Today’s message: Spiritual alchemy

Three major arcana cards and a king! Wow!

When three major arcana cards show up in a four card reading, this is a big deal! Include the King of Wands in the mix with his fiery leadership energy, and one can see quite a powerful message is packed within this card spread today! I received the message of an overall theme of spiritual alchemy. The process of transformation of the soul.


What’s in the past is in the past. It’s important to acknowledge and reflect on what was, but be careful not to judge yourself too harshly. Especially from a viewpoint of where you are now. You did your best with who you were at that time and with what resources were available to you. The King of Wands with his fiery wisdom, is reminding us that we cannot change what has already come to pass. We must move forward.

Use the important lessons that you learned, or are learning, to forge a new future. Things happen in our life for a reason. While they are occurring, we are too close to the situation emotionally to see the truth of it. Allow your emotions to flow, for this is part of the process. Change is never easy. But know you are being supported at this time. The Universe has your back.

Your spirit is going through the process of change, also known as spiritual alchemy. Your soul is being aligned to live your true calling in the material plane. For we are all spirit within the matter. What you have hoped and prayed for is in the process of manifestation. There are some aspects in your life, however, that are no longer in alignment with the new self you have become or are becoming. Some things must be burned away in the purification process or removed from your path whether permanently or temporarily, to allow you to step into your new role. Trust that it is all a process of purification orchestrated with love, for your highest good. For the ascension of your soul.