Full Moon reading: 4/7/20 Pink Super Moon

Super pink moon 4/7/20 in the sign of Libra

The full moon tonight will be in the sign of Libra. This moon is known as the “pink moon” and tonight is a super moon as well. Libra’s card in the tarot is Justice. This card not only is about fairness, justness and our inalienable rights we have as human beings, but it’s also a reminder for us to be aware of our actions, for our actions have consequences. Also known as “Karma”. Even if you do not believe in “Karma” per say, you can look at this scientifically when one examines Newton’s third law: Every action has an equal and opposite reaction. This principle is also reflected in Universal Law #6 which is the Law of Cause and Effect.

The cards that came out today for this reading are the Ten of Cups, Page of Pentacles and the underlying card of the deck is Five of Pentacles. It’s interesting that the Ten of Cups and Five of Pentacles came out again today. As they have been popping up quite a bit lately!

Ten of cups, Page of Pentacles, Five of Pentacles. Full moon in libra reading for 4/7/20

This moon is illuminating the areas of our lives that we have been taking for granted. It sheds it’s light in the darkness so that we can see. Being that it is a super moon is of particular significance. This moon is asking us to look again.

As I mentioned before, it’s amazing to me that the ten of cups has come up yet again. This is the card of family, soul connections, emotional fulfillment, balance, and happiness. The number 10 is significant, for this number is both the number of endings (10) and new beginnings (1).

The next card, the Page of Pentacles, is aligning with the moon’s message. Reminding us to examine our lives and finances closely. As a Page, he is only holding one pentacle. He is not rich. But look how he is gazing at it. One can see he values that which he has. He knows that this single pentacle is full of possibilities. And also that yes, money is important, but what’s also important is how it is spent and earned.

As we look at these two cards together, I received the message of taking stock of the value of what we have. In doing so, you will see that you are truly “rich” in many ways. Here, I ask you to look at the expression on the Page of Pentacles face. He does not look disappointed because he “only” has one pentacle. He is grateful for this pentacle. It’s all a matter of perception.

At the bottom of the deck, the Five of Pentacles is shown. In this reading, I see this card as many of us who are exhausted from running full out on the proverbial hamster wheel. Chasing that elusive pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. Round and round we go, all the while not seeing the light in the stained glass church window beside us. This is symbolic of us being so busy running in our lives, that we are not stopping long enough to pick our heads up to examine the consequences of our actions.

Tell me, does the couple in the Five of Pentacles look “happy” to you? Perhaps, they need to stop and go inside the building behind them. What and who awaits to welcome them inside?

We as a collective, have pursued happiness in the form of accumulation of material “things” for a long time. But at what cost? Perhaps it’s time to pause and turn around, go inside and regain one’s perspective. Just like the couple is advised to do in the Five of Pentacles.

We are all mind, body and spirit. If we focus too much on one aspect, the other parts are thus neglected and the energies are out of balance. The material world (the body/physical) is but one aspect of who we are. We are not our house, our car, our “stuff”. But so many have placed their identification of self on these “things”. When we neglect our mind and spirit, just focusing on the material, we shortchange ourselves and those that we love. Because we are not able to experience the full depth of our being.

Justice: Libra’s card in the major arcana

Now to keep things in perspective, obviously, we live in the physical world, and as such have financial responsibilities that must be maintained. Of course we want our children to be provided for in the best way possible, we need to prepare for the future by saving and investing wisely, we need a dependable safe car to drive, we all want a nice place to live, etc., and have enough money left over after we take care of those responsibilities to enjoy our life. But there is a big difference between that and hedonism. This is what the full moon in Libra is asking us to examine. Look at the image on the Justice card. This is a card of balance, but is also one of responsibility and decisions. The sword in one hand and the the scales in the other tells us that we must be realistic and disciplined in our decisions. The sword is a mental energy. This is not an image that bases it’s decisions on feelings and emotions. Advertisers are very clever in this aspect. Pay attention to how things are marketed to us by appealing to our emotions.

