Your emotions may be getting in the way of facing a difficult truth or decision. Is it time to move on? You may also be looking at something through the lens of a limited perspective. Lamenting a loss, rather than what you stand to gain. Look around you. It appears there is an opportunity that is waiting for you to notice it. It may require your taking some sort of action and/or think outside the box.
When you see an opportunity take advantage of it. Do not make excuses. For we can always come up with reasons not to do something. If you listen to that inner critic, you may be talking yourself out of just the thing that has the potential of creating better circumstances for you!
Just as the fox uses quick action and its wits to obtain what it needs, now is your time to do the same. Pick up those two cups behind you and find out what treasures are waiting for you inside that castle that is just beyond the bridge over troubled waters.
“If a window of opportunity appears, don’t pull down the shade” Tom Peters
Tenacious animal spirits Skunk & Badger along with the Knight of Swords and The World indicate you are ready for a new cycle in your life. Leave behind any thoughts of self-limitation or patterns from the past that may have held you back. You have learned those lessons and have graduated from them. Are you ready to step into your new timeline and take the action required to accomplish what it is that you want to do? You have what it takes as far as your skills and talents go. It’s just a matter of having the confidence and drive to turn those dreams into a reality.
Don’t let anyone or anything get in your way! Adopt the attitude of the Badger and Skunk. These animals are very unassuming and tend to mind their own business, unless provoked. But whomever is foolish enough to bother them, soon regrets it! LOL! Seriously though, you’ve got this. The Knight of Swords has your back. He is riding through the past like a warm knife through butter. Cutting away those things that are no longer a part of who you are now.
The Page of Pentacles realizes that what is he holding is valuable. Look at the way he looks at that pentacle. He knows that the foundation of a new and better future is in his (your) hands.
“I don’t care what I allowed in the past. Try me today”
Would you like to schedule a personal session with me? Virtual readings are available by phone, computer, etc. It’s super easy, I just text you a meeting link. Enjoy the comfort of a face to face professional tarot reading in the comfort of your own space!
Prices are $25 for 15 minutes or $50 for 30 minutes. Additional time is $1.50 per minute. Text for appointment 832-390-4792. Or contact me through my website, email: [email protected] or social media. Thank you!
Welcome to Virgo season! Virgo comes in after we have had our fun in the sun during Leo season. She comes in after the party so to speak, to put things back in order. It’s time to stop playing and get back to work. She reminds us to be realistic about our future and to make plans accordingly so that we are prepared for it when it arrives.
In the past, this was a busy time. The fall season is when the ancient ones would come together as a community to help one another can fruits and vegetables, cure meats, and dry grains to prepare them for storage to ensure they had enough to eat during the barren winter months.
The fable of the ant and the grasshopper is a good example of the zodiac transition from Leo to Virgo.
Virgo is a mutable sign that denotes transition, so you may feel the urge to “tweak” any plans or projects currently in progress during this time. Or perhaps you get inspired to clean out that closet or spare bedroom. To make things easier, more efficient, more organized. Clear the clutter by selling or donating items that you no longer use or need. And/or get moving on taking care of those repairs around the house that you may have been putting off.
Be aware of excess spending at this time. It’s interesting that August/September coincides with “back to school” season for many families. When the responsibility of ensuring the children have what they need for the school year is the primary focus for the family funds. This is another example of how Virgo reminds us of discipline and preparedness.
Virgo is also the sign of health, holistic medicine, the physical body and healing. Once the work has been completed, give yourself some down time if you are feeling drained. This may require you to put your needs first for a little while (Virgos sometimes need to be reminded of this). Go ahead, take that time out. You may need to limit interactions with other people and/or social media to allow your mind, body and spirit to recharge. On the flip side, you may need to limit distractions so that you can get some things done!
Virgo is the parent that tells everyone its time for bed at the slumber party. We all moan and complain and beg to stay up for just a little while longer. But they know that if we do not get our rest tonight, that we will be exhausted and cranky the next morning! And we need our rest because we have things to do tomorrow!
