September Pick-A-Card Tarot Reading 1, 2 or 3?

Close your eyes, take a deep breath and clear your mind. Choose your card number and scroll down below for your September messages! Are you ready? Let’s do this! 

What messages do the cards hold for you for September?

Card pick #1: The Wheel of Fortune

Wheel of Fortune from The Lightseers Tarot deck

Card pick #1, your tarot card for the month of September is the Wheel of Fortune upright. This card is all about cycles, change, and the natural ebb and flow of the universe. You might find that things are shifting around you, sometimes in quite unexpected ways. This card reminds you that life is full of ups and downs, and the key is to stay adaptable and open to whatever comes your way.

The Wheel of Fortune also serves as a reminder that not everything is within your control. Some things in life are just bigger than we are. So, September is a good time to focus on what you can influence and let go of the rest. Trust that everything is happening as it should, even if it’s not exactly clear at the moment as to how it will all work out. The Wheel of Fortune upright is an auspicious sign indicating that Lady Luck is on your side, ready to turn the tides in your favor. 

Crystal suggestion: Green Jade and/or citrine

Card pick #2: Death & The Magician as a clarifier

Death & The Magician from the Lightseers Tarot deck

Card pick #2, your tarot card for the month of September is The Death Card with The Magician as a clarification card. The Death card represents the end of a cycle and the beginning of something new. It’s a time to accept what is and to let go of old patterns, habits, or relationships that no longer serve you. While endings can be challenging, I get it, you are encouraged this month to accept the change and see it as an opportunity for growth.

The Magician as your clarification card, brings a burst of creative energy and the power to manifest your goals. You have what it takes to harness the resources available to you, to turn your ideas into reality. In September, you are encouraged to step into your power and trust in your ability to create something new and better. 

Crystal suggestion: Amethyst and/or malachite

Card pick #3: Two of Pentacles

Two of Pentacles from the Lightseers Tarot deck

Card pick #3, your tarot card for the month of September is the Two of Pentacles. This card indicates that this month is a time of balance and adaptability for you. You are juggling multiple responsibilities, such as work and school, career and family, or focusing on a healthy work and personal life balance. You are reminded to stay flexible and keep your sense of humor, even when things get a little hectic. The key here is to manage your time and energy wisely. Prioritize the tasks that are most important, and don’t be afraid to delegate or say no when necessary.

Although you are quite talented at multi-tasking, your advice for this month is to remember that you only have two hands, and it seems to me, that both are full. Stay organized and be realistic by what you can reasonably accomplish within the time that you have available.

Crystal suggestion: Unakite and/or tiger’s eye

Christine Mann (Fire Moon Alchemy) is a gifted intuitive that specializes in tarot, astrology & numerology. She is currently the Thursday in-house reader at Indigo Moons. She is also available for private readings and public & private events. She can be contacted through her website:

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