We need to examine what we are purchasing and the true “cost” of it. Weigh your decisions carefully. Do your research before making significant purchases. Read contracts carefully. Pay attention to the terms and interest rates. Is this item worth going into debt for? Is this company one that you want to support with your money? How many hours do you and possibly your spouse have to work to pay off the debt?

As we look at the Justice card, we see that the planetary alignments are asking us to see as well, what has been hidden from the collective, on a global scale. I encourage everyone to pay attention and stay informed. Since going into this subject is beyond the scope of this post, I will leave that to you.

This full moon in Libra is one of personal responsibility and wise decisions. Also one of weighing your choices carefully to decide if the cost is worth it. And to understand that one must live with the consequences of their decisions.

“All that is gold, does not glitter” J.R.R. Tolkien

Mercury Retrograde – Let’s take a look at The Magician (reversed)

The Magician corresponds to the planet Mercury in the tarot

We are in Mercury retrograde season (February 17-March 10, 2020). I’m sure you are seeing a lot of posts about this event which happens three times per year. Basically, it is when the planet Mercury, appears to move backwards in relation to the Zodiac. This is an optical illusion of course, which is why this phenomenon is referred to as “apparent retrograde movement”.

Mercury is the planet of all forms of communication (both honest and dishonest), logic, reasoning, messages, quick thinking, ideas, opinions, perceptions, the mind, focus, and short distance travel.

The tarot card which represents Mercury is The Magician. Since Mercury is in retrograde, let’s take a look at this card in it’s reversed position. This will give us some insights regarding the general baseline energies that we should pay attention to when Mercury goes retrograde.

Now there are many other factors to consider when assessing the particulars of each Mercury retrograde cycle, such as what sign and house Mercury is in at the time of the retrograde, the other planetary alignments, individual natal chart planetary placements, etc. If you are thinking of making a big decision during a Mercury retrograde, plug in the date to an astrological chart and compare it’s alignments to those of your personal transitory chart. This may clue you in on some potential pitfalls so you can take the necessary steps to avoid them. There are many sites online where you can obtain free astrological charts, or you may want to contact a professional astrologer.

As we move on, take a moment to study the upright image on this card.

This card is the conscious “masculine” aspect of the mind. The Magician is the “architect” that channels (aka communicates) with the universal energies of the divine and combines them with his will to create. He has all the elements he needs in front of him to manifest his desires. On the table, we see a pentacle (earth), a wand (fire), a chalice (water), and the sword (air). The Magician himself is the channel for “spirit” which is the catalyst that ties all the elements together to create life. He is balanced mentally and physically as he is shown with one hand holding a wand up to the divine for inspiration, and the other pointed down, grounded to the earth. When I look at this card, the first three absolute Universal Laws comes to mind: The Law of Mentalism, the Law of Correspondence, and The Law of Vibration.

A few key words associated with The Magician are potential, focus, manifestation, magick, the conscious “masculine” side of our minds, willpower, the phrase “you have all the tools you need to make it happen”, divine timing, confidence, balance, alchemy, competent, transformation, purpose.

Remember, when I said that Mercury in retrograde was an optical illusion? When we reverse The Magician, the positive aspects of this card are reversed as well. The Magician is no longer a conscious creator, he is an illusionist. His positive attributes are skewed. He uses slight of hand to distract his audience. He entertains us with one hand, while deceiving us with the other.

Since he is no longer using his powers to create, the tools in this position are falling off the table. And look at The Magician’s hands. Still pointing, but now the dominant hand with the wand is no longer channeling the divine, but is pointing down at the earth. Also note that the lemniscate is now reversed as well. This symbol, which corresponds to infinite creation and potential, as well as spiritual and material balance, is no longer the energy between the divine realm and The Magician. It is now the energy between the earth realm and The Magician.

This indicates that instead of receiving his guidance and inspiration from the divine, he receives it from the material, earth plane. And I think we all know what happens when people misuse their power for material gain.

