The new moon in Sagittarius is occurring tonight at 4:57 PM Central time.
The six of wands tarot card paired with tonight’s Sagittarius new moon is a breath of fresh air!
Victory, courage & success is the theme here. You’ve been there, done that. What’s next? You’re ready to move forward and find out!
This new moon begins the waxing cycle for the next 2 weeks. So set an intention for what you would like to increase or attract to you during this time. Road openers, glamour spells, money magic, good health, spiritual work, self-improvement, etc. would pair up quite nicely with this tarot card & new moon combination.
This cycle ends with the full moon in Gemini on December 7th. That’s when you will have a chance to review your progress and/or set a new intention.
Here are a few helpful correspondences to help you “tap in” to this new moon:
Six of Wands: Jupiter in Leo (expansion, luck, sun, courage, confidence, success, leadership, fire energy)
Candle Colors: Orange, yellow, red, green, gold, white. Or a road opener candle as I mentioned above.
Crystals: Carnelian, citrine, clear quartz, red jasper, amber, sunstone, orange calcite, pyrite, goldstone, ametrine, tigers eye, lodestone, any crystals in your personal collection that bring you “luck”. If you currently have a lodestone in your collection, this is a good night to “feed it”.
One tarot card quick messages & meaning for this week: 3 of cups
The three of cups upright speaks of success, good people, celebration & socializing. I posted three quick messages for this card for love, money & personal insight:
Love: Accept that invitation! You may meet someone special at an event or party. In an established relationship, this implies good news shared with others, such as the birth of a baby, a reconciliation, or the announcement of an engagement or wedding.
Money/work: Success! A raise, promotion or accolades for a job well done! A grand opening or product launch that goes well. A group that works well together. A message to hire more people or to involve others on a project, idea or business.
Personal: Overcoming a challenge or celebrating a milestone. Spending time with friends and/or family. Get out and have some fun, but be mindful of potential overindulgence. Involvement with an organization, charity or other social group that has a positive common goal.
The Hanged Man from the Rider Waite Smith tarot deck
One card tarot pull for this week: The Hanged Man
When The Hanged Man appears, the message is one of waiting or taking a pause. You may have no choice but to make the best out of the current circumstances for the time being. Expect delays and be patient. This card indicates a temporary suspension in forward progress.
Sometimes but not always, this card can denote a sacrifice. Something may come up this week that requires you to put a plan or dream on hold temporarily as there may be more pressing obligations requiring your attention.
Others of you may be taking a pause to reflect on a decision or to consider all the options before committing or moving forward. If you need time to think something through, take it. Don’t allow yourself to be rushed. You may very well find that this extra time reveals an important disclosure, new idea or a better opportunity.
Sometimes this is a willing pause and sometimes Spirit forces it upon us to save us from ourselves! So if you have something going on right now, that is just not moving forward despite continued efforts, The Hanged Man may be your sign that the timing may not be right or to expect a delay. Make best use of this time by exploring other possible options, coming up with a “Plan B” or taking care of other important tasks while this works itself out.
Do you identify with this card’s message today? Let know in the comments! Have a great week!
Post eclipse tarot spread. A clean slate. A choice to move forward.
I don’t know about ya’ll but this eclipse season whipped my ass! But I do now feel a sense of relief and newfound motivation that I haven’t felt in a while. You guys are all “tapped in” too, so I know I am not the only one feeling this way!
Today, the moon has just begun its waning decreasing phase. Illumination is 99% and it is in the sign of Gemini. The Sun is in Scorpio and its corresponding tarot card is the 6 of cups. This is full-on transformation energy! Realizing the past is done and making peace with it in order to move ahead. We have a decision to make as to which direction we want our Chariot to go. Backwards is not an option.
The eclipses showed us what was dragging us down or holding us back. Much of this we may have realized were not necessarily outward forces, but rather internal blockages that were manifesting in our life. I received an image today of the ocean tide sweeping the shoreline clean as it pulls back into the ocean. Removing all of the old footprints of the past and replacing it with a clean water swept beach. Go ahead and look back, but the footprints are gone.
I have a feeling its going to be very interesting from here on out. Have a great day!
Powerful Divine energy! The Tower, The Lovers, Ace of Swords, The Sun
So I decided to focus my tarot forecast this week on the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse that is occurring tomorrow morning. Eclipse energy comes with the themes of transformation, change, decisions. Lunar eclipses tend to powerfully connect with our internal world.
This is accurately reflected with the first card that flipped out from the deck, the two of swords.
This card shows a woman that is in the process of making a decision. And she is basing this decision on the facts, rather than her emotions. Notice she has her arms crossed over her heart, the emotional waters are behind her, and she’s going within by wearing a blindfold to limit distractions. In this spread, she is asking the question, what is the truth of this situation and what is not the truth. Eventually, she is going to make a decision. Choosing one sword (The Ace of Swords).
The next card that appeared was The Lovers. Most people see The Lovers and automatically think that this card pertains to love & relationships. And while yes this can be, mainly though, The Lovers is about decisions. It’s a Gemini card, which corresponds to the element of air (thoughts, decisions). So here we see in the middle of this spread we have two air element tarot cards reflecting an overall theme of duality.
Now, lets take a look at the cards on both sides. On the left, we have The Five of Wands and The Tower. On the right, we have The Sun and The Ace of Swords. Talk about duality! What I am seeing within this spread, is that something has become so glaringly apparent that it can no longer be ignored. A decision is required or a conversation needs to happen.
