What is the Lion’s Gate 8/8 Portal?

The Magician & Strength tarot both display the number 8 over their heads

What is the Lion’s Gate Portal?

Every year, on August 8th, the Lion’s Gate Portal reaches its peak, marked by the alignment of the Earth, the star Sirius, the Sun, and the Galactic Center. This auspicious celestial event, named after the astrological sign of Leo, because it occurs during Leo season, is powerful time of positive magick, transformation and manifestation. The open gateway created from this transit, is a direct line of energy and communication that connects the collective to the infinite flow of the universe.

This year is marked by an 888 signature, which amplifies the significance of this event even more. This Leo themed activation, invites you to tap into your inner strength, pursue your passions, align your actions with your goals, and shine bright as you tap into the light of your soul’s true potential. This is not just a day on the calendar, it is a temporary open door to a powerful energetic portal that connects our dreams to the realm of possibilities. ❤