Happy Monday everyone! This week’s tarot cards are The Queen of Wands, The King of Wands and the Herbal energy that literally flew out of the deck is Tenacity – Burdock.
The fact that these particular cards came out is not surprising to me as we have the New Moon in the fire sign of Leo coming up on August 8th. This fiery, passionate “power couple” compliment each other beautifully. We have both energies coming together uniting as one powerful force. Feminine fire and masculine fire. Tenacity, strength, inspiration, leadership, fiery will, and determination with a spark of divine magic is the theme of this week. Of course, some situations do require us to let go at some point. If this applies to you, harness these energies to do what is needed.
But for others of you, this is a message for you to hold on to your dream and keep moving forward. Burdock – also known as “cocklebur” is known for these traits. Have you ever walked through a field and had those little round “sticky things” all over your clothes and shoes? You know how difficult it is to remove them. This is how Burdock spreads its seeds far and wide from the original plant. By digging in with those sharp little burrs and not letting go!
Remember why you started on this particular path. Yes, sometimes the journey gets weary, lonely, and/or we run into challenges that test our resolve. Or perhaps you are facing a difficult decision. Keep holding on tight to your truth. The King and Queen of Wands are cheering for you!
No matter where you are now, send your dreams on ahead. They will be there to greet you when you arrive at your destination.
Happy Monday everyone! This week, we have the five of wands complimented by the Moon which currently is in its waning phase.
The message:
This week, focus on what is happening in the here and now and accept a current situation for what it is. You may witness chaos arising within a group dynamic. With the sun in dramatic Leo activating the solar plexus chakra, people in groups may be more aggressive than usual. Inflated egos abound – everyone wants to be on the center stage! If you feel you are not being seen or heard, this may be your signal to go within to give yourself what you need. Sit back and watch the show from a higher perspective. Do not add your fuel to this particular fire. It will burn itself out in due time. Stay in your truth, let the rest go. Observe, listen and learn. By doing this, you will be the one who stands out in the end! The Phoenix that rises from the ashes. This results in a good opportunity for you.
If the five of wands is an internal energy for you right now, understand that you have all the raw ingredients (i.e., potential) to “cook up” something valuable, if you can focus on the present and put aside any preconceived ideas of what is or is not possible. Others may not currently recognize your value. They may say or do things to try to impose limits upon you. Don’t believe it. Sometimes such things are put in our path to motivate us to harness our inner fire and rise with it. Commit to releasing negativity and self-doubt this week. You know your truth, that you have an enormous amount to offer. Shore up those personal boundaries and keep moving forward. Your efforts will be met with success as long as your heart is in the right place.
“One who does not stand in their truth in the midst of chaos, becomes a part of it”
Good morning everyone! Today, The Hanged Man and Little Owl came out to offer us their wisdom for this week:
The Hanged Man & Little Owl are asking you to examine all aspects of an important decision carefully before taking action. Little Owl helps us to see in the dark, to shed light on our “blind spots”. This is why Owl wisdom has been a companion of Shamans and Goddesses throughout the ages.
Something here requires a closer look. What are you not seeing or considering? If you are feeling a bit “stuck” right now, consider this a blessing that gives you time to think this through, and/or obtain the advice and wisdom of an impartial, outside source such as a trusted friend, parent, counselor or mentor. They may offer an alternative viewpoint which sheds a light into those dark areas. This allows you to see all the options available to you through a multifaceted lens.
Although ultimately the decision is yours to make, considering the advice from others that you respect, will enable you to choose the path that will be most beneficial in the long term.
The crystal I chose for this message is Septarian. Considered one of the “shaman stones” its ancient wisdom helps to regulate the balance, between the mind, body and spirit. It’s grounding effects calms any excess energy arising from the emotions and ego, so that one is open to receive higher wisdom & guidance.
Planetary association: Venus in Scorpio (Opportunities and excess)
Crystals: I chose rose quartz and peacock ore for this message
You have an opportunity to shine as you have many gifts and abilities and are now in a position to utilize them to great advantage. A project you undertake now has the potential to be very successful. If you remain modest, and do not let success go to your head, help will be available to enable you to achieve your goals. Pay attention to detail. Be realistic in your expectations of yourself and other people. Live according to your highest values, stay away from gossip and drama, and fortune will smile upon you. Be willing to support as well as lead.
