Ace of Wands and Starling from the Divine Feather Oracle
The Ace of Wands shows a Divine hand holding a wand with green leaves. This single wand signifies inner spirit, fire, passion, inspiration. This is the card of creators. What is it that gets you up in the morning? What is it that you are passionate about? Are you about to make a change? This card indicates the start of something new and exciting. Perhaps the time you have been spending in quarantine has given you some new ideas. The Ace of Wands is a confirmation that what you are thinking about starting or doing, is indeed something you should do! It is a sign to take that first step to bring your dreams into reality. Being a wand, which is a branch, is a reminder to start slowly. Trees do not grow overnight! Let things progress naturally, no need to rush. You may get in over your head if you go against the natural order in the way that this is meant to unfold. Start small and let it grow.
The Starling is an active, lively, social bird. This card’s message “Now is the time to get out into the world and connect in authentic ways” fits perfect with the Ace of Wands. As both of these cards are an indication of action, inspiration, motivation, group and community, this is a message to find like-minded individuals like yourself. Your ideas and/or talents are a gift! Share them with people that will appreciate them and inspire you to grow.
The Ace of Wands and The Starling are cards of encouragement. The message: Yes, take that first step!
Ten of Wands (reversed) and White Swan from the Divine Feather Oracle
The Ten of Wands is a card of burden. Too many responsibilities, too many commitments, a demanding job with long work hours, an overworked mom, etc. Career wise, it’s success that comes with a price. It’s also a card of not accepting help from others. But this card is reversed. And when this card is reversed, I interpret it as dropping the wands. Which is very interesting considering the current circumstances that we are in!
I am seeing this energy with a lot of people right now. We have had time to think, slow down, spend time with our families, children, pets, etc. Evaluate our lives and what is important. As well as evaluate all the things we commit ourselves too, that in the long run do not serve us. We spread ourselves so thin, that it affects our energy and our health, as is shown in the image of this card.
Does your career and/or lifestyle leave you exhausted from running and running trying to “keep up”? Perhaps it’s time for a change. Drop some of those wands and give yourself a break. Literally and metaphorically. Maybe hand over a few of those wands to other people and let them share the load. We are not here to just work, eat, drive the kids around, and sleep. This is also a message that we cannot do everything alone. It’s okay to give ourselves permission to ask for help when we need it. Don’t be a martyr.
The saying “all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy” came to mind when I saw this card today.
The White Swan’s message “The power of divine grace is within you” is a reminder that we are all divine beings here to experience our life. We are here to LIVE LIFE!
If these were the cards that you chose, perhaps this message is resonating with you at this time. In the rush to get back to “what was”, ask yourself, what am I rushing back to? Is this what I truly want? Is what I was doing before making me happy? Is my career and personal life in balance? Is this the direction I want my future to take? Does my situation support me spiritually, emotionally as well as physically? What is the true cost of the material things in my life? Are they worth the price?
The White Swan is a powerful, majestic, beautiful bird. It is a reminder, that the divine is in all of us. We have the power to make changes and/or face challenges to align our path to where WE want it to go. The Swan is also a bird that signifies introspection, as it gazes at it’s reflection in the water.
The Ten of Wands reversed says that you are ready to let go of some of those wands!
The Hanged Man cards from The Naked Heart Tarot deck and the classic Rider Waite Smith deck
Today’s card: #12 The Hanged Man. These are The Hanged Man cards from The Naked Heart Tarot (I just purchased this deck and I LOVE it!), and the classic image from the Rider Waite Smith deck.
Quick keywords: Suspension, Surrender, New Perspective
Affirmation: I surrender to the moment and my attachment to the way I think things should be. As I release my grip, I allow for a new perspective and my consciousness to expand.
Your true sense of “seeing” will emerge when you pause and trust.
Introspection: Is it possible that I am being guided by ego and not making room for my intuition to speak?
The full moon tonight will be in the sign of Libra. This moon is known as the “pink moon” and tonight is a super moon as well. Libra’s card in the tarot is Justice. This card not only is about fairness, justness and our inalienable rights we have as human beings, but it’s also a reminder for us to be aware of our actions, for our actions have consequences. Also known as “Karma”. Even if you do not believe in “Karma” per say, you can look at this scientifically when one examines Newton’s third law: Every action has an equal and opposite reaction. This principle is also reflected in Universal Law #6 which is the Law of Cause and Effect.
