses the bridge over the troubled waters of the past, he is walking in the direction of the castle that represents a future filled with new opportunities and possibilities.

If you are reading this, I hope this message was helpful…

Tarot message for 9/19-9/25/22: Two of Pentacles & “Spirit”

Two of Pentacles & Spirit oracle card

Hi everyone, things are a little bit hectic on the homestead this week, so I am going to keep this short with a one tarot card and one oracle card pull for this week’s message:

Two of Pentacles & “Spirit” Heavenly assistance from your angels and guides:

I think all of us can sympathize with the character in the two of pentacles card. His hands are full as he is juggling work, school, responsibilities, a budget, time for family, etc. It often seems that there are not enough hours in the day. I often refer to the two of pentacles as the multi-tasking card.

The message that is sometimes overlooked here, is that this character is artfully skilled at balancing all that needs to be done. Kudos to you! But it is advised not to take on anything else at the moment. This may require you to put less important tasks on the back burner for now, until this settles down or is concluded.

You’ve got this, but it’s kind of like walking on a tightrope. It’s tricky, as you are making adjustments with each step. So you are going to need to carefully focus on keeping your feet underneath you. Usually, the two of pentacles denotes a relatively temporary situation that is challenging, but certainly doable.

Notice the infinity symbol that is wrapped around the two pentacles. The oracle card “Spirit” is an interesting message as the infinity symbol in the tarot denotes connection to the infinite possibilities of the universe/divine, as well as a connection to the higher spirit realms. If you are pulling double duty right now, you may be asking, how long can I keep this going? Your answer from spirit is “as long as it takes to get through this, or to get this done”. You are supported by spirit, so be sure and ask for divine help and guidance if needed. Remember, they will not interfere unless you ask!

I often see this card come up for clients when they are burning the candle at both ends. Working during the day and going to school at night. Single parents, I’m sure you can identify with this image, as well as those that may be caring for elderly parents, young children or family members that need help. These are just a few examples to help you understand the tone of this card.

The last message is to be sure that you are finding a healthy balance between your responsibilities and own well-being. It’s easy to forget about yourself when you are focusing on the juggling act at hand. Remember, you are a crucial component in all of this. Take care of yourself. ❤️

Have a wonderful week everyone!

The Hermit & Goddess Sulis – tarot message for this week

Goddess Sulis & The Hermit

Tarot message for this week from the Goddess Sulis and The Hermit. It appears some of you out there may be feeling the need to withdraw for a little while. Perhaps you have recently gone through a stressful experience, or maybe you are just exhausted, and even a bit jaded from the demands of daily life. Others of you may be contemplating an important decision or reflecting on your life path and purpose.

The Goddess Sulis, recommends spending time with the healing element of water to aid you in calming your mind so that you are able to access the wisdom of your inner voice.

If you are able to spend time this week or this weekend at a lake or the beach, that would be helpful. Another option is to indulge yourself with a soothing mineral bath. Put some Epsom salt in there as well as a small handful of Himalayan Pink salt. Light some candles & incense, turn off the cell phone and embrace your solitude.

If you have a decision to make, take all the time you need to carefully think it through.

Have a great week everyone! ❤️

Aries New Moon – The fire within

New Moon in Aries – Accessing the fire within!

New Moon in Aries April 1, 2022

Spring is the time for new growth, new beginnings, warmth, beauty, abundance. It is when birds build their nests and lay eggs, the trees begin to show sprigs of green, and hibernating animals, goddesses, gods and nature spirits wake from their winter slumber. It’s an exciting time!

The zodiac symbol for Aries is the ram. An animal that is known for its tenacity and assertiveness. In human terms, we often associate Aries with the warrior or athlete. In our lives, this translates into having the drive and confidence to take action. Whether this is a new project, a career move, athletic endeavors, buying a home, the pursuit of love, or going through with the decision to get that first tattoo, Aries inspires us to achieve.

