When you use your light to send love into the world, it will continue to increase. Honor the freedom of choice for yourself and others (we all have free will). Remember the goodness in you is more powerful than the negativity in anyone or anything. Create beautiful magic which others can benefit from if they so choose. Listen to your intuition and always be true to yourself no matter what. When our intentions are aligned with truth and integrity, the universe has our back. Weave your loving magic into the world
Today’s message from Love Your Inner Goddess Oracle
On August 18, 2020 we have the new moon in Leo. A strong, courageous, charismatic energy, ruler of the fifth house in astrology. This is the house of romance, love affairs, creativity, self-expression, play, joy, admiration, drama, fun, spirit. What drives us, what makes our heart soar, as well as how we creatively express ourselves falls under the Leo fifth house.
A few examples that embody this bold, beautiful, flamboyant energy are actors, models, public speakers, leaders, royalty, artists, happy children, passionate sexy love affairs (which includes extramarital affairs), amusement parks, games, laughter, spontaneous decisions and/or actions. The courage to present a talent, project or idea to others. An individual who is not afraid to stand out from the rest and/or to begin something new.
When someone kicks off their shoes and wades through a fountain in a town square in front of everyone, this is Leo. When someone has too much to drink and puts on a show in front of everyone at the company Christmas party, this is also Leo. (laugh)
Leo, the lion, let’s not forget is a protective energy as well. Strong and fierce, Leo reminds us to have the courage to stand up for what is important to us. And to not let others expectations of us override our own path. The moon relates to our emotions and inner self. So the new moon in Leo is asking us to look inside and examine what this is. What embraces the innocence of who you truly are, that when you are doing that, you are able to express yourself in the purest vibration of love and joy. If you know what this is, you are very lucky indeed. Many spend their lives searching for it. Once you find it, it must be protected at all times. For it is a treasure. Guard your light.
As I mentioned before, this energy has a shadow side. It can get out of hand if we over indulge or lose our awareness of our surroundings in the spirit of the moment. Leo fifth house energy when it’s having it’s moment in the spotlight, is not necessarily concerned with order and responsibility. That is the job of Virgo, the sixth house. Remember the movie Mary Poppins? This is Virgo coming in to get things back in order when Leo gets out of hand.
Leo energy has a healthy dose of ego attached to it. In it’s highest aspect this is a great leader, someone who is honest and true with their intentions, one who inspires others, one who we admire, that individual who has that “it” factor that makes them stand out from the rest. Leo’s shadow aspects can show up as one who exerts dominance over others, an entitled attitude, manipulation of someone or a situation to achieve a desired goal, an entitled “you owe me” attitude, and an unhealthy need to be the center of attention.
Leo in it’s highest aspect, is an inspirational leader, or someone who is charismatic, positive, fun and colorful. The life of the party. People feel good when they are around them. In it’s lower aspects it is a tyrant, moody, forceful, intimidating, sneaky and a drama queen.
The Cards:
These are the cards I intuitively pulled for the New Moon in Leo. We have Strength (this represents the new moon’s sign of Leo in the Major Arcana), The Seven of Wands which is the deacon associated with this moon. The planet associated with the Seven of Wands is Mars. I thought this was interesting. So I looked up Mars’ position on the date of the new moon, and pulled the Four of Wands, which is the deacon associated with Mars on that date. The zodiac sign associated with Mars is Aries, which corresponds to The Emperor in The Major Arcana.
And here is our 8/18/20 new moon spread:
New moon tarot spread for 8/18/20
The Message:
So as I look at these cards, we see Strength moving toward the seven of wands with a confident determination. And who would not be confident with a lion by their side! A feminine energy, this card has the four of wands at it’s back, inspired and energized by this wonderful archetype. Perhaps protecting it as well. The four of wands indicates new beginnings, energies that are in their early stages of manifestation. A good sign of an exciting new future full of possibilities.