Reversed, this card also indicates that the diving timing is “off”, and communications will have a tendency to be misconstrued. This is exactly what many experience during Mercury retrogrades. Some may experience technical issues with their computers and phones during this time as well.

There is also a potential for “slight of hand” tactics. In the form of communication, some examples of this are fine print in contracts, fast talking sales pitches and misleading advertising. The timing is off for interpersonal communications as well. I am seeing a lot of people right now that are not “getting” each other when communicating. A sideways look, or a misread word results in an immediate disagreement.

Not everyone is energetically affected by the movements and aspects of the planets on a conscious level. But for those who are, Mercury retrograde is a message that now is not the time for moving forward with a major decision or project.

This is a time for rest. Take care of yourself. Focus on calming the mind and body. And as The Magicians tools at this time are in disarray, this is a good reminder to clean up your surroundings. Get a jump on spring cleaning! It is a fact that a clear physical space, clears the mind as well.

Mercury retrograde also reminds us that this is a good time to take stock of your finances. Examine future purchases carefully. For example, at this time, many people are just now recovering from the holiday season. If you have some extra cash, it may be a good idea to put it in your savings instead of splurging on unnecessary material goods. Putting money in your savings is not flashy and fun, but you’ll be glad it’s there later on should an unexpected expense come up. And during a Mercury retrograde, this could happen!

Mercury in retrograde is an introspective energy. Take the time to consider all your options and to research thoroughly before committing to something. Making quick decisions during Mercury retrograde is not conducive to a successful outcome. Don’t fall for those “buy it today” deals. If something sounds too good to be true, it probably is. The Magician’s slight of hand can make your money disappear quickly if you are not careful.

As for personal relationships, Mercury in retrograde can bring up issues from the past that need to be addressed or healed. You may see challenges arise that will test to see if you have truly absorbed the life lessons from the original situation. Emotions may be raw because of this. Mercury in retrograde gives us the gift of time, to regress for a little while, to give us time to once and for all, put the baggage behind us so we can move forward.

As I touched on before, choose your words carefully when you speak or write. Communications during a Mercury retrograde can be misinterpreted easily. This can trigger people emotionally as it brings up unhealed wounds they may have. Keep your communications short and to the point. Be positive as much as you can. Keep that ego in check! You may find that it’s not worth it to argue with someone to prove your point. Especially online where the shadow side of people likes to make it’s appearance behind the anonymity of the keyboard. People with mental illnesses can be especially triggered during this time. Best just to hide/block the comment instead of reacting. You’ll be glad you did!

Mercury moves out of retrograde on March 11th which is right before the spring equinox! This will bring an influx of renewed energies and perspectives just in time, to merge with the spring season. It will be like taking a breathe of crisp, clean, fresh air!

Personally, I think Mercury retrogrades are a reminder to take a pause to regroup ourselves. Everything that we need to be mindful of during a retrograde are things that we should always be aware of. Mercury retrograde is just a signal for us to pay closer attention to how we treat ourselves and others.

Leo Full Moon tarot spread message: Do it!

2/9/20 Full Moon in Leo. Bring out those hidden talents!

February 9, 2020, the full moon is in Leo. With the sun in Aquarius opposite the moon in Leo, this makes for an interesting combination. The card associated with the astrological sign of Leo in the tarot is number eight, Strength. The additional tarot card associated with this moon is the seven of wands. I pulled the cards that come before and after both the Strength card and the Seven of Wands, as well as The Sun and The Moon cards.

So, here is our Leo Moon tarot spread:

Full Moon in Leo tarot spread

The card of Strength (the card top and center) in the Major Arcana is one that symbolizes, inner strength, faith, emotional balance, and confidence in one’s quiet power. This card comes after The Chariot, which symbolizes getting oneself together, bringing the mind, body, and spirit into balance. Once the chariot driver has brought himself into balance, he can now use his focus and force of will, to direct the sphinxes. They all work together as one to move the chariot forward to achieve a common goal.