The cards that came out today for this reading are the Ten of Cups, Page of Pentacles and the underlying card of the deck is Five of Pentacles. It’s interesting that the Ten of Cups and Five of Pentacles came out again today. As they have been popping up quite a bit lately!
Ten of cups, Page of Pentacles, Five of Pentacles. Full moon in libra reading for 4/7/20
This moon is illuminating the areas of our lives that we have been taking for granted. It sheds it’s light in the darkness so that we can see. Being that it is a super moon is of particular significance. This moon is asking us to look again.
As I mentioned before, it’s amazing to me that the ten of cups has come up yet again. This is the card of family, soul connections, emotional fulfillment, balance, and happiness. The number 10 is significant, for this number is both the number of endings (10) and new beginnings (1).
The next card, the Page of Pentacles, is aligning with the moon’s message. Reminding us to examine our lives and finances closely. As a Page, he is only holding one pentacle. He is not rich. But look how he is gazing at it. One can see he values that which he has. He knows that this single pentacle is full of possibilities. And also that yes, money is important, but what’s also important is how it is spent and earned.
As we look at these two cards together, I received the message of taking stock of the value of what we have. In doing so, you will see that you are truly “rich” in many ways. Here, I ask you to look at the expression on the Page of Pentacles face. He does not look disappointed because he “only” has one pentacle. He is grateful for this pentacle. It’s all a matter of perception.
At the bottom of the deck, the Five of Pentacles is shown. In this reading, I see this card as many of us who are exhausted from running full out on the proverbial hamster wheel. Chasing that elusive pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. Round and round we go, all the while not seeing the light in the stained glass church window beside us. This is symbolic of us being so busy running in our lives, that we are not stopping long enough to pick our heads up to examine the consequences of our actions.
Tell me, does the couple in the Five of Pentacles look “happy” to you? Perhaps, they need to stop and go inside the building behind them. What and who awaits to welcome them inside?
We as a collective, have pursued happiness in the form of accumulation of material “things” for a long time. But at what cost? Perhaps it’s time to pause and turn around, go inside and regain one’s perspective. Just like the couple is advised to do in the Five of Pentacles.
We are all mind, body and spirit. If we focus too much on one aspect, the other parts are thus neglected and the energies are out of balance. The material world (the body/physical) is but one aspect of who we are. We are not our house, our car, our “stuff”. But so many have placed their identification of self on these “things”. When we neglect our mind and spirit, just focusing on the material, we shortchange ourselves and those that we love. Because we are not able to experience the full depth of our being.
Justice: Libra’s card in the major arcana
Now to keep things in perspective, obviously, we live in the physical world, and as such have financial responsibilities that must be maintained. Of course we want our children to be provided for in the best way possible, we need to prepare for the future by saving and investing wisely, we need a dependable safe car to drive, we all want a nice place to live, etc., and have enough money left over after we take care of those responsibilities to enjoy our life. But there is a big difference between that and hedonism. This is what the full moon in Libra is asking us to examine. Look at the image on the Justice card. This is a card of balance, but is also one of responsibility and decisions. The sword in one hand and the the scales in the other tells us that we must be realistic and disciplined in our decisions. The sword is a mental energy. This is not an image that bases it’s decisions on feelings and emotions. Advertisers are very clever in this aspect. Pay attention to how things are marketed to us by appealing to our emotions.
We need to examine what we are purchasing and the true “cost” of it. Weigh your decisions carefully. Do your research before making significant purchases. Read contracts carefully. Pay attention to the terms and interest rates. Is this item worth going into debt for? Is this company one that you want to support with your money? How many hours do you and possibly your spouse have to work to pay off the debt?
As we look at the Justice card, we see that the planetary alignments are asking us to see as well, what has been hidden from the collective, on a global scale. I encourage everyone to pay attention and stay informed. Since going into this subject is beyond the scope of this post, I will leave that to you.
This full moon in Libra is one of personal responsibility and wise decisions. Also one of weighing your choices carefully to decide if the cost is worth it. And to understand that one must live with the consequences of their decisions.
“All that is gold, does not glitter” J.R.R. Tolkien
Happy April Fools Day. Today’s card, number 0 The Fool from the Major Arcana.
