Messages for the 12/4/21 New Moon Solar Eclipse

Cards for the New Moon Solar Eclipse on 12/4/21

I decided to pull some cards for the new moon solar eclipse coming up on 12/4/21. I am using the Moon Mansion Oracle and the Spirit Animal Oracle to aid me in this reading.  

The nine of wands is the tarot card associated with this transit. It’s interesting that the planetary energies of this tarot card is moon in Sagittarrius. So we have the illusive watery moon energy literally mixing with the fiery sign of Sagittarius.

On a collective level, there are some big energies transpiring with this transit. With the powerful Goddess Kali in the mix, we are sure to witness an uptake of chaotic energy. This transformation process that is happening now, is not an easy one. As a collective, we have been clamoring for change for a good while now, but this will not be without its price. Literally the notation for the Kali card is “If you fight, you will have to pay the price”. But what is the price if one does not fight? The nine of wands stands alone, indicating that he believes in his position. He is willing to stand alone to defend it. I think we are contemplating this question as a society at this time. The rights of the individual within the context of a larger societal structure.

The next card in the wands progression is the ten of wands. This is a card of too much work, burdens, responsibilities, indentured servitude. So many are working, working, working, just to keep their heads above water. The collective is still recovering from the events from 2020-2021, and now we are seeing inflation in the form of higher gas prices, food prices, higher taxes, cost of living increases, etc. Yet, wages have not kept up for the most part. We see the Nine of Wands card looking at the Butterfly Spirit as if he is holding strong, but battle weary. Sagittarius energy is known for it’s optimistic outlook. But as we progress through the tarot to the next card, the ten of wands, this is where literally see this character in the nine of wands, progresses to the point of where it is too much. He literally cannot carry the burden anymore. The natives are getting restless. Something’s got to give.

The image in my minds eye that I see is of two sides of a coin. With the sun being the coin. We have a building up of energy as the moon moves closer to the sun, then a period of darkness during the transit, and then as the moon moves through, we are shown the “flip side of the coin” so to speak. Be prepared for new information coming to light, breaking news stories, as well as people changing their opinions, saying one thing and doing another, as well as an increase in “mysterious deaths” and a rise of prominent people being targeted for standing up for their personal truth, philosophies and beliefs. There is an undercurrent of the beginnings of a change. It’s subtle now, but it’s there.

On a more individual level, it is important to rest at this time, as we see this message in the Black Moon card. This transit can be draining on sensitives. You may be feeling physically tired and/or mentally overwhelmed. We are receiving a huge download of information from the cosmos. I literally feel that the collective, depending on the spiritual elevation of the individual of course, is receiving an upgrade.

I would not necessarily recommend conducting any spells or magickal workings during this transit. As the results may end up different than what you anticipated. I equate this to attempting to continue to work on a computer, while it is in the middle of an update. You may save the file and it seems okay, only to have it be “off” in some way when you open it again, such as the spacing is different, the fonts have changed, the icons have moved, etc. Or you may discover, that the file did not save at all.  

Some people may disagree with me on this of course. This is just my personal opinion. Do what feels right for you.

I feel this is also not a good time for sudden big decisions or serious talks. Seriously, wait a couple of days. You may come out on the other side of this transit with a different perspective. The sun and moon energies here have a push/pull effect. Being impetuous will not serve you well. It may leave you wondering what the heck were you thinking? See how this character on the Precipice card is heading towards Kali? Whoops! Don’t push it. Trust in the process. See how the Nine of Wands is standing still, while remaining alert? You may need to use your discernment and pick your battles wisely. You may discover it wasn’t quite such a big deal after all, after you have a nutritious meal and a good night’s sleep.