After Strength, we have The Hermit. This card’s image is one of going within, inner wisdom, retreating from the world to enable one to deeply contemplate. This card can also symbolize a wise mentor, but not one that is mainstream. I think of Obi-Wan Kenobi and Yoda from Star Wars when I see this card.

Now we move on to the second row:

The Seven of Wands (the card bottom and center) is a card of standing up for oneself, defending one’s achievements and/or reputation, and standing alone in the face of adversity. It can also indicate taking the “high ground” in a situation.

The card before it is the six of wands. This card is one of achievements and/or talents being acknowledged by others, success that has been earned, self confidence in one’s abilities, a promotion, overcoming obstacles, and victory.

The Eight of Wands, after the Seven of Wands, is a message of potential travel, action, inspiration, moving forward, motivation, and inner drive.

The Moon in the tarot, in general is a card of intuition, going within, the subconscious, not knowing all the facts of a situation, mystery, things hidden, using one’s instincts to move forward on a path, but not knowing yet where it leads.

So with the Moon in Leo, this is a message of the time being right to step into your courage to bring one’s talents and abilities into the light. Have you been hiding an aspect of yourself or going along with others, blending in with the “herd”, because it feels “safe”? The Leo Moon is saying that perhaps it is a good time to begin to love and acknowledge that aspect of yourself so you can bring it out for the benefit of yourself and others.

Leo is an astrological fire sign. The aspects of this sign are openness, giving and receiving attention, joyfulness, playfulness, creativity, leadership, and imagination. Leo’s enjoy the limelight. Their courage gives them the confidence to show their talents and uniqueness to others. This is the energy of creators, artists and actors.

The sun in Aquarius is a bit high minded. A little bit cold, technical, more analytical. It’s attention is primarily directed to helping others through evolving the collective through innovation and technology, and less about the concerns of the aspirations of the individual. Now, this can actually be a good thing, if seen in the right perspective. As the sun in this sign, is busy with other “bigger things”. This translates to us as individuals, not being under the microscope of others. It can be a good time to showcase a creative project or aspect of yourself that you have kept hidden, as the current energies won’t overwhelm you with undue attention, especially from negative critics. You are more likely to attract those like-minded individuals who appreciate what you have to offer. The trolls will be too busy at this time with other things to take notice!

And when you do start to turn some more heads, you will already have been established in the spotlight. You will have received support from the others in “your tribe”. As such, your inner resolve will be strong. It will be easy to stand up in your own individuality and tell the critics to move along. Where before, this same criticism may have been intimidating to you, now I get the message of “you got this”. I see this as I look at the Strength card and the Seven of Wands below it.

This Leo fiery confidence and joy leads to the eight of wands! New opportunities, a zest for life, maybe even travel! As the Eight of Wands is underneath The Hermit, this could even be travel in the form of visiting other lands as a way to get away for a while, a type of a personal, introspective “quest”. Or it could be an indication of intense study of a subject that you are passionate about which will lead you down a new path in your life. As a Leo Moon, the destination of the journey is not known yet. But the eight of wands suggests this will be an opportunity for inspiration and adventure for sure!  

This is a good time to showcase your talents or at least begin the process of bringing them out. Increase your social interactions with others that have the same interests as you, stand up to others, and set those boundaries! Follow your joy! Remember, the one living YOUR life is YOU! Do what inspires you. We all have talents and abilities that are meant to be brought out to enhance the quality of our life and the lives of others.

Your courage to put yourself out there, will inspire others to do the same! I believe we need more of this at this time. For when we show our “beauty” to the world, it makes the world a more beautiful place.

 “Hide not your talents, they for use were made. What’s a sundial in the shade”`
~ Benjamin Franklin

1/24/20 New Moon in Aquarius: The Star & Five of Swords

The new moon in aquarius as represented by The Star and The Five of Swords

New moons are about new beginnings. The energies align for us to take action on our intentions. An interesting aspect of this moon is that it squares the planet Uranus which is known as “the great awakener”. This planet brings the energies of innovation, change and unpredictability to the Aquarius aspect of the new moon. In other words, expect the unexpected!

