Know your power, know your fears… (Star Wars vibes)

Powerful message this week! The Hermit shines its light in the dark….

Wow a powerful message this week: Know your power, know your fears…

I received a “Star Wars vibe” on this reading lol!

I love how these cards came out! Only when we know and face our fears can we move forward with our full power.

I often refer to The Hermit as the Obi-Wan Kenobi or Yoda card. The ancient wisdom symbolized in The Hermit is within all of us. It is found in the deepest recesses of the soul. A quiet, dark place where not many others dare to go. And even if one should complete the journey, one must have considerable courage to acknowledge what is met there.

We see this symbolized in the way The Hermit archetypes in the movies are found in remote areas, such as high on a mountain, deep in a swamp, etc. Only the most dedicated adept meets The Hermit. But just as we were shown in Star Wars, this courage is rewarded with the knowledge of knowing one’s true power. We all have the potential of becoming Jedi’s in our own life!

To me, when I look at the placement of these cards, it is the wisdom of The Hermit, that is the drive behind the Knight of Wands. For once you face the very thing that scares you and shine a light on it, you are released from its grip.

If there is something holding you back this week, take the time to meditate and journal about it. See if you can find out the root cause. I tell my clients, knowledge is power. Many times, the fear is due to the not knowing. Do you need to google information, talk to a lawyer or a therapist? Or perhaps a trusted friend or family member? The Hermit often indicates a wise, older person that can be consulted for their wisdom.

If you are resonating with this reading, this week, shine your light on what you fear is lurking in the dark. What do you see? You will find that you have more power than you think you do (just like Luke Skywalker in Star Wars). This will give you the confidence to pick up your light saber and ride forward full steam ahead!

Have a great week everyone!❤