As I look at the seven of wands, this character is defiantly holding his ground in front of six wands that are raised in front of him. This is a card about boundaries and/or defensiveness. I’m not surprised at seeing this energy in this reading. The sun in Leo at this time has a powerful, bold energy to it. To put it in horse terms, people are “feeling their oats” so to speak. Combine this with the Four of Wands, of which the structure is quite open, and there is plenty of room for a potential misunderstanding. Or for someone to blur the boundary lines a little bit to take advantage of a situation. Another interpretation I see here is one of an obstacle in one’s path. And this is not a negative thing. Sometimes in our pursuit of our goals, we need to be “checked”. Perhaps the timing is not right at this time, perhaps there are some soul lessons to be learned before one can move forward, or a shadow aspect that needs to be cleared. For example, you may want to ask yourself what are your true motivations here? Are your intentions true or is it about your ego? Or it simply may be that the right opportunity has not presented itself yet.
Remember when I said the Four of Wands is the energy of something in the process of manifestation? This could be a message that the energy is still “undercooked” at this time. It’s simply not ready yet.
The Emperor as the underlying energy of the reading, below Strength, is a message that there is a right way and a wrong way to do things. See how he is facing the Seven of Wands? It looks as if The Emperor is Sending Strength as an energetic reinforcement to come to the aid of the Seven of Wands. Or perhaps as a reminder to someone that they need to “check” themselves in some way.
Strength and the Seven of Wands are cards that denote inner strength and perserverance. Our path is our own. This may be a personal message that we alone are responsible for what we want to achieve. We must not rely on others to give us strength. It comes from within us.
The Emperor reminds us that structure, and a code of conduct is necessary within the collective and within groups. Without it, there is a breakdown of communication and this is when we begin to see breaches of boundaries occur. This can take the form of bullying, theft, people feeling that they are being taken advantage of, a gradual increase in manipulative behaviors, a “mob rule” energy, etc. Unchecked Leo energy is not necessarily a good thing!
But as we take another look at the image of the seven of wands in this particular deck, nothing has really happened yet. There is no “action” here. But there is certainly an air of tension. Strength, tells us to trust our instincts. We know when something is not “right”. This is a message to be vigilant. As a collective reading, this tells us to be prepared. Pay attention. With everything that has been going on this year, anything could happen! If this reading resonates with you on a personal level, this is a message for you to put your guard up and pay attention to your surroundings. As well, pay attention to your own actions. Are you pushing a person or situation too far? Are you missing the signs that they are uncomfortable? Perhaps what you think is okay, is being perceived as a boundary breach to the other person.
The seven of wands is also a card of perception. Are you perhaps being too defensive? Maybe too guarded? Unresolved subconcious emotional challenges that we have not quite worked through, can cause us to feel triggered when there may be no reason to be. This where discernment comes in. The Seven of Wands advice is to be ready, but wait. See what happens. Only time will tell what action you need to take, if any. Know that you have the Strength to handle anything that comes across your path, when you have faith in yourself.
Collectively, we are all very suspicious at this time. There is a lot of misinformation out there, and we are having a difficult time discerning truth from agendas. Tensions are high. Strength and The Emperor reminds us to take a breath when we feel tension building up. Take a break from social media and definitely mainstream news! The constant anger and chaos that is spouted on those outlets only adds anger and more tension to an already strained situation. Spend some time with that Four of Wands energy to continue to manifest your dreams into reality. Concentrate on what you actually have control over. Leo loves to win!
The Emperor as the base energy of this spread, and an excellent example of the high vibrational leadership qualities of the archetype of Leo, is impartial and wise. So this may be a message to seek counsel or a higher authority if there is something in your environment or work space that is making you feel uneasy. If someone in your personal life is pushing you beyond your comfort zone, clear communication is needed. Stand your ground.
On a spiritual level, The Emperor tells us that the illusion of lack is just that. The Universe is abundant. However, we must place our trust in the process of divine timing. Do the work of course. But understand, that things will happen at the right time, when you are spiritually, physically and emotionally ready for it, and not a moment before. If we push too hard, or attempt to manipulate the wheel of fortune, the universe will push back. Usually in the form of a lesson to remind us to keep our ego in check and to have faith.
