King of Swords and Five of Cups (reversed) from the Shadowscapes Tarot deck
Today’s message from The King of Swords and the Five of Cups (reversed).
Use your head. Present circumstances require clear thinking. Decisions need to be made based on facts, not emotions. It is clear what needs to be done when one looks at the situation objectively.
Helpful tip: If a friend was in the same situation, what advice would you give them?
Eight of Wands from Naked Heart Tarot and Elk from Wild Unknown Animal Spirit oracle
You are the eye in the center of the storm. As you face the darkness, you will see it has no power over you. By standing strong in your light of truth, you will inspire others to do the same.
Each Divine Feather oracle card is paired with a corresponding tarot card. Study the images carefully. Choose the image that most resonates with you. The messages are in separate blog posts below. The cards on the Left are #1, The cards in the Middle are #2, and the cards on the Right are #3
Five of Cups and White Owl from the Divine Feather Oracle
The Five of Cups image shows a person lamenting over the three spilled cups in front of him. While failing to see that there are still two remaining cups standing behind him. In fact, when one looks a little closer at this card, one can see the bridge behind him that crosses over the river (symbolizing overcoming the emotional pain and loss) that leads to a castle. This is a card about perception. All is not lost. It’s also a card about acceptance. What’s done is done. The past cannot be changed. Sometimes life gives us lemons, that’s for sure. But if we stay in the past for too long, dwelling on what was lost, past mistakes or grievances, we will remain stuck.
The term “there’s no use crying over spilled milk” comes to mind when I see this card.
What treasures lie ahead in that castle that is just beyond the bridge? If we do not turn around, pick up our two remaining cups, and cross the bridge, we will never know.
The White Owl is a powerful representation of the winged messenger that brings wisdom and light into the shadows. The message on this card, “The Wisdom and the messages of the divine are within you” encourages you to follow your intuition and allow those senses to expand as you do so. Just as the White Owl’s keen eyesight allows her to navigate easily through the darkness, your intuition allows you to do the same. Perhaps it is telling you that it is time to cut your losses and move on. That yes, you deserve to be happy.
Ace of Wands and Starling from the Divine Feather Oracle
The Ace of Wands shows a Divine hand holding a wand with green leaves. This single wand signifies inner spirit, fire, passion, inspiration. This is the card of creators. What is it that gets you up in the morning? What is it that you are passionate about? Are you about to make a change? This card indicates the start of something new and exciting. Perhaps the time you have been spending in quarantine has given you some new ideas. The Ace of Wands is a confirmation that what you are thinking about starting or doing, is indeed something you should do! It is a sign to take that first step to bring your dreams into reality. Being a wand, which is a branch, is a reminder to start slowly. Trees do not grow overnight! Let things progress naturally, no need to rush. You may get in over your head if you go against the natural order in the way that this is meant to unfold. Start small and let it grow.
The Starling is an active, lively, social bird. This card’s message “Now is the time to get out into the world and connect in authentic ways” fits perfect with the Ace of Wands. As both of these cards are an indication of action, inspiration, motivation, group and community, this is a message to find like-minded individuals like yourself. Your ideas and/or talents are a gift! Share them with people that will appreciate them and inspire you to grow.
The Ace of Wands and The Starling are cards of encouragement. The message: Yes, take that first step!
Ten of Wands (reversed) and White Swan from the Divine Feather Oracle
The Ten of Wands is a card of burden. Too many responsibilities, too many commitments, a demanding job with long work hours, an overworked mom, etc. Career wise, it’s success that comes with a price. It’s also a card of not accepting help from others. But this card is reversed. And when this card is reversed, I interpret it as dropping the wands. Which is very interesting considering the current circumstances that we are in!
I am seeing this energy with a lot of people right now. We have had time to think, slow down, spend time with our families, children, pets, etc. Evaluate our lives and what is important. As well as evaluate all the things we commit ourselves too, that in the long run do not serve us. We spread ourselves so thin, that it affects our energy and our health, as is shown in the image of this card.
Does your career and/or lifestyle leave you exhausted from running and running trying to “keep up”? Perhaps it’s time for a change. Drop some of those wands and give yourself a break. Literally and metaphorically. Maybe hand over a few of those wands to other people and let them share the load. We are not here to just work, eat, drive the kids around, and sleep. This is also a message that we cannot do everything alone. It’s okay to give ourselves permission to ask for help when we need it. Don’t be a martyr.
The saying “all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy” came to mind when I saw this card today.
The White Swan’s message “The power of divine grace is within you” is a reminder that we are all divine beings here to experience our life. We are here to LIVE LIFE!
If these were the cards that you chose, perhaps this message is resonating with you at this time. In the rush to get back to “what was”, ask yourself, what am I rushing back to? Is this what I truly want? Is what I was doing before making me happy? Is my career and personal life in balance? Is this the direction I want my future to take? Does my situation support me spiritually, emotionally as well as physically? What is the true cost of the material things in my life? Are they worth the price?
The White Swan is a powerful, majestic, beautiful bird. It is a reminder, that the divine is in all of us. We have the power to make changes and/or face challenges to align our path to where WE want it to go. The Swan is also a bird that signifies introspection, as it gazes at it’s reflection in the water.
The Ten of Wands reversed says that you are ready to let go of some of those wands!
The Hanged Man cards from The Naked Heart Tarot deck and the classic Rider Waite Smith deck
Today’s card: #12 The Hanged Man. These are The Hanged Man cards from The Naked Heart Tarot (I just purchased this deck and I LOVE it!), and the classic image from the Rider Waite Smith deck.
