12/15/24: Full Moon in Gemini & Mercury retrograde ends

As we approach the last full moon of 2024, we’ve got an interesting astrological double feature. On December 15th, the full moon in the sign of Gemini, coincides with Mercury going direct, ending the final retrograde of 2024 . Adding to the complexity of this transit, this full moon forms a square to Neptune in Pisces, which may have you in your “feels” for a few days before and a few days after.

The tarot cards representing this full moon are the Ten of Wands (Sun in Sagittarius), the Ten of Swords (Moon in Gemini), and the Ten of Cups (Neptune in Pisces).

The Ten of Wands reminds us of the weight we bear, often willingly, as we strive to meet goals and fulfill our own as well as others, expectations. However, under the full moon in Gemini, you might find yourself on the edge of a breakthrough. Have you taken on more than your share or found yourself saying yes when you really wanted to say no? With Mercury stationing direct, this is the perfect opportunity to untangle misunderstandings and streamline tasks or commitments to lighten your load before the new year begins.

Neptune’s influence may blur the lines a bit between fantasy and reality. Be mindful of making assumptions. Tangible actions, clear communication and scheduled follow-ups will yield the best results. You may need to set a deadline, a boundary or a time limit and stick to it.

Meanwhile, the Ten of Swords signals the end of a chapter as well as often represents the end of overthinking. The next card in the progression after the Ten of Swords is the Ace of Swords. I think this corresponds nicely with Mercury going direct as it indicates a moment of clarity and truth. The fog is lifting!

This full moon on the Gemini-Sagittarius axis, highlights the balance between the “higher and lower” minds – logic versus intellect, youth versus experience. It offers renewed clarity on how to move forward on something that may have been postponed, stalled or has you feeling weighed down.

Tens in the tarot indicate endings and new beginnings. This full moon is ideal for creative solutions and with Mercury once again in direct motion and Neptune’s square offering subtle suggestions, the path ahead looks clearer than it has in while, setting the stage for a fresh and inspired start to 2025.

***Tap into Gemini’s magic – Full moon mental clarity spell***

Gemini rules communication and its symbol is the twins – you’ll be working with the duality of this sign. You will need the following:

1 white or black candle

1 yellow or blue candle

A small crystal or a crystal pendant/bracelet

A small cup or bowl of water

*For an extra boost (optional), consider anointing your candles and petitions with an oil or spray that contains one or more of the following: lavender, mint, hyssop, sage, lemon balm and/or eucalyptus. You can also place a drop or two in your bowl of water.

On one piece of paper write what you are ready to release, or anything that has been weighing on your mind or causing confusion. These could be worries, limiting beliefs, mental blocks, or unresolved situations. As you write, imagine releasing these thoughts from your mind onto the paper.

Once you are finished, hold your white or black candle while reading what you are ready to release out loud. Then light your candle and burn this piece of paper in a fire-proof container. Let the candle and your petition burn until it is finished.

Then, on the other piece of paper, write down what you want to invite into your life. Focus on themes such as mental clarity, confident self-expression, improved memory, or fresh insights to help you manifest a plan or goal.

Once you are finished writing, hold BOTH your crystal item and your yellow or blue candle, while reading what you want to INVITE into your life out loud. When you are ready, light your candle and burn this piece of paper in a fire-proof container. Set your crystal item next to your candle to charge it with your positive intentions.

Once the candle and petition are finished burning, anoint your third eye chakra and your crystal item with the water and say “my mind is bright, my path is clear and my words hold power”.

Then keep your crystal item on or near you, so it can continue to support your intentions. You can recharge your crystal items on the next new moon in Capricorn on December 30th.

Have a great full moon!

Christine Mann (Fire Moon Alchemy) is a gifted intuitive that specializes in tarot, astrology & numerology. She is currently the Thursday in-house reader at Indigo Moons. She is also available for private readings and public & private events. She can be contacted through her website: www.firemoonalchemy.com