Virgo prepares us for the next sign, Libra. Which is the sign of balance. Life is meant to be enjoyed, but we must also be realistic about it too. To enjoy the fruits of our labor, we must first put in the labor! We are then open to receive the harvest of all the good things that life has to offer.
“Luck and success is when preparation meets opportunity”
Five of Wands & Violet (Attract). Message for this week 8/16/21.
Cards for this week: Five of Wands & Violet (Attraction)
The old adage, one catches more flies with honey than vinegar holds true this week. While I am certainly an advocate of standing one’s ground in the face of aggressive or bullying behavior, this week the advice is to be aware of your own energy.
If you respond to someone’s antagonistic behavior with aggression, the situation will escalate as such. The consequences may be more than you want to deal with. Understand an aggressive façade can be the default pattern that some people fall back on as their way to cover up their own vulnerabilities. Especially if they feel insecure in the presence of someone else’s talents and/or success.
Tread carefully. Respond to this energy with calm, good humor. If you cannot do this, find a way to detach your emotions from it. Give them the space they need to work through this themselves. Do not make assumptions. Avoid confrontation and try to find a way to create harmony. Maintain your civility and go about your business. You do not need to prove yourself to anyone.
The tarot card associated with this new moon is the six of wands. This card in the upright position is a positive sign in a reading. It indicates accomplishment, overcoming obstacles, forward momentum, higher awareness, good news heading your way, building a positive future from the victory of the present, being seen in a positive light, confidence, a possible promotion at work, and celebration of one’s success. This can literally manifest as a party being thrown in one’s honor, or this can also be an internal victory.
The message that came through for me today for these energies is one of self-confidence, and embracing who you are. Knowing that it is your unique gifts and talents that got you here. There is also a reminder as well, to be sure to continue to act with integrity and honor. People are watching you.
Leo is the fifth house in the zodiac which is the vibration of the individuality of the self. It relates to the solar plexus chakra. When this energy is balanced and strong, we speak our truth, stand up straight, accept accolades and praise from others with grace. We are fair and kind to others. Especially those that look up to us. A byproduct of this energy can produce a covetous and/or jealous energy from others. So, it is important to remain centered within one’s power. In other words, be a gracious winner!
This New Moon asks you to reflect on just how far you have come. Whether you see it or not, you are indeed, moving ahead with victory. Now is the time to appreciate your success. Go ahead bask in the sun of your glory for a little while. Just as the mighty lion, enjoys a long rest after a successful hunt. Do understand that this is but one victory that is within a succession of many more. Resting on your laurels for the long term is not an option. Eventually, the mighty lion must rise again to hunt once more. But having had one successful victory, the lion has the confidence in knowing that if it can accomplish it once, it can do it again!
Do not “sweat the small stuff”. Again, we are talking about the life force of a lion here. These large animals do not waste their precious energy dealing with minor annoyances. During this moon cycle, embody this powerful energy. Get in the habit of asking yourself. Is this truly worth my time and energy? See these situations as a test of your higher awareness. This is a time of strong personal boundaries. But establish them with the quiet strength of a lion. There is no need to get up and roar for every little thing.
What’s next on the horizon? Where do you want to go from here? Channel this powerful solar plexus activation to align your will with your vision of success. Whatever this is for you. The New Moon in Leo is giving you the confidence to pursue your future endeavors with passion, strength and dignity.
King of Wands, Queen of Wands & Burdock – Tenacity
Happy Monday everyone! This week’s tarot cards are The Queen of Wands, The King of Wands and the Herbal energy that literally flew out of the deck is Tenacity – Burdock.
The fact that these particular cards came out is not surprising to me as we have the New Moon in the fire sign of Leo coming up on August 8th. This fiery, passionate “power couple” compliment each other beautifully. We have both energies coming together uniting as one powerful force. Feminine fire and masculine fire. Tenacity, strength, inspiration, leadership, fiery will, and determination with a spark of divine magic is the theme of this week. Of course, some situations do require us to let go at some point. If this applies to you, harness these energies to do what is needed.