The combination of the Aquarian and Uranus energies are here to shake us up! If we have become complacent, or have lost our edge, this combination pops us back up on our feet to get us going again! Synchronistic opportunities may appear during this time as well. Be ready!

Aquarian energy is about friendships, community, working with others, hope, new ideas and breaking up the status quo. The Star card embodies these aspects as well as spiritual studies and personal growth. This moon cycle may be a good time to sign up for that class you have wanted to take! The energies here are also conducive to reaching out to others that share the same interests as you. To cultivate friendships, while accentuating your own individuality and independence. To be an individual contributing your unique talents to a collective group. With Uranus in the mix, prepare for some new, innovative ideas that will be brought to life through your actions!

Pay attention to your intuition during this time and be open. As I mentioned above, Uranus brings in an element of the unexpected. You may begin something with a set plan, only to have it take some surprising twists and turns! If you are paying attention, you will be able to discern how to make these “plot twists” work out to your benefit.

Another message with this moon is that of freedom / liberation. Look at image on The Star card. She is nude – completely authentic. This is who she is. The Star card appears after The Tower in the tarot. The Tower has collapsed and now The Star card appears to tell us there is hope, now that we are liberated from The Tower’s confining, limiting walls. I have done a previous post on The Tower card, where I go into more details regarding the archetypal symbolism of it’s image.

So here is where I see The Five of Swords coming into play here. In most instances, this card is considered a negative image. One of winning at all costs, the “I’m always right” card. But in this instance, I see it in another light. One of us standing our ground and overcoming challenges. And when we do this, we grow. We come to understand that we are stronger than we think we are. This image also indicates that we will no longer allow others to place limits on who WE want to be. When one looks at the image in this context, the smug character we were looking at previously, transforms into a confident character who is standing up for himself. The number five, which is symbolic of shaking up the stability/status quo of the number four, has unexpectedly taken a stand and revels in his moment of triumph. The other two characters, defeated, have walked away. They no longer have power over the main character.

When we know who we are and what we want to accomplish, we understand that sometimes we may need to stand alone just like the Five of Swords. We may need to set those personal boundaries with other people who may not understand us. To stand in our power and challenge those who want us to conform to what they think is “normal”.

Uranus, aka “the great awakener” is surely making it’s presence known, not only in our personal lives, but in society as well. Look at all the secrets that are coming out. Shaking us up collectively. So that we can see all the lies and deception that we have been blind too. 2020 is starting off with a blast of energy that’s for sure! We are awakening on a global scale!

“That is the real spiritual awakening, when something emerges from within you that is deeper than who you thought you were. So, the person is still there, but one could almost say that something more powerful shines through the person.” ~ Eckhart Tolle

1/10/20 “Wolf” Full Moon in the Astrological sign Cancer

Wolf Moon in Cancer with an eclipse! A transformation of self. Acknowledge your power!

January 10, 2020 we have the first full moon of 2020 with an eclipse to boot! This moon is known as the “wolf moon”. This eclipse full moon’s supercharged energy is asking us to acknowledge our power. Channel the strength of the wolf. Allow your intuition (instincts) to guide you. Keep your eyes and ears open. If something doesn’t “feel” right there is a good reason! It may be helpful to research wolf symbolism so you can work closely with this energy this month.

The moon is in the astrological sign of cancer, which to me symbolizes emotions, home, relationships, protection. The crab has a tough outer shell and pincers to protect it’s soft insides. An indication of an energy that is tough on the outside, but sensitive on the inside.

There are other planetary influences affecting us at this time as well, namely Saturn and Pluto. These are both “harsher” planetary energies. They are on the scene to assist us in tearing down our old ways of emotional and physical being to assist us in stepping into our full power as accentuated by the wolf moon. Or for some, to reclaim power that we may have given to others or allowed them to take.