The new moon in Leo is a wonderful energy to bring in abundance, joy, strength, beauty, and to embody qualities that you admire in others. Stand up and stand your ground. Get your hair done, buy some new clothes. Have some fun. Be beautiful! Raise your frequency to attract more of what you love into your life. Use this time to shine!
“Stay in the center of the circle, and let all things take their course” ~ Lao Tzu
There are three cards to choose from. The overall themes are: Cards on the left (home), cards in the middle (income potential), cards on the right (promotions/career).
Have you chosen a theme? Scroll down for the messages!
What’s on your mind today? Home, income potential, or career?
Ready? Let’s do this:
Cards on left: Home – Earth Mother and Protection
First Set of Cards (Left – Home) Earth Mother / Protection Message:
Are you feeling blocked or stuck? Perhaps a closer look at your immediate environment is required. As the saying goes “home is where the heart is”. When we feel loved, secure and protected in our home, which is our sacred space, we carry this vibration with us wherever we go. This provides a source of energetic protection for us that keeps us grounded and centered no matter where we are, and what is going on around us.
Self-Reflection: Where in my life am I feeling disconnected? Is there someone or something in my environment that could use some nurturing and attention from me? Am I nurturing myself? Where in my life do I need to feel more supported to allow love to channel through me so that I may serve myself and those that I care about at the same time?
Parting thought: Love is the highest vibration energy in the universe. Love in the home is the ultimate form of protection for myself and my family.
Cards in the middle: The Magician and Trinka Five
Second Set of Cards (Middle – Income Potential) The Magician / Trinka Five message:
The Magician is a reminder that you have the tools you need to co-create with the divine to manifest the prosperity you seek. This may be in the form of an idea, skill or trade, invention, business concept, etc. Whatever this is for you, it is something that you possess, that has the potential to create an income stream. Whether a full time career, or as an avenue to generate additional part time income, this is for you to decide. This card in a reading is a good sign that this is something positive. The Magician is a conscious creator. It is a reminder that magick happens when we align our actions with our intentions.
Self-reflection: Am I feeling unclear as to where to begin? Am I looking at this situation too broadly? Perhaps breaking down what it is that I want to create in smaller steps will make it easier to achieve the end result I desire.
Parting thought: I have all the tools I need to manifest that which I wish to create. When I combine my focused intentions with action, the universe aligns accordingly to present opportunities for me to succeed.
Card on the right: Spirit of Swords (King of Swords) and Successful Career
Third Set of Cards (Right – Career) Spirit of Swords (King of Swords) / Successful Career message:
In this reading, the Spirit of Swords has the energy of determination, focus and communication. It is a reminder to set clear boundaries with others through your words and actions. This card also is one of knowing your worth! This may be your time to shine! Is there a promotion or management opportunity that you have your eye on? Show others through your actions that you are a leader. Someone who is capable of making clear cut decisions in the spirit of truth and fairness. A leader knows their truth and stands by it. They do what they say. Which is rare these days. This is what makes you stand out from the others.
The caveat to a successful career, is it may require you to cut out and/or limit your exposure to situations or people that do not serve your highest potential. Unfortunately, not everyone has your best interest in mind. Sometimes, whether this is due to envy or their own insecurities (such as fear of failure), others may try to sabotage your success. Usually this is done subconsciously, (sometimes not, but it usually is). But the result is the same. It is an attempt to keep you down on “their level”. If they can’t be successful, then they do not want you to be either.
This may seem a bit negative, but we are talking about the swords suit here. Swords cut right to the truth. The Spirit of Swords is a King. And a great leader always looks at all sides of a situation. Sometimes the truth is not so pleasant. If you notice this occurring, you must, as a leader, take definitive action. But do it with integrity by controlling your own actions. Do not stoop down to their level.