But for others of you, this is a message for you to hold on to your dream and keep moving forward. Burdock – also known as “cocklebur” is known for these traits. Have you ever walked through a field and had those little round “sticky things” all over your clothes and shoes? You know how difficult it is to remove them. This is how Burdock spreads its seeds far and wide from the original plant. By digging in with those sharp little burrs and not letting go!
Remember why you started on this particular path. Yes, sometimes the journey gets weary, lonely, and/or we run into challenges that test our resolve. Or perhaps you are facing a difficult decision. Keep holding on tight to your truth. The King and Queen of Wands are cheering for you!
No matter where you are now, send your dreams on ahead. They will be there to greet you when you arrive at your destination.
Happy Monday everyone! This week, we have the five of wands complimented by the Moon which currently is in its waning phase.
The message:
This week, focus on what is happening in the here and now and accept a current situation for what it is. You may witness chaos arising within a group dynamic. With the sun in dramatic Leo activating the solar plexus chakra, people in groups may be more aggressive than usual. Inflated egos abound – everyone wants to be on the center stage! If you feel you are not being seen or heard, this may be your signal to go within to give yourself what you need. Sit back and watch the show from a higher perspective. Do not add your fuel to this particular fire. It will burn itself out in due time. Stay in your truth, let the rest go. Observe, listen and learn. By doing this, you will be the one who stands out in the end! The Phoenix that rises from the ashes. This results in a good opportunity for you.
If the five of wands is an internal energy for you right now, understand that you have all the raw ingredients (i.e., potential) to “cook up” something valuable, if you can focus on the present and put aside any preconceived ideas of what is or is not possible. Others may not currently recognize your value. They may say or do things to try to impose limits upon you. Don’t believe it. Sometimes such things are put in our path to motivate us to harness our inner fire and rise with it. Commit to releasing negativity and self-doubt this week. You know your truth, that you have an enormous amount to offer. Shore up those personal boundaries and keep moving forward. Your efforts will be met with success as long as your heart is in the right place.
“One who does not stand in their truth in the midst of chaos, becomes a part of it”
The Hanged Man & Little Owl offer their animal wisdom this week
Good morning everyone! Today, The Hanged Man and Little Owl came out to offer us their wisdom for this week:
The Hanged Man & Little Owl are asking you to examine all aspects of an important decision carefully before taking action. Little Owl helps us to see in the dark, to shed light on our “blind spots”. This is why Owl wisdom has been a companion of Shamans and Goddesses throughout the ages.
Something here requires a closer look. What are you not seeing or considering? If you are feeling a bit “stuck” right now, consider this a blessing that gives you time to think this through, and/or obtain the advice and wisdom of an impartial, outside source such as a trusted friend, parent, counselor or mentor. They may offer an alternative viewpoint which sheds a light into those dark areas. This allows you to see all the options available to you through a multifaceted lens.
Although ultimately the decision is yours to make, considering the advice from others that you respect, will enable you to choose the path that will be most beneficial in the long term.
The crystal I chose for this message is Septarian. Considered one of the “shaman stones” its ancient wisdom helps to regulate the balance, between the mind, body and spirit. It’s grounding effects calms any excess energy arising from the emotions and ego, so that one is open to receive higher wisdom & guidance.
Planetary association: Venus in Scorpio (Opportunities and excess)
Crystals: I chose rose quartz and peacock ore for this message
You have an opportunity to shine as you have many gifts and abilities and are now in a position to utilize them to great advantage. A project you undertake now has the potential to be very successful. If you remain modest, and do not let success go to your head, help will be available to enable you to achieve your goals. Pay attention to detail. Be realistic in your expectations of yourself and other people. Live according to your highest values, stay away from gossip and drama, and fortune will smile upon you. Be willing to support as well as lead.