The card associated with this particular new moon is the three of wands. We see how the character in this card has their eye on the horizon. The three of wands denotes potential as well as future opportunities, some of which may at this point, may be just beyond our reach. Or perhaps we don’t have our plan all together quite yet. But it won’t be like that for long! We are talking about the fiery suit of wands after all! The inner fire of inspiration gives us the courage we need to keep moving. The number three is one of creative potential. It’s that idea that wakes you up at 3:00 am. It’s that feeling that one must “go for it”. It’s thinking to yourself, “it’s crazy, but it just might work”, it’s knowing that you CAN do this, that your vision is within the realm of possibility. The three of wands can also indicate a potential for traveling.

It’s interesting that the New Moon falls on April 1st also known as April Fool’s Day. I see this indicative of the universe further inspiring us to have faith in ourselves and to break the mold, if we are feeling a bit stagnant. Aries, like The Fool in the major arcana, goes its own way. Aries can be a bit much for some people, but personally I love Aries energy! Ask a well aspected Aries person how they will do it, and they will respond “I don’t know how yet, I just know I will.” Just as the ram aligns with its target and charges forward, full speed ahead, their motto is often “get behind me, be beside me, or move out of my way!” Like the warrior archetype they rise to the challenge. They will push themselves to the limit to accomplish their goals.

This new moon in the sign of Aries on April 1st, is asking us to align our courage with our intentions. Are you ready to be bold? Be more independent? Begin a new diet/exercise regime? Have more faith in your potential to succeed? Maybe it’s time to show your leadership skills at work or at home! Perhaps you are ready to set some new rules in your life and assert yourself more. Is it time to step out of your comfort zone and take action? Just as our modern day athletes train and regularly push themselves beyond their physical limits in order to become stronger, this Aries new moon is pushing us to strive beyond our perceived limitations. If you really want it, exert yourself. Put in the extra effort to make it happen.

With Aries, fresh and bold is in vogue! The time is right to put yourself out there! Go ahead, try something new! Change your hair, your clothes, wear some funky footwear. How about showing a little more skin, show us what you’ve got… if you dare…. (laugh). Introduce a bold, sexy, fresh new you to the world! It’s good to shake it up once in a while. It gives everyone else something to talk about! Have some fun. 🌞

This Aries New Moon inspires us not to give in to fear. Lean in, and keep going. Now more than ever, it is vital to not allow oneself to become distracted with large scale events that for the most part, are beyond the stewardship of the individual. Instead of focusing your attention outward, turn your powerful gaze inward. Aries represents the self, the individual. Its motto is “I am”.

The major arcana tarot card associated with Aries is The Emperor. There was a saying that I read once that reminded me of this archetype. It stated “I never lose. Either I win or I learn”. That statement in my opinion, reflects the persona of The Emperor, as well as represents the zodiac sign of Aries, perfectly.

So, think about the Aries motto for a moment. “I am”. I am what? What word(s) would you use to finish this sentence?

To work with the Aries frequency, below are a few helpful correspondences. But as I always say, if something resonates that is not on this list, by all means, use it.

Three of Wands & The Emperor tarot cards

Ruling planet: Mars / Element: Fire

Crystals: Red jasper, carnelian, ruby, bloodstone, sunstone, citrine, clear quartz, hematite, fire agate, red tiger eye, aragonite, garnet, super 7, mookaite, amber, lava rock, black obsidian, red calcite.

Colors: Red, dark red, white.

Herbs/Oils: Cinnamon, cloves, allspice, juniper, sage, cedarwood, dragons blood, agrimony, ginger, mustard, peppercorn, pine, red rose, rue, wormwood, thistle, chili pepper, high john the conqueror root, fennel, cumin, angelica root, mandrake, marjoram, nettles, benzoin, red pepper, geranium.❤️♈️🤸‍♀️🏋️🥇🏆🔥

Full Moon in Virgo

Full Moon in Virgo. “I analyze” It’s time to get real….

