Two major arcana cards and the five of swords indicate taking a new direction in one’s life.
The message: The wheel of fortune is turning in your favor now. If you are seeking a new direction in your life, separate yourself from others for a while. This will allow you time to think, away from the influence of other people and their ideas. Go within to view the current challenges or obstacles from a higher perspective. Knowledge of the inner self is the key that unlocks the door that leads to the path of that you wish to achieve.
Underlying energy of the reading: #9 Solitaire from The Imperial Dragon Oracle deck. Astrological sign is Virgo (corresponds to The Hermit in the tarot – mutable earth), and the ruling planet is Mercury (air, thoughts, mental energy, knowledge, communication)
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The new moon in aquarius as represented by The Star and The Five of Swords
New moons are about new beginnings. The energies align for us to take action on our intentions. An interesting aspect of this moon is that it squares the planet Uranus which is known as “the great awakener”. This planet brings the energies of innovation, change and unpredictability to the Aquarius aspect of the new moon. In other words, expect the unexpected!
The combination of the Aquarian and Uranus energies are here to shake us up! If we have become complacent, or have lost our edge, this combination pops us back up on our feet to get us going again! Synchronistic opportunities may appear during this time as well. Be ready!
Aquarian energy is about friendships, community, working with others, hope, new ideas and breaking up the status quo. The Star card embodies these aspects as well as spiritual studies and personal growth. This moon cycle may be a good time to sign up for that class you have wanted to take! The energies here are also conducive to reaching out to others that share the same interests as you. To cultivate friendships, while accentuating your own individuality and independence. To be an individual contributing your unique talents to a collective group. With Uranus in the mix, prepare for some new, innovative ideas that will be brought to life through your actions!
Pay attention to your intuition during this time and be open. As I mentioned above, Uranus brings in an element of the unexpected. You may begin something with a set plan, only to have it take some surprising twists and turns! If you are paying attention, you will be able to discern how to make these “plot twists” work out to your benefit.
Another message with this moon is that of freedom / liberation. Look at image on The Star card. She is nude – completely authentic. This is who she is. The Star card appears after The Tower in the tarot. The Tower has collapsed and now The Star card appears to tell us there is hope, now that we are liberated from The Tower’s confining, limiting walls. I have done a previous post on The Tower card, where I go into more details regarding the archetypal symbolism of it’s image.
So here is where I see The Five of Swords coming into play here. In most instances, this card is considered a negative image. One of winning at all costs, the “I’m always right” card. But in this instance, I see it in another light. One of us standing our ground and overcoming challenges. And when we do this, we grow. We come to understand that we are stronger than we think we are. This image also indicates that we will no longer allow others to place limits on who WE want to be. When one looks at the image in this context, the smug character we were looking at previously, transforms into a confident character who is standing up for himself. The number five, which is symbolic of shaking up the stability/status quo of the number four, has unexpectedly taken a stand and revels in his moment of triumph. The other two characters, defeated, have walked away. They no longer have power over the main character.
When we know who we are and what we want to accomplish, we understand that sometimes we may need to stand alone just like the Five of Swords. We may need to set those personal boundaries with other people who may not understand us. To stand in our power and challenge those who want us to conform to what they think is “normal”.
Uranus, aka “the great awakener” is surely making it’s presence known, not only in our personal lives, but in society as well. Look at all the secrets that are coming out. Shaking us up collectively. So that we can see all the lies and deception that we have been blind too. 2020 is starting off with a blast of energy that’s for sure! We are awakening on a global scale!
“That is the real spiritual awakening, when something emerges from within you that is deeper than who you thought you were. So, the person is still there, but one could almost say that something more powerful shines through the person.” ~ Eckhart Tolle
Wolf Moon in Cancer with an eclipse! A transformation of self. Acknowledge your power!
January 10, 2020 we have the first full moon of 2020 with an eclipse to boot! This moon is known as the “wolf moon”. This eclipse full moon’s supercharged energy is asking us to acknowledge our power. Channel the strength of the wolf. Allow your intuition (instincts) to guide you. Keep your eyes and ears open. If something doesn’t “feel” right there is a good reason! It may be helpful to research wolf symbolism so you can work closely with this energy this month.
The moon is in the astrological sign of cancer, which to me symbolizes emotions, home, relationships, protection. The crab has a tough outer shell and pincers to protect it’s soft insides. An indication of an energy that is tough on the outside, but sensitive on the inside.
There are other planetary influences affecting us at this time as well, namely Saturn and Pluto. These are both “harsher” planetary energies. They are on the scene to assist us in tearing down our old ways of emotional and physical being to assist us in stepping into our full power as accentuated by the wolf moon. Or for some, to reclaim power that we may have given to others or allowed them to take.