On the flip side, I feel if you have already been working on something up to this point, it will progress and/or transform naturally into a new beginning and/or opportunity. This message came through in my tarot post on Monday. This may require you to transform your perspective as was mentioned. I think it is interesting that on Monday, we had the eight of swords with her blindfold over her eyes. And here, we see the nine of wands, without any encumbrance to his vision, looking at the Butterfly Spirit card. I see this, in this context, as the building up to the solar eclipse, and then symbolically as the moon covers and then moves past the sun, this is removing the temporary blindfold that we saw in the eight of swords. So again, if you are already in the process of making a decision or change, you are literally the caterpillar in the cocoon. These energies are in already in process and will unfold naturally during this transit. The other side of this eclipse may present you with a positive opportunity, that will allow you to see for yourself just how capable and valuable you are. You emerge as the butterfly.

As we know, not everyone is aware, or what we call “awake”. However this energy will still be affecting the collective. As such, you may notice erratic behavior in some people, and we may see more of this shown in the media. It will be important for you to step back from this. Many of the media stories will be construed in a way to distract you and trigger emotions. Keep in mind, not all is what it seems. Stay alert in public places and while driving. There is a potential for injuries as well as crime during this transit. No need to be paranoid, just pay attention to your surroundings.

The physical body is a focus at this time. Work on staying physically grounded. Exercise, mundane activities and eating small nutritious meals throughout the day will be helpful. Be sure and step away from electronics for a while every day. As a collective, I feel most of our energy has been in the mental realms for the past year or so. We’ve got to get back into our bodies to balance this out. The upcoming Scorpio/Taurus transits in 2022 will highlight the area of physical health.  

I hope this information was helpful to you as we approach the final solar eclipse of 2021!

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Feel the fear & do it anyway

Tarot cards for this week: Ace of Pentacles, Eight of Swords, Rhino Spirit

The tarot cards today are indicating that there is an opportunity for some of you this week. But it will require you to step outside your comfort zone. Rhino spirit is your message that you are strong and capable. Show the Universe that you are serious about making a change in your circumstances, by taking the initiative to get the ball rolling. If an opportunity comes your way, especially in the area of work, career, money, business, etc. don’t let your self-imposed fears or perceived limitations stop you from acting on it.

Astrology wise, we have both the sun and mercury in optimistic Sagittarius. And even though the image we see in the eight of swords looks disheartening, the planetary energies of this card is Jupiter in  Gemini, which is the opposite zodiac sign of Sagittarius. So there is quite a bit of energetic support this week that is making it’s appearance in the cards! Take advantage of it!

When the eight of swords appears in a reading, it indicates that a change in perspective is needed to turn a situation around.  Our lady in bondage is required to save herself by calling up determination and courage from within, to take that first step out of her self-imposed prison. I see the Ace of Pentacles here as a metaphorical “carrot” dangling in front of her. To encourage her to remove the blindfold and proceed forward. She will then see there is a light at the end of the tunnel. But it will not come to her. She must go to it. Sagittarius is a sign of a positive mental outlook, as well as forward momentum.

The Rhino Spirit oracle card as the base energy of the reading, came out to encourage you. Rhino energy breaks through limitations and obstacles. However, all movement requires a catalyst. Take that first step. You will see it is not as difficult or as scary as you think it is.  

Sometimes the best thing that ever happened to us, lies just one step on the other side of our fears.

In other words, feel the fear and do it anyway.

Have a great week!

To schedule a personal tarot reading with Texas Tarot Lady, please go to the website:

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Welcome to Virgo season!

Virgo season! Party’s over time to get real.

Welcome to Virgo season! Virgo comes in after we have had our fun in the sun during Leo season. She comes in after the party so to speak, to put things back in order. It’s time to stop playing and get back to work. She reminds us to be realistic about our future and to make plans accordingly so that we are prepared for it when it arrives.

In the past, this was a busy time. The fall season is when the ancient ones would come together as a community to help one another can fruits and vegetables, cure meats, and dry grains to prepare them for storage to ensure they had enough to eat during the barren winter months.

The fable of the ant and the grasshopper is a good example of the zodiac transition from Leo to Virgo.

Virgo is a mutable sign that denotes transition, so you may feel the urge to “tweak” any plans or projects currently in progress during this time. Or perhaps you get inspired to clean out that closet or spare bedroom. To make things easier, more efficient, more organized. Clear the clutter by selling or donating items that you no longer use or need. And/or get moving on taking care of those repairs around the house that you may have been putting off.