On the left, The Tower and the Five of Wands reflect an explosive energy similar to the lid of a pressure cooker being blown off! I find it interesting that we have political elections happening on this day. We’ll see what happens! But on an individual level, this can reflect an argument or heated discussion that blows off the top of the Tower. These cards can also reflect an internalized anger or a feeling of pressure that transforms into a sudden insight. You know the phrase “that was the straw that broke the camel’s back”? This is it. This is the last Jenga block that took down the whole structure!
The Tower upright tells us that a change is required for our best and highest good. It shakes us out of a current paradigm wherein we may have been denying the truth of a situation or have become stagnant in an aspect of our lives. It tends to be rough as it is occurring, but afterwards, we reflect back on the rubble and realize that it was a blessing in disguise. For the destruction of the Tower sets us free from the confines of its walls that have been keeping us prisoner.
The Universe is perpetually in motion. The eclipses this year that are occurring on the Taurus & Scorpio axis are just too powerful to allow what is no longer working in our lives to continue to stand as is. Eclipse energy has a window of influence that is felt most strongly felt about 2 weeks before and after. So, for some of you, changes may have already happened, or are about to, or perhaps you are smack dab in the middle of it.
But whatever this is for you, The Tower was built on a foundation that was faulty from the beginning, or like an old building, perhaps some upgrades and renovations are required to bring it up to current code. Hmmm. Should the Tower be rebuilt? Can it be? Or is the destruction beyond repair? This can go either way, depending on your situation. But there is a decision here. After all, the Tower has fallen. So, now let’s shift our focus to the cards on the right.
We have the Ace of Swords and The Sun. Wow. I want to quickly mention, that in this spread, we have a lot of Divine energy here. The Tower, The Lovers, The Ace of Swords. Powerful, hard-hitting source energy. The catalyst of change. The Ace of Swords shows us that the truth can be a double-edged sword. What is your core truth? The Sun supporting the Ace of Swords is asking you, are you truly happy? Both cards indicate a self-empowerment that requires YOU to take the course of action that you feel places you in alignment with what you want your future to be. When was the last time you felt the joy we see expressed in The Sun?
The swords suit corresponds to communication. Are you clearly communicating your needs to others? Speaking your truth before it turns into a pressure cooker is much easier on you and others. Most people have their own stuff going on and usually are not paying attention as much as we think they are. Are you assuming they “should” know what you want? They may be missing your subtle clues. Get it out in the open and see what happens. You could be pleasantly surprised or disappointed. As I mentioned before, the truth is a double-edged sword. It’s not always pretty, but it is what it is. At the very least you will know. And as the saying goes, “when you know better, you do better”.
I can’t help but notice the Two of Swords again. I think this may additionally, be a time marker. We have about two months remaining for the rest of the year. Two months to think things over, make a decision, have those important conversations, bring ourselves into alignment. Clear out the clutter. Create space in order to make a fresh start in 2023. I think individually and collectively, we are tired of the tension, distractions and chaos. We may not have so much control over what is going on in the world, but that makes it so much more important to exert a positive influence over what we can control in our personal life. In my private readings, I see so many people that are making or ready to make big changes in their lives. Are you one of them? Look at these cards again. There is a big difference between what we see on the left versus the right. Separating the two sides are The Lovers and The Two of Swords. Choices. Decisions.
Next year’s numerology, 2023 adds up to the number “7”. This corresponds to The Chariot in the major arcana. The number seven speaks of movement, growth, independence. This card denotes getting oneself together in order to move forward. But this can only be achieved when The Charioteer limits distractions and focuses his entire “force of will” towards a goal. This concentrated force is what unites the sphinxes, enabling the chariot to move forward.
Pay attention to what is rising up for you at this time. I can just about guarantee challenges that you are facing are bringing valuable insights to the surface to be resolved.
Tips: Don’t obsess over things that are beyond your control. Do what you can and move on. Don’t try to force a square peg into a round hole. Leave it be for now and see what happens. A better option may come in or it may conclude on its own. Do get out and partake in something you enjoy. Give yourself a special treat. Ground your energy by spending time outdoors, with your pets and/or with people that bring you joy. Try to socialize this week. You never know what may happen!
The Five of Cups from the Rider Waite Smith tarot deck
The Five of Cups is the card that came out today. Let’s look carefully at the image in this card. We see a character mourning the loss of three spilled cups and behind him, we see two cups that are still standing. This card speaks of a loss as well as the grieving process. Sadness has overcome this character for the moment, as he is working through his emotions, trying to deal with the fact that something has ended. Oftentimes in a reading, this can signify a relationship break-up or a death in the family for example. But it can also indicate any other type of loss that has had a significant emotional impact.
This card reminds us that yes, allow yourself time to grieve. However try not to stay there too long. For all is not lost. The two upright cups behind him, on the right side of the card, signify the return to an emotionally balanced state and also of moving forward.
It is only when the character finally turns around, that he notices the two remaining cups as well as the bridge behind him. As he picks up the two cups, perfectly balanced, one in each hand, and crosses the bridge over the troubled waters of the past, he is walking in the direction of the castle that represents a future filled with new opportunities and possibilities.
If you are reading this, I hope this message was helpful…