This full moon in Virgo on 3/18/22, is the culmination of energy from the New Moon in Pisces we had on 3/2/22. See my previous blog or facebook posts for more information on this transit. To sum it up, that new moon’s theme was about connecting to one’s subconscious / spirituality. To plant the seeds of what we have been dreaming about, in order to make it a reality. It was also about wrapping up Karma and releasing old paradigms to shift into a new persona. To align our outside with who we are or are striving to be, on the inside.

So we had a chance to do some lucid dreaming at the Pisces New Moon. Now, Virgo says it’s time to get real. Virgo represents the sixth house in the zodiac. She represents work, health, service to others, self-care, attention to detail, organization, schedules, diet, the body, structure, holistic healing, and everyday commitments. She can be a bit bossy, but it stems from good intentions. She is opposite of the sign of Pisces. She balances out this dreamy water sign with a dose of physical, earth element practicality. The Virgo frequency, has pen and paper in hand and is ready to assist us. She is a mutable earth sign. She has the ability to walk into a current construct and make it better, healthier, more organized, etc. She loves to be of service, and being a mutable sign, she works best when she can improve upon something that is already there. She can take us to the next level. Virgo’s mantra is “I analyze”.

Tonight’s Full Moon in Virgo is asking you: Okay, what do we need to do make your dreams a reality? Do you want to look and feel better? Let’s initiate a diet and exercise plan. Do you want to have more money in savings? Let’s put pen to paper and make a budget. Virgo, being in charge of details, helps us micro-manage the daily aspects of our lives. For it’s what we do or don’t do each day, that add up over time. This includes consideration of how we serve others, and how we take care of ourselves. Virgo energy is spiritual and intuitive with a healthy dose of grounding.

As a side note, this full moon is in a beneficial aspect to Pluto (the planet of destruction & transformation) This additional boost gives us an opportunity to analyze and release once and for all what is not serving us, so that we can embrace fresh, new, holistic, balanced lifestyle choices for ourselves and those that we love.

The Hermit tarot card
The Hermit tarot card RWS

The tarot card for Virgo is The Hermit. The Hermit takes time out from society, in order to re-charge and to access inner wisdom. The Hermit also speaks of being a source of light and wisdom for others. But we can only be this source of light for others, by living true to ourselves first and foremost. If you are able to help others, do it. There truly is no better feeling. But when your own light starts to become dim, have the wisdom to “know when to say no”. 🌷🌕♍️❤️

March 2022 Pisces New Moon – Make a wish!

The Nine of Cups is the primary energy for this New Moon in Pisces

Tonight’s Pisces New Moon – Make a wish! The New Moon in Pisces tonight is in a beneficial aspect to Jupiter – the planet of growth, luck and expansion. Interestingly enough, the corresponding tarot card for the new moon is the 9 of cups which is known as the “wish fulfillment” card. The Moon in the sign of Pisces (both corresponding to the element of water) is a dreamy, mysterious, sensitive, intuitive, creative energy. Combined with other powerful astrological transits this month, as well as the vernal equinox on March 20th , (the beginning of the spring season) it would appear that the divine is giving us the opportunity to plant the seeds of our intentions of this new moon in VERY fertile soil here!

This frequency is ethereal in nature, therefore she is difficult to grasp with the conscious mind. This New Moon is asking us to “walk between the worlds”. Go ahead, allow yourself to float in the realm of the subconscious for a while. As I write this, the image of one those sensory isolation tanks is coming into my mind’s eye. The New Moon in Pisces is calling you to step into the world of dreams and explore what you find there.

This is an excellent moon phase/transit to do some automatic writing! Light a candle (or two or three LOL), burn some incense and allow yourself to “let go”. Be in a quiet space with no distractions. Pulling an oracle or tarot card(s) may be helpful to get the “conversation” started with your angels, guides, higher self, divine, etc. Let spirit guide your hand during this exercise. Feel free to ask questions, but you must allow the writing to flow without your conscious intervention to get the most benefit from the session.