Be aware of excess spending at this time. It’s interesting that August/September coincides with “back to school” season for many families. When the responsibility of ensuring the children have what they need for the school year is the primary focus for the family funds. This is another example of how Virgo reminds us of discipline and preparedness.

Virgo is also the sign of health, holistic medicine, the physical body and healing. Once the work has been completed, give yourself some down time if you are feeling drained. This may require you to put your needs first for a little while (Virgos sometimes need to be reminded of this). Go ahead, take that time out. You may need to limit interactions with other people and/or social media to allow your mind, body and spirit to recharge. On the flip side, you may need to limit distractions so that you can get some things done!

Virgo is the parent that tells everyone its time for bed at the slumber party. We all moan and complain and beg to stay up for just a little while longer. But they know that if we do not get our rest tonight, that we will be exhausted and cranky the next morning! And we need our rest because we have things to do tomorrow!

Virgo prepares us for the next sign, Libra. Which is the sign of balance. Life is meant to be enjoyed, but we must also be realistic about it too. To enjoy the fruits of our labor, we must first put in the labor! We are then open to receive the harvest of all the good things that life has to offer.

“Luck and success is when preparation meets opportunity”

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New Moon in Leo (Lions Gate portal 8/8/21)

Six of Wands / New Moon in Leo

New Moon in Leo (Lions Gate portal 8/8/21)

Tarot card: Six of Wands / Victory

Planetary Association: Jupiter

Element: Fixed Fire

Chakra: Solar Plexus

Crystal suggestions: Citrine, carnelian, tigers eye, sunstone, amber, pyrite, labradorite, garnet, yellow agate, rutilated quartz

The tarot card associated with this new moon is the six of wands. This card in the upright position is a positive sign in a reading. It indicates accomplishment, overcoming obstacles, forward momentum, higher awareness, good news heading your way, building a positive future from the victory of the present, being seen in a positive light, confidence, a possible promotion at work, and celebration of one’s success. This can literally manifest as a party being thrown in one’s honor, or this can also be an internal victory.

The message that came through for me today for these energies is one of self-confidence, and embracing who you are. Knowing that it is your unique gifts and talents that got you here. There is also a reminder as well, to be sure to continue to act with integrity and honor. People are watching you.

Leo is the fifth house in the zodiac which is the vibration of the individuality of the self. It relates to the solar plexus chakra. When this energy is balanced and strong, we speak our truth, stand up straight, accept accolades and praise from others with grace. We are fair and kind to others. Especially those that look up to us. A byproduct of this energy can produce a covetous and/or jealous energy from others. So, it is important to remain centered within one’s power. In other words, be a gracious winner!

This New Moon asks you to reflect on just how far you have come. Whether you see it or not, you are indeed, moving ahead with victory. Now is the time to appreciate your success. Go ahead bask in the sun of your glory for a little while. Just as the mighty lion, enjoys a long rest after a successful hunt. Do understand that this is but one victory that is within a succession of many more. Resting on your laurels for the long term is not an option. Eventually, the mighty lion must rise again to hunt once more. But having had one successful victory, the lion has the confidence in knowing that if it can accomplish it once, it can do it again!

Do not “sweat the small stuff”. Again, we are talking about the life force of a lion here. These large animals do not waste their precious energy dealing with minor annoyances. During this moon cycle, embody this powerful energy. Get in the habit of asking yourself. Is this truly worth my time and energy? See these situations as a test of your higher awareness. This is a time of strong personal boundaries. But establish them with the quiet strength of a lion. There is no need to get up and roar for every little thing.

