Knight of Wands: Quick message

The Knight of Wands “fire energy” needs to be tempered with practicality.

The Knight of Wands is a fiery, passionate, creative energy. A “masculine” active energy (I want to clarify here, this is archetypal energy I am referring to, so this aspect pertains to women and men equally). This card indicates moving forward on what it is that you are passionate about, what it is that motivates you and “gets you going”. This can apply to any area of your life: relationships, work or personal. It also can indicate someone pursuing their dreams and making them come true by taking action to make it happen.

The Knight of Wands can be impetuous. For example, that new passionate love that has come into your life, may fizzle out just as quickly as it came in. For work, this can translate into putting everything you have into a new business or creative project, without balancing out the practical aspects as well, for example, setting up your financial books and records, meeting with an accountant or attorney to be sure your business is in compliance with laws, etc.

So if you are in this energy or see it heading in your direction, do your best to embrace the positive aspects of it, but be careful not to be consumed or “swept away” by it. Use this creative fire as motivation.

Be sure you have all the information before moving forward. The Knight of Wands fiery inspiration needs to be tempered with practicality for the best results.