The 2024 10/10 portal. What does it mean? Where do we go from here?

The Wheel of Fortune tarot card from the major arcana

This morning, I intuitively tapped into this 10/10 portal energy and found it interesting that this occurs just one day before Pluto once again goes direct in Capricorn. This indicates forward momentum for the collective and society as a whole. Pluto, the planet of karma, transformation and timeline shifts completes its final progression through the sign of Capricorn before officially moving into the sign of Aquarius on November 19th. It will remain there for the next 20 years. It takes approximately 248 years for Pluto to come full circle on the zodiac wheel. So, this will be the last time any of us will see Pluto in the sign of Capricorn in our lifetime. 

This planetary transit officially begins the shift into a new global consciousness, the Aquarian age. So yes, this is a big deal! 

The tens in the tarot indicate endings and new beginnings

The number 10 in numerology signifies both endings and beginnings. The date of this portal is interesting as the entire date (month, day, year) adds up to the number 10. In my opinion, the energetic signature of this date has a heavier significance due to the year’s inclusion into the equation.  

In the tarot major arcana the number 10 is represented by the Wheel of Fortune. This card indicates a change of fate, luck or destiny. It also denotes a time of forward motion and the removal of blockages. This card is interesting, as it metaphysically represents the perpetual motion of the universe. At any time, those currently at the top of the wheel, may find themselves at the bottom, and those at the bottom may find themselves at the top. Anything can happen when The Wheel of Fortune makes its appearance! 

Fortunes can be lost or gained, power dynamics can substantially shift, and new paradigms arise as old ones crumble. Sound familiar? It should, as we are seeing these themes play out as we speak, as society is presently undergoing profound transformations on a personal and global level.  

I want to reiterate that no one is immune to the Wheel of Fortune’s influence! Whether it’s in politics, Hollywood, relationships or personal dynamics, the Wheel of Fortune reminds us that life’s is ever evolving. What goes around comes around, and eventually the chickens come home to roost as they say. If your actions while at the top of the karmic wheel have been less than honorable, you are in for quite a ride on the way down. I don’t have to tell you, that we are currently witnessing this in real time, as foundations and iconic figureheads are now being questioned or dismantled. 

The stage is set to propel us forward into new experiences and opportunities that empower us as individuals within the collective. By taking control of our own destiny, we foster personal growth and resilience, moving away from reliance on external forces for guidance or support, which may not always be reliable.

I find it interesting that currently in North Carolina in the aftermath of hurricane Helene, the private citizens are the ones that are providing the mainstay of support. They are helping each other with clean-up, delivering supplies, preparing meals, offering places to stay, etc. as government aid is currently falling short of expectations. This is but one recent example of many that we are witnessing. Celebrity happenings and the political stage are also revealing some real eye-openers. Are you paying attention?  

How may this energy interact with you personally? 

As we are witnessing things around us falter and shift, this 10/10 portal is inviting us each as individuals to tap into our divine sovereignty as we take greater ownership of our lives. In times of uncertainty, we must adapt by shifting our mindset to rely more on our own strengths and personal resources, as well as take action by getting more involved within our local community to get things done, support each other, and to create positive changes.

In your personal life, whether it’s your career, relationships or personal endeavors, this portal is a turning point wherein you are invited to practice being proactive, rather than reactive. This 10/10 Wheel of Fortune energy is bringing a change of seasons into your life. A moment where luck, fortune, and fate all come together and may manifest itself to you in an unexpected change, a mindset shift, or an opportunity that has the potential to turn the wheel of destiny in your favor. 

If this resonates with you, a decision or moment of truth is likely to arise. Especially if you’ve previously knowingly or unknowingly given your power away to a person, place, or thing. What will you do? Will you wait for approval or direction? Let someone else decide your fate or perhaps accept their fate as your own? Or will you unquestioningly place your destiny in the hands of an external source that may be unreliable?

The answer to these questions is clear – You are capable of navigating your own ship, even if the seas are a bit rough right now. Are you ready to take the helm and steer your life where YOU want it to go? The choice is yours.

Christine Mann (Fire Moon Alchemy) is a gifted intuitive that specializes in tarot, astrology & numerology. She is available for private readings and public & private events. She can be contacted through her website:   

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