What’s next on the horizon? Where do you want to go from here? Channel this powerful solar plexus activation to align your will with your vision of success. Whatever this is for you. The New Moon in Leo is giving you the confidence to pursue your future endeavors with passion, strength and dignity. ❤🦁🌞🔥♌️🏆🌼

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June 10th New Moon & Solar Eclipse in Gemini

Card associated with the 6/10/21 New Moon & Solar Eclipse: The Lovers and 9 of Swords

The cards associated with the June 10th New Moon and Solar Eclipse in Gemini are The Lovers and the Nine of Swords.  Gemini (The Lovers) is a sign represented by the twins. The energy of duality and decisions. Paired with the Nine of Swords, I feel the message is that we need to look at something through the lens of discernment. With Mercury in retrograde, not all communication whether from others or even from ourselves may be 100% the truth. It’s no coincidence, that The Magician in the reversed position (Mercury is the planet associated with The Magician) has come up in quite a few client readings lately! Some of you may need to detach for a moment to view a situation from a higher perspective to understand that what you see and hear may not be the entire truth. It may not be your truth at all. Perhaps it is someone else’s truth that is being projected onto you.

The nine of swords is a card of worry, anxiety, sleepless nights, and of reliving the emotional trauma of the past. Left unchecked this energy can spiral into a “loop” of negative self-talk and disempowerment which can prevent one from moving forward and ending the cycle (as shown in the next card of the swords suit progression, the ten of swords).  This powerful transit asks us to look within, and to be mindful of our thoughts. You may be presented with information or a new perspective to aid you in ending a cycle.  Perhaps it is time to set personal boundaries in your relationships, or come to a decision about what needs to go so that you can move forward in a positive direction. You may discover that your fears were larger in your mind than what they are in reality. Or it simply may indicate that you should trust your inner guidance. If something doesn’t feel right to you, pay attention.

If this energy is activating something from your past, whether this is an ex that trying to come back into your life, or an internal thought process, this transit is a good reminder for you to be easy on yourself. Take stock at how far you have come. Choose the path and patterns that empower you, allow you stay positive and focus on what you want to bring into your life. If you are slipping back into worry, anger and self-doubt, this is an indication that you are focusing your energy on what you DON’T want instead of what you DO want.

This is not a time to take a big leap! Ground and center yourself. Connect with love and move through the process at your own pace. But darling, do be sure you keep moving forward! The Nine’s in the tarot indicate a cycle that is close to completion. You have completed the lessons of the past and now this is your opportunity to embrace not only a new beginning, but to walk within the light of your personal truth (the Ace of Swords).  

Gemini season: The Lovers 5/21/21

The zodiac sign of Gemini is represented by The Lovers card in the Major Arcana

Today, the sun moves into Gemini. An air sign which is represented by The Lovers in the Major Arcana. One of the more popular cards in the deck, The Lovers represents, balance, unification, clear communication, decisions and connections on all levels (within ourselves, with other people, as well as our connection to Source, God/Goddess, Universe, Divine, etc.)

Today’s message:

The Lovers, as it is the next card that comes after The Hierophant, is a reminder to be mindful of our internal moral compass. Are you considering all the long term effects of a current decision? Is there something tempting that is being presented to you that looks good on the surface, or may appear be a shortcut to something that you have been wanting to achieve, but is there a caveat attached that requires you to compromise your personal values or integrity in some way?

The Lovers encourages you to bring into balance the information received from both the conscious mind and the heart. But ultimately, your heart will lead the way. What FEELS right to you? Stay solid in your truth. Take the “high road”. Although it appears to be the more challenging path now, it pays off with big dividends later. ❤

“The human heart feels things the eyes cannot see, and knows what the mind cannot understand.” Robert Valett

Scorpio Super Full Moon 4/26/21

Full Super Moon in Scorpio 4/26/21. Letting it go!

We have a powerful Super Full Moon in Scorpio tonight! You may have already been feeling it’s effects as full moon energy tends to culminate for about 3 days beforehand. Scorpio is a sign of analyzing, releasing and transformation, and its element is fixed water. The moon’s element is also water, so we may be feeling more psychically sensitive right now. It is important to be aware of your own emotions as well as what is going on with the people around you. We may inadvertently pick up on the energies of other people and internalize them, not realizing that they are not ours.