Happy Friday everyone! The card I pulled today is The Star. This card appears after the upheaval of The Tower in the Major Arcana. Notice the eight pointed stars on this card. The eight pointed star traditionally carries the frequency of resurrection, salvation, abundance, healing, and hope. The Star card in a reading is a positive sign that divine/universal blessings, and opportunities will soon appear in your life. You will experience a renewal of mind, body and spirit. As well, divine wisdom is bestowed upon you in the form of a renewed source of inspiration. This higher and wiser perspective gives one a positive outlook for the future.
The cards associated with the June 10th New Moon and Solar Eclipse in Gemini are The Lovers and the Nine of Swords. Gemini (The Lovers) is a sign represented by the twins. The energy of duality and decisions. Paired with the Nine of Swords, I feel the message is that we need to look at something through the lens of discernment. With Mercury in retrograde, not all communication whether from others or even from ourselves may be 100% the truth. It’s no coincidence, that The Magician in the reversed position (Mercury is the planet associated with The Magician) has come up in quite a few client readings lately! Some of you may need to detach for a moment to view a situation from a higher perspective to understand that what you see and hear may not be the entire truth. It may not be your truth at all. Perhaps it is someone else’s truth that is being projected onto you.
The nine of swords is a card of worry, anxiety, sleepless nights, and of reliving the emotional trauma of the past. Left unchecked this energy can spiral into a “loop” of negative self-talk and disempowerment which can prevent one from moving forward and ending the cycle (as shown in the next card of the swords suit progression, the ten of swords). This powerful transit asks us to look within, and to be mindful of our thoughts. You may be presented with information or a new perspective to aid you in ending a cycle. Perhaps it is time to set personal boundaries in your relationships, or come to a decision about what needs to go so that you can move forward in a positive direction. You may discover that your fears were larger in your mind than what they are in reality. Or it simply may indicate that you should trust your inner guidance. If something doesn’t feel right to you, pay attention.
If this energy is activating something from your past, whether this is an ex that trying to come back into your life, or an internal thought process, this transit is a good reminder for you to be easy on yourself. Take stock at how far you have come. Choose the path and patterns that empower you, allow you stay positive and focus on what you want to bring into your life. If you are slipping back into worry, anger and self-doubt, this is an indication that you are focusing your energy on what you DON’T want instead of what you DO want.
This is not a time to take a big leap! Ground and center yourself. Connect with love and move through the process at your own pace. But darling, do be sure you keep moving forward! The Nine’s in the tarot indicate a cycle that is close to completion. You have completed the lessons of the past and now this is your opportunity to embrace not only a new beginning, but to walk within the light of your personal truth (the Ace of Swords).
Today, the sun moves into Gemini. An air sign which is represented by The Lovers in the Major Arcana. One of the more popular cards in the deck, The Lovers represents, balance, unification, clear communication, decisions and connections on all levels (within ourselves, with other people, as well as our connection to Source, God/Goddess, Universe, Divine, etc.)
Today’s message:
The Lovers, as it is the next card that comes after The Hierophant, is a reminder to be mindful of our internal moral compass. Are you considering all the long term effects of a current decision? Is there something tempting that is being presented to you that looks good on the surface, or may appear be a shortcut to something that you have been wanting to achieve, but is there a caveat attached that requires you to compromise your personal values or integrity in some way?
The Lovers encourages you to bring into balance the information received from both the conscious mind and the heart. But ultimately, your heart will lead the way. What FEELS right to you? Stay solid in your truth. Take the “high road”. Although it appears to be the more challenging path now, it pays off with big dividends later.
“The human heart feels things the eyes cannot see, and knows what the mind cannot understand.” Robert Valett
We have a powerful Super Full Moon in Scorpio tonight! You may have already been feeling it’s effects as full moon energy tends to culminate for about 3 days beforehand. Scorpio is a sign of analyzing, releasing and transformation, and its element is fixed water. The moon’s element is also water, so we may be feeling more psychically sensitive right now. It is important to be aware of your own emotions as well as what is going on with the people around you. We may inadvertently pick up on the energies of other people and internalize them, not realizing that they are not ours.
We can attune to this Scorpio full moon energy to release subconscious attachments that may have served their purpose in the past, but no longer “fit” us in the present. I picture these energies like saran wrap “sticking” on our energetic body that may have us feeling anxious and/or restricted in some way. Use the powerful frequencies of this full moon to cleanse your physical and energetic body, which will allow you to better connect with yourself. Clearing the layers to uncover your true potential.