We have Saturn and Mercury Conjunct in the sign of Aquarius. Both of these planets are comfortable in this sign. This is the house of groups, friends, the collective. This is a nice energy for brainstorming with other like-minded people! Be humble, listen, really listen, to other’s ideas. You just might learn something! Or you may receive an idea that tweaks your idea into something even better! Mercury is direct and Saturn gives form to function. Where this all leads to though, is up to you. The tarot card associated with this placement is the six of swords. This is a card denoting moving forward, making a change. It’s not easy in the beginning, as one can see in the image. But I tell my clients the people in the boat begin to perk up at about the halfway point. This is where they have crossed over the rocky waters and begin to see the new opportunities up ahead. Being the number 6, it denotes a certain amount of faith is required. How do we acquire faith? By having a strong connection with spirit, as I mentioned above. Piscean vibes!

This New Moon also denotes an easier approach, or an end to a cumulative amount of work or building. For example, some of you may be graduating from college, be recognized for a promotion at work, or perhaps you are beginning to reap rewards and/or recognition from a project or business that you have been working on for a good while now. You may also have the opportunity to release karma or energetic chords from a traumatic experience. All planets are direct this month, indicating a forward momentum that allows one to break out of dark psychological cycles or any kind of shadowy energy.

Don’t worry too much about the details right now. We have the full moon in Virgo on March 18th. She will bring us back into reality and shine a light as to what our next steps should be. As I mentioned above, the tarot card associated with this new moon is the nine of cups. Take advantage of this potent, uplifting energy, and make a wish! Be careful what you wish for because it is likely to come true! So make it a good one!

2022 is a “six” year. There is a lot of potential for growth, expansion and for shifting your life into the one that you want. We have the opportunity starting with this New Moon, to release some old paradigms. Perhaps you are ready to make changes in your appearance, your job/career, where you live, etc. to align your outer projection more authentically with who you are on the inside. ❤️

Element: Water

Colors: Purple, lavender, dark blue, light green, white, silver or gray

Crystals: Moonstone, amethyst, aquamarine, fluorite, amazonite, super 7, celestite, clear quartz, ametrine, smoky quartz.

Herbs/Oils: Chamomile, lavender, rosemary, sage, honeysuckle, eucalyptus, dandelion, calendula, mint, basil.

Take a step forward every day…

Knight of Pentacles from the Shadowscapes Tarot deck

Look carefully at this card. See the forest dwelling spirits dancing all around our Knight, attempting to seduce and distract him as he embarks on his quest through the enchanted forest? They’ve even hung some shiny baubles in the trees in the hopes they will catch his eye. To tempt him to stop short, to pull him away from the divinely lighted path in front of him, which represents his future.

His gaze remains steadfast however. This is a realistic, grounded Knight. He knows a successful future is laid down from each step of what has been achieved today. His future is worth more than a few shiny trinkets, that represent the folly of instant gratification. No, he understands his path has a greater purpose. He did not come this far, for the journey to end here. Flights of fancy will not ensnare this one. He urges his dragon onward.

The Knight of Pentacles represents movement within the earth element. Practical and steadfast, this card encourages one to remember that the small decisions we make every day lead us one step closer, or farther from our future goals.

I call the Knight of Pentacles the “slow and steady wins the race” card. This Knight reminds us not to give up. Even though sometimes it may feel like we are not making as much progress as we would like. It can seem insurmountable at times. But keep moving forward, even if it’s just one solid step each day. You will see. Your future self will look back and thank you. Because those small steps added up to a lot!

“It is difficult to say what is impossible, for the dream of yesterday is the hope of today and the reality of tomorrow.” – Quote by Robert H. Goddard

Have a great week everyone! ❤🦋❤🌷❤