We can attune to this Scorpio full moon energy to release subconscious attachments that may have served their purpose in the past, but no longer “fit” us in the present. I picture these energies like saran wrap “sticking” on our energetic body that may have us feeling anxious and/or restricted in some way. Use the powerful frequencies of this full moon to cleanse your physical and energetic body, which will allow you to better connect with yourself. Clearing the layers to uncover your true potential.

This is the perfect moon to work with the element of water. If you are able, prepare a cleansing spiritual bath! Include epsom salt, crystals, essential oils, sea salt, candles, incense and time where you will not be disturbed (extremely important!) to allow yourself to tune in and go deep. To acknowledge what it is that you feel may be holding you back at the present time, and that you are now ready to let go of. You may even want to write down what this is for you, meditate on it, and then do a releasing ritual to let it go.

Some of these Scorpionic energies are not comfortable! In the tarot, Scorpio is represented by the Death card. Facing death is never easy. And death is not pretty. However, death and rebirth is a part of life. You may find some unanticipated aspects come up for you during this time. Some of which you may not even know were there! Or perhaps you thought they have already been dealt with and done. During your meditation, do not deny what comes up, even though it may be uncomfortable or painful. Dive in, allow yourself to feel, explore, understand what they are and why they have come up. Are these deep emotional aspects affecting your life now? Are they showing up as “triggers” to let you know that they are there, waiting for you to acknowledge them so they can be released? It’s okay, cry, get upset, FEEL it, know it. Surrender to it. Ask for help from God, Source, your higher self, angels, guides, whomever who connect with. Let those emotions flow! This is why making sure you have time alone is important. Some of these energies can get chaotic on an internal level. It’s deeply personal.

I received the image of the Ace of Cups in the Tarot just now as I am writing this. Allowing one’s cup to overflow and release these internal aspects to allow the gift of divine healing to flow in.  This is why self-care is so important under this Scorpio Full Moon energy. Scorpionic transformation is not easy. Wrap yourself up in compassion and love.

You will find once these aspects have been examined on such a deep, powerful level, they soon start to transition through. You have gone through the Scorpio underworld and now, you are walking through the light at the end of the tunnel at this particular phase in your life. You realize the battles you have been up against, were internal and not necessarily external. You are different now. Transformed. You have a deep understanding and much more compassion for yourself and others and a new inner wisdom that you did not have before. This is the experience of Scorpio transformation that you may have read about, but never experienced. Until now.

Scorpio goes deep. Really deep!

Ruling planet: Mars (traditional), Pluto

Candle Colors: Brown, purple, black, red, maroon or burgundy

Crystals: Rose quartz, selenite, rhodochrosite, aquamarine, bloodstone, black tourmaline, labradorite, red jasper, smoky quartz, carnelian, sodalite, moonstone, aragonite, apache tear, topaz, jet, amethyst, shungite, amazonite, rutilated quartz

Herbs: Sage, clove, basil, lavender, vanilla, rose, rosemary, mugwort, pine

Tarot Cards: Death, Five of Cups

Scorpio motto: “I desire”

New Moon in Aries 4/11/21

New Moon in Aries 4/11/21. Planting the seeds for the upcoming year!

Tonight, the new moon is in the sign of Aries! This is the first of the twelve zodiac signs. Aries embodies the energy of action, passion, vision, inspiration, leadership, focus, health, physical activity, taking action on what aligns with your intentions and overcoming challenges, just to name a few. Aries is a self-starter, the motivation comes from within, not from others.

This new moon is a perfect time to set goals for the upcoming year. What is it that you want to accomplish? Plant the seeds of your intentions during this Aries new moon. The other planetary alignments during this time are very positive. The Universe will support you, but it will not interfere with your free will. It is up to you to take action on your intention. When you do this, your frequency aligns accordingly, and things will begin to fall into place.