The “official” new year does not start until March, which is the time of the spring equinox. So, I feel this moon, which coincides with our calendar new year, is a reminder of time. We have a couple of months to clean up our act so that we may fully partake in the “new growth” spring energy in March which is the seasonal “new year”. The harsher energies of Saturn and Pluto are assisting the cancer moon here. Helping us keep our emotions in check so we can “toughen ourselves up” to make those difficult decisions. Saturn in particular, provides structure and discipline to enable us to do this effectively. The card that symbolizes Saturn in the tarot is The Emperor. Reflecting on the image of this card is very helpful to envision the Saturn energy.

The Emperor: Saturn card in the Tarot. Structure, leadership, decisions, discipline.

Just as a crab sheds it’s shell periodically, this is a time for us to reflect on who we are NOW. Our “shells” at this time are soft, as we have just come out of the holiday season. The holidays, with it’s hectic energy has a tendency to scatter us a bit. We “overdo” during this time of the year. As a result, our personal boundaries are not as strong, as many of us will say “yes” to social events we’d rather not attend, overspend on gifts, overindulge in food and drink, interact with people that we do not normally socialize with, etc. in the name of the season. 

The holidays are interesting as we are confronted with many challenges during that time, that allow us to gauge our personal growth from the previous year. January, is the time to re-align ourselves after the holidays. To take the time to reflect to see where we have grown and where we still need some work.  The moon in cancer with the eclipse intensifies our intentions for the upcoming months. It gives us strength in our vision to make the necessary changes in our lives.

The wolf has a powerful gaze. It is looking at us and asking. Will you join me in the hunt? Have you discarded that old confining shell of who you once were so that you have the freedom to run with the pack under the powerful energies of this full moon? The wolf also tells us not to cower in the face of adversity. Or to allow others to “steal” our light. Show your teeth to those who do not respect your personal boundaries. The moon in cancer also reminds us that the protective shell and pincers of the cancer crab are to be utilized as well. Not everyone you interact with deserves the benefit of your generosity. Some may need to feel the “pinch” of the crab should they overstep their boundaries with you.

I have sensed a kind of “scam” energy going on right now. I don’t know if it is just because people need money after the holidays, or if it’s the planetary influences we are currently experiencing (perhaps it’s a bit of both). It feels as if people are trying to get a piece of everyone else’s pie without offering an even exchange for it. People are pushing the limits of acceptable behavior and fairness this month.

The wolf and the crab reminds us, in these situations, to shore up those boundaries. Stand firm! I also received a quick image of a crab with it’s pincers up and backing away from a threat. The message here is to not trust others so easily at this time. Keep an eye on them and don’t turn your back. You may need to skillfully maneuver to graciously back away from a situation, that is not to your benefit.

This is not the time to obligate yourself to long term projects, nor to sign a contract without very carefully reading it and considering all your options. Of course, one should always do this, but it is especially important at this time. And if you really think about it, how many times have we purchased a large ticket item such as a car or home, and not closely read the paperwork we are signing?

This applies to verbal and “social contracts” as well. When in doubt, or if you are feeling pressured, say “no”. Or at least make an excuse to give yourself time to think about it.  You do not want to tie yourself to old energies or patterns that have the potential to keep you “stuck”. Remember, this is winter. A time of rest, death, darkness, going within, a time of reflection. This time of the year is not conducive to obligate ourselves into situations that do not serve who we are NOW and who we are going to be in the upcoming year.

Both the wolf and the crab are fierce energies. But they are also sensitive as well. The wolf is dedicated to it’s family. They are protective and nurturing to those they love. The crab as I mentioned above, is soft and vulnerable on the inside, but has powerful claws that will inflict intense pain on those that mess with it. The message of this moon and eclipse is one of boundaries, strength, protection and reflection of the past 12 months and what it is that is truly important to you. Also, trust your instincts, and do not allow yourself to be convinced (i.e., coerced) into accepting a situation that is not in your best interest. Nor is it acceptable to compromise yourself or your personal values, and/or dim your own light to placate the ego of others.