This new position will most likely require you to place some distance between yourself and your co-workers. Keep in mind the saying “familiarity breeds contempt”. But no matter what, always treat others fairly and honestly. This is of utmost importance! Integrity is the mark of a great leader. And above all, remember your personal truth, why you wanted this position/promotion in the first place.
Self-Reflection: What qualities do I possess that make me an effective leader? What are some things about myself that I need to improve upon? What is my motivation for success? Who are some great leaders (present or past) that I admire and why?
Parting Thought: I have what it it takes to be a leader. I respect others and my objective is to create a positive environment where everyone contributes their unique talents for the success of a common goal. As a leader, I understand that maintaining my personal integrity and healthy boundaries with others is a requirement. No one is an island however. My success is dependent upon those around me being successful as well.
This meme summed up the energy of the four of cups beautifully
You’re constantly being given opportunities to have new experiences. But what often happens is that you bring the conditions of your old experiences into it. Which makes it feel and seem like the same ole thing. This is what makes the power of presence so palpable. Maintain healthy boundaries, but not limiting conditions based on past trauma. Allow your experiences to meet you as you are now. Because from this organic space, you will be amazed at how well life treats you. ~ Four of cups
Strength (sun in Leo), The Star (moon in aquarius), Six of Swords (decan associated with the moon)
The three cards I pulled for this full moon reading are Strength (which represents the sun in Leo), The Star (the moon in Aquarius) and the six of swords which is the decan associated with this moon.
The full moon illuminates that which has been hidden. The Strength card and The Star card are both very authentic energies to me intuitively. The moon is in Aquarius, which is the ruler of the 11th house which represents, groups, friends, social awareness, hopes, wishes, the future. Leo rules the fifth house, which is about self-expression, fun, play, love, drama, a zest for life. The Sun in Leo and the Moon in Aquarius together are asking you. Have you found your tribe? Does your environment and the people in it support you in a healthy, nurturing way? This can be online as well. Are you appreciated for your unique talents and how you contribute to the group dynamic in your social circles? Are you taking the lead in making your dreams come true? What talents do you possess that could benefit yourself and others at the same time?
As I look at these cards, I get the message of time to shine. But not in a show-off, big, bold, way. Just in an authentic way (there’s that word again). The six of swords is an indication that if your current social environment is not supporting you, it may be time to consider moving on. I find it interesting that all these cards are “quiet” images. Are you considering a new path? Something that is just for you? Or perhaps you have done some soul searching and you realize you have changed. Aquarius energy is an “out of the box” vibe. Maybe there is something you enjoy doing that your current social circles may not “get” or accept. That’s okay. As long as you love doing it, that is what matters. And if this is what brings you joy, so be it. But to have the time to pursue what this is for you, you may need to distance yourself from social obligations or groups that are not in alignment with your goals.
Our current circumstances provide the perfect opportunity to do this. To quietly retrieve the bits and pieces of your energy that you have given to others. Bring it back to nourish yourself. To give you the strength to use that pole in the six of swords, to propel your boat to calmer waters. To pursue the vision of the future that you have in mind for yourself.
Strength and The Star tells us to be gracious and kind to others, especially when parting ways. Many people mistakenly believe that endings need to be big and dramatic. But this is the worst way one can end any type of relationship. Look at the images of Strength and The Star. There is not much activity going on. They are not raucous, loud, rude or angry. These are “classy” ladies! The energy of these cards is one of self-control and a higher awareness.
Notice all the water in these cards. This amplifies the message of staying calm and cool. No need to burn bridges. Just quietly paddle to put some distance between yourself and the past. The Star is a reminder of hope. Of looking forward to the potential that awaits you as you propel yourself in the direction of this new destination. And as your boat goes further and further out, until you are just a spot on the horizon to those you left behind, your boat will become larger and larger as you get closer to your new destination, where your new soul tribe is waiting to celebrate your arrival on the shore.
“Never dull your shine for somebody else” ~Tyra Banks