This is the perfect moon to work with the element of water. If you are able, prepare a cleansing spiritual bath! Include epsom salt, crystals, essential oils, sea salt, candles, incense and time where you will not be disturbed (extremely important!) to allow yourself to tune in and go deep. To acknowledge what it is that you feel may be holding you back at the present time, and that you are now ready to let go of. You may even want to write down what this is for you, meditate on it, and then do a releasing ritual to let it go.
Some of these Scorpionic energies are not comfortable! In the tarot, Scorpio is represented by the Death card. Facing death is never easy. And death is not pretty. However, death and rebirth is a part of life. You may find some unanticipated aspects come up for you during this time. Some of which you may not even know were there! Or perhaps you thought they have already been dealt with and done. During your meditation, do not deny what comes up, even though it may be uncomfortable or painful. Dive in, allow yourself to feel, explore, understand what they are and why they have come up. Are these deep emotional aspects affecting your life now? Are they showing up as “triggers” to let you know that they are there, waiting for you to acknowledge them so they can be released? It’s okay, cry, get upset, FEEL it, know it. Surrender to it. Ask for help from God, Source, your higher self, angels, guides, whomever who connect with. Let those emotions flow! This is why making sure you have time alone is important. Some of these energies can get chaotic on an internal level. It’s deeply personal.
I received the image of the Ace of Cups in the Tarot just now as I am writing this. Allowing one’s cup to overflow and release these internal aspects to allow the gift of divine healing to flow in. This is why self-care is so important under this Scorpio Full Moon energy. Scorpionic transformation is not easy. Wrap yourself up in compassion and love.
You will find once these aspects have been examined on such a deep, powerful level, they soon start to transition through. You have gone through the Scorpio underworld and now, you are walking through the light at the end of the tunnel at this particular phase in your life. You realize the battles you have been up against, were internal and not necessarily external. You are different now. Transformed. You have a deep understanding and much more compassion for yourself and others and a new inner wisdom that you did not have before. This is the experience of Scorpio transformation that you may have read about, but never experienced. Until now.
Scorpio goes deep. Really deep!
Ruling planet: Mars (traditional), Pluto
Candle Colors: Brown, purple, black, red, maroon or burgundy
Crystals: Rose quartz, selenite, rhodochrosite, aquamarine, bloodstone, black tourmaline, labradorite, red jasper, smoky quartz, carnelian, sodalite, moonstone, aragonite, apache tear, topaz, jet, amethyst, shungite, amazonite, rutilated quartz
Herbs: Sage, clove, basil, lavender, vanilla, rose, rosemary, mugwort, pine
Tonight, the new moon is in the sign of Aries! This is the first of the twelve zodiac signs. Aries embodies the energy of action, passion, vision, inspiration, leadership, focus, health, physical activity, taking action on what aligns with your intentions and overcoming challenges, just to name a few. Aries is a self-starter, the motivation comes from within, not from others.
This new moon is a perfect time to set goals for the upcoming year. What is it that you want to accomplish? Plant the seeds of your intentions during this Aries new moon. The other planetary alignments during this time are very positive. The Universe will support you, but it will not interfere with your free will. It is up to you to take action on your intention. When you do this, your frequency aligns accordingly, and things will begin to fall into place.
Aries is a fiery, independent athlete. Focus on physical self-care during this new moon cycle. Rejuvenate yourself with relaxing baths, healthy food, working with essential oils, getting enough rest, exercise, time outdoors, and minimizing the best you can negative influences. And this includes being mindful of what you say to yourself! We tend to be our own worst critic. This Aries new moon is imbuing us with the energies of courage and confidence, to wave off any self-doubt. As well as the physical energy to pursue what it is that we are passionate about! But you must do your part as well!
To meditate with the energies of the Aries New Moon, here are some suggestions:
Candle Colors: Red, white, pink
Crystals: Garnet, ruby, red jasper, carnelian, bloodstone, fire agate, clear or white quartz, citrine, black onyx, rose quartz.
Herbs: Cinnamon, sage, pepper, dried rose petals, basil.
Tarot Cards: The Emperor, Ace of Wands, Four of Wands
Aries motto: “I am”. A vision board is a wonderful idea! See yourself as already having what it is you are wanting to achieve. This is also a good time for you to clear out that closet, do spring cleaning to freshen up your space, etc. Minimize the clutter. Clear out your space to give these new intentions room to manifest!