You are not the same person that you were at this time last year! Use the energies of the wolf and the crab to reflect your strength and power. If necessary, show those teeth and raise those pincers! Those who have perhaps taken advantage of your kindness in the past, will quickly realize that you have changed. They will need to adjust how they interact with you. This may be awkward at first, and they will most likely challenge you. But stand firm. You may even lose some friends. But ask yourself, if all these people did was take from you or use your gifts for their own benefit, were they truly your “friends”? Perhaps losing those people will free up your time and give you the  opportunity to find a new “pack”. People who will understand and respect you. If you are a solitary wolf for awhile, so be it. Better to be a lone wolf than a doormat.

“The soul that sees beauty must sometimes walk alone” ~ Goethe

12/12/2019 Full Moon (12/12/12 portal). Higher perspective. A Tarot interpretation

Number 12 in the Tarot: The Hanged Man. A higher perspective

So on December 12, 2019 at 12:12 am the full moon was in Gemini. This is a significant full moon! Look at the numbers! And to top it off, this moon was in it’s fullness at 12:12 am. Wow!

So as I pondered this occurrence, I thought of the Tarot and the 12th card in the major arcana. It is The Hanged Man.

The Hanged Man can translate to many meanings depending on the cards around it. But some key words that come to mind for me when I see this image is self-sacrifice, planning, taking a pause, spiritual development, personal revelation, reflection on one’s predicament, a stalemate ie., unable to move and/or make a final decision at the present time, pondering a decision, higher awareness/consciousness, surrender, accepting the current circumstances as they are, wisdom obtained through patience, humility, learning karmic lessons, martyrdom, relinquishing control or the illusion of control. These are just a few.

The card that comes before The Hanged Man is Justice. Is The Hanged Man waiting for “justice to be served”? Perhaps he is holding onto something from the past that has run it’s course and needs to be let go of. A good example of this is holding a grudge against someone. Holding grudges keeps a person “connected” to that other person that hurt them. This keeps them in a “victim” mindset, which prevents them moving forward with their life because they are “stuck” in the pain of the past. In a more literal sense, this card can translate to someone that is actually waiting on an outcome, such as a court decision.

Or perhaps The Hanged Man is sacrificing himself for others, taking on the role of a martyr. By taking on this role, this allows the “martyr” to control others by guilt. It can also be a symptom of lack of self-worth or a need to practice better personal boundaries. This person may need to learn how to speak their truth and say “no”. Or perhaps this person is in a less than ideal living or work situation but is unable to move for various reasons.

Maybe Justice served a karmic life lesson that requires The Hanged Man to go within and do some soul searching before he figures out the correct answer that will set him free.

Or is the hanged man there as a willing participant, taking a pause in his life to reflect on who he truly is, to plan a new direction for his life?

We are not “told” why The Hanged Man is there. Because The Hanged Man is us. We are all The Hanged Man at various times in our lives.

What does The Hanged Man image mean to you? If you notice, he is alone on this card. There is no one there to untie him. He must free himself from whatever the situation is that put him there in the first place. The light around his head is a symbol of enlightenment. The “aha” moment we all get when we have an epiphany.

The card after The Hanged Man is Death. This is the release of the old. Old patterns, old cycles, discarding physical items in our environment that no longer serve us, old limiting beliefs, old systems, the end of destructive behaviors, it can be anything. To make way for the new, the old must die.

When The Hanged Man realizes the truth of what it is he needs to deal with, or let go of, he frees himself from the illusion of his self-imposed bondage. Death sets him free.

After Death is Temperance. This is where we learn to balance ourselves. To operate on a more even keel so that we do not make the same mistakes again. Our time as The Hanged Man has served us well. We have learned the lesson and are moving forward.