The “official” new year does not start until March, which is the time of the spring equinox. So, I feel this moon, which coincides with our calendar new year, is a reminder of time. We have a couple of months to clean up our act so that we may fully partake in the “new growth” spring energy in March which is the seasonal “new year”. The harsher energies of Saturn and Pluto are assisting the cancer moon here. Helping us keep our emotions in check so we can “toughen ourselves up” to make those difficult decisions. Saturn in particular, provides structure and discipline to enable us to do this effectively. The card that symbolizes Saturn in the tarot is The Emperor. Reflecting on the image of this card is very helpful to envision the Saturn energy.
The Emperor: Saturn card in the Tarot. Structure, leadership, decisions, discipline.
Just as a crab sheds it’s shell periodically, this is a time for us to reflect on who we are NOW. Our “shells” at this time are soft, as we have just come out of the holiday season. The holidays, with it’s hectic energy has a tendency to scatter us a bit. We “overdo” during this time of the year. As a result, our personal boundaries are not as strong, as many of us will say “yes” to social events we’d rather not attend, overspend on gifts, overindulge in food and drink, interact with people that we do not normally socialize with, etc. in the name of the season.
The holidays are interesting as we are confronted with many challenges during that time, that allow us to gauge our personal growth from the previous year. January, is the time to re-align ourselves after the holidays. To take the time to reflect to see where we have grown and where we still need some work. The moon in cancer with the eclipse intensifies our intentions for the upcoming months. It gives us strength in our vision to make the necessary changes in our lives.
The wolf has a powerful gaze. It is looking at us and asking. Will you join me in the hunt? Have you discarded that old confining shell of who you once were so that you have the freedom to run with the pack under the powerful energies of this full moon? The wolf also tells us not to cower in the face of adversity. Or to allow others to “steal” our light. Show your teeth to those who do not respect your personal boundaries. The moon in cancer also reminds us that the protective shell and pincers of the cancer crab are to be utilized as well. Not everyone you interact with deserves the benefit of your generosity. Some may need to feel the “pinch” of the crab should they overstep their boundaries with you.
I have sensed a kind of “scam” energy going on right now. I don’t know if it is just because people need money after the holidays, or if it’s the planetary influences we are currently experiencing (perhaps it’s a bit of both). It feels as if people are trying to get a piece of everyone else’s pie without offering an even exchange for it. People are pushing the limits of acceptable behavior and fairness this month.
The wolf and the crab reminds us, in these situations, to shore up those boundaries. Stand firm! I also received a quick image of a crab with it’s pincers up and backing away from a threat. The message here is to not trust others so easily at this time. Keep an eye on them and don’t turn your back. You may need to skillfully maneuver to graciously back away from a situation, that is not to your benefit.
This is not the time to obligate yourself to long term projects, nor to sign a contract without very carefully reading it and considering all your options. Of course, one should always do this, but it is especially important at this time. And if you really think about it, how many times have we purchased a large ticket item such as a car or home, and not closely read the paperwork we are signing?
This applies to verbal and “social contracts” as well. When in doubt, or if you are feeling pressured, say “no”. Or at least make an excuse to give yourself time to think about it. You do not want to tie yourself to old energies or patterns that have the potential to keep you “stuck”. Remember, this is winter. A time of rest, death, darkness, going within, a time of reflection. This time of the year is not conducive to obligate ourselves into situations that do not serve who we are NOW and who we are going to be in the upcoming year.
Both the wolf and the crab are fierce energies. But they are also sensitive as well. The wolf is dedicated to it’s family. They are protective and nurturing to those they love. The crab as I mentioned above, is soft and vulnerable on the inside, but has powerful claws that will inflict intense pain on those that mess with it. The message of this moon and eclipse is one of boundaries, strength, protection and reflection of the past 12 months and what it is that is truly important to you. Also, trust your instincts, and do not allow yourself to be convinced (i.e., coerced) into accepting a situation that is not in your best interest. Nor is it acceptable to compromise yourself or your personal values, and/or dim your own light to placate the ego of others.
You are not the same person that you were at this time last year! Use the energies of the wolf and the crab to reflect your strength and power. If necessary, show those teeth and raise those pincers! Those who have perhaps taken advantage of your kindness in the past, will quickly realize that you have changed. They will need to adjust how they interact with you. This may be awkward at first, and they will most likely challenge you. But stand firm. You may even lose some friends. But ask yourself, if all these people did was take from you or use your gifts for their own benefit, were they truly your “friends”? Perhaps losing those people will free up your time and give you the opportunity to find a new “pack”. People who will understand and respect you. If you are a solitary wolf for awhile, so be it. Better to be a lone wolf than a doormat.
“The soul that sees beauty must sometimes walk alone” ~ Goethe