Quick key words: new beginnings and/or a new phase, faith, trust in oneself, innocence, purity, naive, freeing oneself from constraints/burdens, spontaneity, free spirit, traveling “light”, opportunities, potential, an open mind, new experiences, personal growth, adventure.
#21 Starborn from the Love Your Inner Goddess oracle deck
Trust your intuition and your inner feelings about things, especially when your inner feeling is at odds with the appearance of something. Sometimes it is when it seems like the least is happening that the most important thing is actually taking place – you just can’t see it yet.
Interesting follow-up message to my recent blog post….
Before I proceed, I do want take a moment to express my deepest sympathies for those who currently have loved ones who are sick or have lost loved ones in this pandemic. As I discuss the intuitive insights of the tarot cards, I want to assure those who have been effected by this terrible virus, that in no way, do I mean any disrespect. This interpretation of the cards is a collective energy intuitive reading only. If this is a sensitive subject for you, I suggest you not go any further in reading this particular post.
With all that is going on right now, I decided to do a current energy reading for 3/30/20. And as always, the cards were spot on in showing what is going on energetically in the world and our nation right now regarding the COVID-19 virus. These are the cards that came out.
So when I saw the three of pentacles, what came to mind is our local and national governments instructing the public on the guidelines and precautions that we need to take at this time to help control the spread of this virus. As well as the daily reports that are being presented to keep everyone informed.
The two of pentacles is showing the juggling act the authorities and the public are doing to balance this pandemic. On one hand, there is a need to minimize it’s effects as much as possible to keep the majority of the public healthy so that the medical facilities do not become overloaded. On the flip side, the closing and/or suspension of many businesses and services, unfortunately has left a lot people without jobs or a stable income at this time. People are juggling finances, and having to re-prioritize areas of their lives that previously were taken for granted. Going to the grocery store for example, is quite a balancing act for everyone right now. We are balancing our budgets with the uncertainty of if the items we need will be there and for how long. This card tells us that we have to remain flexible at this time. Be creative! Also be on the lookout for financial opportunities such as odd jobs, etc. that may be a way for you to make a little extra cash at this time.
And of course the nine of swords image I think speaks for itself. The energies right now are very stressful. Some people are feeling trapped as they cannot do the activities they normally do. Others are feeling the pinch financially, and others such as in the medical community, are working overtime to treat the people that need help and worrying if the resources they need will arrive on time. And this leads us to the five of pentacles.
Here we see an ill couple drudging through the snow together. This to me signifies the people that are ill at this time and need help. Behind them is a lighted church window, which in this reading to me, indicates a structure of establishment, such as a hospital, shelter, community center, etc. One thing that stands out to me in this card though, is that the couple here is going through some hard times for sure, but they are going through it together. This shows how families and communities are working together at this time to help each other get through this.
The seven of cups. There is a lot of confusion right now. Our minds are in overload (as indicated in the 9 of swords) as we try to navigate this current situation. What will happen next, how can I prepare, what do I need to do, how much longer will this go on, etc. There is also confusion higher up as the authorities also are trying to understand this virus and how to contain it while doing what’s best for the overall good of the public. It seems there are so many swirling energies here, that it’s difficult to focus.
But here is where I received another perspective from the seven of cups image.
For some of us, this situation has in effect, been a “reset” of energy in our lives. We have the opportunity to slow down and think at this time. If we do this, calm down, think for a moment, we see we actually have a lot of options available to us right now. Spending time with family, focusing on our homes and thinking about how going forward, we may need to shift our priorities of what and who we give our attention too. This is a time to turn inward. To answer the question of what is really important to us. Where are we spending our energy and time and why?
There is an energy of awakening going on with a lot of people. Perhaps many after this, will pursue a career change or move residences. As a collective, I feel we are understanding that we are responsible for our own lives. That it is no one else’s responsibility to “save” us. Those that “expected” or assumed that they would receive help from outside sources, will surely have had their eyes opened during this time. I see a return to a more real world thinking. Where in the recent past few decades or so, as a society we had become a bit lackadaisical, going forward we will see more people taking decisive action to make things happen in their lives. As well as better prepare themselves for the ups and downs that life throws at us. We will see this play out in the future months as numbers of people will decide to become more self-sufficient. Planting gardens, cooking at home, doing their own yard work, and re-learning essential skills such as sewing, better money management, self-care, learning how to do small repairs around the house, doing their own house cleaning, etc.