This brings us back to this amazing full moon in Gemini. Gemini is an air sign, which is connected to thinking, communicating, writing, and being the twins, also signifies mental flexibility i.e, the ability to change one’s mind when presented with evidence/information, and a balanced mental perspective. Gemini energy is a quick analytical thinker. It does not let emotions cloud it’s judgement. Gemini is the swords suit in the tarot. When Gemini sees a decision that needs to be made, or that a change needs to happen, it cuts to to the truth, makes the choice and is done with it.

This energy pushes us out of our comfort zone and shows us the truth in an analytical way. I get the image of Spock from Star Trek here! No excuses, it is what it is. The facts are in front of you. On a larger scale, we are seeing this energy playing out in the media with all the exposing news stories coming out. Secrets are being brought into the light so the truth can be witnessed and thus, dealt with, and healed.

On a more personal note, we may see this energy expressing itself in our lives. Old wounds and aspects of our shadow which we have kept suppressed are coming to the surface so we can understand it and release it. To enable us to transition into 2020 with a renewed sense of self and purpose.

The Gemini card in the Tarot is the Number 6, Lovers. This is the coming together of energies, bringing them into balance so that we can move forward with a new healthier perspective. Energetically, both the feminine and the masculine are equal in their own right. Each has their divine part in the universe and are to be respected and loved for what they are. Only when the two are in balance, can true progress/forward movement happen. That’s when the energy moves on to the next card in the tarot, Number 7 the chariot.

2020 is a “four” year. This should be interesting for all of us, as the number four is a stabilizing energy. We bring ourselves into balance. We come out of 2019 which is a “three” year and with our new perspective, build a new solid foundation from the chaotic creative three energy. The 12/12/12 portal (3/3/3/) is a sign for us to create a new perspective within ourselves, our communities and on the planet. The alignment of the divine masculine and divine feminine energies (duality) to bring our awareness back into balance. With this new consciousness, we will clearly see what is not working so we can release it. Once we let the old “die”, we can begin to rebuild something better that is more in alignment with our higher awareness.

The Hanged Man is a message of higher perspective: “When we know better, we do better”

New Moon in Libra

New Moon in Libra reading 9/28/19

Here are the cards that came out for the New Moon in Libra on 9/28/19. At first glance, these cards may seem daunting, but the message that came through is overwhelmingly positive.

The Message:

The new moon in Libra is bringing positive energies to your life. The Star card is an indication of new hope and balance. There is a sense of letting go of what no longer serves you. You are ready to examine what it is that is most important to you and let the other bullsh*t go. This is a time for healing those old emotional wounds as well. I love The Star card. She is naked with one foot in the water and one on land, pouring water on both the land and water. This card is a symbol of inner balance, acceptance and hope. Just being you, accepting yourself and loving who you are. The Star is naked, this is who she is. There is no pretense in this card.

The nine of wands reversed indicates a release as well. This ties in nicely with The Star. The message I received is “I’m not going to fight anymore or constantly prove myself to others. Either you accept me for who I am or you don’t”. This can also indicate an inner struggle that you are letting go of. And good thing too, because the nine of wands looks exhausted!

And now we move on to the ten of swords, which is basically the same message. Being swords, this card indicates a release of negative thoughts and/or beliefs that may have been holding you back. This can be in any area of your life. Perhaps you have been holding back in a relationship, not showing your partner who you are, in fear of rejection. Or maybe you have been feeling stuck in your life due to a lack of self-confidence or self imposed limitations. In any case, this card in this reading, is the ultimate “ending” card. You are done!

The eight of cups and Death are very fitting cards for this new moon reading. Both indicate an energy of leaving the past behind you. Learning lessons and moving forward. This is a completion of a cycle. And the start of a new beginning!

To wrap this reading up – The Star with these other cards is a message that yes! You are a star! Cast away those fears and negative thoughts that are holding you back! Again, this could be in any area of your life, but I am particularly feeling this in relationships. If you are in a relationship, this may be a good time for both of you to begin to open up to each other, and take the relationship to the next level.

Hope, new beginnings and healing is the message that came through today for the new moon in Libra.