Quick keywords: Suspension, Surrender, New Perspective
Affirmation: I surrender to the moment and my attachment to the way I think things should be. As I release my grip, I allow for a new perspective and my consciousness to expand.
Your true sense of “seeing” will emerge when you pause and trust.
Introspection: Is it possible that I am being guided by ego and not making room for my intuition to speak?
The full moon tonight will be in the sign of Libra. This moon is known as the “pink moon” and tonight is a super moon as well. Libra’s card in the tarot is Justice. This card not only is about fairness, justness and our inalienable rights we have as human beings, but it’s also a reminder for us to be aware of our actions, for our actions have consequences. Also known as “Karma”. Even if you do not believe in “Karma” per say, you can look at this scientifically when one examines Newton’s third law: Every action has an equal and opposite reaction. This principle is also reflected in Universal Law #6 which is the Law of Cause and Effect.
The cards that came out today for this reading are the Ten of Cups, Page of Pentacles and the underlying card of the deck is Five of Pentacles. It’s interesting that the Ten of Cups and Five of Pentacles came out again today. As they have been popping up quite a bit lately!
Ten of cups, Page of Pentacles, Five of Pentacles. Full moon in libra reading for 4/7/20
This moon is illuminating the areas of our lives that we have been taking for granted. It sheds it’s light in the darkness so that we can see. Being that it is a super moon is of particular significance. This moon is asking us to look again.
As I mentioned before, it’s amazing to me that the ten of cups has come up yet again. This is the card of family, soul connections, emotional fulfillment, balance, and happiness. The number 10 is significant, for this number is both the number of endings (10) and new beginnings (1).
The next card, the Page of Pentacles, is aligning with the moon’s message. Reminding us to examine our lives and finances closely. As a Page, he is only holding one pentacle. He is not rich. But look how he is gazing at it. One can see he values that which he has. He knows that this single pentacle is full of possibilities. And also that yes, money is important, but what’s also important is how it is spent and earned.
As we look at these two cards together, I received the message of taking stock of the value of what we have. In doing so, you will see that you are truly “rich” in many ways. Here, I ask you to look at the expression on the Page of Pentacles face. He does not look disappointed because he “only” has one pentacle. He is grateful for this pentacle. It’s all a matter of perception.
At the bottom of the deck, the Five of Pentacles is shown. In this reading, I see this card as many of us who are exhausted from running full out on the proverbial hamster wheel. Chasing that elusive pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. Round and round we go, all the while not seeing the light in the stained glass church window beside us. This is symbolic of us being so busy running in our lives, that we are not stopping long enough to pick our heads up to examine the consequences of our actions.
Tell me, does the couple in the Five of Pentacles look “happy” to you? Perhaps, they need to stop and go inside the building behind them. What and who awaits to welcome them inside?
We as a collective, have pursued happiness in the form of accumulation of material “things” for a long time. But at what cost? Perhaps it’s time to pause and turn around, go inside and regain one’s perspective. Just like the couple is advised to do in the Five of Pentacles.
We are all mind, body and spirit. If we focus too much on one aspect, the other parts are thus neglected and the energies are out of balance. The material world (the body/physical) is but one aspect of who we are. We are not our house, our car, our “stuff”. But so many have placed their identification of self on these “things”. When we neglect our mind and spirit, just focusing on the material, we shortchange ourselves and those that we love. Because we are not able to experience the full depth of our being.
Justice: Libra’s card in the major arcana
Now to keep things in perspective, obviously, we live in the physical world, and as such have financial responsibilities that must be maintained. Of course we want our children to be provided for in the best way possible, we need to prepare for the future by saving and investing wisely, we need a dependable safe car to drive, we all want a nice place to live, etc., and have enough money left over after we take care of those responsibilities to enjoy our life. But there is a big difference between that and hedonism. This is what the full moon in Libra is asking us to examine. Look at the image on the Justice card. This is a card of balance, but is also one of responsibility and decisions. The sword in one hand and the the scales in the other tells us that we must be realistic and disciplined in our decisions. The sword is a mental energy. This is not an image that bases it’s decisions on feelings and emotions. Advertisers are very clever in this aspect. Pay attention to how things are marketed to us by appealing to our emotions.
We need to examine what we are purchasing and the true “cost” of it. Weigh your decisions carefully. Do your research before making significant purchases. Read contracts carefully. Pay attention to the terms and interest rates. Is this item worth going into debt for? Is this company one that you want to support with your money? How many hours do you and possibly your spouse have to work to pay off the debt?
As we look at the Justice card, we see that the planetary alignments are asking us to see as well, what has been hidden from the collective, on a global scale. I encourage everyone to pay attention and stay informed. Since going into this subject is beyond the scope of this post, I will leave that to you.
This full moon in Libra is one of personal responsibility and wise decisions. Also one of weighing your choices carefully to decide if the cost is worth it. And to understand that one must live with the consequences of their decisions.
“All that is gold, does not glitter” J.R.R. Tolkien
Happy April Fools Day. Today’s card, number 0 The Fool from the Major Arcana.
Quick key words: new beginnings and/or a new phase, faith, trust in oneself, innocence, purity, naive, freeing oneself from constraints/burdens, spontaneity, free spirit, traveling “light”, opportunities, potential, an open mind, new experiences, personal growth, adventure.