I think this time is showing us how wasteful we have become. The shortages in paper goods has for example, necessitated us being more conservative with their use. Instead of wasting a paper towel for a small spill, we now reach for a hand towel that can be thrown in the wash and re-used instead. Just think what the effect of doing just this small thing on a mass scale would have on the environmental impact on trees. This is just one example.
I see many people in my area that have decided to start keeping chickens and planting gardens. This is a wonderful way to supplement your food as well as getting outside in the sunshine and back to nature. Being in touch with your food, knowing what it takes to produce it, brings us into better balance with the earth’s resources. As well as a newfound appreciation for our farmers and ranchers. As a collective, we have forgotten the time and work it takes to produce the the food and goods that we take for granted every day. Having to conserve at this time is a good reminder to bring ourselves back into balance with the earth. Not just constantly squander her resources like we have been doing.
I also see this situation changing the way our society functions as a whole. Employers will see how allowing employees to work from home, or allowing flex-time hours improves their bottom line as they won’t need as much office space, there is less downtime due to illness, and/or employees having to take time off for family responsibilities, etc. Flexible work at home options will become the norm. A new type of economy is going to emerge from this.
These are just a few examples that came through as I gazed at the seven of cups card. The future will present many options to us as a society that were not available before.
The underlying energy of this reading is the The Chariot reversed and Virgo from the Zodiac Oracle deck.
The Chariot reversed is quite obvious to me here. As we are not physically moving forward at this time. As a collective, we are doing our part to minimize our travels. As well on a mental level, we are not moving forward either. Everything is pretty much in limbo at this time, waiting for the virus to run it’s course. The energies are unstable at this time. And The Chariot cannot move forward unless all the energies are in balance and a clear focus on a goal is maintained.
Look at the Virgo card staring at The Chariot. Virgo is in her element here. Virgo is all about rules, home, organization, order. Not in a domineering way, but more as an influence. Whenever I think of the sign of Virgo, Mary Poppins comes to mind. She is an excellent visual representation of Virgo energy. Virgo also embodies music, communication, health & hygiene, abstinence, attention to details, service to others, efficiency, practicality and the word “no”. These are all words that sum up the energies right now, don’t you think? Virgo rules over the sixth house in astrology.
Virgo encourages those who are spending time in the home right now to make use of this time in a positive way. Many parents for example are home schooling their children. This is a very Virgo activity! This is enabling parents to spend more time with their children and more importantly, be more intimately involved in their child’s education. And the children are not “stuck” in a classroom. Parents can incorporate a lot more elements to contribute to their child’s mental development. Such as bringing them outside, allowing a more flexible class schedule, and even incorporating their own life experiences and perspectives into the education process. Sounds a lot like the theme from Mary Poppins doesn’t it?
I foresee a lot of parents choosing to homeschool their children after this. As now they see they indeed can do it! Technology and virtual classrooms has made this option a viable modern alternative to the standard schools. Some parents will get together with others who have children of the same age to form educational homeschool group classes. This will give the children the benefit of social interaction as well as learning from other parents as well as their teachers, and by sharing the responsibilities in this way, parents will have flexible time as well to work, run errands, etc.
Some families may decide to go back to a one-income structure or one where one partner works full time and the other perhaps part time. As a result, we may see people downsizing their homes, not eating out as much, etc. so they can save money. The value of what we purchase with our money, will be closely scrutinized. We have been so busy running and running trying to keep up. People will see that if they just cut back on a few things, they can slow down. Enjoy their life and families. The priority will shift from looking to external stimulus for our needs and entertainment, and instead focus inward. Knowing we can provide this for ourselves.
As a collective, at this time, we feel we are making sacrifices. Once this critical situation has passed, we will see that in reality, we were given a gift of time. To get back in touch with ourselves and the ones we care about. We were given a chance to “reset” our priorities. To open our eyes to “see” what is truly important. When we look back, we will realize that the things that we gave up as “sacrifices” were really not that important. Letting go of these things was exactly what we needed to do to allow us to get back in touch with ourselves on a profound personal level. It’s similar to rebooting a computer after it has locked up.
10 of cups: emotional fulfillment, happiness, family
When I turned the deck over, what card was there but the 10 of cups! This is the card of emotional fulfillment and family. What a perfect card to relay this tarot spread’s message!