Aries is a fiery, independent athlete. Focus on physical self-care during this new moon cycle. Rejuvenate yourself with relaxing baths, healthy food, working with essential oils, getting enough rest, exercise, time outdoors, and minimizing the best you can negative influences. And this includes being mindful of what you say to yourself! We tend to be our own worst critic. This Aries new moon is imbuing us with the energies of courage and confidence, to wave off any self-doubt. As well as the physical energy to pursue what it is that we are passionate about! But you must do your part as well!

To meditate with the energies of the Aries New Moon, here are some suggestions:

Candle Colors: Red, white, pink

Crystals: Garnet, ruby, red jasper, carnelian, bloodstone, fire agate, clear or white quartz, citrine, black onyx, rose quartz.

Herbs: Cinnamon, sage, pepper, dried rose petals, basil.

Tarot Cards: The Emperor, Ace of Wands, Four of Wands

Aries motto: “I am”. A vision board is a wonderful idea! See yourself as already having what it is you are wanting to achieve. This is also a good time for you to clear out that closet, do spring cleaning to freshen up your space, etc. Minimize the clutter. Clear out your space to give these new intentions room to manifest! ♈️🌑🔥🧘‍♀️🏋️‍♀️❤️

Happy Spring Equinox!

Today’s tarot card Queen of Wands!

This beautiful Queen embodies the signs of Pisces and Aries. She is “feminine fire”. The date of the Spring Equinox falls within her realm. Symbolic of the sun and a love of nature, one notices the new sprigs of growth on the wand that she holds in her right hand and the sunflower in her left. Creativity and magic thrive under this Queen’s influence. Her appearance in a reading indicates you have the strength as well as the creativity to pursue your goals. Especially goals that involve pursuits of not only financial abundance, but of emotional fulfillment as well. Good things just seem to “happen” around her. She can be a message for you to step out of your comfort zone and network. There’s just something about her that cannot be explained. Embody her archetype when you want to exude an air of confidence and charisma, with the magic of feminine “flair”. This magnetic combination will draw positive opportunities and beneficial people to you. Especially during “Her time” of the months of March and April. ♓️♈️

New Moon in Aquarius 2/11/21

New Moon in Aquarius from an intuitive tarot perspective – video

The new moon on February 11, 2021 is significant as there is a stellium of planets in the sign of Aquarius. We have the Sun and Moon, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter and Saturn all in Aquarius! Wow! Mercury is in retrograde at this time until February 20th, which also adds some interesting energy to the mix.

Powerful new moon & planetary stellium in Aquarius on 2/11/21!

I decided to pull some tarot cards to delve into these energies a little bit more to gain some collective insights on this planetary event to relay some of the message that I received to you. I do want to state here that this is my own style of intuitive reading for this planetary occurrence, and I am by no means an astrologist!

Seven of Swords is the card that represents the decan for the sun and the the moon

We will start with the sun and the new moon. The cards associated with the sun and moon’s placement for this new moon, is the seven of swords. When I look at these cards, I received the message of many of you wanting to move forward with unbridled enthusiasm. Yes, that is the exact term that I was given LOL! Collectively, with all the events that have occurred we are feeling the energy of Aquarius very strongly. Ready to burst forward, with new ideas and fresh energy. To come back out into the sun (symbolically and literally), to pursue our happiness.

The solitary aspect of the events of 2020 which for some of you, may have seeped into the beginning of 2021, gave many of you the time to think about your home, your goals, your dreams, your career, your relationships, etc. and analyze them very closely. You have literally been “stewing” in your own energy and in the energy of those close to you for a little over a year now.

Most of you have reached some definite conclusions about how you want to move forward at this point. For example, some of you may have drafted a business plan. To plant the seeds to turn something that you love to do into a lucrative business idea, or in a more general sense, you may have decided to focus on the pursuit of a new goal that adds a sense of enrichment to your life. The Sun is one of the “happiest” cards in the deck and can indicate these things. But with the moon and the underlying energies of the Seven of Swords card, this can indicate that you may not have all the facts yet and/or your perception may be off. Before proceeding, it is a good idea to review contracts and agreements a few times to ensure that you understand it 100% correctly. For some of you, it would be advisable to seek professional counsel, such as an attorney, before entering into any agreements. Many professional astrologists, recommend refraining from signing contracts if at all possible, during a Mercury Retrograde. As during this time, Mercury can be a little tricky. There is a possibility of errors and omissions being a factor which can result in an unexpected circumstance popping up later on.