As an end note, everybody please follow the guidelines of your local governments and stay healthy. Eat as well as you can, take supplements, cook more at home, go outside and exercise. This is also a good time to reach out to neighbors (especially the elderly) to see if they need any help. Something as simple as picking up a few items for them at the store or cooking a healthy meal for them will make a big difference. With social distancing in place, you can call them ahead of time and let them know you will leave the items and/or meal by their front door if need be.
A few supplements you may consider adding to your regime to boost your immune system are: Vitamin D, Vitamin C, Selenium, Spirulina, Nascent Iodine Drops, Colloidal Silver.
The Lovers and The Sun from the Wild Unknown Tarot
At the time of this writing, The Spring Equinox is almost upon us. It falls on March 19th this year, which in numerology, is the number 10. The two cards above, add up to number 9. I will touch on this later.
As we look at the images in these cards, the message that I received was that of migration. Returning to the sun. The Lovers and The Sun are urging us to do the same. Many of us have spent the cold, dark winter months in a personal hibernation. This gave us a time to reflect upon who we are and the experiences of the past season that have shaped us. But just as the geese realize when it is time to move forward, we can take our cue from them and do the same.
Embrace the warmth of the sun and allow it to nurture the seeds of new growth with it’s healing rays. Each spring is the beginning of a new cycle.
As I mentioned above, the numerology for these two cards is #9. This number is an indication that a phase is ending. What this means to each of us is as individual as we are. But it does urge us to ask the question of what is no longer serving us as we move into the new season of “light”?
This is why many of us feel the need to do our “spring cleaning” during this time. Instinctively, we realize that new space must be made so that new energy and alignments came come in. This is the time to put into action what we have been contemplating on during the winter months.
It’s interesting that The Spring Equinox falls on the 19th this year. As this equals the number 10 in numerology, which symbolizes endings, and also the number 1 which is the number of beginnings. The message here is for us to get moving! Clean out those cobwebs and embrace the energies of the new spring growth cycle! The Magician in the tarot is the #1 card in The Major arcana. He is the card after The Fool (number 0) which stands for new beginnings. The Magician is the architect that manifests creation by combining inspiration from “spirit” and the physical elements of earth. He is the first step in consciously “making things happen”.
So getting back to the geese and the sun, these animals come back to their home where it is warm once again to breed and raise their young. It is a time of creation, new experiences, love of self as well as love in relationships, home, new beginnings, integrating our ideas with physical manifestation, celebration, spiritual awareness, connection, fresh perspectives, nature and the outdoors.
These two cards embody beautifully, the energetic blueprint of the season.
“Spring is the fountain of love for thirsty winter” ― Munia Khan
Florida water in a small spray bottle with sage leaves
Here’s an easy cleansing spray that I like to use before I work with my cards. I also use it to “freshen” up a space if I feel it needs it. This is a good spray to take with you as well to spritz on your hands before doing a reading for others. I just pour Florida Water in a small spray bottle and add a few leaves of sage. That’s it! Sometimes I will add a small quartz crystal or a few other herbs, but I don’t like to make it too complicated. A small piece of palo santo would also work. Focus on the intention of clearing while you are making it to give it an extra boost. Or you can say a prayer, etc. whatever works for you.
If you do not have loose sage available, just take a few pieces out of an inexpensive smudge stick.
Florida water is a long standing favorite used by metaphysicians for the use of cleansing physical spaces and ourselves. I spray some on my hands and will rub it on the back of my neck, and will spray a light mist all over myself as well. It has a very clean, uplifting scent.
This also makes a great finishing spray to use after smudging a space (and on ourselves afterwards).
Murray and Lanman, the company that makes Florida Water, also offers this cologne in a rose scent which is really nice! I use the rose scented cologne the same way that I use the Florida Water.
Hope you found this little tip helpful.
Florida water can be purchased on my site here: Florida Water
There appears to be opposition or challenges in your life right now that are standing in the way of what you want to achieve. This can be due to either the input from others, or from an internal belief or mindset. Get back to the basics. Think about why you started this project or journey in the first place. This inspiration will give you the confidence to overcome the naysayers and/or self-doubt. Don’t be distracted with what other people are doing or saying and as well, don’t compare yourself to others. Narrow your focus. Self-study and spending time alone to clear your mind will be helpful at this time. There may be a decision that needs to be made. Don’t make it more complicated than it really is. Once you do this, you can begin to move forward. Your chariot awaits!