Be particularly aware of what you say in the context of friendships and social networks. During a Mercury retrograde, people may misconstrue your words. It is advisable to be prudent on social media until after Mercury goes back direct on the 20th.  But this is good advice any time, not just during Mercury Retrograde.

I also see that some of you are taking advantage of these energies to put distance between yourself and any old habits or patterns that may have held you back in the past. Others around you see this change and are perceiving you in a new light! This new moon for some of you will be the beginning of your embracing a new way of accomplishing things. The Sun, Seven of Swords and The Moon can indicate an out of the box mindset when it comes to solving problems or can indicate the formation of new and fresh ideas.

Six of Swords is the card that represents the decan containing Mercury, Venus & Jupiter

Mercury, Venus and Jupiter are all in the energy of the Six of Swords for the new moon. The Six of Swords, is a card of moving forward. I really like this card in the context of these planetary energies. It indicates new beginnings, expansion, minimizing attachments to materialism, and freedom of choice in one’s decisions. It’s also a card of optimism, which is a Jupiter energy. The characters in this card have faith that there is a better future up ahead waiting for them.

Venus is beneficial here, because I feel her energy as embodied in the Six of Swords, is one of forgiveness and cooperation. But also, of practicality and self-realization. As in having realistic expectations. Venus rules the sign of Taurus, a down to earth sign. Her advice in the Six of Swords is take what is necessary and leave the rest behind. The boat here only has so much room in it. In the context of mental energy, some of you may make the decision to move on from something, or perhaps you may need to consider doing this for your own healing, physical well-being and/or financial stability.

The Six of Swords can also indicate someone literally moving to a new location, whether this is a new home, career, etc. With Mercury, Venus and Jupiter all having energetic influence in this card during this new moon, it would appear that there are a lot of opportunities waiting for you there. Good for you!

A message for others of you is that with all these major planets in one house, on one side of the zodiac wheel, you may find it challenging to see the other side of a viewpoint or perspective. Embrace that Aquarian energy! Keep your mind open to explore the new possibilities up ahead. Aquarian energy represents new trends, technology, learning, exploring different cultures, community activities, sharing aspects of yourself to benefit others, learning a new language and even dietary changes, for example transitioning to a healthier, lighter diet. These are all possibilities of this energy if you are open to it.

The decan containing Saturn is represented by the Five of Swords

The last energy I will touch on is Saturn at 6 degrees in Aquarius, which is represented by the Five of Swords. Saturn is a planet of law, order, limitations, karma, discipline and challenges to name just a few of its traits. As embodied in the Five of Swords, I think this is Saturn telling us to be mindful of the fact that we are responsible for our words and actions. Overindulgence and/or impulsive behavior is a possibility with all these strong, concentrated planetary energies affecting us. Keep a handle on your emotions and finances during this new moon cycle!

All in all, I do feel these energies are beneficial. I myself am feeling the extra energy boost and I love it! My clients are utilizing these energies in a positive way by taking personal responsibility for themselves. I am seeing people making changes in their life, by first looking at themselves, then their environment and other people with a sense of objectivity. You may very well be doing this as well. I am seeing some amazing life and relationship transformations at this time!

A spiritual bath, along with blue and/or white candles goes well with Aquarian energy

With this significant new moon, some of you may want to consider working with this energy in the form of a meditation or just quiet contemplation. If you enjoy baths, you could incorporate a spiritual bath with Epsom salt, a few candles and essential oils. Blue or white candles would be a nice touch to help you connect with the new moon in Aquarius. You may want to consider purchasing a seven day candle in one of these colors, to give yourself a few days to work with this energy and maybe write down your thoughts in a journal.